@haydesigner We've been lied to! This is not okay! That's 2, TWO, dimes. TWO! In fact, it's 4 nickels! TWENTY pennies. Shame on you, Meh! SHAME! Complete and utter BS. I'm leaving Meh and never, ever, ever coming back to this house of lies.... right after I get my two quad copter thingies. In all honestly, I'll probably check the deal tomorrow... And that evil temptress 2-for-Tuesday. Who can forget her? Oh, and WSF or SDF - preferably WSF (please and thank you). Yeah, I'll be here for that, too. Damn, I have 67 consecutive meh-button clicks. Don't want to mess up that run either. Well, hell... I suck at being outraged.
@shawn why does that link not work? (What you see above is not what I pasted into the comment and Meh won't even let me enclose the link in quotes to show you the raw link without mangling it! The link works when pasting it into a browser path box. Seems to get mangled by the Meh engine.)
@RedOak yeah, we have a known issue with URLs that contain underscore characters: https://github.com/mediocre/mehdown/issues/6. The current workaround is to escape underscore characters with backslash characters.
@shawn thanks. Looks like that issue has been out there since the middle of last year, but I get it that if it doesn't blow up often, might not be a high priority. 'Not sure I understand the work around, ("The current workaround is to escape underscore characters with backslash characters.") but thanks for fixing it!
@rhedayi Actually, the one I have lasts closer to the 8 minutes. If you are doing flips non stop, yes it will be closer to 4 minutes, but if you are just flying it around learning how to control it (which is pretty much what this is good for) it lasts pretty long.
I have one of these things, that I got from some chinese import site. I think all these mini quadcopters are the same. They are fun, and zip around a lot faster than the Syma type helicopters, but are VERY hard to control. I never did fully get the hang of them. But assuming it's as good quality as my other chinese import, I'd say it's worth the $12.
@JonT Maybe you can let me know... f you never sell out of Speaker docks... Why do you only have a limit 3 on those days yet on Other days you have TONS available... I'm wondering if this will be a sellout, but by the sounds of it this item is being custom made for you guys not needing to have a max limit on it.
only because of the rave reviews did I order one. My wife is so mad at me because both the helicopters and the last quadcopter I bought on here (for 25 dollars) don't work anymore. I hope I haven't just put myself in the doghouse with this one
@djslack Drone.horse... join the herd! I just ordered one to take my mind of today's catastrophe. I'll take it to the office and fly it around my sales guy's desk like an annoying mosquito.
@amillar7 Its R/C and you get to control the fun. Got skills? Tons of fun! No skill, you will hate it. I'm still wondering how the heck you don't know how something like this is fun or not........
I have one of these, this same model, and could never get it to calibrate correctly. When a quadcopter is this small, it's very hard to fly in a "smooth" manner-- very jerky, not a lot of room for error. Best to try it out in the yard, even a large living room is too small when you're trying to run the calibrations. It does stay charged for a lot longer than 10 minutes, though.
@Superjimtendo I just ate chicken for lunch, and yet, if I was dropped on another planet and all I knew about my next meal was that it used to have feet like that, I would swear it was some alien raptor dino, and would not want to eat it quite as much. Unless it was spicy with ranch dipping sauce.
In before east coast complaining about this selling out before they wake up... Central time reporting in, tired of you claiming the best time zone but complaining every night when you miss it. Worst Time Zone Ever!!!
Also grabbed 2 quad copters, first quadcopter purchase ever such excitement.
Got one of these for a friend from Amazon a while back; small fast and fun IF you know how to fly. If you don't, well, you'll need extra blades & guard bracket (can get them from Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Cheerson-CX-10-Protector-Propeller-Purple/dp/B00PGRNFE0 ) Flight time varies, but at least 5 min. Only con I saw was the remote control is very small (about the size of the palm of a hand). Otherwise, nice copter. Also, if flying inside, check the blades a lot - hair/fur/carpet etc will wrap around the blades/shafts - this will slow a motor enough the copter won't fly (or painfully not well).
In for 6. 4 for work (one per channel), two for stocking stuffers. This is the third type of quadcopter I've bought on meh, a grand total of 8 flying beasts of doom.
Fuck it, in for one. Let's see just how douchey I'll become upon receiving it. So much for feeling superior over vegans/gluten-free/paleo/crossfit/organic/p90x/star wars.
In for one, and thanks for reminding me the last one (SkyFlyer) was a nonfunctional piece of crap. Gotta have backups when the Phantom is contraindicated. homegrown-carbonated-tactician is an awesomely appropriate order number, however.
This is a GREAT quad for beginners, like myself! I've been reseaching for months and haven't yet pulled the trigger, so for a lousy $12 I'm in for one!!! lonely-funky-wrench
Initially, I struck the meh button; however, I had a change of heart upon realizing this could be a wonderful Father's Day gift. Thanks meh. Keeping families together since now.
@damon Two red LEDs in the rear, two blue ones in the front. Reds are solid all the time, blues flash when it is looking for a controller to sync with. Unfortunately, not like a UFO, but I'll bet we can make that happen.
There have been at least four different circuit boards used in the CX-10, each with a different RC protocol. You can tell which one by the color of the circuit board. Any clue?
I am in for 2 poignant-divided-birthday. I got one of these from one plus one on April 1st but never opened it. Sold it for quite a bit more on flebay unopened. The temptation to play with it was hard to resist, now I have 2 I can play with!
1 each for two grandsons, and one for me so I can show them how they work (yeah, that's why I'm getting the third one; really). Looks like colors are random, or I completely goofed somewhere; never saw an opportunity to select color. No biggie.
@effenfish thanks. That video has me considering one. Gotta jump halfway thru the 10 minute video to see it fly - that guy likes to talk. Now, gotta figure whether I want it enough to turn VMP back on. . .
Are these the "10" or the "10A"??? The "10A" didn't come in these colors - yet in a post above @snapster states these were "just made" for Meh leading me to hope they are based on the 10A....
The 10A offers "headless mode" which is MUCH MUCH EASIER to fly for novice pilots (basically, the "front" of the copter always travels first without you having to position it "in front" - if that makes sense)
I would get one if I already had VMP and could choose green instead of it being random. Seems like they're selling just fine with random colors, though.
I nearly bought one of these, especially since I've got VMP going for the month again after yesterday's flashlight and headlamp. However, I canceled after deciding that this'd just end up being another thing that I didn't really need. Do I hate fun?
@mellowirishgent This got me thinking... I'm not a daily spender with Meh, to be sure, but I was hoping to get 2-3 things a month out of them. Looking back through my order history, the last thing I purchased was showerheads (garbage), batteries (leaky, refunded), shirt (awesome), Contigo mugs (unused), Compact Lantern (unused), Vermont Tools (shit), Insteon Security Cams (unused), Cobra Joyride charges (unused), JLab earbuds (unused). Hmmmmmm. I might need to rethink my VMP (gasp!)
@ACraigL Right, I bought them also, and they leaked also. However, I never received confirmation to several requests for halp. However, looking back in my order history, the total billed was reduced to $7, (I had ordered two AAA's and one AA). Does this mean they just refunded all the AAA's for everyone?
@mehdaf You might need to whitelist us and/or check your spam folders because I see a response from @hollboll to you a couple days after you wrote in, but yes that's correct – we refunded everyone that bought AAAs.
Forgive what may be a stupid question, but when people post these photos are they just using Googling their order code on Google images to see what comes up and picking one to post?
@sourhead Yes. Some pick the first image, or some pick their favorite out of the first page or so.. I was shocked a few days back when my order keyword returned ZERO images.. haha
@sourhead If your order comes out notorious-gray-taco, you are not obliged to post anything from the movie, book, or fanfic which Google provides. All the images I got were NSFW, so I substituted.
@OldCatLady What Google are you using? I searched that phrase and got this as the first image: But I guess we aren't really obliged to post anything at all, are we? I must say however, that your posts do kinda seem out of the spirit [not to mention the actual concept] of the "post your order confirmation phrase's google image"... Just sayin'
Wife told me to stop buying crap on the internet. Dang they didn't sell-out yet??? I can't resist. In for 1! irate necrotic aftermath. Do NOT google this for a pic.
@UgaDogCH My wife tells me things like that all the time.. So far it hasn't slowed me down, but I do have to sneak some things for her in every now and then.. And the Moscow Mule mugs that she SPECIFICALLY told me not to buy, she and I use them every night for gin and tonic now! haha
Wow... I just added it up... Not including VMP subscriptions... I've spent a total of $1038 at MEH... Thank you little copters for putting me over the 1K mark... in 334 days no less...
Meh got me on this deal: I ordered 4. I plan to keep one for myself and use the others as gifts. Really excited to see that they already shipped and should arrive on Monday!
@djslack I ordered 2 and received both green also. They must have had a lot of green but you have to wonder why whoever was packing them wouldn't mix it up a bit if other colors weren't available.
Received my second order today, somehow first order got delayed (usps issue, not meh's), received 4 (2 red, 1 green, 1 blue) and kid has already been playing with one for hours.. he has been BEGGING for a drone, this seems to be cool enough that I don't have to buy a $300 drone!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!
I got mine today. One orange and one green. They fly really well for the most part but every once in a while, they malfunction and go full throttle for no reason. These little fuckers hurt to get hit with. I took one to the face. It was like a tiny little angry squirrel. I couldn't seem to do anything to prevent it from happening
@capguncowboy The one I've flown so far does the opposite... The power and all the LEDs cut off for a fraction of a second then it comes back to life. Sometimes I can save it, sometimes I just crash. My malfunction seems safer, though.
@nltownsend843 yep I've flown them both with both controllers now and they glitch out on me. Think it might be transmitter issues because they seem to only do it when they're more than 6 feet away.
I've now seen several glitches where they do a really fast 360 flat spin. That would be a neat trick if I could do it on command, but it only happens randomly. Most of the time, though, it's a throttle cut, bringing it down to an excited waiting dog's level or straight into the ground.
Man, these suckers are fun! I find them slightly tricky to fly in the daytime, but the lights really help with orientation at night. Played with them for a while this evening with my daughter. I got the kid in bed and rushed back out to play some more. Finally getting the hang of them. Meh better not have a bigger quadcopter on here anytime soon, or my wallet (and wife) are gonna be pissed.
I agree--I fell for Meh's pleas to simply trust them and buy this thing--but I only bought one. Now I wish I would have gotten at least a couple, or maybe three. Thank goodness the charge time is so short--I haven't had this much fun with a toy outside the bedroom in 20 years!
i got one from another website and it was awesome for 17 bucks, then i see it here for 12 bucks, so i said hey, why not get 4, well big mistake, the one on meh have soo many glitches in them. guess ill use the blades to replace my $17 one, 12 bucks for 8 replacement blades? not a good deal
I opened one of mine and played with it a bit, then my 14 year old took it over. My wife isn't happy that I bought them but since one will go to her Father for Fathers Day I am mostly forgiven
Got one for myself and one for a coworker. Unfortunately, mine was DOA. It doesn't appear to charge, the cord light blinks instead of being steady; I'm disappointed.
Mine arrived today and holy shit I love this thing! So much fun! I have it whizzing around my house, and even the wife, who mocks many of my meh purchases, was giggling as i flew it around her head.
I'm bringing it to the office tomorrow for more shenanigans. Thanks meh!
Mine was fun until it took over the controls and went crazy...broke a couple propellers before I could stop it's mad flight. I can no longer fly it now as all spare propellers have been used up :(
@tb1999 it comes in beginner mode by default. click down (or.. 'in') on the left stick to go to medium mode- you'll hear two beeps. click again, three beeps- expert mode. one more click, back to beginner mode- one beep.
@mfladd Just ordered, thanks. I'm not sure why it doesn't automatically go to the Prime seller, but you can get these in 4 or 5 days for (2 if Prime) for $2 more.
@sammydog01 Yea, I played with one with my son and the damn thing took off over the house. I can't believe we found it in the grass. It appears the prop guard (weight) may help my kids playing with theirs.
This thing is from the devil. Had mine less than an hour and cut my wife's throat, put two cuts on my 4 yr olds face and lost it in the hedges. I guess I'm unlucky to get a green one. Definitely has glitches. Props would spin at full speed even with controller turned off. As mentioned, props are sharp!
So, I've never owned a heli/quad of any kind, but I think mine is defective. One of the rotors doesn't spin as fast as the other 3. You can tell, because it slowly spins as you throttle up, while the other 3 immediately respond. Unfortunately, it makes it basically unusable as it pulls diagonally on takeoff, and even while trying to correct I can't get a straight takeoff.
It's been an issue out of the box, but is it possible there are settings I can change to correct the issue?
@forestoney I would try resetting the gyro by powering off both copter & remote, ensuring it's on a level surface (not your hand), and powering on again. Nearly all that I've messed with have the same issue with 1 blade spinning slower at startup, but you just gotta give it a little "blip" in the beginning to get it flying, and back down from there.
@troy@forestoney I solve this problem by gently removing the propeller in question and unwinded my wife's crazy hungarian hair from said propeller, then reattaching said propeller.
@forestoney after checking that prop for hair, look at the manual for calibrating the accelerometer. Turn it on, get ready to fly sitting on a level surface and hold left stick at bottom left corner, right stick at top left corner until the lights blink. When it's through blinking, it's calibrated.
@troy thanks all for the tips, but no dice. Now it literally flips over as soon as I throttle up. Appears one rotor was on the way out. Oh, well. Might have to open the other one I bought as a gift. I can tell this thing would be a lot of fun!
I pulled it out of the box as soon as it arrived and charged it up. First try it spun off the coffee table. Second try it zipped to the left and made my daughter run off screaming. Third try it bounced off the ceiling and end table and ran around the floor upside down. I love this thing! I ordered the guards to keep from seriously damaging any family members, but I can't wait to try it again!
I can't seem to get mine to work. I emailed meh support. I just hope that the support isn't meh. From reading the instructions, some sort of light should come on the copter, but I get nothing. I charged it I guess. I plugged it into the usb plug and a red light came on the cable. Now when I try it, the cable will blink for a second, then nothing else. Anyone have any ideas? Did I do something wrong?
They came in! I also just ordered more blades... 4 isn't enough... Also it doesn't work at all if you use 4 of the same kind... I did by accident... Almost taking out the baby and landing on my wife's lap a few times... only twice with blades still going... I think I'm starting to get the hang of it... I guess I have to wait till Thursday when more blades come in now... Anyone have an experience with the tri-wing blades? I didn't know if they helped with the stability.
Still trying to figure out how to hover, I tend to bunny hop not sure why it won't hover...
Whooo, mine came! Un-whooo, not sure if it's screwy or not? At low throttle, one of the props just… doesn't like to spin. Don't think it ever quite holds its own with the rest. And it did the whole MAX-THROTTLE-NO-CONTROL thing once. And it doesn't really like to stay in one place, along any axis. But it's relatively controllable considering I have no idea how to pilot one of these little squirrels.
Tried one inside the house, becaue it was 100 F outside. Unfortunately it's exactly the right size for a cat to levitate and attack. Cats do not need rotors. I got there before they did, and tomorrow's trial will take place outside.
Got a green and an orange in. The one I opened up works but is fidgety. I did have one 'runaway throttle' event, turning the remote off didn't stop it, only turning the quad's power switch off worked. Like others have described, even after multiple flights and recharges, one prop is definitely slower. Even after restarting, releveling, and doing the accelerator alignment, it persistently drifts.
But its a ton of fun. The flips work when I can keep it in an open area long enough, it lasts about 5 minutes on a charge, and my wife was laughing as it skittered around (and didn't break!). Worth it.
Anyone else's motors keep spinning uncontrollably until you turn it off (and mangle your hands in the process) after it bumps into something while there is even the slightest amount of throttle?
@zxinfinity yup same issue. started to thottle up slightly, suddenly went full throttle and ignored controller input. now it wont fly up anymore, seems two of the motors lost a lot of power.also broke 3 blades as it hopped around madly before i could grab it and turn it off.
It works outdoors unlike my helicopter but tougher to fly. To use the throttle and same stick to steer it tricky. My 4yrd old love chasing down the "baby helicopter" when it would get too high loose connection and fall back to earth. :)
It's a fun little toy. My only other experience is with another toy level, but much larger V262.
With this little one I'm having trouble making it hover or even trim it, which was not the case with the V262. Overall it is controllable, but very finicky.
This doesn't fly very well. The power keeps cutting out for just a fraction of a second, but enough to make it fall. I got four though, so tonight I'll see if the one I took out is just a lemon...
@unlikely I'm having a similar problem, I bought 2, one for me and another for a co-worker, his works perfectly fine it appears, but mine will not respond to the controller after pairing, only after more than half throttle does it decide to react, even then it does a cutting in and out that makes it impossible to fly or attempt to control. I will try to let it fully discharge today and then recharge it and see if that helps.
Wow! That's a whole lotta fun! Started with bunny hops, learning curve is easy, operating time is over 10 minutes. Very touchy, and I don't have 'moderate' figured out yet. I need to order more propellers; none have broken yet, but it's not going to take many of those crash landings to do it. We have a very bossy mockingbird in the yard- I think I'll go harass him.
I recharged it and got it pairing again! Then I had the problem that the motor would cut out in the middle of ascent. Like, as I brought up the throttle at about the midpoint it would just stop. If I kept it going farther it would start again. So now it's merely super flaky....
I am going directly to heck, without passing go. A neighborhood 7-year-old asked me what made it fly; I told him I'd captured Tinkerbell and put her inside. I'm 65 with gray hair and he was raised to respect his elders, so he just looked at me. Fortunately his dad has a warped sense of humor. May have to give them my spare to restore my credibility.
@OldCatLady You should've said it was reverse engineered from transformers technology. Kids of this generation would probably find that more relatable than tinkerbell.
Well, mine is possessed. One prop will start spinning while it is just sitting there, power switch off. Powering it on stops the spinning. But, now props stop spinning randomly during flight. It was fun while it lasted, but not as much fun as the $8 helicopters I bought on Meh that still work just fine.
alright guys, watch this if your having calibration issues. turns out when i replaced my props i had the wrong ones in the wrong spots. it wont fix the instant full throttle or losing connection, but it might solve some other issues.
@deadlybunny The charging works opposite on mine. The light stays on while it's charging and shuts off when it's ready to be crashed into furniture and the wife again.
So I received 2 of these. Both work. One is pretty nicely stable but has the issue where it goes full throttle if it runs into something moderately hard. The other is less stable but doesn't have that issue.
With the more stable one I've gotten pretty decent with it and can regularly do the flips even when flying indoors. Just press the right joystick in and the unit beeps then move the right joystick in any direction - boom it flips right over. Seriously fun little toy. Can't wait to hit the girlfriends house this weekend and drive her dogs batshit crazy with these.
@kuoh Both copters survived admirably even though both got taken out in mid flight by two surprisingly accurate dog bites. Though they both dropped them when the little tiny whirling blades of pain hit
@fultonmartin My battery started leaking; Meh took care of me, but I still ordered a pair online, at $5 and 10 minutes to fix, probably still worth it!
Haven't tested the ones I bought for me yet, but the one I sent my dad apparently had steering issues and got eaten by a tree, a la Charlie Brown's kite. From the report it was fun up til then tho!
@tightwad I haven't had any issues with mine yet. And I got 3 for family that haven't had any issues so far. I didn have one purchased off of amazon that was doa (battery wouldn't work. )
@sohmageek The one I bought on June 8th died. Battery doesn't charge, unit won't turn on. Dead. It last worked on July 20th, and I noticed it wasn't working any longer on July 26th.
@tightwad I'll check the wires to see if one of them snapped. I'm not too handy. Question: Has your soldering disrupted the weight distribution during flight?
@DaveInSoCal no issues with weight, I didn't add any, just fixed the wires that pulled loose. I highly suggest using a blade guard...haven't had any issues with broken wires or blades since installing it.
@tightwad Can you write up how to do the repairs somewhere? If you don't have any place else, ifixit.com has a drone category that this would fit nicely. Thanks!
@tightwad@sohmageek I ordered a few replacement batteries for two of mine-- I'll try to take a video when I'm replacing them. I ordered the guard and extra blades too. @DaveInSoCal, the start up procedure involves setting it on level ground so the accelerometer can calibrate. Extra weight/fur on one blade is usually handled by the control loop.
Mine had the battery leaking onto the circuit board which caused it to wind out the motors even when it was turned off. Got a week out of the first one. On to the second...
@Thumperchick Holy moly, 90 days? I had no idea! Mine broke a few weeks ago and I just emailed meh today to see if they could help or if I needed to go to Cheerson directly. Thanks for the good news. You are sunshine on a cloudy day! :)
Unrelated note. @jont (I wanted to tag @snapster but thought that would be just greedy, Goats don't get to jump the chain of command like that.) other than DOA why did you offer a 90 day warranty on this... I'm hoping that Cheerson backs it up and you guys aren't footing the bill. I've noticed a few of these things have been flaky. Surprising the ones purchased from here seem to be much better than the ones randomly from Amazon.
@DaveInSoCal oh yes... I have nothing but good things to say about their support. Well no... I did complain to @snapster once... and said I may not complain when I have a minor issue as they fixed it above and beyond what I wanted. I was more worried about their inventory than getting it corrected, on a few things. @Snapster encouraged me to reach out to support when something is wrong.
@sohmageek our pure mastery of statistics allows us to eat the cost of offering the 90 day warranty. Someday we're sure that statistically making people happy will work for us too :)
@snapster Too bad Meh didn't do this with the Oddesy quadcopter too. One of the motors on mine died just about a week past the 30 day warranty. At least it's made me slightly more observant of the warranty lengths offered on future Meh electronics deals.
I only bought two of these and I should've bought more. The one I took to work is fine although no one has yet mastered even basic flying. The one I kept at home for myself doesn't seem to work. I'm going to give it one last try tonight. When they do work, they are ridiculously fun.
I ordered the cages and extra propellers. I then sold 2 of the quadcopters to recoup some of my stupidity...not sure why I ordered 4 more when I already had one but I would probably do it again because quadcopter
Purchased 1 of these the first time they were sold on meh. One of the motors runs just a tad slower than the rest, so no matter of controller movement changes it's flight direction. Flew it once then put it in a box. Forgot about it until I saw this thread pop up.
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 6/18 - 6/22
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Cheerson CX-10 mini drone
1x Remote control
1x USB battery charging cable
2x Replacement blades
1x User manual
Red? Or Orange maybe?
Retail boxes
Scale and also everything included (except a quarter and a hand)
Price Comparison
$18.60 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
No purple? For that alone, meh.
@heartny I love purple.
It shows 18.40 on Amazon for me -- not $18.60.
@cengland0 I AM OUTRAGED!!!!!!
@haydesigner We've been lied to! This is not okay! That's 2, TWO, dimes. TWO! In fact, it's 4 nickels! TWENTY pennies. Shame on you, Meh! SHAME! Complete and utter BS. I'm leaving Meh and never, ever, ever coming back to this house of lies.... right after I get my two quad copter thingies. In all honestly, I'll probably check the deal tomorrow... And that evil temptress 2-for-Tuesday. Who can forget her? Oh, and WSF or SDF - preferably WSF (please and thank you). Yeah, I'll be here for that, too. Damn, I have 67 consecutive meh-button clicks. Don't want to mess up that run either. Well, hell... I suck at being outraged.
That Amazon primary product photo does a better job of showing scale: SL1200.jpg">http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/71rftnZl7lL.SL1200.jpg
@shawn why does that link not work? (What you see above is not what I pasted into the comment and Meh won't even let me enclose the link in quotes to show you the raw link without mangling it! The link works when pasting it into a browser path box. Seems to get mangled by the Meh engine.)
@RedOak yeah, we have a known issue with URLs that contain underscore characters: https://github.com/mediocre/mehdown/issues/6. The current workaround is to escape underscore characters with backslash characters.
@shawn thanks. Looks like that issue has been out there since the middle of last year, but I get it that if it doesn't blow up often, might not be a high priority. 'Not sure I understand the work around, ("The current workaround is to escape underscore characters with backslash characters.") but thanks for fixing it!
@shawn admit it, this is because @Dave wants to control all underscores...
@RedOak workaround is to change _ to \_ in URLs
@shawn thx that's easy... as long as I remember it.
4-8 minutes means more like 4 I bet, meh
@rhedayi Actually, the one I have lasts closer to the 8 minutes. If you are doing flips non stop, yes it will be closer to 4 minutes, but if you are just flying it around learning how to control it (which is pretty much what this is good for) it lasts pretty long.
I have one of these things, that I got from some chinese import site. I think all these mini quadcopters are the same. They are fun, and zip around a lot faster than the Syma type helicopters, but are VERY hard to control. I never did fully get the hang of them. But assuming it's as good quality as my other chinese import, I'd say it's worth the $12.
Am I gonna get this by Father's Day or what, because that would be great.
Edit: also, these are $16 on banggood.com which seems to be the Chinese site of choice for these things.
@Jetlag meh has been so fast at shipping lately, i ordered 2 and think i might get them last Thursday.
@Jetlag Yup, @djslack is right. Shipping has improved immensely since march.
@Jetlag @RedHot I know that it's @dstanley's Fault for that, but Maybe I should just Thank @Pavlov for that one too?
@sohmageek @Pavlov could use a bit of blame right now. Hope to see you back here soon.
I had no plans to buy this until I read the description. Meh never raves so I took a chance...we shall see.
@readnj same here. Bought 2. We clearly have issues and, apparently, badass tiny drones.
Flying speaker docks?
@JonT is this the cool thing? It's cool and cute. And I ordered one...
@sohmageek pfff...amateurs only order 1. In for 3
@sohmageek I guess, if you held it infront of your face when it was trying to fly, you could use it as a fan and it would probably feel cool.
@sohmageek oh, the cool thing they didn't offer last Monday? I wonder too. In for one. @SkippyKJ ok, in for another.
@SkippyKJ wife gets mad enough with 1 I don't think 3 would help there.
Who am I kidding. Great stocking stuffers... Put in a 2nd order.
@sohmageek It is the cool thing! By the way @SkippyKJ you can buy a total of 10 for this sale.
@JonT Maybe you can let me know... f you never sell out of Speaker docks... Why do you only have a limit 3 on those days yet on Other days you have TONS available... I'm wondering if this will be a sellout, but by the sounds of it this item is being custom made for you guys not needing to have a max limit on it.
@JonT This is truly cool. You guys outdid yourselves.
only because of the rave reviews did I order one. My wife is so mad at me because both the helicopters and the last quadcopter I bought on here (for 25 dollars) don't work anymore. I hope I haven't just put myself in the doghouse with this one
Drone.horser here, in for 2 so far because why the hell not. May come back for more just because i can.
@djslack Drone.horse... join the herd! I just ordered one to take my mind of today's catastrophe. I'll take it to the office and fly it around my sales guy's desk like an annoying mosquito.
@ruouttaurmind i broke my estes protox out for drone attacks during an office nerf war. It was awesome.
@djslack Fellow drone.horser here. In for 4 to try filling a void left by my recent loss like @ruouttaurmind .
Are these easier or more difficult to control than the accuforce helicopters sold before?
@cjrhoades more difficult but not too hard, but way more fun too.
2 x AAA batteries (not included)
The story of my life...
Im a drone horser, i already own one of these very easy to fly.....so i bought three more.
@nadroj sad but true - I've had two 10A's (the improved model) in my living room for a month be cause I can't seem to remember to buy batteries....
I don't really understand what makes this thing fun. Can you use it for anything?
@amillar7 Its R/C and you get to control the fun. Got skills? Tons of fun! No skill, you will hate it. I'm still wondering how the heck you don't know how something like this is fun or not........
@amillar7 Amusement. And chasing pets.
@amillar7 have you no soul?
@carl669 Perhaps a ginger?
@carl669 I guess not maybe? I thought I did...but now I feel like these things I mistook for moles at all of my joints may be screws.
@Stallion I don't know...driving this around for five minutes, then charging, then driving for five minutes, etc. sounds suspiciously like work.
@amillar7 Intercubical warfare
I have one of these, this same model, and could never get it to calibrate correctly. When a quadcopter is this small, it's very hard to fly in a "smooth" manner-- very jerky, not a lot of room for error. Best to try it out in the yard, even a large living room is too small when you're trying to run the calibrations. It does stay charged for a lot longer than 10 minutes, though.
Are you sure these aren't the CX10A? I don't think my CX10 can flip, but my CX10A can, but I could be wrong
@Myk AFAIK the 10A only came in black, white, gold, silver...
@Pufferfishy The CX-10 can flip.
I confirmed that my CX-10 flips just fine.
I wish some crafty person (I'm looking at YOU, folks on Etsy), would glue a hair barrette to the underside of one of these and sell them to me.
I'd LOVE to wear a mini quadcopter barrette in my hair!
Err, I meant, my KIDS would love to wear a drone toy barrette in their hair. :)
@pepsiwine Prototype will be in production upon receipt. Quadcopter pigtails!?!?!?! squeeeeeeee
@pepsiwine If you know how to glue things together, I bet you could do it.
Cheaper options than what they indicated are available from Amazon. $14.99 from new seller or $17.69 from China. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00KHGXDMO
@katbyter Or still only $12 from Meh. The $15 seller on Amazon IS in China. Delivery time 3-10 weeks?
Basically, I had to ask myself, do I really need this in my life right now?
No. No? No.
@Fej Yes.
@Fej If we truly only bought what we needed, we would not buy much and live in a van down by the river.
2 replacement blades are not enough.
@editorkid Then you must buy more Choppers.
@editorkid Your keyboard has cobwebs on it. How does this happen??
@Rumple Got 5 including this one and the 2 that Morrison sold on Kickstarter with blade guards.

They also sold spare blades and guards really cheaply. I think this is 40 blades:
@G1 Cat.
Actually, I don't swear these are compatible, but I'm pretty sure they are, and they're backordered, so you've got time to ask them: http://axisdrones.com/collections/parts/products/replacement-blades-axis-drones-propellers
@editorkid Spooky cat
@SkippyKJ Mmmmmhmmmmm.
Three sets of prop guard cage, plus four sets of assorted colored rotors (propellers) for $3.50 including shipping: http://www.banggood.com/Cheerson-CX-10-CX-10A-Quadcopter-Protection-Cover-w-propeller-set-p-970383.html
Or the same item from the US warehouse for $5.50 http://www.banggood.com/Cheerson-CX-10-CX-10A-Quadcopter-Protection-Cover-w-propeller-set-p-970383.html
I'm a sucker for cheap, whether it's toys or food. I hope the copter makes me feel better than the order number. In for 2 photogenic-ghastly-nuggets.
@Superjimtendo Alton Brown Chicken Fingers! Yay!
@Superjimtendo Yet another thing I desperately wish I could un-see.
@Superjimtendo uncool
edit: oh god, I can't stop looking at it.
@Superjimtendo I just ate chicken for lunch, and yet, if I was dropped on another planet and all I knew about my next meal was that it used to have feet like that, I would swear it was some alien raptor dino, and would not want to eat it quite as much. Unless it was spicy with ranch dipping sauce.
@Superjimtendo Me too!!
@ruouttaurmind that's funny....and original.
I am drunk on GoT, f*** it.
Son has 3 roommates, daughter has 1 so... in for 6. Shoot, forgot the spouse who will have to have one too, so will have to go for one more.
In before east coast complaining about this selling out before they wake up...
Central time reporting in, tired of you claiming the best time zone but complaining every night when you miss it.
Worst Time Zone Ever!!!
Also grabbed 2 quad copters, first quadcopter purchase ever such excitement.

@rileyper careful, this is a gateway copter... Soon you'll be hooked.
@rileyper, don't listen to @djslack... It's ok, drink the dronie Kool-Aid... ;-)
@rileyper east coaster that ordered one at midnight and 2 more now. I saw a limit 10 set on this???
@rileyper Haters gonna Hate!
dammit @ruouttayourmind! you and your stupid thread over at drone.horse made me buy this. MADE me buy this!
@carl669 Just doing my bit to make the world safe for democracy... LOL!
in for 2, hopefully at least one purple
@DeuceSevin @barney loves purple
@khunjeff @DeuceSevin I love purple!
Got one of these for a friend from Amazon a while back; small fast and fun IF you know how to fly. If you don't, well, you'll need extra blades & guard bracket (can get them from Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Cheerson-CX-10-Protector-Propeller-Purple/dp/B00PGRNFE0 )
Flight time varies, but at least 5 min. Only con I saw was the remote control is very small (about the size of the palm of a hand). Otherwise, nice copter. Also, if flying inside, check the blades a lot - hair/fur/carpet etc will wrap around the blades/shafts - this will slow a motor enough the copter won't fly (or painfully not well).
@Wally You can order these if you don't mind waiting until mid-late July to receive them.
@DaveInSoCal yup - YMMV when buying from China/Hong Kong
@DaveInSoCal mine are coming tomorrow- there is a prime supplier on the list
i'm soooo glad i didn't blow my allowance on that stupid onion knife. i'm in for 2.
I bought 10, do I get 1 free
I love it. It's much better than "Cats." I'm going to buy it again and again.
@CraigDanger With a little creativity you can have both! Cat and quadcopter in one...
In for 6. 4 for work (one per channel), two for stocking stuffers. This is the third type of quadcopter I've bought on meh, a grand total of 8 flying beasts of doom.
or for the ladies...
Fuck it, in for one. Let's see just how douchey I'll become upon receiving it. So much for feeling superior over vegans/gluten-free/paleo/crossfit/organic/p90x/star wars.
If I wanted to have fun, would I be staying up until midnight to look at a cheap stuff web site?
In for one, and thanks for reminding me the last one (SkyFlyer) was a nonfunctional piece of crap. Gotta have backups when the Phantom is contraindicated.
homegrown-carbonated-tactician is an awesomely appropriate order number, however.
I wonder how many of these you'd need to lift a headlamp.
This has the lowest "did not bite" rate I can recall (currently 92.31% of you didn't bite.). Has there been one lower?
@sligett fuku before it's sold out?
This is a GREAT quad for beginners, like myself! I've been reseaching for months and haven't yet pulled the trigger, so for a lousy $12 I'm in for one!!!
I created my own djif550 6rotors, gf wants me to build one, i bought this mini drone for her to practice. Thanks Meh!
Initially, I struck the meh button; however, I had a change of heart upon realizing this could be a wonderful Father's Day gift. Thanks meh. Keeping families together since now.
In for 2. Please tell me this has blinking lights?
@damon Two red LEDs in the rear, two blue ones in the front. Reds are solid all the time, blues flash when it is looking for a controller to sync with. Unfortunately, not like a UFO, but I'll bet we can make that happen.
Bought one before thinking at all. I know how to meh.
Does Meh know which circuit board these have?
There have been at least four different circuit boards used in the CX-10, each with a different RC protocol. You can tell which one by the color of the circuit board. Any clue?
@SIMBM we'll have to investigate but they were made and shipped for us by Cheerson in the last 6 weeks - no U.S. stock being sold is newer.
@snapster That.... Makes me want to buy another... must resist...
@snapster So these are the "10" or the "10A"????
@snapster Crap, you just made me buy a third one.
@snapster Wait. These were made especially for Meh and they don't have Irk's beaming face in the center?
This is my first purchase after being mediocre for 61 days. Yay me
I am in for 2 poignant-divided-birthday. I got one of these from one plus one on April 1st but never opened it. Sold it for quite a bit more on flebay unopened. The temptation to play with it was hard to resist, now I have 2 I can play with!
best. cat. toy. ever.
1 each for two grandsons, and one for me so I can show them how they work (yeah, that's why I'm getting the third one; really). Looks like colors are random, or I completely goofed somewhere; never saw an opportunity to select color. No biggie.
this guy likes it
@effenfish thanks. That video has me considering one. Gotta jump halfway thru the 10 minute video to see it fly - that guy likes to talk. Now, gotta figure whether I want it enough to turn VMP back on. . .
Are these the "10" or the "10A"??? The "10A" didn't come in these colors - yet in a post above @snapster states these were "just made" for Meh leading me to hope they are based on the 10A....
The 10A offers "headless mode" which is MUCH MUCH EASIER to fly for novice pilots (basically, the "front" of the copter always travels first without you having to position it "in front" - if that makes sense)
The 10 is $1 cheaper on Banggood, assuming you're only getting one (but who is only getting one??)
I already have one of these, but I'm in for two more. The deal is too good for me to pass up. hissing-popular-mink
Hmm, might be worth reupping to VMP... If I buy two, can I ship to two different addresses? Hmm.
@andipandi If you do it in separate orders.
@Thumperchick This is what I did! And now, reupped to VMP... argh.
Do these really come with a G-2D Gimbal?
I would get one if I already had VMP and could choose green instead of it being random. Seems like they're selling just fine with random colors, though.
@darksaber99999 Picky, picky, picky.... Just sayin'
Please bring back the dji phantom. I finally have enough to buy one.
I nearly bought one of these, especially since I've got VMP going for the month again after yesterday's flashlight and headlamp. However, I canceled after deciding that this'd just end up being another thing that I didn't really need. Do I hate fun?
@lljk You fun hater, you.
@lljk I bought 2 because there is no chance that I could ever need them...
Im getting depressed last thing i bought was the radar thingy !!!
@mellowirishgent This got me thinking... I'm not a daily spender with Meh, to be sure, but I was hoping to get 2-3 things a month out of them. Looking back through my order history, the last thing I purchased was showerheads (garbage), batteries (leaky, refunded), shirt (awesome), Contigo mugs (unused), Compact Lantern (unused), Vermont Tools (shit), Insteon Security Cams (unused), Cobra Joyride charges (unused), JLab earbuds (unused). Hmmmmmm. I might need to rethink my VMP (gasp!)
@ACraigL Every thing i bought i am very happy with...Thought there was great value and the product is usefull
@ACraigL The JLab earbuds were also junk.
@ACraigL How did you get them to refund the leaky batteries? I contacted support like three times to no avail?
@mehdaf Meh refunded it due to the almost ubiquitous leaking in the Fuji AAA's (sold on 4/30)
@ACraigL Right, I bought them also, and they leaked also. However, I never received confirmation to several requests for halp. However, looking back in my order history, the total billed was reduced to $7, (I had ordered two AAA's and one AA). Does this mean they just refunded all the AAA's for everyone?
@mehdaf You might need to whitelist us and/or check your spam folders because I see a response from @hollboll to you a couple days after you wrote in, but yes that's correct – we refunded everyone that bought AAAs.
Thought they would sell out at 3000. 3500 maybe? How many did they buy?
@miko1 Perhaps 5 grand? - since Meh had a special batch made up for them.
@miko1 How many fit in a shipping container?
In for one more just so I can take-out Enrique Iglesias' other hand.
The full story. Play by play.
outer-gurgling-comfort. that's just weird.
@marklog and second order-
@PhysAssist i do not understand this reference.

@marklog outer-gurgling-comfort google image searched for you!
Sell out already.... must resist buying more!!!!
My first Meh. purchase (3) The kids will love these. I bought myself a phantom - damn you meh!
I bought one, but it's for the cats. It's supposed to be a furry-reclusive-vein, but I think of it as

@OldCatLady You need to buy more stuff- best images ever.
@OldCatLady - You got the furry part right ;-)
@KDemo I have my priorities.
Dogs vs (non)Drones
@Moose I wasn't going to get one until I saw your video. Now, I'm in for 2 for the dog...I mean, for the kids.
I bought one for me, then I bought one for my dad, then I bought one for a friend, and now I'm trying to decide if I need a second one for me...
Bought another after watching the video.
Stragenly enough, that was my college nickname during my Semester at Sea
Did you look like this? agile-sturdy-krill
@PhysAssist Depends on what we were frontier-medicining ourselves with.... So, sometimes, yeah
Bought another after watching the video. Pleasing-lengthy-lamp looks sorta like this, in my world:

@OldCatLady Definitely pleasing
@OldCatLady You mean in your dreams:
Pleasing-lengthy-lamp looks like this on Google :
First order of three: balmy-obsessed-magic
Second order of three: sulky-candid-curve
Please sell out soon! Or else I might buy more...
Forgive what may be a stupid question, but when people post these photos are they just using Googling their order code on Google images to see what comes up and picking one to post?
@sourhead Yes. Some pick the first image, or some pick their favorite out of the first page or so.. I was shocked a few days back when my order keyword returned ZERO images.. haha
@sourhead And some post whatever they like. The order generating algorithm is creative but sometimes I don't like the images, so I pick one I like.
@sourhead - @snapster explains here: https://meh.com/forum/topics/so-can-we-talk-about-order-numbers.
(And @JonT offers some history).
@OldCatLady But,. but, but that's cheating! ...and icky- how would you like it if I posted MY fantasy pictures- think hard on this?
@sourhead Thanks for all your responses! I guess Occam's razor holds true here.
@sourhead If your order comes out notorious-gray-taco, you are not obliged to post anything from the movie, book, or fanfic which Google provides. All the images I got were NSFW, so I substituted.
@OldCatLady What Google are you using? I searched that phrase and got this as the first image:
But I guess we aren't really obliged to post anything at all, are we? I must say however, that your posts do kinda seem out of the spirit [not to mention the actual concept] of the "post your order confirmation phrase's google image"... Just sayin'

Wife told me to stop buying crap on the internet. Dang they didn't sell-out yet??? I can't resist. In for 1! irate necrotic aftermath. Do NOT google this for a pic.
@UgaDogCH You're right, I should not have, but here's the link URL for those who can't not look at accidents as they drive by... :http://www.yurtopic.com/science/nature/images/snake-myths/leg-snake-bite--- All it's missing is the .jpg Clinically, it's very interesting that it is from a snake-myth-busting site.
@UgaDogCH My wife tells me things like that all the time.. So far it hasn't slowed me down, but I do have to sneak some things for her in every now and then.. And the Moscow Mule mugs that she SPECIFICALLY told me not to buy, she and I use them every night for gin and tonic now! haha
This will be so cool with a mini gopro! 😃
@killerbee123 someone did fpv with it: http://www.supermotoxl.com/FPV/UAV-models-builds-and-flight-reviews/FPV/UAV-models-builds-and-flight-reviews/cx-10-super-nano-40mm/menu-id-119.html
Impulse buy! (Is it an impulse buy if you get three?)
At least this justifies my VMP membership for the month! (Which, to be honest, I forgot I had.)
Man, these are flying off the shelves.
@ACraigL No, the sold mark is hovering near the sold out point.
I've 2 of these sitting on the shelf along with my meta strata that I have not touched yet.
I needed a reason to keep my VMP going besides socks.
Wow... I just added it up... Not including VMP subscriptions... I've spent a total of $1038 at MEH... Thank you little copters for putting me over the 1K mark... in 334 days no less...
@sohmageek That's why I'm not adding mine up... Ignorance is [at least] the simulacrum of bliss.
I ordered these yesterday and they still aren't delivered. WHAT IS GOING ON THERE? WTF MAN?!
Meh got me on this deal: I ordered 4. I plan to keep one for myself and use the others as gifts. Really excited to see that they already shipped and should arrive on Monday!
Got mine today (Michigan). Impressed. Ordered three, got three different colors. Happy!
Got mine today too. Feeling kinda meh about it; ordered two, got a pair of the same color. Gonna be hard to fly them together or tell them apart :/
But, these little things are still gonna be awesome, so :)
@djslack I ordered 2 and received both green also. They must have had a lot of green but you have to wonder why whoever was packing them wouldn't mix it up a bit if other colors weren't available.
Received my second order today, somehow first order got delayed (usps issue, not meh's), received 4 (2 red, 1 green, 1 blue) and kid has already been playing with one for hours.. he has been BEGGING for a drone, this seems to be cool enough that I don't have to buy a $300 drone!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!
@mikibell daughter wants the pink..why wasn't it an option?? I told her to be happy she got one at all :) She is having fun with the blue copter!
I got mine today. One orange and one green. They fly really well for the most part but every once in a while, they malfunction and go full throttle for no reason. These little fuckers hurt to get hit with. I took one to the face. It was like a tiny little angry squirrel. I couldn't seem to do anything to prevent it from happening
@capguncowboy The one I've flown so far does the opposite... The power and all the LEDs cut off for a fraction of a second then it comes back to life. Sometimes I can save it, sometimes I just crash. My malfunction seems safer, though.
The one ive flown from meh dosnt fly as good as the one i already had, it has a very touchy glitchy throttle for sure.

@nltownsend843 yep I've flown them both with both controllers now and they glitch out on me. Think it might be transmitter issues because they seem to only do it when they're more than 6 feet away.
I've now seen several glitches where they do a really fast 360 flat spin. That would be a neat trick if I could do it on command, but it only happens randomly. Most of the time, though, it's a throttle cut, bringing it down to an excited waiting dog's level or straight into the ground.
Got a box from meh today. Thought it'd be this. Just a speaker dock. Shoulda known.
Man, these suckers are fun! I find them slightly tricky to fly in the daytime, but the lights really help with orientation at night. Played with them for a while this evening with my daughter. I got the kid in bed and rushed back out to play some more. Finally getting the hang of them. Meh better not have a bigger quadcopter on here anytime soon, or my wallet (and wife) are gonna be pissed.
Probably my best purchase on here yet.
I agree--I fell for Meh's pleas to simply trust them and buy this thing--but I only bought one. Now I wish I would have gotten at least a couple, or maybe three. Thank goodness the charge time is so short--I haven't had this much fun with a toy outside the bedroom in 20 years!
i got one from another website and it was awesome for 17 bucks, then i see it here for 12 bucks, so i said hey, why not get 4, well big mistake, the one on meh have soo many glitches in them. guess ill use the blades to replace my $17 one, 12 bucks for 8 replacement blades? not a good deal
I opened one of mine and played with it a bit, then my 14 year old took it over. My wife isn't happy that I bought them but since one will go to her Father for Fathers Day I am mostly forgiven
Got one for myself and one for a coworker. Unfortunately, mine was DOA. It doesn't appear to charge, the cord light blinks instead of being steady; I'm disappointed.
@grogan give us a shout at https://meh.com/support
@JonT Thanks, Jon. I spoke with Holly and I'm all set.
My sis, a friend and I never really got the tricks to work but we had fun trying to hit each other with them!
Mine arrived today and holy shit I love this thing! So much fun! I have it whizzing around my house, and even the wife, who mocks many of my meh purchases, was giggling as i flew it around her head.
I'm bringing it to the office tomorrow for more shenanigans. Thanks meh!
Really fun but my battery lasts only 2 minutes. Is it defective or is that what it's supposed to be?
@skyhawk85u Definitely should last longer than that, give us a shout at https://meh.com/support
@JonT Already did, thanks. Really fun - wish I had bought a couple more!
Mine was fun until it took over the controls and went crazy...broke a couple propellers before I could stop it's mad flight. I can no longer fly it now as all spare propellers have been used up :(
I love this thing. I bought four and planned on giving away three but I don't know if I'm going to be able to part with them. MINE.
I just opened mine up and am looking at the manual. The parts identification page mentions a screwdriver? Oh, rilly? Where might this screwdriver be?
@lisaviolet LOL - I thought I lost mine somewhere on my desk. I guess I never had it!
@lisaviolet I couldn't figure anything out from manual. Significantly, how to put it on beginner mode.
@tb1999 it comes in beginner mode by default. click down (or.. 'in') on the left stick to go to medium mode- you'll hear two beeps. click again, three beeps- expert mode. one more click, back to beginner mode- one beep.
@lisaviolet I was wondering the same thing. No screwdriver in mine, either.
@tb1999 The manual is mostly useless but highly entertaining.
Just in case anyone is looking for more props and a prop guard: http://www.amazon.com/Cheerson-CX-10-Protector-Propeller-Purple/dp/B00PGRNFE0/ref=pd_sim_21_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=0C0HENEEJX9VHXNC7Y79
@mfladd Just ordered, thanks. I'm not sure why it doesn't automatically go to the Prime seller, but you can get these in 4 or 5 days for (2 if Prime) for $2 more.
@sammydog01 Yea, I played with one with my son and the damn thing took off over the house. I can't believe we found it in the grass. It appears the prop guard (weight) may help my kids playing with theirs.
This thing is from the devil. Had mine less than an hour and cut my wife's throat, put two cuts on my 4 yr olds face and lost it in the hedges. I guess I'm unlucky to get a green one. Definitely has glitches. Props would spin at full speed even with controller turned off. As mentioned, props are sharp!
@tb1999 sounds like an accident to me...
If you're looking for more mini's you can buy them on Amazon for around $14: http://www.amazon.com/Cheerson-Cx-10-Mini-Quadcopter-Airplane/dp/B00KXZ7VKY/ref=pd_sim_21_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=01SA73Z7C6337PP6PJF6
@DaveInSoCal they also have a propeller upgrade available.
So, I've never owned a heli/quad of any kind, but I think mine is defective. One of the rotors doesn't spin as fast as the other 3. You can tell, because it slowly spins as you throttle up, while the other 3 immediately respond. Unfortunately, it makes it basically unusable as it pulls diagonally on takeoff, and even while trying to correct I can't get a straight takeoff.
It's been an issue out of the box, but is it possible there are settings I can change to correct the issue?
@forestoney I would try resetting the gyro by powering off both copter & remote, ensuring it's on a level surface (not your hand), and powering on again. Nearly all that I've messed with have the same issue with 1 blade spinning slower at startup, but you just gotta give it a little "blip" in the beginning to get it flying, and back down from there.
@troy @forestoney I solve this problem by gently removing the propeller in question and unwinded my wife's crazy hungarian hair from said propeller, then reattaching said propeller.
@marklog so glad it was your wife's crazy hungarian hair and not your crazy hungarian wife's hair :)
@mikibell both are appropriate
@forestoney after checking that prop for hair, look at the manual for calibrating the accelerometer. Turn it on, get ready to fly sitting on a level surface and hold left stick at bottom left corner, right stick at top left corner until the lights blink. When it's through blinking, it's calibrated.
@troy thanks all for the tips, but no dice. Now it literally flips over as soon as I throttle up. Appears one rotor was on the way out. Oh, well. Might have to open the other one I bought as a gift. I can tell this thing would be a lot of fun!
I pulled it out of the box as soon as it arrived and charged it up. First try it spun off the coffee table. Second try it zipped to the left and made my daughter run off screaming. Third try it bounced off the ceiling and end table and ran around the floor upside down. I love this thing! I ordered the guards to keep from seriously damaging any family members, but I can't wait to try it again!
I can't seem to get mine to work. I emailed meh support. I just hope that the support isn't meh. From reading the instructions, some sort of light should come on the copter, but I get nothing. I charged it I guess. I plugged it into the usb plug and a red light came on the cable. Now when I try it, the cable will blink for a second, then nothing else. Anyone have any ideas? Did I do something wrong?
@joker Sounds like you're fully charged. No lights come on when you power the switch on the copter? It's pretty small and easy to miss.
@troy nope. Dead stick. Customer service is on it now.
They came in! I also just ordered more blades... 4 isn't enough... Also it doesn't work at all if you use 4 of the same kind... I did by accident... Almost taking out the baby and landing on my wife's lap a few times... only twice with blades still going... I think I'm starting to get the hang of it... I guess I have to wait till Thursday when more blades come in now... Anyone have an experience with the tri-wing blades? I didn't know if they helped with the stability.
Still trying to figure out how to hover, I tend to bunny hop not sure why it won't hover...
Whooo, mine came! Un-whooo, not sure if it's screwy or not? At low throttle, one of the props just… doesn't like to spin. Don't think it ever quite holds its own with the rest. And it did the whole MAX-THROTTLE-NO-CONTROL thing once. And it doesn't really like to stay in one place, along any axis. But it's relatively controllable considering I have no idea how to pilot one of these little squirrels.
Tried one inside the house, becaue it was 100 F outside. Unfortunately it's exactly the right size for a cat to levitate and attack. Cats do not need rotors. I got there before they did, and tomorrow's trial will take place outside.
@OldCatLady This one has them, though. Just for good measure.
Got a green and an orange in. The one I opened up works but is fidgety. I did have one 'runaway throttle' event, turning the remote off didn't stop it, only turning the quad's power switch off worked. Like others have described, even after multiple flights and recharges, one prop is definitely slower. Even after restarting, releveling, and doing the accelerator alignment, it persistently drifts.
But its a ton of fun. The flips work when I can keep it in an open area long enough, it lasts about 5 minutes on a charge, and my wife was laughing as it skittered around (and didn't break!). Worth it.
Anyone else's motors keep spinning uncontrollably until you turn it off (and mangle your hands in the process) after it bumps into something while there is even the slightest amount of throttle?
@zxinfinity I have this exact issue. With mine upright and the power switch facing me, it's the left rotor farthest from me.
@zxinfinity yup same issue. started to thottle up slightly, suddenly went full throttle and ignored controller input. now it wont fly up anymore, seems two of the motors lost a lot of power.also broke 3 blades as it hopped around madly before i could grab it and turn it off.
@zxinfinity Actually, I have a possessed one. One prop will start spinning while it is just sitting there, power switch off
Well this has been fun as hell. Definitely worth it.
It works outdoors unlike my helicopter but tougher to fly. To use the throttle and same stick to steer it tricky. My 4yrd old love chasing down the "baby helicopter" when it would get too high loose connection and fall back to earth. :)
It's a fun little toy. My only other experience is with another toy level, but much larger V262.
With this little one I'm having trouble making it hover or even trim it, which was not the case with the V262. Overall it is controllable, but very finicky.
This doesn't fly very well. The power keeps cutting out for just a fraction of a second, but enough to make it fall. I got four though, so tonight I'll see if the one I took out is just a lemon...
@unlikely I'm having a similar problem, I bought 2, one for me and another for a co-worker, his works perfectly fine it appears, but mine will not respond to the controller after pairing, only after more than half throttle does it decide to react, even then it does a cutting in and out that makes it impossible to fly or attempt to control. I will try to let it fully discharge today and then recharge it and see if that helps.
Wow! That's a whole lotta fun! Started with bunny hops, learning curve is easy, operating time is over 10 minutes. Very touchy, and I don't have 'moderate' figured out yet. I need to order more propellers; none have broken yet, but it's not going to take many of those crash landings to do it. We have a very bossy mockingbird in the yard- I think I'll go harass him.
@OldCatLady http://www.amazon.com/Cheerson-CX-10-Protector-Propeller-Purple/dp/B00PGRNFE0/ref=pd_sim_21_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=0C0HENEEJX9VHXNC7Y79
@mfladd TVM. I love Prime but free shipping is better.
Well, that was a really fun 20 minutes or so bopping around, figuring out how it all worked, and now it won't pair with the controller anymore. :\
@edheil Needs to recharge? Mine went more than 15 minutes.
@edheil Im having a paring problem too right out of the box. Just blue blinking lights. Good thing I got 2 more to try out.
I recharged it and got it pairing again! Then I had the problem that the motor would cut out in the middle of ascent. Like, as I brought up the throttle at about the midpoint it would just stop. If I kept it going farther it would start again. So now it's merely super flaky....
@edheil I think this is a problem with the controller itself, do the front blue LED's remain lit or do they blink always after pairing?
I am going directly to heck, without passing go. A neighborhood 7-year-old asked me what made it fly; I told him I'd captured Tinkerbell and put her inside. I'm 65 with gray hair and he was raised to respect his elders, so he just looked at me. Fortunately his dad has a warped sense of humor. May have to give them my spare to restore my credibility.
@OldCatLady You should've said it was reverse engineered from transformers technology. Kids of this generation would probably find that more relatable than tinkerbell.
Well, mine is possessed. One prop will start spinning while it is just sitting there, power switch off. Powering it on stops the spinning. But, now props stop spinning randomly during flight. It was fun while it lasted, but not as much fun as the $8 helicopters I bought on Meh that still work just fine.
alright guys, watch this if your having calibration issues. turns out when i replaced my props i had the wrong ones in the wrong spots. it wont fix the instant full throttle or losing connection, but it might solve some other issues.
@deadlybunny Thanks so much for putting this video here. The manual was entertaining but not very useful.
@deadlybunny The charging works opposite on mine. The light stays on while it's charging and shuts off when it's ready to be crashed into furniture and the wife again.
@deadlybunny. D'oh I didn't realize that the props were different. Thanks for this.
So I received 2 of these. Both work. One is pretty nicely stable but has the issue where it goes full throttle if it runs into something moderately hard. The other is less stable but doesn't have that issue.
With the more stable one I've gotten pretty decent with it and can regularly do the flips even when flying indoors. Just press the right joystick in and the unit beeps then move the right joystick in any direction - boom it flips right over.
Seriously fun little toy. Can't wait to hit the girlfriends house this weekend and drive her dogs batshit crazy with these.
@Bingo Just be prepared to return home with a quadcopter shaped chew toy.
@kuoh Both copters survived admirably even though both got taken out in mid flight by two surprisingly accurate dog bites. Though they both dropped them when the little tiny whirling blades of pain hit
I bought one and gave it to my dad for Father's Day. I was informed tonight that if these come available again I have to order 4 more.
I totally won for the best gift.
My son played with this all weekend. The prop guards really help the stability- well worth buying if you're not an expert.
Mine won't charge. I took it apart, and the battery looks swollen and reads 0 volts. :-(
2 batteries in eBay for $4.99 - $7.99. Should I?
@fultonmartin You should not. Email meh support and they'll most likely sort you out.
@DaveInSoCal Why didn't I think of that? Done and done; we'll see...
@fultonmartin My battery started leaking; Meh took care of me, but I still ordered a pair online, at $5 and 10 minutes to fix, probably still worth it!
Haven't tested the ones I bought for me yet, but the one I sent my dad apparently had steering issues and got eaten by a tree, a la Charlie Brown's kite. From the report it was fun up til then tho!
@andipandi I had a real hard time controlling it outdoors. I think that even the lightest breeze takes control.
@DaveInSoCal Yeah, the 'breeze' from my air conditioner increases the difficulty of piloting it by… a lot…
I cut my arm on the blades the first day I had it. I love this damn thing.
Mine don't work
@philw48 meh.com/support, yay!
@philw48 Did you try turning them off and turning them back on again?
Repair log is starting to require pagination...
Basically if you don't have a good tiny soldering iron you probably shouldn't buy these...the wires are so thin they break easy.
@tightwad I haven't had any issues with mine yet. And I got 3 for family that haven't had any issues so far. I didn have one purchased off of amazon that was doa (battery wouldn't work. )
@sohmageek The one I bought on June 8th died. Battery doesn't charge, unit won't turn on. Dead. It last worked on July 20th, and I noticed it wasn't working any longer on July 26th.
@tightwad I'll check the wires to see if one of them snapped. I'm not too handy. Question: Has your soldering disrupted the weight distribution during flight?
@DaveInSoCal no issues with weight, I didn't add any, just fixed the wires that pulled loose. I highly suggest using a blade guard...haven't had any issues with broken wires or blades since installing it.
@tightwad Can you write up how to do the repairs somewhere? If you don't have any place else, ifixit.com has a drone category that this would fit nicely.
@tightwad @sohmageek I ordered a few replacement batteries for two of mine-- I'll try to take a video when I'm replacing them. I ordered the guard and extra blades too. @DaveInSoCal, the start up procedure involves setting it on level ground so the accelerometer can calibrate. Extra weight/fur on one blade is usually handled by the control loop.
Mine had the battery leaking onto the circuit board which caused it to wind out the motors even when it was turned off. Got a week out of the first one. On to the second...
@kingflynn Yikes! Did you contact meh.com/support for help? There's a 90 day warranty on this.
@Thumperchick ! Really!? That's awesome :D One of mine also randomly decided to take off on its own and one of the 'legs' melted off.
@Thumperchick Holy moly, 90 days? I had no idea! Mine broke a few weeks ago and I just emailed meh today to see if they could help or if I needed to go to Cheerson directly. Thanks for the good news. You are sunshine on a cloudy day! :)
@DaveInSoCal @kingflynn @thumperchick @drunkcat Im sorry that your Items didn't work well. As @thumperchick stated support may be able to help. I know @hollboll has had to deal with me... she must have the patience of a saint...
Unrelated note. @jont (I wanted to tag @snapster but thought that would be just greedy, Goats don't get to jump the chain of command like that.) other than DOA why did you offer a 90 day warranty on this... I'm hoping that Cheerson backs it up and you guys aren't footing the bill. I've noticed a few of these things have been flaky. Surprising the ones purchased from here seem to be much better than the ones randomly from Amazon.
@sohmageek meh support took care of it immediately with no hassle. Best support team ever!
@DaveInSoCal oh yes... I have nothing but good things to say about their support. Well no... I did complain to @snapster once... and said I may not complain when I have a minor issue as they fixed it above and beyond what I wanted. I was more worried about their inventory than getting it corrected, on a few things. @Snapster encouraged me to reach out to support when something is wrong.
@sohmageek They ran out of inventory on the CX-10's but gave me a refund instead.
@sohmageek our pure mastery of statistics allows us to eat the cost of offering the 90 day warranty. Someday we're sure that statistically making people happy will work for us too :)
@snapster 60% of the time it works every time.
@DaveInSoCal yeah, this is quite often the downside of our warranty. In this case these aren't too difficult to find at least.
@snapster Too bad Meh didn't do this with the Oddesy quadcopter too. One of the motors on mine died just about a week past the 30 day warranty. At least it's made me slightly more observant of the warranty lengths offered on future Meh electronics deals.
I only bought two of these and I should've bought more. The one I took to work is fine although no one has yet mastered even basic flying. The one I kept at home for myself doesn't seem to work. I'm going to give it one last try tonight. When they do work, they are ridiculously fun.
I ordered the cages and extra propellers. I then sold 2 of the quadcopters to recoup some of my stupidity...not sure why I ordered 4 more when I already had one but I would probably do it again because quadcopter
@tightwad Can you post links to the propellers & cages you bought?
@dashcloud http://www.amazon.com/Teenitor-Cheerson-Protector-Propeller-Purple/dp/B00PGRNFE0/ref=pd_sim_21_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1VKWAHN2P71BXZXZ1RYW&dpSrc=sims&dpST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_
Purchased 1 of these the first time they were sold on meh. One of the motors runs just a tad slower than the rest, so no matter of controller movement changes it's flight direction. Flew it once then put it in a box. Forgot about it until I saw this thread pop up.
@Bogie pop the propeller off the slow motor and check it for fuzz... The fuzz will slow it down.
My Cheerson cx-10 motor stopped working so I took it apart ( ) and realized it was a broken wire so I fixed it ( )
@Harrison580 Good video on the wire fix!
And you got it right the one time you said “oops”; solder is pronounced like “sodder”.
@djslack thanks and sorry about that
@Harrison580 no need to apologize at all! Thanks for making the video! Welcome to Meh, hope you stick around for our nonsense.