@JazzyJosh I may pull the trigger on this just for the locking. I tend to do a lot of transporting of food, and this makes it simpler. Yes, tape works, but regular lids don't have a rubber seal.
Aww meh, that's messed up. I put all my faith in you and bought the last crockpot you had on here and now you go and put one up with a really fancy interface. Shame on you, I don't think I can ever trust again. :(
Just an observation. Been doing a lot of pot lucks for the kids' various school and extra-curricular stuff. Seems the made in the USA crocks with the simplest of off/lo/hi settings last for 30+ years. The made overseas versions with digital everything last 4-5.
I love crockpots, I love them so much. I used to have 6 of them, all different sizes and shapes. @Thumperchick made me throw out 4 or 5 of them when she moved in, but now we have 2 again :)
@Humper That's because your dad bought you one for Christmas a few years ago. Also, you have 3. The big round mother fucker in the basement still counts, we just never use it.
@Humper Hi my name is Tracie and I'm a Crock pot addict. I currently have a 7 qt, a 6 qt., a casserole shaped one, a dip slow cooker and a three crock pot crock pot. I want this one so bad I can't stand it..lol..but I'm just saying no! Don't do pot kids, crock pots that is.
@novium Return it, even if you've used it. We (meh) will eventually get it back as a refurb and sell it back to you cheaper. It's called an indirect buy-back strategy in the purchasing biz.
unwilling-accidental-yarn because the wife has wanted one for years that has the clippy things. 'Spose I oughta spring for one with the clippy things. I figure 2 1/2 sawbucks ain't bad.
@tinsami1 You're better off looking for a deal locally. Automatic power supplies are DC switching units, it's a pretty simple thing to do in that domain. AFAIK, crock-pots work with heating elements running on AC and temperature controlled by a simple TRIAC. Doubling the voltage in would double the heat out. Assuming nothing blew up/caught fire, it would likely destroy the heating element pretty quickly.
@riceatusc Five? Yes, give her five. That way, she can make an appetizer (I'm thinking BBQ Jelly Balls), main course, a side, dessert (please no pumpkin), and a slow-cooked latte to round out the meal.
PSA. Don't cook with the lid latched like that. Steam can build up and very bad things happen when hot steam is kept under pressure and released very quickly when you go to undo the latch. They are for transportation only. Thank you!
@shawnthegirl That vent is tiny. You really should not cook with it latched. I'm almost certain the user manual has warnings about this.
ETA - Crock Pot indeed does recommend against it.
Can I use the Cook & Carry™ locking lid when my slow cooker is cooking? If your Crock-Pot® Slow Cooker includes the Cook & Carry™ slow cooker locking lid feature on the glass lid, the unit should not be in the locked position while cooking.
For example, the timer control has four AND ONLY FOUR settings, so it is not truly programmable. High for 4 hours, High for 6 hours, Low for 8 hours, and Low for 10 hours. Want to cook on high for six hours? Too bad. Want to cook on low for four hours? Tough.
@communist My current model has the same feature. I like that I don't have to be home (I can leave something cooking while at a full day of work) and I don't worry that the food cooks into mush. I don't recall ever having a life crisis over the hours not matching what I needed, and if I am home, I just go mash buttons again after a few hours if necessary.
@communist My favorite part was that one of the settings they listed was "High for 6 hours" and then the very next sentence says "Want to cook on high for 6 hours? Too bad." Hmm.....
So I'm thinking that @jasontoon has not attended many potlucks or church socials in his sheltered life. The dishes of Lil Smokies cocktail weiners or sweet, richly sauced meatballs are full of the most improbable ingredients, yet are heaven in your mouth. My go-to meatball recipe for these functions is the grape jelly and chili sauce one. Here below the Mason Dixon line, Smokies, meatballs and chili sauce are scarce on shelves until after January 1st. Heaven in your mouth, you just don't need to know what went in it.
These are great if you attend a lot of pot luck style outings or chili cook offs. I've even baked in the stoneware in a regular oven (blasphemy!) and then just used the crockpot as a warmer.
Studies have shown that 20% of stoneware crockpots leech small amounts of lead into the foods that are cooked in them. Is this something to be worried about?
I was slow to hit the purchase button as it took me a while to warm up to it. But I was afraid the timer would run out on this deal. Now we'll see if I stay hot for this thing after I use it, or if it leaves me cold and a little raw. uncanny-sleazy-shrimp
I literally used a crockpot for the first time this thanksgiving to slow cook the stuffing. Turned out great, though a little burned on the bottom.
Mine is definitely a base model of some sort, with only a dial for Low, Warm, High (and definitely no latches). Pretty much this:
I'd have to double-check the size, but I think it's on par with the one offered today. So here's my question... is this one, that appears to have more temperature versatility, worth the purchase over what I own today? Or is that just gadget gimmickery?
As I said, I'm pretty new to this kind of cooking, we just happen to have one in garage and used it on short order. Thanks!
@ACraigL generally anything you're going to cook in a crock doesn't need anything more specific than the low, high, warm dial there. soups/broths (especially anything with bones in it) and chilis and pot roasts etc.
@ACraigL Personally, I had a crock pot that was just the temperature dial and recently upgraded to one that has a timer and I really like that feature. If I throw stuff in and go to work, I don't have to worry about things getting overcooked because traffic kept me from getting home in time or something.
@Moose Makes sense. My wife would panic if I left something on, cooking all day with no one at home to monitor it. While I see the value, I'm not sure I could sell her on it, leaving me with a second, slightly better crockpot that what I have now.
Guess I'm gonna pass this time around. I'll grab it in 2 weeks when it's $19.
Welcome to the modern age, how about a pressure cooker? I’d be up for one and I’m sure other as well. We are looking for a great meal in under an hour, not 4-8 hours.
I have an older model of this and it's a PITA sometimes. You cannot just turn it on the "warm" setting. So, if you're slow-cooking and determine that food is done and you want to just put it on warm, you are out of luck. It has to actually run through the timer and then switch itself over to warm. So, basically, you have to turn it off unless you want to burn your food. But, then you have no way to keep it warm. If they have changed this restriction I would buy this in a second and throw my old one out.
I've also found that the "low" setting is just as hot as the "high" setting. It's almost like, "Cook your food at a constant temperature for 4, 6, 8, or 10 hours". Maybe mine is malfunctioning, but I doubt it since it's been that way since I bought it. There is very little temperature difference in these settings.
@dickfarts how so? I was noting that a soup, made from bodily fluids, can be crafted via intercourse and for said intercourse--a crock pot is not necessary. It was my attempt at toilet humor. I then included a cheeky image of "fucking soup." I assure you that the noodle-letters were not meant as a transgression against you and the post had no malice aforethought.
This brought back a memory from some years back, & I thought a few of my Meh bros & sistas might enjoy it. I had a wonderful friend who is no longer with us, and Lorie loved to use her crock pot. She had a nephew who could never quite understand why some of us started laughing when he would talk about "Aunt Lorie's crotch pot."
This Meh offer seems like a decent deal. Just saw what looks like the same core model, but without those handy top latches at Costco for $39.99 (new) That one does come with what looks like a pretty useless baby crock (about a cup or two).
@RedOak baby crocpot is a wee bit useless. I use it for keeping gravy warm, or melting chocolates. Tried using it to keep nacho cheese warm, it burnt it.
@RedOak naw you keep the majority of them on the stove, you move them to the mini crock and act like that is all of them, to prevent that one relative and his brood from eating them all.
@Alderuen write in to meh.com/support - they take 1-2 business days to reply, but are generally a breeze to work with. Link the url to that picture in your message for a faster resolution. Sorry you got a cracked crock!
@Alderuen IRT your question: yes, and all my experience is completely positive. Very reassuring. Report it and send them a picture if you can. Their shipping people don't use as much dunnage as they could, and it costs the vendor in the end.
If your crock arrived in cracked crock condition - please use the support form at meh.com/support for resolution. Sorry your crocks cracked. That's crappy.
It would help if you took a picture, uploaded it to imgur or similar, and included the link/url to that picture in your message to support. Support takes 1-2 business days to respond, they're there M-F, 9-5ish.
Mine came in this morning. Lifted up the box and heard nothing but the sound of broken glass; assumed it was the cover, but no - that thing was wrapped well enough to survive a trip over the Niagara Falls. The Crock, on the other hand, no wrapping what-so-ever - just dumped in a box and now shattered into little pieces :(
+1 more to the shattered Crockpot list. I didn't even bother trying to pull it from the box. Why cover my floors in shards.
I've submitted a complaint to Meh.com through my account page. I don't hold Meh wholly accountable for this, but they have the contacts at the supplier to see that we get a some type of fair play.
@GenuineTed You've got your flickr album set to "adult" content - which is part of why your pics aren't displaying. The other part is the link needs to end in the file name (jpg, gif, etc.) for it to work.
I was going to complain about my shattered crockpot but all the other cool kids already are complaining. I'm not a joiner. Anyone already seen about getting a replacement uh pot part from the manufacturer?
Wow! Lotta shards out there . . . Mine was unbroken. I feel left out and happy, all at the same time. I didn't notice any cracks, but I didn't look too hard either. I broke it in by cooking up some chicken Sunday, so I'm guessing that there were no cracks.
If there are no more in stock, I wouldn't mind if Meh just ships me a replacement inner pot, which can be gotten from http://bit.ly/1UB8Vmw. Might even be cheaper for them, and totally fine with me.
Hey everyone, sorry for the radio silence on my part. From the looks of it, packaging was inconsistent to say the least. I've been working hard to reply to all the cases that have come into support, and to send replacements. If you haven't written in already, do so now and let us know if it was damaged. As always, it saves us a bit of time if you send the picture in the original email. (As @thumperchick said above.)
@Woody1911a1 check meh.com/orders and see if you have any update there. If your tracking/status still says "processing" - click "I need help with this" at the bottom of your order.
Mine arrived broken as well, anyone know what they are doing about this? I bought it as a gift for my girlfriend to replace the one I broke, I don't think giving her another broken one will be as funny to her as it would be to me.
For real though, if you guys are replacing them I'm going to wrap the box. If you're doing refunds I'm going to run out and grab another one somewhere. lmk, kthnxbye.
Hey everyone, sorry for the radio silence on my part. From the looks of it, packaging was inconsistent to say the least. I've been working hard to reply to all the cases that have come into support, and to send replacements. If you haven't written in already, do so now and let us know if it was damaged. As always, it saves us a bit of time if you send the picture in the original email. (As @thumperchick said above.)
So, if you haven't yet - write in to meh.com/support for help and they'll get back to you as soon as they can - which takes 1-2 business days.
Replacement arrived, and this unit also didn't have the cardboard between the crock and heating base... BUT it did have a complete (upper and lower) styrofoam packing system instead of the cardboard one the last one had (if I remember right anyway) and the crock is in one piece.
Thanks meh (and the jarden? contractor, whoever you are good job).
User manual
Condition: Refurbished
Warranty: 90 Day Jarden (contact information here)
Estimated Delivery: 12/11 - 12/13
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Crock-pot base
1x Dishwasher-safe “Heat-Saver” stoneware
1x Dishwasher-safe lid
“Sorry ma’am, no outside food or drink in the stadium”
Note: gummy worms should be cooked on high for at least 4 hours
Price Comparison
$59.95 (new) at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, February 12th - Monday, February 18th
what a crock of meh
@jmhsrv good one
@jmhsrv or a crock of $hit
Hmm... my current crock pot does not have clips for transport. Worth it? IDK, I like having the simple on/off switch.
@JazzyJosh You could just use a lid-latch strap (aka fancy rubberband thing.)
@JazzyJosh nothing some duct tape couldn't fix...
@JazzyJosh I may pull the trigger on this just for the locking. I tend to do a lot of transporting of food, and this makes it simpler. Yes, tape works, but regular lids don't have a rubber seal.
Crock pot ...crack pot?
@Ignorant Alllllright, then...
pulls down pants
@Ignorant I hate that infomercial woman
Aww meh, that's messed up. I put all my faith in you and bought the last crockpot you had on here and now you go and put one up with a really fancy interface. Shame on you, I don't think I can ever trust again. :(
@DrunkCat Tis better to lose faith early than later in the relationship
In for one! Our current pot has no timer.
@Jasongb why does a slow cooker need a timer? Are you planning to turn it on and go hiking all weekend in the Appalachian mountains?
Just an observation. Been doing a lot of pot lucks for the kids' various school and extra-curricular stuff. Seems the made in the USA crocks with the simplest of off/lo/hi settings last for 30+ years. The made overseas versions with digital everything last 4-5.
@MehnofLaMehncha Are there any crock pots currently being made domestically? Or does one have to seek out a vintage model?
Do not mock the BBQ Jelly Meatballs. Sometimes they're the only thing edible at the office party.
@OldCatLady Oh yeah, that's a common potato chip flavour in Canada.
@OldCatLady I agree. As weird as they sound they taste good. But the ones I've had were chili sauce and grape jelly.
@yakkoTDI Credit to XKCD
@OldCatLady You're working at the wrong office.
If only it was a 7 quart. My current chili recipe does not leave room for expansion in a 6 quart.
@yakkoTDI you could just reduce the recipe slightly
@boygenius1991 How dare you suggest such a thing! Be gone spawn of Satan!
@boygenius1991 blasphemy
@yakkoTDI do you have peanut butter in your chili
@jml326 No, but I hear that's a common potato chip flavour in Canada.
We're getting close here in usa. With lays contest it is only a matter of time.
@jml326 xkcd.com/1609
This item is a "hot"item- meh day I guess no sorry decmehday --
@AttyVette it is slowly heating up even more.
Slow cooker or speed composter?
You be the judge. For $24, that is.
Gummy worms on high four hours - meh thinks they would " gum up " the cooker
I love crockpots, I love them so much. I used to have 6 of them, all different sizes and shapes. @Thumperchick made me throw out 4 or 5 of them when she moved in, but now we have 2 again :)
@Humper Soon to be 3 I assume
@Humper That's because your dad bought you one for Christmas a few years ago. Also, you have 3. The big round mother fucker in the basement still counts, we just never use it.
@Humper Hi my name is Tracie and I'm a Crock pot addict. I currently have a 7 qt, a 6 qt., a casserole shaped one, a dip slow cooker and a three crock pot crock pot. I want this one so bad I can't stand it..lol..but I'm just saying no! Don't do pot kids, crock pots that is.
CNET Gives it a 7.8/10
Damn you, Meh. I just bought a crockpot this weekend, a much less fancy model.
@novium Return it, even if you've used it. We (meh) will eventually get it back as a refurb and sell it back to you cheaper. It's called an indirect buy-back strategy in the purchasing biz.
unwilling-accidental-yarn because the wife has wanted one for years that has the clippy things. 'Spose I oughta spring for one with the clippy things. I figure 2 1/2 sawbucks ain't bad.
Is this 110V only? Or is it auto (110V-240V)? The manual doesn't say.
@tinsami1 I can't speak authoritatively about this particular model, but I have never found any slow cooker with dual voltage :(
Maybe Meh can sell a 240-120 transformer!
@ag4 I already have a few of those. But I'd rather not buy one everytime I buy some electric doodad from meh and have it shipped across the globe.
@tinsami1 You're better off looking for a deal locally. Automatic power supplies are DC switching units, it's a pretty simple thing to do in that domain. AFAIK, crock-pots work with heating elements running on AC and temperature controlled by a simple TRIAC. Doubling the voltage in would double the heat out. Assuming nothing blew up/caught fire, it would likely destroy the heating element pretty quickly.
I was skeptical of slow cookers until I bought one last month. Pretty darn useful for a meal or two a week and a relatively cheap kitchen gadget.
Oooh something I needed another one of after moving.
Ew, though: haphazard-melted-grasshopper
@Donborvio YES! The Malevolent Order Name Generator has selected its new favorite victim!
We haz bin meening to get a slo-cooker or crocpot so's I can make chili with less risk of scorching, this a big en.
Is it bad to five my mom this for Christmas?......nah
@riceatusc Not if she wants one!
@riceatusc Five? Yes, give her five. That way, she can make an appetizer (I'm thinking BBQ Jelly Balls), main course, a side, dessert (please no pumpkin), and a slow-cooked latte to round out the meal.
The write up on this one is so full of win. I woke up my kids. Thanks, Meh. Funny jerks.
PSA. Don't cook with the lid latched like that. Steam can build up and very bad things happen when hot steam is kept under pressure and released very quickly when you go to undo the latch. They are for transportation only. Thank you!
@show_the_maw Yes! Never cook with the lid latched or tied down in any way! Steam needs to escape!
@Thumperchick @show_the_maw You may have saved a life today. Bravo!
@show_the_maw It has a vent. I have a very similar model, just without the timer. I cook with it latched all the time.
@shawnthegirl That vent is tiny. You really should not cook with it latched. I'm almost certain the user manual has warnings about this.
ETA - Crock Pot indeed does recommend against it.
interesting part of an amazon review
@communist My current model has the same feature. I like that I don't have to be home (I can leave something cooking while at a full day of work) and I don't worry that the food cooks into mush. I don't recall ever having a life crisis over the hours not matching what I needed, and if I am home, I just go mash buttons again after a few hours if necessary.
@communist My favorite part was that one of the settings they listed was "High for 6 hours" and then the very next sentence says "Want to cook on high for 6 hours? Too bad."
So I'm thinking that @jasontoon has not attended many potlucks or church socials in his sheltered life. The dishes of Lil Smokies cocktail weiners or sweet, richly sauced meatballs are full of the most improbable ingredients, yet are heaven in your mouth. My go-to meatball recipe for these functions is the grape jelly and chili sauce one. Here below the Mason Dixon line, Smokies, meatballs and chili sauce are scarce on shelves until after January 1st. Heaven in your mouth, you just don't need to know what went in it.
These are great if you attend a lot of pot luck style outings or chili cook offs. I've even baked in the stoneware in a regular oven (blasphemy!) and then just used the crockpot as a warmer.
It's digital.
This isn't your mamma's crock.
Studies have shown that 20% of stoneware crockpots leech small amounts of lead into the foods that are cooked in them. Is this something to be worried about?
@alskoj as with drinking, only if you're not smart enough to spare a few cells.
@alskoj They leech? I'd be worried if they leached, but leeching sounds a little kinky.
I have one of these. It cooks things. I eat those things.
I was slow to hit the purchase button as it took me a while to warm up to it. But I was afraid the timer would run out on this deal. Now we'll see if I stay hot for this thing after I use it, or if it leaves me cold and a little raw.
I literally used a crockpot for the first time this thanksgiving to slow cook the stuffing. Turned out great, though a little burned on the bottom.
Mine is definitely a base model of some sort, with only a dial for Low, Warm, High (and definitely no latches). Pretty much this:

I'd have to double-check the size, but I think it's on par with the one offered today. So here's my question... is this one, that appears to have more temperature versatility, worth the purchase over what I own today? Or is that just gadget gimmickery?
As I said, I'm pretty new to this kind of cooking, we just happen to have one in garage and used it on short order. Thanks!
@ACraigL generally anything you're going to cook in a crock doesn't need anything more specific than the low, high, warm dial there. soups/broths (especially anything with bones in it) and chilis and pot roasts etc.
@ACraigL Personally, I had a crock pot that was just the temperature dial and recently upgraded to one that has a timer and I really like that feature. If I throw stuff in and go to work, I don't have to worry about things getting overcooked because traffic kept me from getting home in time or something.
@Moose @ACraigL those cheapo outlet timers work well enough for that
@Lotsofgoats Then your crockpot just turns off; this one (and mine) shift it to "keep warm"
@Moose oooooooooh that's fancy!
@Moose Makes sense. My wife would panic if I left something on, cooking all day with no one at home to monitor it. While I see the value, I'm not sure I could sell her on it, leaving me with a second, slightly better crockpot that what I have now.
Guess I'm gonna pass this time around. I'll grab it in 2 weeks when it's $19.
@ACraigL No. The timer function would be the only advantage, and you've already come to the conclusion that's not a feature you're interested.
The crockpot I have is old and small. In for one:

@JonT gotta keep that giant pension fund healthy, right?
Welcome to the modern age, how about a pressure cooker? I’d be up for one and I’m sure other as well. We are looking for a great meal in under an hour, not 4-8 hours.
I have an older model of this and it's a PITA sometimes. You cannot just turn it on the "warm" setting. So, if you're slow-cooking and determine that food is done and you want to just put it on warm, you are out of luck. It has to actually run through the timer and then switch itself over to warm. So, basically, you have to turn it off unless you want to burn your food. But, then you have no way to keep it warm. If they have changed this restriction I would buy this in a second and throw my old one out.
I've also found that the "low" setting is just as hot as the "high" setting. It's almost like, "Cook your food at a constant temperature for 4, 6, 8, or 10 hours". Maybe mine is malfunctioning, but I doubt it since it's been that way since I bought it. There is very little temperature difference in these settings.
@jsh139 In the Amazon Q&A someone asks about the Warm setting, and several people indicate that you can set it to Warm manually.

I have one of these. My biggest gripe with it is that you can't actually set a timer - you have to work with their preset limits.
This offering has too much wazoo and will be prone to failure of one feature or another. Simple is better with these things
Probably not going to buy this, but I think it's my favorite Meh writeup ever. @JasonToon
I bought this. I'm going to make some fucking soup.
you do not need a crock pot to make fucking soup ;-)
@connorbush rude
@dickfarts how so? I was noting that a soup, made from bodily fluids, can be crafted via intercourse and for said intercourse--a crock pot is not necessary. It was my attempt at toilet humor. I then included a cheeky image of "fucking soup." I assure you that the noodle-letters were not meant as a transgression against you and the post had no malice aforethought.
This brought back a memory from some years back, & I thought a few of my Meh bros & sistas might enjoy it. I had a wonderful friend who is no longer with us, and Lorie loved to use her crock pot. She had a nephew who could never quite understand why some of us started laughing when he would talk about "Aunt Lorie's crotch pot."
@gertiestn When you get right down to it, all of them are crotch pots. Those things that Aunt Lories have.
This Meh offer seems like a decent deal. Just saw what looks like the same core model, but without those handy top latches at Costco for $39.99 (new) That one does come with what looks like a pretty useless baby crock (about a cup or two).
@RedOak baby crocpot is a wee bit useless. I use it for keeping gravy warm, or melting chocolates. Tried using it to keep nacho cheese warm, it burnt it.
@RedOak baby crock is for little smokies to simmer in bbq sauce... they are not useless :)
@thismyusername do you eat alone? Not big enough for enough little smokies to satiate more than one person. ;-)
naw you keep the majority of them on the stove, you move them to the mini crock and act like that is all of them, to prevent that one relative and his brood from eating them all.
Soo this was owned by someone else who broke it stewing rotten socks but was able to return it and now it's available at a discount... YUMM!
@Mehcromancer you eat funny.
Where any of these used for cooking and returned and then cleaned and now being resold?
Received mine and it was broken into a mehllion little pieces. Has anybody had any issues with returns/refunds with meh?
(TC edit - FTFY)
@Alderuen I did not even have to open the box, as I can hear it rattling around inside.
@Alderuen - Sorry to hear ;-(
meh should be good about resolving breakage due to shipping.
@Alderuen write in to meh.com/support - they take 1-2 business days to reply, but are generally a breeze to work with. Link the url to that picture in your message for a faster resolution. Sorry you got a cracked crock!
@MEHcus @hollboll ^^ head's up, looks like there may be some cracked crock issues heading your way.
@ioBuddha Same, I just thought it was the power cable hitting stuff. Not a whole lotta packaging material in there, just one sheet of bubble wrap.
@Alderuen IRT your question: yes, and all my experience is completely positive. Very reassuring. Report it and send them a picture if you can. Their shipping people don't use as much dunnage as they could, and it costs the vendor in the end.
Exact same thing happened to me, also heard it before I opened the box. Working with Meh now for refund.
Just got ours and it's also in pieces; but not the right kind of pieces, like lid, crock, etc. It's in lotsa little pieces. Off to Support I go.
Will this be a replay of the Great "Smart Planet Eco Ceramic Mug" fiasco of last December???
@Teripie Tis the month for broken crockery?
If your crock arrived in cracked crock condition - please use the support form at meh.com/support for resolution.
Sorry your crocks cracked. That's crappy.
It would help if you took a picture, uploaded it to imgur or similar, and included the link/url to that picture in your message to support. Support takes 1-2 business days to respond, they're there M-F, 9-5ish.
Mine came in this morning. Lifted up the box and heard nothing but the sound of broken glass; assumed it was the cover, but no - that thing was wrapped well enough to survive a trip over the Niagara Falls. The Crock, on the other hand, no wrapping what-so-ever - just dumped in a box and now shattered into little pieces :(
@bmacknz Hit up meh.com/support for help. If possible, include a link to a picture of your cracked crockery.
Mine came shattered too! The packing left a LOT to be desired.
@caver2130 Hit up meh.com/support for help. If possible, include a link to a picture of your cracked crockery.
Hey, my crock is cracked too . . . and I didn't order.
Boy first the idea light now this. Looks like Jerry Jones is contagious.
Same here! There was no protection for the stoneware. It arrived today shattered.

+1 on the shattered crock pot. So sad.
+1 more to the shattered Crockpot list. I didn't even bother trying to pull it from the box. Why cover my floors in shards.
I've submitted a complaint to Meh.com through my account page. I don't hold Meh wholly accountable for this, but they have the contacts at the supplier to see that we get a some type of fair play.
@GenuineTed You've got your flickr album set to "adult" content - which is part of why your pics aren't displaying. The other part is the link needs to end in the file name (jpg, gif, etc.) for it to work.
@Thumperchick yea, that ted guy, what a tease.
@Thumperchick Thank you for the heads up. I embedded updated image links in a post below.
I was going to complain about my shattered crockpot but all the other cool kids already are complaining. I'm not a joiner. Anyone already seen about getting a replacement uh pot part from the manufacturer?
@msilver You can give it a shot.
@msilver Replacement part here: http://www.crock-pot.com/parts/replacement-stoneware---6-quart-cook-and-carry-digital-slow-cooker-with-heat-saver-stoneware-brushed-stainless-steel/7911000013804.html
Well, heck! I can't edit my own post above, so I'll embed updated links here:

Wow! Lotta shards out there . . . Mine was unbroken. I feel left out and happy, all at the same time. I didn't notice any cracks, but I didn't look too hard either. I broke it in by cooking up some chicken Sunday, so I'm guessing that there were no cracks.
Yep - another broken one here... seems like these should be packed in their original foam packaging... or at the very least a LOT more bubble wrap
@RLexM i think it depends on the unit, mine came with the foam on the inside.
YaY rubbermaid owns crockpot now too.
@cranky1950 You sure? I think crockpot is Jarden, and rubbermaid is Newell Rubbermaid.
@thismyusername Newell just bought Jarden. Welcome to furture shock. I guess the new company is going to be called Newell Brands
@cranky1950 well here is hoping they will use some fine rubbermaid products to pack the refurbed crockpots if that deal goes through :)
Mine came shattered as well...
Ticket sent...
oh the humanity...
The Great Crock Pot Disaster of 2015....
Well guess this deal came to shattering conclusion
I just got mine and it was also cracked. Documented it here: Totally not enough padding in mine. Reported it to Meh support, hopefully will be resolved smoothly.
Found a replacement part at manufacturer's site here, in case anyone's interested: http://www.crock-pot.com/parts/replacement-stoneware---6-quart-cook-and-carry-digital-slow-cooker-with-heat-saver-stoneware-brushed-stainless-steel/7911000013804.html
If there are no more in stock, I wouldn't mind if Meh just ships me a replacement inner pot, which can be gotten from http://bit.ly/1UB8Vmw. Might even be cheaper for them, and totally fine with me.
Mine arrived Scuffed but un broken, it had the original foam but it needed that cardboard lining between pot and cooker
Hey everyone, sorry for the radio silence on my part. From the looks of it, packaging was inconsistent to say the least. I've been working hard to reply to all the cases that have come into support, and to send replacements. If you haven't written in already, do so now and let us know if it was damaged. As always, it saves us a bit of time if you send the picture in the original email. (As @thumperchick said above.)
where is it ? never received . tracking ?
@Woody1911a1 check meh.com/orders and see if you have any update there. If your tracking/status still says "processing" - click "I need help with this" at the bottom of your order.
Mine arrived broken as well, anyone know what they are doing about this? I bought it as a gift for my girlfriend to replace the one I broke, I don't think giving her another broken one will be as funny to her as it would be to me.
For real though, if you guys are replacing them I'm going to wrap the box. If you're doing refunds I'm going to run out and grab another one somewhere. lmk, kthnxbye.
@three50seven Two messages above yours is a message from Meh staff about what to do
@three50seven Always helps to read the comments in the thread.
From @hollboll a few posts up:
So, if you haven't yet - write in to meh.com/support for help and they'll get back to you as soon as they can - which takes 1-2 business days.
Simply smashing
Replacement arrived, and this unit also didn't have the cardboard between the crock and heating base... BUT it did have a complete (upper and lower) styrofoam packing system instead of the cardboard one the last one had (if I remember right anyway) and the crock is in one piece.
Thanks meh (and the jarden? contractor, whoever you are good job).