Day Teaux..Rage

amehzinggrace went on a bit of a rant said

I have grievances:
Learn to drive people…and barring that…get the fuck out of my way while I’m driving…just saying…
Learn to walk…if you are walking from your car to the inside of a store…move the fuck out of the way of people also trying to park so they can get out of their car and also make their way into said store…common fucking courtesy…just saying…
Learn to drive…again…only this time…use a fucking signal to indicate that you’d like to merge into a lane…I’m not a fucking mind reader…also…if my signal is on…let me in the fucking lane and don’t be an asshat that can’t share…you don’t own the fucking road…your taxes didn’t buy that much of it…just saying…
AND LASTLY…at least for today…
If you use the fucking Keurig at work…fill it back up you douchebag…and take your used pod with you…and for the douchebag who spilled coffee grounds into the utensils…wtf??? were you raised in a barn? do you not know how to pick up after yourself? do you have a maid at home? if so congrats and drag them to the office and have them clean up after you…

I had more energy 2 hours ago…but I stopped to watch the rest of Captive Marvel…I have only myself to blame…carry on…and be better than the rest of those aforementioned idiots…