Hello fellows, just want to let you know that Columbus Day is on the second Monday of October, which is approaching quickly. Remember Christopher Columbus' arrival to the Americas on October 12, 1492.
I didn't know it was a thing other than for grade school kids. And they don't even get cupcakes. Do you know that around here they no longer let kids bring in anything homemade ? Don't even get me started on that.
There seems to be a backlash about Columbus Day. Yes it's a federal holiday. Yes the federal reserve is closes, however most banks and credit unions I see are open then. Wtf! We lost it 2 years ago.
@katylava I wasn't talking about other people. I was saying lots of stars from me. I could care less what anyone else thinks - but I am in agreement with you - bad holiday. Let's not even get into the fact he didn't discover the new world. Another discussion.
@dashcloud Thank you. I sure hope so too. Postponed homelessness by 2 weeks - Starting Oct 1 will be house sitting for someone with 30 cows, 8 dogs, a zillion cats, 8 three week old kittens I get to bottle feed, a rabbit but no goats (where I live until the first had 2 goats, has 3 dogs and 2 cats and I have cats). Have done all of those animals at one time or another (one of my cats I got at 8 days old is now 14), although the cows were ancient past - I managed to put a pitchfork through my toe at age 8 or 10 or something shoving hay down the hole to the milk cows (no I didn't live on a farm, my grandma did and had beef cattle too we had to count every day and they'd pee in the stream so then we swam in the pee'd in water in the pond - and nope the grownups thought nothing of it).
@Kidsandliz Wow- have you considered teaming up with @starblind to write stories- with your life experiences, and starblind's crazy good writing, you two could put together some great stories.
@Kidsandliz Of course you tried riding the cattle, right? I used to visit my uncle's farm (beef, milk and turkeys) and my cousins talked me into it. It's fun, they said. They're tame, they said. Guess where I landed.
@OldCatLady No did not try riding cattle. Did frisbee dried cow pies. Did drive someone else's cows around 1 mile back to that farm using brooms and sticks (they were in the front yard eating blueberry bushes, flowers and small pine trees and my grandmother was having a fit). I do not like cows. As to where you landed? In a fresh cow pie?
@dashcloud To make a good story you need a plot. There is no plot. All we have right now a setting and a backdrop of bad stuff happening - well except for JonT deciding not to send me the pallet of TV's and winning the speaker doc when I guessed how many pieces it was in and they actually sent the doc and not all the pieces - oh and missing being the goat by a hair way back when last fall (I think it was then anyway). Oh and my night before christmas poem being read on the video. Actually that's not too bad a list for good things LOL. Just need job on that list.
We do not celebrate Christopher Columbus.

He gave us Pixels.
@jaremelz and small pox. Well the original CC.
I didn't know it was a thing other than for grade school kids. And they don't even get cupcakes. Do you know that around here they no longer let kids bring in anything homemade ? Don't even get me started on that.
Where is the referral link??!?!?!?
J/K thanks for the heads up on the moto 360 closeouts, got one for a gift.
There seems to be a backlash about Columbus Day. Yes it's a federal holiday. Yes the federal reserve is closes, however most banks and credit unions I see are open then. Wtf! We lost it 2 years ago.
Are you serious? We might as well call it Hitler Day.
@DrunkCat Awk! Godwin's Law! You lose!
@Teripie I wish, the comparison is pretty accurate.
The best holiday happened two days ago. Happy belated autumnal equinox, everyone!
@brhfl Happy Autumnox!
I think this belongs here: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/columbus_day
@katylava lot of stars coming your way

@katylava That comic sucked. Didn't LOL once.
@mfladd maybe. it was a rather controversial comic.
@katylava I wasn't talking about other people. I was saying lots of stars from me. I could care less what anyone else thinks - but I am in agreement with you - bad holiday. Let's not even get into the fact he didn't discover the new world. Another discussion.
@katylava - Yay for Bartolomé Day! (Whew, that was intense, but thanks for the education).
I'll just leave this here:

The heck with Christopher Columbus. October 12th is my birthday!!
@Kidsandliz Let's hope it brings something good this year!
@dashcloud Thank you. I sure hope so too. Postponed homelessness by 2 weeks - Starting Oct 1 will be house sitting for someone with 30 cows, 8 dogs, a zillion cats, 8 three week old kittens I get to bottle feed, a rabbit but no goats (where I live until the first had 2 goats, has 3 dogs and 2 cats and I have cats). Have done all of those animals at one time or another (one of my cats I got at 8 days old is now 14), although the cows were ancient past - I managed to put a pitchfork through my toe at age 8 or 10 or something shoving hay down the hole to the milk cows (no I didn't live on a farm, my grandma did and had beef cattle too we had to count every day and they'd pee in the stream so then we swam in the pee'd in water in the pond - and nope the grownups thought nothing of it).
@Kidsandliz Wow- have you considered teaming up with @starblind to write stories- with your life experiences, and starblind's crazy good writing, you two could put together some great stories.
@Kidsandliz Of course you tried riding the cattle, right? I used to visit my uncle's farm (beef, milk and turkeys) and my cousins talked me into it. It's fun, they said. They're tame, they said. Guess where I landed.
@OldCatLady No did not try riding cattle. Did frisbee dried cow pies. Did drive someone else's cows around 1 mile back to that farm using brooms and sticks (they were in the front yard eating blueberry bushes, flowers and small pine trees and my grandmother was having a fit). I do not like cows. As to where you landed? In a fresh cow pie?
@dashcloud To make a good story you need a plot. There is no plot. All we have right now a setting and a backdrop of bad stuff happening - well except for JonT deciding not to send me the pallet of TV's and winning the speaker doc when I guessed how many pieces it was in and they actually sent the doc and not all the pieces - oh and missing being the goat by a hair way back when last fall (I think it was then anyway). Oh and my night before christmas poem being read on the video. Actually that's not too bad a list for good things LOL. Just need job on that list.