Cline's RPO: Spielberg, Amblin, Dreamworks slated for movie


I recently finished reading Ernest Cline's Ready Player One. Today I learned Steven Spielberg has signed on to direct the movie.

Olivia Cooke (Bates Motel) is being considered for the role of Art3mis, and Jurrasic World's Nick Robinson is being considered for Parzival.

Like with any favored book, I'm looking forward to the movie with mixed emotions. Anxious to see it in movie form, worried they're going to eff it up (remembering back to Koontz' book Watchers mangled into a movie by Jon Hess, and starring Corey Haim as Travis; #WorstMovieEver).

I'm thinking Paul Giamatti as Og, maybe Elija Wood as Sorrento, and how about Rami Malik as Haliday?

I'm curious, who you might cast as the various characters?