@joeywolf zoom in on the front two wheels. there is a black tab on each. They are very small and hard to see in the photos, but it looks like they exist.
@JT954@yeppers I’m pretty sure this would be fine for anything except one of the heavier office-grade printers. However, it depends on if you intend to just leave it in one place, or move it around. If it just stays in one place it should be fine. If you try to move it around on the casters, then I’d say, no, not sturdy enough. You really need something more solid, and with larger casters, to do that.
@JT954 In the amazon listing the weight limit for the drawers is 3 pounds for the big ones so if the drawers have little in them you might be OK. Several say it is a bit flimsy so might not survive being rolled around.
@radi0j0hn@yeppers Thanks for replying. This would be too small as my printer is 17 inches. The only thing I would use that storage unit for is some folders and a charger (currently sitting on top of the printer). I even thought about getting a mini shelf unit with adjustable shelves so I can put the printer at the bottom and move the papers up along with my desk organizer and coaster to free up space on my desk.
@JT954@pmarin@yeppers while they lack the little plastic bins, I have two of the Origami folding shelves that roll around and they easily hold 100 lbs each, including my Brother all in one laser printer and my toolboxes. Each has a lower shelf, middle shelf and top shelf, and are about 3.5’ tall. If I had less crap, they could be folded up and tucked away when not in use, but sadly they are always filled with stuff. Rolling them around a bit lets me keep them out in the open but never fully in the way.
These are what I have: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LU5K9LE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_adfBFbTN5DBSJ
While looking for the Origami shelves, I saw this that looked more heavy duty than the ones Meh is offering today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082FGLK5P/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_LdfBFbJXN32E0
@JT954 if your printer weighs more than a couple pounds I wouldn’t. My family used to have a version of this with all the little drawers (no double height) and it was flimsy as all hell.
It’s really designed for that with removable closable containers. There were even some versions that came with a green Lego baseplate. Normal retail stores had for $40-50 but sometimes if you got lucky you could get for 50% off so around $25.
@ypwulby Yeah, I understand the need for that. But if you can fit it all into just one of these, I’d say it’s just the start of a collection; nowhere near oversized yet!
We have one very similar to this, think it might even be the same brand (not sure, it was a gift). The drawers do not stay in their sliders well at all. Any significant weight (stack of paper, etc) will tend to pull them right out of the tracks. Pain in the neck. Like I said, I’m not positive it was this same model, but it looks similar enough that I’m certainly not tempted to buy this.
@Ceej I have the same thing and agree that the drawer mechanism is crap. Any flex and the drawers will fall out. The whole thing is honestly kinda shoddy feeling despite being half made out of metal.
@Ceej Ya, we have one that is a single column of drawers (the smaller ones) and they are constantly coming out and its a bit wobbly. We were going to get rid of it but turned it into our kid’s school organizer for virtual learning this fall/winter. If it was 1/4" - 1/2" narrower it would be fine.
These things are junk. My parents bought two of them and we have happily gotten rid of both at this point in time. You’ll constantly have drawers falling out of their "tracks* (I use the term generously here) for one of three reasons. Either 1 the thing was engineered with tolerances big enough to park the space shuttle in so The drawer shift one side or the other while being pulled out to access the contents and just fall out of track, 2 the flimsy plastic drawers sag due to their contents, exacerbating 1 with the fun new addition of just falling out randomly whether you’re pulling them in and out or not, or 3 the horrendously engineered frame worked its screws loose over time allowing the entire thing to flex out of square, increasing the already massively overlarge distance between the “tracks”, and dropping all of your carefully engineered drawers onto the floor scrambling their contents together. I wouldn’t spend 10 bucks on this piece of shit and never mind 50 or 100!
@jbartus I don’t have this exact one, but looking at the photos with the way the frame is made and screwed together, I would expect what you say is exactly true. I’ve had other stuff made this same way and it is, basically, crap.
@j2 The top is perforated. I live on a dirt road in a drafty old house, so fine dust is a fact of life. The openness of the drawers and perforated top mean this cart doesn’t keep the dust out all that well.
If it’s like they almost identical ones that we have I would say be prepared for something that is somewhat flimsy and needs modification to be useful. Shorten the stretcher bars a little bit to narrow it in. To deal with the warped drawer sides I’ve started taking a heat gun to soften the plastic and pushing it out. Only time will tell if this works long-term. They would have to be a great bargain for me to buy any more of these. Maybe 25$ including shipping.
I have a single set of the narrow drawers. The drawers are a tad short in width so the edges of them don’t fit in the ‘U’ channels well. When u pull them out or in, they slide out of the channels. They have to be perfectly lined up. I use them to store 3oz tubes of paint, so maybe the weight, which is really not significant, could be the cause. Maybe if you’re storing something lighter. They do it all the time now, empty or not. Very annoying.
Now, if it came with a track extender…
I’ve had one of these carts for years, and I sorta use it to sorta organize all the cables, dongles, adapters, remotes, wires, etc, for computer and audio equipment. Lots of stuff, but in all not very heavy as far as ballast goes. My basic monochrome laser printer sits on top, but the cart stays put: I think it would be too wobbly and top-heavy for rolling from place to place–especially on carpet.
It’ll cost more than $50, but I’m a big fan of static shelving and separate containers with lids. It gives far more flexibility on large items/container sizes, and a decent 3-5 shelf unit will have a lot more usable space than this.
This seems more useful for a cheapo solution to throw in a kid’s room as a place to randomly throw stuff knowing there will be no organization and it’ll probably break at some point.
Glad I was asleep early yesterday and didn’t get a chance to buy this. It looks very flimsy. I have a solid wire cart on wheels that took me over 45 minutes to build. Yet it is very sturdy and rated to hold over 50 lbs per a shelf over 300lbs total. Just the multiple color schemes makes it ugly. This reminds me of my childhood memories and was Mr. Roger’s shoe rack. Which time will tell that whom will discover he was another childhood mistake. White Cosby comes to mind.
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
$95.55 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Oct 1 - Monday, Oct 5
Roll away
Oh man, that write-up hit too close to home.
Amazon review:
“They work great for Lego storage.”
But I guess you need the super size Storage Trolley?
@Barney I have tubs complete with labels by size and shape. Too bad the rest of my house isn’t as well organized.
I don’t see the “pedals.”
@joeywolf zoom in on the front two wheels. there is a black tab on each. They are very small and hard to see in the photos, but it looks like they exist.
@jiltant So, that’s how Meh is “pedaling” these?
I’m actually looking for something like this to set my printer on. Would this do the trick?
@JT954 Might be top heavy.
@JT954 Is your printer less than 15" in one dimension and 22" the other? If so, it will likely fit. Otherwise, it’s less likely to fit.
@JT954 @radi0j0hn That depends upon how much various accrued bullshit you put in the bottom drawers.
@JT954 @yeppers I’m pretty sure this would be fine for anything except one of the heavier office-grade printers. However, it depends on if you intend to just leave it in one place, or move it around. If it just stays in one place it should be fine. If you try to move it around on the casters, then I’d say, no, not sturdy enough. You really need something more solid, and with larger casters, to do that.
@JT954 In the amazon listing the weight limit for the drawers is 3 pounds for the big ones so if the drawers have little in them you might be OK. Several say it is a bit flimsy so might not survive being rolled around.
@JT954 @Kidsandliz
Yeah, I was checking the reviews too. One said this.
@radi0j0hn @yeppers Thanks for replying. This would be too small as my printer is 17 inches. The only thing I would use that storage unit for is some folders and a charger (currently sitting on top of the printer). I even thought about getting a mini shelf unit with adjustable shelves so I can put the printer at the bottom and move the papers up along with my desk organizer and coaster to free up space on my desk.
@pmarin @yeppers Definitely have no plans to move it around. It would be next to my laptop and desk at all times.
I’m open to any other suggestions if someone has a storage unit that might be better than today’s product.
@JT954 @pmarin @yeppers while they lack the little plastic bins, I have two of the Origami folding shelves that roll around and they easily hold 100 lbs each, including my Brother all in one laser printer and my toolboxes. Each has a lower shelf, middle shelf and top shelf, and are about 3.5’ tall. If I had less crap, they could be folded up and tucked away when not in use, but sadly they are always filled with stuff. Rolling them around a bit lets me keep them out in the open but never fully in the way.
These are what I have: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LU5K9LE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_adfBFbTN5DBSJ
While looking for the Origami shelves, I saw this that looked more heavy duty than the ones Meh is offering today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082FGLK5P/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_LdfBFbJXN32E0
@JT954 if your printer weighs more than a couple pounds I wouldn’t. My family used to have a version of this with all the little drawers (no double height) and it was flimsy as all hell.
@JT954 A light weight inkjet maybe. I have one like this, but only one column of drawers. Rather flimsy.
@JT954 @pmarin @yeppers I screwed casters on the bottom of a metal filing cabinet and put the printer on top of that. Works pretty well
/giphy lyrical-malleable-zebra

Yeah, I think “No!.” But, if I did have one, I could label the drawers (IF I were organized)
@pmarin, dammit, you forgot the knives!
/giphy don’t forget the knives

@haydesigner @pmarin and the countless Meh t-shirts
So, what is the estimated number of Meh packages this will hold?
Oh man, I kinda want this for my kid’s Legos… but $50 is honestly still too pricey for me.
@haydesigner Same. I have a different use in mind but I can’t bring myself to cough up $49 for it.
@haydesigner i’d just wait for a good coupon or a sale Michael’s.
@haydesigner @jnicholson0619 Yeah, you want something like this
It’s really designed for that with removable closable containers. There were even some versions that came with a green Lego baseplate. Normal retail stores had for $40-50 but sometimes if you got lucky you could get for 50% off so around $25.
Kind of want it but kind of want drawers that will not collect dust.
We have one, we use it to store an oversized Lego collection.
@ypwulby Yeah, I understand the need for that. But if you can fit it all into just one of these, I’d say it’s just the start of a collection; nowhere near oversized yet!
these make really shitty margaritas.
My cats would pee in them.
@radi0j0hn Does that then solve a different problem?
@radi0j0hn My cats would pull any soft items out of the drawers onto the floor and then pee on that stuff. Have to have covers to avoid cat issues.
@carwinew @radi0j0hn I can think of a few ways to cure your cat pee problem.
The new working conditions have ended another business market, right on the heals of new office space.
@shahnm He looks kind of cozy in there.
@Kyeh @shahnm Cozy… or lurking?
@hchavers @Kyeh Maybe they can just shut the drawer and leave him in there for a while. Way too many Glen pics lately…
Nah, need at least 12 x12 for cardstock.
We have one very similar to this, think it might even be the same brand (not sure, it was a gift). The drawers do not stay in their sliders well at all. Any significant weight (stack of paper, etc) will tend to pull them right out of the tracks. Pain in the neck. Like I said, I’m not positive it was this same model, but it looks similar enough that I’m certainly not tempted to buy this.
@Ceej, some of the Amazon reviews seem to concur with you.
@Ceej I have the same thing and agree that the drawer mechanism is crap. Any flex and the drawers will fall out. The whole thing is honestly kinda shoddy feeling despite being half made out of metal.
@Ceej Ya, we have one that is a single column of drawers (the smaller ones) and they are constantly coming out and its a bit wobbly. We were going to get rid of it but turned it into our kid’s school organizer for virtual learning this fall/winter. If it was 1/4" - 1/2" narrower it would be fine.
I’m getting that this is a little flimsy and wobbly. Count me out for $50.
These things are junk. My parents bought two of them and we have happily gotten rid of both at this point in time. You’ll constantly have drawers falling out of their "tracks* (I use the term generously here) for one of three reasons. Either 1 the thing was engineered with tolerances big enough to park the space shuttle in so The drawer shift one side or the other while being pulled out to access the contents and just fall out of track, 2 the flimsy plastic drawers sag due to their contents, exacerbating 1 with the fun new addition of just falling out randomly whether you’re pulling them in and out or not, or 3 the horrendously engineered frame worked its screws loose over time allowing the entire thing to flex out of square, increasing the already massively overlarge distance between the “tracks”, and dropping all of your carefully engineered drawers onto the floor scrambling their contents together. I wouldn’t spend 10 bucks on this piece of shit and never mind 50 or 100!
@jbartus I don’t have this exact one, but looking at the photos with the way the frame is made and screwed together, I would expect what you say is exactly true. I’ve had other stuff made this same way and it is, basically, crap.
@jbartus I have two of these. My husband had to reinforce the shelves because, boy howdy, cardstock is heavy.
(One is full of cardstock, the other has paints, pens, markers, ribbon, embossing powders, stickles and embellishment type stuff.)
That writeup is a thing of beauty. -chef kiss-
Saw one of these outside a neighbors house last weekend with a free sign. Got very excited until I realized I have accrued too much stuff to store it.
Finally! a place to hold my Bovine Excrement!
Best write up ever!
I need various storage for my random collections of bullshit but I also need it to be covered as I expect it to accumulate dust from infrequent use.
@j2 The top is perforated. I live on a dirt road in a drafty old house, so fine dust is a fact of life. The openness of the drawers and perforated top mean this cart doesn’t keep the dust out all that well.
If it’s like they almost identical ones that we have I would say be prepared for something that is somewhat flimsy and needs modification to be useful. Shorten the stretcher bars a little bit to narrow it in. To deal with the warped drawer sides I’ve started taking a heat gun to soften the plastic and pushing it out. Only time will tell if this works long-term. They would have to be a great bargain for me to buy any more of these. Maybe 25$ including shipping.
I have a single set of the narrow drawers. The drawers are a tad short in width so the edges of them don’t fit in the ‘U’ channels well. When u pull them out or in, they slide out of the channels. They have to be perfectly lined up. I use them to store 3oz tubes of paint, so maybe the weight, which is really not significant, could be the cause. Maybe if you’re storing something lighter. They do it all the time now, empty or not. Very annoying.
Now, if it came with a track extender…
WTF is a dancing rolling sewage trolley?
How did poor yellow get left out?
I’ve had one of these carts for years, and I sorta use it to sorta organize all the cables, dongles, adapters, remotes, wires, etc, for computer and audio equipment. Lots of stuff, but in all not very heavy as far as ballast goes. My basic monochrome laser printer sits on top, but the cart stays put: I think it would be too wobbly and top-heavy for rolling from place to place–especially on carpet.
@JT954 Meant the above to thread under your printer question
It’ll cost more than $50, but I’m a big fan of static shelving and separate containers with lids. It gives far more flexibility on large items/container sizes, and a decent 3-5 shelf unit will have a lot more usable space than this.
This seems more useful for a cheapo solution to throw in a kid’s room as a place to randomly throw stuff knowing there will be no organization and it’ll probably break at some point.
It probably bothers me more than it should, but all I can see is wasted space when I look at the taper on those drawers.
Glad I was asleep early yesterday and didn’t get a chance to buy this. It looks very flimsy. I have a solid wire cart on wheels that took me over 45 minutes to build. Yet it is very sturdy and rated to hold over 50 lbs per a shelf over 300lbs total. Just the multiple color schemes makes it ugly. This reminds me of my childhood memories and was Mr. Roger’s shoe rack. Which time will tell that whom will discover he was another childhood mistake. White Cosby comes to mind.
OMG-it shipped already with a next Tuesday delivery date.