@TBoneZeOriginal Ya, I didn't exactly type what I was thinking. It's there, but the button isn't very reliable. I have to fuss with it to switch modes.
I bought this thing the last time it was up. As crappy radar detectors go, it works way, way better than the last crappy radar detector I bought from Woot years ago. Much earlier warnings than before.
@hammi99 waze is nice, but its dependent on a person seeing it before you. You might be the unlucky first person to see the cop, and then you're screwed
@hammi99 waze is great on well traveled roads, but when you're the first user on on a stretch of coastal road in Oregon in the past 20 minutes, not so much.
For $18, it's great. I got one last time and I installed mine a few days after I got it, and then hit the road to go get pizza. Possibly saved me from a ticket that same day because I was definitely driving down a stretch of highway that no police ever patrol--except that one day, and it went off before I ever saw the police officer. I immediately thought it was a false positive (this thing is probably crap) but hey, it worked!
Also, the description is incorrect. It doesn't 'get louder' as the signal gets strong, instead it beeps more rapidly as the signal gets stronger.
@Kevin It's a 55mph road with drivers regularly topping 70+ on it, because no cop ever patrols the place. We have a county PD where we 'rent' 1.5 cars a day, so somewhere in the township is a cop, probably.
I drive fast all the time, no radar detector, nothing. One day they will get me, and I doubt this thing would help save me anyhow. Until then, push the gas my friends!
Have had a cobra for a long time. Just a warning, blind spot detection hits the same band as K. Most radars flag Ka, but enough hit as K to make it annoying. Don't think highway mode filters it either. X is pretty much always nothing but should be filtered by highway mode. But back to my original point (K band and blind spots), becomes an expensive car detector at times until you pass them.
@Kerig3 I stared at this picture forever thinking there was some "catch me riding dirty" reference, but then I realized it was just a copy hiding behind a bush...
Tsk, there is no Donner County, Nevada. A real Nevadan would tell you the county to worry about is really Nye, on the stretch from the north of the state to Vegas. Nye sucks. Or maybe Elko county where they're trying to nab people on I-80.
Interesting timing. I just ordered a Cobra iRad 900/950 to use with my car-mounted tablet. That's a more compact detector that displays alerts on a mobile device over Bluetooth and can use GPS location to ignore false positives. The official app also ties into an alert map crowdsourced from other active detectors, though I'll probably be using an alternative one that runs in the background.
One day I was driving home, there was a cop on his motorcycle with his radar gun on his lap at the end of the curve road. I was doing 45 at a 35 zone & I let go the gas when I saw his bike. He picked up his radar gun and pointed it at me, the Cobra that I got couple weeks earlier screamed and I just coast along. I looked at the speedometer & I was doing 39 and the cop went Meh and turned his attention to the next bunch of cars.
Does the $18 Cobra works? Sure. But it also scream it's head off when there is a new Audi with Driver Assistance package around.
@LOVERBOY… c'mon now, seriously? Part of it I can believe, but unless you have photographic proof of the garden hose and the iguana, I'm just going to have to call BS on that Vegas story.
Is this the super cool item that was supposed to be offered last Wednesday but got bumped to Monday, ...you know, the prize thing that was to be awarded?
@eyewerks I was wondering the same thing. They said it is the big prize that someone will win up to 3 of whatever is offered on Monday for the drone.horse contest.
I have a crappy van, so I just drive the speed limit. I have a couple better cars, still just drive the speed limit. Years ago, I might have flirted with the law a little bit. Not anymore. I'm cheap, and do not want to pay the fines. Plus, I've never been to jail, and I never ever ever ever want to go there! Besides, I'm not in that big of a hurry. So how old am I?
But if you're driving under 60, then you aren't on the freeway, which means you're getting terrible gas mileage.
That, or you're the guy who thinks driving 20 mph under the speed limit, causing a traffic jam and hundreds of gallons of wasted gas by the people stuck in said traffic jam is worth saving 11 cents on your commute
Used it (got one last time) on a trip from WI-NY, works great when those state cops sneak up on you from behind. Pretty good with over-the-hill detection. It's no Valentine, but for $18 it's fantastic.
I bought one last time and compared it to my Passport. Here's the deal: It works, and picks up the same signals as the Passport. It doesn't have as long of a range, doesn't have a mute option, and picks up some more false positives.
It is really, really, annoying when you drive past various monitoring stations or "Your Speed:" signs frequently. There's no way to only alert on Ka or laser and ignore X/K bands.
However, it makes a cool noise on startup and generally does what it says on the tin. Realize it's an $18 product, and has some shortcomings, but the bottom line is it works if you like to drive a bit over the limit* but don't want to help add to some cop's quota.
Too fast and you'll outrun the detection range vs. your car's safe braking capabilities, if you can brake hard and fast in your car then you can afford a better radar detector.
I bought this one last time around, and it detected radar. However, every time I hit 4k RPM, the laser alert freaked out. Something to do with grounding or shielding or whatever? Who knows. I gave it to a buddy of mine, it works fine in his car. Or maybe he just doesn't rev as much.
@ChrisMondok What kind of car if you don't mind me asking? My pickup did the same thing with an Escort 8500, which was 20 times this price... Actually it would do it when I honked the horn also. It was also laser that freaked out.
I bought one of these last time and it suited it's purpose on a recent long trip. The only complaint I have is that the mute button was hard to reach if it was installed low on the windshield (which is where they say to put it). Since it was hard to reach the mute, it made a lot of noise on the trip, which didn't bother me, but bothered my travelling companions. I really liked the special power cord on my old Escort 8500 where the mute button is on the end that plugs into the lighter socket. That one was very easy to mute. However, since my first Escort 8500 was stolen out of my car, and my second Escort 8500 just stopped working right and would false alarm constantly, I'm done spending that kind of money. I just took to setting the cruise at the speed limit for the last decade. However, for $18 the last time this was up, Meh got me. I can confirm the radar and laser work, although the laser warning gave me nearly no reaction time, that's kind of par for the course. If you need a cheap radar detector, with average performance, this is it. I can honestly say this is the best sub $20 radar detector I have ever purchased. :)
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Cobra
Estimated Delivery: 6/12 - 6/16
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Cobra Performance
1x 74.5" cigarette lighter power cord
1x Mounting bracket with 2 suction cups
1x Velcro mounting pieces
The part that detects
Everything included
3/4 view
Flyin’ down the highway
Price Comparison
$59.99 List, $26.33 at Amazon (sold third party, fulfilled by Amazon)
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Bought it last time. Seems to work ok, but I wish the CITY/HWY mode worked better.
@ruouttaurmind According to Amazon (and Meh, for that matter), it does.
@TBoneZeOriginal Ya, I didn't exactly type what I was thinking. It's there, but the button isn't very reliable. I have to fuss with it to switch modes.
I bought this thing the last time it was up. As crappy radar detectors go, it works way, way better than the last crappy radar detector I bought from Woot years ago. Much earlier warnings than before.
Not sure this is necessary with waze?
Not sure this is necessary since the Carter administration
Don't want a ticket? Just don't be the fastest guy on the road. Go 1/2 mph slower than someone else.
Has worked for me for the past 35 years.
@hammi99 waze is nice, but its dependent on a person seeing it before you. You might be the unlucky first person to see the cop, and then you're screwed
@hammi99 waze relises on other people, this relies on you to reconize that its detecting a cop and not anther false alarm
@hammi99 waze is great on well traveled roads, but when you're the first user on on a stretch of coastal road in Oregon in the past 20 minutes, not so much.
@hammi99 Waze doesn't alert you actively of a speed radar taking a read in your direction.
Same $18 when offered on March 23, 2015. https://meh.com/deals/cobra-ssr-50-performance-radar-laser-detector
@cengland0 holding the line against inflation!
this guy works cheaper...
Drive like a civilized person, you won't need this. Need this? Drive like an uncivilized person and society wants you to die in a fire.
@Everbody society should stay out of my way then
When mind control works, you won't know it.
Obligatory list of states where this sucker is illegal(as always its only illegal if you get caught)
@communist I believe it is basically Virginia and DC. And most of populated Canada. Ontario (OPP) uses radar detector detectors.
@communist It's cheaper to pay the radar detector ticket than a speeding ticket and increased insurance
@grawk in Ontario, they also confiscate your detector - but at 18 bucks I guess that wouldn't be a big deal.
Meh cars speed doesn't warrant this purchase.
What's this got to do with .horses? Let alone drones. Did I dream that?
@crapstick yea, they said "maybe" or "probably" Monday or something to that effect. It looks like that didn't happen...
Don't drive normal, drive crazy and get this.
For $18, it's great. I got one last time and I installed mine a few days after I got it, and then hit the road to go get pizza. Possibly saved me from a ticket that same day because I was definitely driving down a stretch of highway that no police ever patrol--except that one day, and it went off before I ever saw the police officer. I immediately thought it was a false positive (this thing is probably crap) but hey, it worked!
Also, the description is incorrect. It doesn't 'get louder' as the signal gets strong, instead it beeps more rapidly as the signal gets stronger.
@Konraden where do you live that you need to get on the highway to go get pizza?
@Kevin It's a 55mph road with drivers regularly topping 70+ on it, because no cop ever patrols the place. We have a county PD where we 'rent' 1.5 cars a day, so somewhere in the township is a cop, probably.
I bought this thing last time it was on sale.. the only thing it detects perfectly is camera signals near red lights :) :) :)
I bought this the last time, and I never got it. I guess a neighbor kid must have.. Not sure.. Good old USPS
The price is right. . .
I drive fast all the time, no radar detector, nothing. One day they will get me, and I doubt this thing would help save me anyhow. Until then, push the gas my friends!
@Stallion, Speed on, Brother! Hell ain't half full!
@Stallion If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die historic on the fury road!
I haven't gotten a speeding ticket since before my first child was born. Now I have two children in college.
At $18, this is definitely the cheaper option. Although, there are other benefits to children besides encouraging saner driving.
@hamjudo That was the perfect dad joke there.
Have had a cobra for a long time. Just a warning, blind spot detection hits the same band as K. Most radars flag Ka, but enough hit as K to make it annoying. Don't think highway mode filters it either. X is pretty much always nothing but should be filtered by highway mode. But back to my original point (K band and blind spots), becomes an expensive car detector at times until you pass them.
Why is the cop ignoring the big pile of weed?

@Kerig3 I came to post the same thought knowing some other smart ass would have beaten me to it. Blaze it, boys.
@Kerig3 I stared at this picture forever thinking there was some "catch me riding dirty" reference, but then I realized it was just a copy hiding behind a bush...
@irishbyblood Well it either resembles weed...or a sprig of steamed broccoli, and as we all know broccoli jokes aren't as funny as weed jokes!
Tsk, there is no Donner County, Nevada. A real Nevadan would tell you the county to worry about is really Nye, on the stretch from the north of the state to Vegas. Nye sucks. Or maybe Elko county where they're trying to nab people on I-80.
Interesting timing. I just ordered a Cobra iRad 900/950 to use with my car-mounted tablet. That's a more compact detector that displays alerts on a mobile device over Bluetooth and can use GPS location to ignore false positives. The official app also ties into an alert map crowdsourced from other active detectors, though I'll probably be using an alternative one that runs in the background.
@trisk Yeah, and I have the iRad 900. And, yeah, it connects to my Android tablet just fine. And, yeah, it's really a crap radar detector.
Méhja vu?
"Undetectable by radar detector detectors" ? So what you are saying is.... (nsfw language)

This may be the weirdest order # result I've ever gotten
One day I was driving home, there was a cop on his motorcycle with his radar gun on his lap at the end of the curve road. I was doing 45 at a 35 zone & I let go the gas when I saw his bike. He picked up his radar gun and pointed it at me, the Cobra that I got couple weeks earlier screamed and I just coast along. I looked at the speedometer & I was doing 39 and the cop went Meh and turned his attention to the next bunch of cars.
Does the $18 Cobra works? Sure. But it also scream it's head off when there is a new Audi with Driver Assistance package around.
Do I recommend it? Meh...
@bmf My four year old son thinks it's a fancy car detector. Audi A7 and BMW 5-Series mostly.
@juice13 what band goes off when you are by these cars? i just tried mine and it was beeping LASER continuously .
한국경찰용에도 작동되나요?
@LOVERBOY… c'mon now, seriously? Part of it I can believe, but unless you have photographic proof of the garden hose and the iguana, I'm just going to have to call BS on that Vegas story.
@haydesigner That was funny. But for those curious, this is the translation according to google.

@LOVERBOY They're usually nice. You wouldn't need it.
Is this the super cool item that was supposed to be offered last Wednesday but got bumped to Monday, ...you know, the prize thing that was to be awarded?
Please say it ain't so.
@eyewerks I was wondering the same thing. They said it is the big prize that someone will win up to 3 of whatever is offered on Monday for the drone.horse contest.
I have a crappy van, so I just drive the speed limit. I have a couple better cars, still just drive the speed limit. Years ago, I might have flirted with the law a little bit. Not anymore. I'm cheap, and do not want to pay the fines. Plus, I've never been to jail, and I never ever ever ever want to go there! Besides, I'm not in that big of a hurry. So how old am I?
@mick I'd say you're at least 60, or else you suffer with low-T. ;)
@mick Am I supposed to guess your weight also?
@eyewerks I have low testicles. How old am I?
But if you're driving under 60, then you aren't on the freeway, which means you're getting terrible gas mileage.
That, or you're the guy who thinks driving 20 mph under the speed limit, causing a traffic jam and hundreds of gallons of wasted gas by the people stuck in said traffic jam is worth saving 11 cents on your commute
Used it (got one last time) on a trip from WI-NY, works great when those state cops sneak up on you from behind. Pretty good with over-the-hill detection. It's no Valentine, but for $18 it's fantastic.
I bought one last time and compared it to my Passport.
Here's the deal: It works, and picks up the same signals as the Passport. It doesn't have as long of a range, doesn't have a mute option, and picks up some more false positives.
It is really, really, annoying when you drive past various monitoring stations or "Your Speed:" signs frequently. There's no way to only alert on Ka or laser and ignore X/K bands.
However, it makes a cool noise on startup and generally does what it says on the tin. Realize it's an $18 product, and has some shortcomings, but the bottom line is it works if you like to drive a bit over the limit* but don't want to help add to some cop's quota.
I bought this one last time around, and it detected radar. However, every time I hit 4k RPM, the laser alert freaked out. Something to do with grounding or shielding or whatever? Who knows. I gave it to a buddy of mine, it works fine in his car. Or maybe he just doesn't rev as much.
@ChrisMondok What kind of car if you don't mind me asking? My pickup did the same thing with an Escort 8500, which was 20 times this price... Actually it would do it when I honked the horn also. It was also laser that freaked out.
@mehdaf sure. The radar detector freaked out in a 2003 Honda S2000. It works fine in a 2012 (ish?) Toyota Prius C.
@ChrisMondok It's hit or miss I guess. On another note, the idea of speeding in a Pruis always makes me laugh. http://www.reuters.com/article/2007/07/04/us-gore-arrest-idUSN0428148420070704
@mehdaf I suppose it's always possible that he just never hits 4000 rpm…
Heh heh heh heh, top states to purchase? Nueva Yorque and Cali.
@AmazingChicken why is that funny. They also happen to be two of the mist populous states, so it makes complete sense.
Never really thought of buying one untill i seen the price on this so i said sure why not once again ty MEH you Rock!!!
I bought one of these last time and it suited it's purpose on a recent long trip. The only complaint I have is that the mute button was hard to reach if it was installed low on the windshield (which is where they say to put it). Since it was hard to reach the mute, it made a lot of noise on the trip, which didn't bother me, but bothered my travelling companions. I really liked the special power cord on my old Escort 8500 where the mute button is on the end that plugs into the lighter socket. That one was very easy to mute. However, since my first Escort 8500 was stolen out of my car, and my second Escort 8500 just stopped working right and would false alarm constantly, I'm done spending that kind of money. I just took to setting the cruise at the speed limit for the last decade. However, for $18 the last time this was up, Meh got me. I can confirm the radar and laser work, although the laser warning gave me nearly no reaction time, that's kind of par for the course. If you need a cheap radar detector, with average performance, this is it. I can honestly say this is the best sub $20 radar detector I have ever purchased. :)
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
Delivered and been using a few weeks works so well ..nice
Sum' bitches ain't got me yet.