My daughter has one of these... it is pretty nice and definitely better than my George Forman grills. Woot has been selling refurb'd ones for $50 (most recently yesterday or the day before).
I had one of these griddlers and it was too big for me, and a hassle to clean. I bought that 10.00 cooker from Meh a few weeks ago and have used it multiple times daily. Really got my moneys worth on that one.
@gnext2 I also got that $10 cooking thing, I only used it once, it was a total pain in the ass to clean, I'm hoping this guy ends up being easier and lets me do more.
I've had one of these for years. Works pretty well. Removable plates are nice. Takes up a lot of counter space though. And stuff splatters out the sides a bit as it cooks, not too bad though. I don't really use it too much anymore for some reason though. I liked it though.
@sp3ar it DOES turn into a waffle iron. But you have to buy the plates separately since they are special purpose. They are $20-30 on sale. I have one. I really like it. But if all you want is a waffle iron there are cheaper options obviously
@sp3ar yeah, for this price I thought the waffle plates would have been included (like they are on the other grill). Ollies has the other grill combo thingy with the waffle plates at about the same price, and yes it is a refurb.
@unksol yeah woot keeps popping a cuisinart for 20 bucks but I know meh can do me more of a solid, wish there was a waffle iron that had removable plates so I can have belgian or standard waffles and for cheap
@sp3ar Plates from amazon bring the price to $86 give or take. I'd buy the bundle from BedBath&Beyond at $99 with a 20% off coupon which brings it down around the same price, and a great return policy if you change your mind.
Refurbs are selling on Ebay Marketplace for $50-55 shipped. Not sure if what Meh is selling is new or a refurb but I picked up a refurb a month or two back for $50 and it works as advertised.
@JonT glad to see you are back, on the night shift as it were. Were @Moose and @Kylethephotoguy filling in while you were on vacation??? Or getting married, or are y'all just taking turns sleeping now?
@JonT@Moose for your sake I was kind of hoping you guys (and gals) took turns manning the forum at night. However if your team is always lurking, that's better for us as it frequently puts a smile on my face to see what you guys post.
@ohgeez I have a George Forman from which I put the removable plates in the dishwasher, and it's been fine for 8 years or so. I didn't read the instructions to see if I should or not. Hope this helps for next time...
We have one of those cheap 20 buck Bella Panini makers from Macy's. It looks like it will bend/break under its own weight. Wish we could trade it in on this one.
Why does this say it's only $84.95 on Amazon? It's $99.95 on Amazon!
I was going to order it off Amazon because Amazon gives me free shipping, and Meh doesn't. But Meh lied to me, it's $15 more expensive. I think Meh should have to make up the difference and give me $15 off. False advertising. I'll sue.
@phatmass Hah! It did show $84.95 on Amazon when I first looked, but now $99.95. Gotta act fast with Amazon prices - they seem to change multiple times/day.
@snapster putting up those Amazon links after a deal day didn't get him nothing. Your post was anticipated.
@phatmass@RedOak Amazon charges me tax so that is almost $6 more at the old price or $7 more at the new price. Meh still doesn't have a warehouse in my state so I'm safe from additional tax charges for now.
@mehdaf How can you compare VMP to Prime? In a given month you have the choice of a whopping 28-31 different items (of questionable and often repetitive use; IOW mostly junk) to be shipped at some unknown time frame (and hope they ship you the right item) vs. your choice "on anything and everything you buy" of millions of items at Amazon shipped 2-day at your discretion. And then there are the free video/ music streaming, book lending, storage and ACTUAL customer service differences. Maybe you were being sarcastic as you look to be smart enough not to have $60 a year taken from you by being a paying VMP member based on the lacking VMP symbol next to your ID.
@iggy71 ... you've hit upon @snapster's gambit with the subscription. I turn VMP on for a month when something is priced about 2-3 bucks less than what I'd be willing to pay. And gamble there will be at least another item with which to amortize that 5 bucks. Yes, I'm a cheap bastard.
@RedOak That's a perfectly legit way to take advantage of VMP IF you are able to come across something of use which is pretty tough here but in theory could happen. You just got to be on top of cancelling at the right time which could be a hassle to some (just another thing to worry about) and end up biting you in the a$$. However, for someone to compare VMP to Prime is being ludicrous.
@iggy71How can you compare VMP to Prime? By price? j/k Yes, you accurately picked up on the sarcasm, I keep forgetting how hard it is to convey that with text. There needs to by a sarcasm font...
Prime really is great, especially for those of us grandfathered in at $75 a year, I take advantage of it frequently. The streaming is a great benefit as well, I even have those Amazon Fire TV sticks on my Two for Tuesday Emerson TV's. I'm not a VMP hater to be sure, it has it's upsides. They make it easy enough to cancel, so I have no qualms about paying for VMP instead of just the one time shipping when I decide I want to make a Meh purchase and then cancelling VMP before it renews. You are correct in assuming that I wouldn't "set and forget" the VMP on forever. There is room in my life for both Rutledge and Bezos, however if I ever get to have breakfast with one of them, I'll go for Tex-Mex over octopus...
@mehdaf Gotcha. Sometimes I use /sarc to indicate sarcasm. I'm sure there are other ways. Is that $75 / yr. grandfathering ongoing or just for the year after they upped it to $100? They had some promo a few months back buying it cheaper as a gift subscription that I did but haven't activated it since you have up to a year - gonna wait until my Netflix promo expires in a few months.
@iggy71 you don't have to "be on top of cancelling (VMP) at the right time". You can cancel any time in a month and as long as you have not used it in that month, the 5 bucks comes back to you. Without this "feature" I would be a lot less likely to turn on VMP, agreed.
@iggy71 Sadly it looks like they upped it. Such is the danger of a set and forget membership. Also, in my experience Netflix and Amazon Prime nicely complement each other. The don't have enough content overlap to completely replace one another. Although, my Netflix did expire a month or two ago, and I have been able to hold off on renewing so far.
@RedOak I consider having to remember when you sign up for it and then cancelling it before it renews being "on top it". What would you call it? Not trying to split hairs but why argue with a valid point?
@mfladd I had a witty bit of encouragement all typed up about your Woot refurbished cooking utensil being self sterilizing when used at temperature, so saving a few bucks was worth it, but you deleted your post. For that I can blame you this month!!!
@mehdaf You know what is especially funny is I just re-posted it after a little research ( didn't want to be a goat). But I noticed your post right above so deleted it again ;) But I will take your blame, my droney friend. I swear - two days and I will have a drone pic up. Just not in the air. Like your tubular landing gear though.
@mehdaf I knew I should have grabbed this one. Tried to use my wOOt refurb for the first time tonight. Damn thing wouldn't get hot enough to warm bread. Dammit!
"Do not operate your appliance in an appliance garage or under a wall cabinet. When storing in an appliance garage always unplug the unit from the electrical outlet. Not doing so could create a risk of fire, especially if the appliance touches the walls of the garage or the door touches the unit as it closes." - from the user manual.
Gotta love the cautions that come as a result of sometimes special kitchen features.
@jqubed@mehdaf A kitchen garage is a compartment where you store your small appliances, usually at the back of a counter, behind a door. The appliances have dedicated plugs and, depending on the appliance, they can either be used in place or slid forward. Either way, they are meant to be tucked away out of sight again after use. (I'd probably get lazy and stop closing the door after awhile.)
Edit: @cengland0 beat me to it, but now you have two reference photos.
@cengland0 Well crap! Looks fine here, but just tried the page in incognito and it's borked so must just be that I have it cached. See now that it's WordPress content and seems like I've seen other people having issues with that. Lets try this:
@RedOak@jqubed@cengland0 Ok, I don't want to start anything, and those are cool and all, but it seems to me that eats up even more counter space than the appliances alone would. I do like the utilization of the counter space in the corner though. If I had one of these, everything on the counter would get shoved in the garage when company comes over, kind of like my real garage...
@mehdaf It does take more space but it hides the ugly appliances when you are not using them. People are concerned about the looks sometimes so it is for those people that the garage is marketed for.
@RedOak Just a random photo off the internet. I'm the sort who would start leaving the door open all the time out of expediency (read: laziness). Would so love the extra outlets though, as I'm constantly switching appliance plugs in the one outlet that is near usable counter space.
@cinoclav That blender is the exact same model (even color) my husband gave me for Christmas circa 1976. It lasted me a good 20 years and was still working when I replaced it with a fancier model (which I promptly stopped using much because he gave me a food processor).
@summetj I was wondering the same thing and didn't see it in the manual, hinting there might be different wattage versions. Perhaps @Moose can look at a sample?
I know that speaker docks are usually reserved for Friday but most people think of this site as being really really cheap. Most people also get paid on Fridays and are broke on Wednesday and Thursday so using a little logic I think it would be better to put more expensive items on Friday when more people have money to make an impulse buy. This is an impulse buy kind of site.
@dungoyle@jc4jax I own one of these for about 10 years now. It's still going strong from occasional use - once a month. The plates heat up fast and reheat quickly after placing chilled burgers on them. Clean up is easy with the removable plates. I don't recall how much we paid for it but $60 seems reasonable. Not sure I agree with other comments that these sell for $50 everyday. I believe the $50 price point is for a simplified model with less precise temperature control or for a refurbished unit.
@jimmyd103 I know exactly what model this is. I have owned 3 of them, and bought 5 of them. The exact same model. It's a great little machine. I probably paid $60 for the first one, and subsequently less for each one afterward. This is not the current generation of the Griddler, which I am very much looking forward to seeing become available as refurbs. I didn't say they are sold for $50 every day, but I did say they are sold for "$55-$50 all the time". There's a difference. The last two purchases I made were $49.99 no tax or shipping from 1SaleAday on 6/15/2012, and $46.99 + tax and $5 shipping from Woot on 9/19/2013. I actually bought two that time for a grand total of $93.98 -- I bought those as gifts. Yeah, that was a couple of years ago, but these are older models of the unit; it doesn't appreciate in value.
Append: I will concede that this is listed as "new", and the Griddlers I purchased were refurbs. On that point you are correct, and I made an incorrect assumption that these were refurbs. Sorry on that account. However, I'm stubborn SOB, and still feel like the refurbs at $50 are a better deal than a "new" last generation model at $62.
@dungoyle appreciate your edit re: the refurbished versus new. Depending upon how frequently i intend to use an appliance dictates if i will consider a refurb.
Precocious -gifted-dingo. Thank you, Meh, for anticipating my needs yet again. Just went out to Korean grill yesterday and decided it's what my life is missing. Thanks to you, i can make my own Korean Grill Table at home!!! :) You're like my Mehry Godmother.
I own this griddle. Makes great sammiches and grilled anything. Just don't be a clutz and try picking it up by the plastic handle like I did... whomp whomp
Condition: New
Warranty: 3 Year Cuisinart
Estimated Delivery: 8/20 - 8/22
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Cuisinart Griddler base
2x Cooking plates (Dishwasher-safe)
Irk burgers
Opened up
Dual hinge
Price Comparison
$185 List, $84.95 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
This does not support USB type-C? MEHH!!!!!!!!!!
Mmmmmm, Irk looks tasty
@lichme - Nummy Irkburgers!
(I don't eat red meat - this is purple, right?)
@KDemo I love purple.
What a knockout gift
@AttyVette Good gift "for men"
@cengland0 lol at your good gift "for men" oh meh oh meh
no burgers, eggs OR bacon included??? count me out
Eh, too expensive for me. I like the cheap mehs.
Welcome to Mehkdonalds, Would you like to try an Irk burger today I guess...
@rileyper maybe it bothers me more than it should, but I have to ask if you want fries with that.
My daughter has one of these... it is pretty nice and definitely better than my George Forman grills. Woot has been selling refurb'd ones for $50 (most recently yesterday or the day before).
@baqui63 Every time I see these on Woot! I want one. The $50 price tag is too much for me, I was hoping it would be a bit cheaper here.
Grilled cheese with pickle slices in the middle. Yum
I had one of these griddlers and it was too big for me, and a hassle to clean. I bought that 10.00 cooker from Meh a few weeks ago and have used it multiple times daily. Really got my moneys worth on that one.
@gnext2 How is it too difficult to clean? You can remove the plates and put them in the dishwasher.
@cengland0 I have one, the coating is very thin and I would not put those in the dishwasher if you want them to last...
@cengland0 You think a dishwasher could clean the charred gunk out of those grill lines
@gnext2 Yup, was about to post what you said... It's fun to use, but a pain to store.
@gnext2 I also got that $10 cooking thing, I only used it once, it was a total pain in the ass to clean, I'm hoping this guy ends up being easier and lets me do more.
Come on meh, how about $30? Whaddaya say?
@SteveOOO I agree! I would jump on it at $30!
@SteveOOO yea, I'll just hold out until the next time around.
@SteveOOO I agree as well.. Didn't meh just have a post suggesting for people to haggle more??
@kadagan does this mean I'll get an email at 10:30 tonight saying $45 and you've gotta deal?
I've had one of these for years. Works pretty well. Removable plates are nice. Takes up a lot of counter space though. And stuff splatters out the sides a bit as it cooks, not too bad though. I don't really use it too much anymore for some reason though. I liked it though.
@jeraden Do you like it as much as you like the word "though," though?
I've had one of these for I don't know how many years and it still works. Being able to remove the plates for washing is a must have option.
IT DOESN'T TURN INTO A WAFFLE IRON? If it did I would have potentially been interested but the pricetag still too high, looking for a waffle iron plz
@sp3ar it DOES turn into a waffle iron. But you have to buy the plates separately since they are special purpose. They are $20-30 on sale. I have one. I really like it. But if all you want is a waffle iron there are cheaper options obviously
@sp3ar Waffles are yum.
@sp3ar yeah, for this price I thought the waffle plates would have been included (like they are on the other grill). Ollies has the other grill combo thingy with the waffle plates at about the same price, and yes it is a refurb.
@unksol yeah woot keeps popping a cuisinart for 20 bucks but I know meh can do me more of a solid, wish there was a waffle iron that had removable plates so I can have belgian or standard waffles and for cheap
@sp3ar Waffles come out kinda limp. Unless you're not picky about your waffles, don't bother with the plates for this.
@unksol good to know. I've been eyeing those plates for a while now. I'll get them off my Amazon wish list.
@sp3ar Plates from amazon bring the price to $86 give or take. I'd buy the bundle from BedBath&Beyond at $99 with a 20% off coupon which brings it down around the same price, and a great return policy if you change your mind.
These are good. Big, but sturdy and cooks well. Cuban sandwiches and burgers have been the best.
For burgers, take a salad plate that has a bottom rim and press it into the hamburger meat; makes the perfect size patty.
Throw in a new kitchen that's big enough for more kitchen gadgets and you have a deal!
@awk Ditto. We loved our removable-plate Foreman grill but there's just not enough counter space.
Not the greatest deal...I bought almost this exact same model (Cuisinart GR-4) in '10 from Woot for $49 including tax and shipping. Found a link comparing the two for those interested:
Refurbs are selling on Ebay Marketplace for $50-55 shipped. Not sure if what Meh is selling is new or a refurb but I picked up a refurb a month or two back for $50 and it works as advertised.
@ableist (from the specs a few inches above) "Condition: New"
@ableist @RedOak yep, confirming these are new!
@JonT glad to see you are back, on the night shift as it were. Were @Moose and @Kylethephotoguy filling in while you were on vacation??? Or getting married, or are y'all just taking turns sleeping now?
@mehdaf he's always here, and so am I! Just sometimes we don't necessarily post
@mehdaf @Moose is right, but there are also times where those two are just swell, helpful guys and answer questions before I can get to them!
@JonT @Moose for your sake I was kind of hoping you guys (and gals) took turns manning the forum at night. However if your team is always lurking, that's better for us as it frequently puts a smile on my face to see what you guys post.
Have a Foreman's good, but handwashing the plates are a pain in the a**.
@ohgeez the plates on this one are removable and dishwasher-safe.
@ohgeez I have a George Forman from which I put the removable plates in the dishwasher, and it's been fine for 8 years or so. I didn't read the instructions to see if I should or not. Hope this helps for next time...
@mehdaf me too
I've got one. It's nice. Hope this helps.
We have one of those cheap 20 buck Bella Panini makers from Macy's. It looks like it will bend/break under its own weight. Wish we could trade it in on this one.
Baby Arm.
Grilling Baby Arm.
Why does this say it's only $84.95 on Amazon? It's $99.95 on Amazon!
I was going to order it off Amazon because Amazon gives me free shipping, and Meh doesn't. But Meh lied to me, it's $15 more expensive. I think Meh should have to make up the difference and give me $15 off. False advertising. I'll sue.
@phatmass or how about free shipping on anything and everything you buy at Meh for a whole month for only $5, that's less than Prime...
@phatmass Hah! It did show $84.95 on Amazon when I first looked, but now $99.95. Gotta act fast with Amazon prices - they seem to change multiple times/day.
@snapster putting up those Amazon links after a deal day didn't get him nothing. Your post was anticipated.
@phatmass Cuisinart GR-4N 5-in-1 Griddler
by Cuisinart
5,225 customer reviews | 470 answered questions
1 Best Sellerin Electric Griddles
List Price: $185.00
Price: $84.95 Free Shipping for Prime Members
This is what I saw on Amazon...
@AttyVette push refresh.
@phatmass @RedOak Amazon charges me tax so that is almost $6 more at the old price or $7 more at the new price. Meh still doesn't have a warehouse in my state so I'm safe from additional tax charges for now.
@cengland0 yep, we're lucky - Amazon has a warehouse in the next state over, hopefully stalling one in our state for the time being.
@mehdaf How can you compare VMP to Prime? In a given month you have the choice of a whopping 28-31 different items (of questionable and often repetitive use; IOW mostly junk) to be shipped at some unknown time frame (and hope they ship you the right item) vs. your choice "on anything and everything you buy" of millions of items at Amazon shipped 2-day at your discretion. And then there are the free video/ music streaming, book lending, storage and ACTUAL customer service differences. Maybe you were being sarcastic as you look to be smart enough not to have $60 a year taken from you by being a paying VMP member based on the lacking VMP symbol next to your ID.
@RedOak And now it's $79.99. Meh's price is better.
@iggy71 ... you've hit upon @snapster's gambit with the subscription. I turn VMP on for a month when something is priced about 2-3 bucks less than what I'd be willing to pay. And gamble there will be at least another item with which to amortize that 5 bucks. Yes, I'm a cheap bastard.
@davidfell it's all these Mehtizens peering at, but not buying it over at Amazon. So they auto-drop the price hoping to get some bites.
@RedOak That's a perfectly legit way to take advantage of VMP IF you are able to come across something of use which is pretty tough here but in theory could happen. You just got to be on top of cancelling at the right time which could be a hassle to some (just another thing to worry about) and end up biting you in the a$$. However, for someone to compare VMP to Prime is being ludicrous.
@iggy71 How can you compare VMP to Prime? By price? j/k
Yes, you accurately picked up on the sarcasm, I keep forgetting how hard it is to convey that with text. There needs to by a sarcasm font...
Prime really is great, especially for those of us grandfathered in at $75 a year, I take advantage of it frequently. The streaming is a great benefit as well, I even have those Amazon Fire TV sticks on my Two for Tuesday Emerson TV's. I'm not a VMP hater to be sure, it has it's upsides. They make it easy enough to cancel, so I have no qualms about paying for VMP instead of just the one time shipping when I decide I want to make a Meh purchase and then cancelling VMP before it renews. You are correct in assuming that I wouldn't "set and forget" the VMP on forever. There is room in my life for both Rutledge and Bezos, however if I ever get to have breakfast with one of them, I'll go for Tex-Mex over octopus...
@mehdaf Gotcha. Sometimes I use /sarc to indicate sarcasm. I'm sure there are other ways. Is that $75 / yr. grandfathering ongoing or just for the year after they upped it to $100? They had some promo a few months back buying it cheaper as a gift subscription that I did but haven't activated it since you have up to a year - gonna wait until my Netflix promo expires in a few months.
@iggy71 you don't have to "be on top of cancelling (VMP) at the right time". You can cancel any time in a month and as long as you have not used it in that month, the 5 bucks comes back to you. Without this "feature" I would be a lot less likely to turn on VMP, agreed.
@iggy71 Sadly it looks like they upped it. Such is the danger of a set and forget membership. Also, in my experience Netflix and Amazon Prime nicely complement each other. The don't have enough content overlap to completely replace one another. Although, my Netflix did expire a month or two ago, and I have been able to hold off on renewing so far.
@RedOak I consider having to remember when you sign up for it and then cancelling it before it renews being "on top it". What would you call it? Not trying to split hairs but why argue with a valid point?
I had a witty bit of encouragement all typed up about your Woot refurbished cooking utensil being self sterilizing when used at temperature, so saving a few bucks was worth it, but you deleted your post. For that I can blame you this month!!!
@mehdaf You know what is especially funny is I just re-posted it after a little research ( didn't want to be a goat). But I noticed your post right above so deleted it again ;) But I will take your blame, my droney friend. I swear - two days and I will have a drone pic up. Just not in the air. Like your tubular landing gear though.

@mehdaf Do they come with a waffle plate?
@mfladd Hungry? Here you go:

@mehdaf I knew I should have grabbed this one. Tried to use my wOOt refurb for the first time tonight. Damn thing wouldn't get hot enough to warm bread. Dammit!
@mfladd I blame @mfladd ;)
@thismyusername I know, right?! He is an a-hole.
"Do not operate your appliance in an appliance garage or under a wall cabinet. When storing in an appliance garage always unplug the unit from the electrical outlet. Not doing so could create a risk of fire, especially if the appliance touches the walls of the garage or the door touches the unit as it closes." - from the user manual.
Gotta love the cautions that come as a result of sometimes special kitchen features.
@RedOak please enlighten me about appliance garages!
@mehdaf @RedOak Yes, I've never heard of such a thing.
@mehdaf @mehdaf @jqubed here's an example of an appliance garage:

@jqubed @mehdaf A kitchen garage is a compartment where you store your small appliances, usually at the back of a counter, behind a door. The appliances have dedicated plugs and, depending on the appliance, they can either be used in place or slid forward. Either way, they are meant to be tucked away out of sight again after use. (I'd probably get lazy and stop closing the door after awhile.)

Edit: @cengland0 beat me to it, but now you have two reference photos.
@gio FYI, your photo doesn't seem to be working
@cengland0 Well crap! Looks fine here, but just tried the page in incognito and it's borked so must just be that I have it cached. See now that it's WordPress content and seems like I've seen other people having issues with that. Lets try this:

@cengland0 yep, that's the type that comes to mind as a way to use deep corner real estate.
@gio do you live in an apartment or condo complex? That garage looks to be sized for all your neighbors as well! ;-)
Although, my parents had one that went all the way across the back of a very deep baking center counter.
@gio That... blender... wow...
I want an appliance garage now.
@RedOak @jqubed @cengland0
Ok, I don't want to start anything, and those are cool and all, but it seems to me that eats up even more counter space than the appliances alone would. I do like the utilization of the counter space in the corner though. If I had one of these, everything on the counter would get shoved in the garage when company comes over, kind of like my real garage...
@mehdaf Yep, that 'shove it all in the garage' thing is a risk/feature! And the concept certainly makes more sense in corners or on deep counters.
@mehdaf It does take more space but it hides the ugly appliances when you are not using them. People are concerned about the looks sometimes so it is for those people that the garage is marketed for.
@RedOak Just a random photo off the internet. I'm the sort who would start leaving the door open all the time out of expediency (read: laziness). Would so love the extra outlets though, as I'm constantly switching appliance plugs in the one outlet that is near usable counter space.
@cinoclav That blender is the exact same model (even color) my husband gave me for Christmas circa 1976. It lasted me a good 20 years and was still working when I replaced it with a fancier model (which I promptly stopped using much because he gave me a food processor).
Just saw this for $65 at Costco.
@guoxiong oh man, if it's the same model that's a true contender. Costco return policy is da bomb.
How many watts does this thing draw? Are we talking 800, or 1500?
@summetj Home Depot says 1,800 watts:
Macys says 1,500 watts:
Overstock says 1,800 watts:
@summetj I was wondering the same thing and didn't see it in the manual, hinting there might be different wattage versions. Perhaps @Moose can look at a sample?
I think I have seen this on sale at Costco for $49 or less before
$62? These are sold for $50-$55 all the time. I've purchased a few. They're great, but not at $62. Very disappointing pricing, meh.
I know that speaker docks are usually reserved for Friday but most people think of this site as being really really cheap. Most people also get paid on Fridays and are broke on Wednesday and Thursday so using a little logic I think it would be better to put more expensive items on Friday when more people have money to make an impulse buy. This is an impulse buy kind of site.
@dino2269 did meh start accepting cash payments?
If typical here, that explains a lot.
Where's the Lightning dock?
@clanecks It's inductive. Just put your phone in between the plates and turn it on.
@clanecks (1) lick your finger. (2) guide metal prong of plug with that finger when plugging the Griddler into the wall receptacle.
Or, make romantic breakfasts for your significant other - in the tub.
@RedOak Shouldn't I fill the tub with water first?
@cinoclav I love melted transistors to go along with a plastimmich!!
Would be better deal with waffle plates and non-stick utensils included. Maybe next time? Meh this time.
@dungoyle @jc4jax I own one of these for about 10 years now. It's still going strong from occasional use - once a month. The plates heat up fast and reheat quickly after placing chilled burgers on them. Clean up is easy with the removable plates. I don't recall how much we paid for it but $60 seems reasonable. Not sure I agree with other comments that these sell for $50 everyday. I believe the $50 price point is for a simplified model with less precise temperature control or for a refurbished unit.
@jimmyd103 I know exactly what model this is. I have owned 3 of them, and bought 5 of them. The exact same model. It's a great little machine. I probably paid $60 for the first one, and subsequently less for each one afterward. This is not the current generation of the Griddler, which I am very much looking forward to seeing become available as refurbs. I didn't say they are sold for $50 every day, but I did say they are sold for "$55-$50 all the time". There's a difference. The last two purchases I made were $49.99 no tax or shipping from 1SaleAday on 6/15/2012, and $46.99 + tax and $5 shipping from Woot on 9/19/2013. I actually bought two that time for a grand total of $93.98 -- I bought those as gifts. Yeah, that was a couple of years ago, but these are older models of the unit; it doesn't appreciate in value.
Append: I will concede that this is listed as "new", and the Griddlers I purchased were refurbs. On that point you are correct, and I made an incorrect assumption that these were refurbs. Sorry on that account. However, I'm stubborn SOB, and still feel like the refurbs at $50 are a better deal than a "new" last generation model at $62.
@dungoyle appreciate your edit re: the refurbished versus new. Depending upon how frequently i intend to use an appliance dictates if i will consider a refurb.
Precocious -gifted-dingo.
Thank you, Meh, for anticipating my needs yet again.
Just went out to Korean grill yesterday and decided it's what my life is missing. Thanks to you, i can make my own Korean Grill Table at home!!! :)
You're like my Mehry Godmother.
I own this griddle. Makes great sammiches and grilled anything. Just don't be a clutz and try picking it up by the plastic handle like I did... whomp whomp
Ha! Now I have to upgrade my gifting game... Post below is from the beloved Platinum Express cooker offer:
No thanks, I've already got one. (It makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches you've ever had.)
No HDMI... I'm out on this one.
Also NO to the hormone disrupting toxic teflon nonstick coatings. :(
had my lunch but still
want banana panini.
I hate the earworm.
I would love this for the office, but I'm pretty sure the fire marshall would get to know me very quickly.