Daily email?
4Is everybody still getting the daily email? I haven’t gotten mine in days. I’ve checked all folders, and I’m still signed up under my account info. Just wondered if there was something going on with meh or if it was just me? Also all my other meh sites went away too.
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You know what, now that you mention it I’ve not seen emails either.
We’ve got a little hiccup in our email system, but I did just send out some stats and graphs all about yesterday, so feel free to click that to…come back here.
@dave Infographics like that email and Meh’s one-year anniversary email in July 2015 are some of my favorite things from this site. I’m glad crazy experiments are still happening, even if I’m shocked by how many people were willing to pay $200 for an IRK.
@dave Interesting, I bought two IRKs yesterday ($5 and $15), but my credit card only shows the $5 one thus far, and both are still in my account. Hopefully it’s just a hiccup on their end and the expirement didn’t go terribly wrong. I’ll keep an eye on it.
@dave I haven’t received emails in many months. Please would you re-enroll me?
I got the email today, and it had some cool IRK stats. I’m also quoted in it, so not saying I’m better than everyone else, but Meh said as much.
Also, I got the $5 IRK that had the fastest time per IRK (TPI) than all the others so I feel particularly accomplished.
In case anyone doesn’t get it, here’s the email that just went out.
@Bingo As future reference for anyone not subscribed to emails but wants to see it for the day, meh.com/fuckemail shows you a copy of the day
Question: For the Time per IRK sold, that is not the time until sell out, correct? Or is it? And what is the unit of time, minutes? IE - 0.1 would be 1/10 of 1 minute, or 6 seconds?
@Bingo Yeah, basically this:
Number of Irks sold / Seconds from launch until sellout (or if they didn’t sell out, until end of the offer)
And the units are in seconds (as I tried to make clear in the jokey subtitle).
0.1 is 1/10 of 1 second.
@Bingo @dave So, basically, for any but the last bar, you can multiply what’s in the bar by 50 to get the approximate total time it took for the IRK to sell out. (0.1 x 50 = 5 seconds for the 8AM batch, for instance. I actually managed to grab one of those, go figure.) The last batch of IRKs (at $200) did not sell out, but there was an average of one sucker buying every three minutes. That was really bizarre to watch, as the numbers kept seesawing as people bought and then cancelled.
@Bingo @dave @werehatrack Wow, 5 seconds?? I grabbed one of those, too!
@werehatrack There were 200 Irks sold at 8:00 AM. 200 X .1 = 20. It took twenty seconds to sell out the 8:00 AM Irks.
Unpopular opinion
I personally thought it was great. I got mine at $10 because I have relatively fast Internet speed. Between that and the $10 Crap I got the day before, I was done. The higher it got, the more people that dropped off and gave people that had never gotten one the chance, even if they were paying an exorbitant amount for it because let’s be honest, they’d never would have gotten one otherwise. They ended up feeling like winners in the end because they succeeded. Mostly, the people complaining about the inflation already had IRK’s and we’re just butthurt because they wanted more.
@rhcurry02 “I have relatively fast Internet speed”
/giphy #humblebrag
Not since the 23rd
Only 190 days left to use your coupons!
Hope they come soon!
I did not receive the daily email for the shirts offered today.
Thank you for saying something- I thought it was just me
Is there a fix for this? I’ve tried to unsubscribe and subscribe again like 3 times, and it’s still doesn’t send me an email. My ADHD is too strong to remember Meh without that email lol.