Day Three

chienfou thought this was worth mentioning said

Well, Day 3 is here…
I realized I am sort of running a Get to know each other theme here. Maybe it’s all the census stuff going on… Remember, as usual, participation is strictly voluntary. Don’t feel you have to share if you don’t want to and/or aren’t comfortable doing so. I promise I am not working for the Gov’t or creating a spreadsheet with all your personal data on it. (OTOH I can’t vouch for some of you out there!)

So today, let’s talk about living arrangements.
How many addresses have you had? This counts any place you lived long enough to get mail addressed to that location.
3 in STL (MO)
2 in France
4 in CO
8 In MN
2 in WI
2 in AL
I’ve now lived in the last one for 32 yrs, more than all the others combined!

The 10 in MN and WI were in short order as I moved from location to location either opening new stores or ‘fixing’ old ones for Hardee’s. They were all 3-4 month average stays.