Combined Weekend Orders?
0I'm feeling rather bold (or maybe frisky?) at the moment after having some hot cocoa with Eggnog at 6AM and I feel like shooting a question out loud, so...
I was wondering if Meh would do combined orders from over the weekend and/or non-shippable holidays?
Dunno if that's unnecessary extra chaos or not...
Although I do enjoy inciting some chaos.
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Meh. Just suck it up and pay for the VMP.
@neuromancer But uh, @Keyeno IS a VMP. Regarding the actual question, considering the amount of product being shipped it would take quite a bit of work on the logistics side to pick and pack multiple orders into one box. This ain't no Amazon!
Yet. :o
@Cinoclav Thanks for the perspective. It's just from being a seller myself, I can't imagine paying the shipping for one box at a time, especially since I pay hardly anything into the shipment of my purchases here. There's a few conveniences for me if getting condensed shipments, but if it means more trouble for Meh, then I'm not worried about it.
@neuromancer I don't wanna suck it! I'd rather sip.
@Cinoclav Sure, now he is.
@neuromancer I've been VMP for almost a month now. Maybe more than a month. When was the tumbler cup thing?
Definitely more chaotic. Say Friday-Sunday items A, B, and C, can be combined:
Mehrican #1 ordered 1A, 1B, and 1C
.#2 ordered 2A, 1C
.#3 ordered 1B, 3C
.#4 ordered 3A, 1B
.#5 ordered 2A, 2B
.#6 ordered 3A
.#7 ordered 1A, 3C
... and so on.
It's easier for them to just fulfill all A items, then B items, then C items separately. Yes, there's added packaging and postage costs, but it's offset by less labor and less chances of errors too.