@PlacidPenguin From left to right, top to bottom: Chinatown, Misery, the Late Show, The Sting I think?, Hitman, 30 for 30 about the Russian Olympic Hockey Team, Spelunky, Robocop I think?, and some movie I dunno
@Moose lol I love how one of em looks behind the tv when it gets to the edge. Whenever I use my ir temperature thing she comes running too- as soon as she hears the click of the button or the beeps after I let go she comes running and starts making all sorts of noises. I mainly use it in the basement, she somehow hears it from anywhere in the house.
My cat has been staring at my Christmas tree on and off for a couple of days. It only has lights on it right now, so I know he’s not looking at an ornament. Today I grabbed the flashlight so I could shine it in the general direction that he was looking, to see if something had gotten into the tree. My cat got really excited, twitching his tail and meowing.
I didn’t find anything. He’s currently sitting on the floor on the other side, looking into the tree. I don’t know if it’s just the leds or what. It’s kinda creeping me out.
Don’t try to figure your cat out. It’s not worth it.
@f00l@narfcake - This is why I don’t have a cat. Neither of us would understand the other, and it would be a bit tough to come to agreements.
Besides, I’m stubborn and wouldn’t give in so quickly.
The whole point of having a cat is to deal with an intelligence that is continually mysterious to you.
My cats have been pure predators that consented to share with me and consented to be cute and oddball and consented to leave me alive and be kinda friendly because I and other humans were kinda way big to kill and we humans were kinda useful and made good cat-toys.
They appeared to regard me with affectionate, fond, and amused contempt.
When a cat sits there in the middle of the living room floor staring into space, what is it doing? Is it pondering the mysteries of feline life or concentrating on a spider on the wall opposite it? Is it absorbing solar energy or simply sleeping? In fact it is doing none of these things. It is in touch with the mothership, an alien vessel orbiting earth at 90° to normal time and space. Information is being uploaded to the mothership. Mission details are being downloaded into the little furry alien’s brain.
This mission involves ridding the earth of greeblings - the invisible extra-dimensional ancestral enemy of cats. There are a lot of misconceptions and much ignorance about greeblings. They are a scourge of modern times in their invasion of Planet Earth. They are vile creatures, fiendish and difficult to know and moreover they are invisible to humans. Those few humans who do seem greeblings are generally totally insane and no-one believes them anyway. Our alien felines have specially evolved senses allowing them to see and kill greeblings. They are our planet’s last and only defence against this alien scourge which has wiped out thousands of sentient species throughout the known galaxy.
Some of the stray cats I feed…sadly, the friendliest one disappeared over a month ago. I had had his mother, brother, and sister all fixed and had gotten them their rabies shots too . He was so sweet and friendly… he would always come running when I called his name but he suddenly disappeared on Halloween night ( worried at his fate because he was solid black except for a small white spot on his belly) Animal control didn’t pick him up either…His mother, brother, and sister were still here the next morning… His mother and sister are still hanging around and the brother occasionally appears for a quick meal then he leaves…
@AttyVette Sad he disappeared… Glad the rest of his family is around. My neighbor fed strays too and go them fixed. One of the ones she takes care of, Wildman, vanished as well. We spent weeks looking for him.
So as seen on [adult swim] has been trying to get rid of these $300 cat condos for weeks now… someone buy them so they will sell something else please…
@narfcake A friend of mine has a cat with no front claws who brought down a hawk. That cat was lucky he wasn’t lunch. I also think cats, because many of them kill so many birds and small animals, should be kept inside or if they are outside then be in enclosed areas or on a leash (yes several of mine walk on leashes - if you call their walk, sniff, lick, sit and watch walking…). But they can kill cockroaches. That is OK since cockroaches will never be on the endangered species list and will outlive the human race.
@Kidsandliz I haven’t had any luck finding the regular Fresh Step cat litter that we talked about in another thread. I ended up buying the Arm and Hammer Clump and Seal in the black box. While it’s super fine and clumps great… The odors are killing me. I can smell the box 20’ away. The box says it’s guaranteed 7 day odor free home. Yeah right.
Have you been able to find the litter, or have you used anything else that’s almost as good?
I’m really bummed. I don’t know how people could buy cheap litter and deal with the smell.
I’m about to go looking online to see if I can order it and have it shipped in, that’s how much I miss it.
As a side note, I just realized the first box I purchased was the fresh one, the second box was the multi cat. I just topped the box off with the multi cat and hoping it’s better at the scent.
I have one cat that’s borderline kidney issues, so he pees a ton. I go through lots of cat litter so I had already purchased the second box before I noticed the first one wasn’t very good. I’m crossing my fingers that it’s not terrible.
@RiotDemon I just bought a ton of it on sale Black Friday at either Petco or Petsmart. In the store. Some of it was triple action which is not my favorate but way better than that febreeze crap and some was unscented multicat unfortunately in the boxes and not 42 pound bags. I found multicat at Target too on sale earlier (not much of a sale) again only in the more expensive cardboard boxes. They seem to have done away with that in the 42 pound bags which stinks. (hmm didn’t purposely make a pun LOL).
@Kidsandliz last time I was at Petco, half their shelf was empty and all they had was the febreeze and unscented kinds. I bought the unscented one, and it just didn’t work for me even with their claims of better odor control. Petsmart only carries the Febreeze and unscented kinds now.
I went on Fresh Step’s website to write a review on the new Febreeze one. Apparently they think “pee” is profanity because I couldn’t post my review until I changed it to urinate, lol
@RiotDemon multicat unscented? I have a handful of boxes I just bought black friday (usually used scented when I can get it) and haven’t opened them yet. This does not make me happy to hear these boxes of unscented are not good. Guess I will have to mix them with a scented one.
I discovered that too (about pee) when I left a one star review on their site too.
@Kidsandliz I can’t remember if it was the multi cat unscented or the extreme unscented. I didn’t even realize I was grabbing unscented. I just grabbed the one that wasn’t Febreeze. After the second day, I was wondering why the cat box stunk. That’s when I realized the box said unscented instead of scented.
I found it funny they thought pee was profanity, yet when I hit an error on their website, they said, “Oh poop, we don’t know what happened.” How is poop ok, but pee isn’t?
@RiotDemon I think I have figured out why unscented sucks. Whey pee and don’t bury it (3 of my 4) the pee stinks until you toss some liter over it for them. With the scented the pee must have activated the scent and that killed the pee odor. Too bad I have a ton of unscented around. I am going to mix it with extreme next time (that version has too much scent in my opinion) and so then hopefully then all will be good. If not… growl…hiss… I’ll bop the company’s nose with a cat’s claw for wrecking their litter.
@Kidsandliz yeah, one of my cats doesn’t really cover his either. The Arm and Hammer multi cat variety is much better than the fresh one I initially purchased. The clumping is a million times better than the low dust fresh step. Unfortunately I think fresh step has lost a customer unless they bring back the non Febreeze stuff.
I really wish they would go back to using the litter robot. My one cat started to dislike it so I had to put out a regular box. At first my other cat kept using the robot, but now they both use the open box. I see that they now make a few newer versions, one of them more open than what I have. Too expensive for me though. My original robot was a gift.
Every once in a blue moon, one of them will use the robot.
@ELUNO Sorry more pet cats in the USA than pet dogs and more cat pet owners than pet dog owners… and fortunately no electoral college for that one. (grin)
@f00l My dogs never paid any attention to TV animals. They would just ignore the screen even if we held their faces to it. Just a couple of times they would go off from barking coming from the TV.
@PlacidPenguin in this household I have one who bites, and then spits out, small pieces of paper, then another whose idea of a good time is slow demolition of a cardboard box the same way (he can’t stand to see package tape remain on cardboard either so has to pull it off). My floor is constantly littered with “untitled collage”.
@f00l No not great patience - finally broke down and bought that hand held vac meh sold since I had been trying to use just a broom. Vac works better not to mention the entire place has carpeting and needs a working vac which I didn’t have.
@PlacidPenguin no paper is not wet. I let it sit for a while because I am lazy. This is not a house beautiful apt. It doesn’t get all that wet anyway. Rip it off, spit it out, rinse and repeat.
@compunaut Umm well one might get locked up for murder - those birds that have the battery operated when touched tweet are especially vulnerable. Then the toy hanging by round elastic gets pulled back by cats and occasionally another cat gets assaulted when the toy is released. I am sure goat cat (my door top hanger outer) must have rigged the nail to fall out one time so that one cat got snapped in the nose when she pulled it back. Tennis balls are mauled, ping pong balls are hidden under furniture, and my shoes are attacked… Amazingly furniture is not scratched.
Here’s a couple of pics of our 19.5yo kitty, Colby. He’s several years older than the kids. He’s really showing his age this year, but Hills Thyroid Care (in cans) seems to have really turned things around when he was losing his appetite.
@compunaut Gosh he is doing well for an old man… 3 of mine are 15.75 (1) and 15.5 (2). All my old ones have hyperthyroid, one also has diabetes and stage 2 kidney failure, one of the other ones might be developing diabetes. I don’t think any of them will make it to 19. Goat cat on the other hand is 5.5 and so far so good with her.
@Kidsandliz I’m late to the party, but just wanted to ask whether your vet has tried Onsior for the kidney issue. I don’t even know whether it’s applicable. My 8 year old was diagnosed with severe bladder disease this year; adhesions, thickening, recurrent infections, pain when peeing. A specialist vet put him on Onsior 2-3x weekly. (Robenacoxib - a prescription NSAID). After two months his ultrasound was clear; small adhesions remaining, no thickening. The vet was awestruck, and has started using it for all bladder issues. It’s new to the market. I was preparing to have him euthanized, because he was in so much pain. Now he’s back to a normal hellion.
@OldCatLady I will have to remember that and ask my vet about it. So glad it worked for your cat and he is now a happy little guy. Is it expensive? For a while there my male kitty was getting urinary track infections but as far as I know nothing bad like what was wrong with your cat in this respect.
@thismyusername That is wonderful. For a while we had gold fish and tI joked they were cat TV. This works even better - interactive cat game. On ice no less. LOL The goldfish would swim over to interact with the cats, people. Curious little things. Of course to live 20 years they needed to be smarter than the average fish.
Met this little sweetie the other day. I edited the photo to give the owner some privacy. Apparently she goes everywhere with him just sitting on his shoulder. Super cute.
@lisaviolet hehe, those noises! My one cat does that weird chomping noise at the end. He never did it until I moved back in for a little while with my parents who still had our family cat that did that. I guess he learned it from her.
He sometimes does it when he eats, but mostly it’s when he’s sitting there waiting for me to feed him. It almost sounds like he’s chewing on his cheeks.
@RiotDemon That so looks like a little kid got hold of that cat LOL and that poor kitty it goes to lick that stuff off. Hope it is like one of mine. Lazy little bugger. She puts her paw under running water in teh sink or tub (except this place as no tub and she preferred that) to get it wet and then uses that instead of spit to clean herself.
@Kidsandliz what I find funny is that it’s either two different cats, or the same cat with different makeup. The top three photos are the same, but the bottom is different. The top ones even have fake eyelashes! What a patient cat.
@ACraigL So what do you want? A snake thread? LOL
@Kidsandliz @ACraigL
Tada! Snacks…
Oh wait… You said snakes…
@Kidsandliz Tarantula thread please!
Closest thing I have:
@ELUNO So start your own thread… : )
@Shrdlu That’s as close as I will ever need!
@ELUNO tarantulas

@Kidsandliz Is this like @PlacidPenguin who was a goat that thought was a penguin?
I’m a penguin who people thought was a goat.
You would like the easter egg in (Android) Nougat.
Cats are fun and all, but I’d rather have a panda thread.

/giphy panda
/image panda cub

/youtube panda cub
happy panda

Red pandas?
Need cute pix.
Here. This one is so cute it needs an agent.
I feel better now.
@RiotDemon Bahahaha! True story!
@Shrdlu I don’t know how that cat does it. I get claustrophobic just looking at it.
@somf69 Those kittens got the heck outta Dodge…lol
This account recreates iconic movie scenes with their cats. I was much amused.
Been meaning to put this image together for awhile. My cats like to watch whatever is on TV

The game shown in panel (1,3) looks vaguely familiar…
@Moose haha awsome. Mine only likes certain shows, and attacking the player character on nes/snes games
@PlacidPenguin From left to right, top to bottom: Chinatown, Misery, the Late Show, The Sting I think?, Hitman, 30 for 30 about the Russian Olympic Hockey Team, Spelunky, Robocop I think?, and some movie I dunno
@Pantheist Yep, my wife and I can’t play Spelunky anymore for that reason. They recognize the music and will come running from the other room.
They choose pretty well. How do their tastes line up with the humans in the household?
@Moose lol I love how one of em looks behind the tv when it gets to the edge. Whenever I use my ir temperature thing she comes running too- as soon as she hears the click of the button or the beeps after I let go she comes running and starts making all sorts of noises. I mainly use it in the basement, she somehow hears it from anywhere in the house.
Oh, so you’re trying to build something? Let me help.
The beggar…
I’m liking the couch/carpet combo.
@narfcake That’s hilarious!
@narfcake All your shirts are belong to us!
I should have known.
First: the internet
Next: t-shirts
Finally: the known universe
Can they be stopped?
@f00l All three combined.

Fuck mediocrebot. /buy catshirt.
Oh my
/youtube big cats love boxes
That last picture works on numerous life forms.
Mona Lisa Cats
@MrNews Catspiracy.

/image catspiracy


(In current mood.)
You seem to be adapting to being goat.
Fuck that.
@Kidsandliz that’s funny…u got my goat on that one!
@thismyusername lol!
@thismyusername Indian cat by chance ?
Subthread: Catshirts.

If I only post one catshirt a day, this thread will be endless …
@narfcake lol I saw this one on woot too…too funny!
I own so many of these.
I’ve been doing a poor job posting catshirts here, haven’t I?

@narfcake I saw this shirt in Five Below. I would have gotten it but they only had an XS, which might have fit me in a previous life.
@heartny I bought Meowy Christmas from TeeTurtle a few weeks ago.

(Sold out, so linking will be pointless.)
@katylava had you been “cat” napping per chance?
This cat is a real winner.

@ELUNO There are a few winners in that gif.
And we are winners for having seen them.
This snake might look dangerous at first, but if you take a closer look, you will realize that it is actually a cat.

@ELUNO even more dangerous.
@ELUNO SNAKE CAT!!! Yea!! Thanks for moving it over here.
/image monday cat

/image tuesday cat

/image wednesday cat

/image thursday cat


/giphy Friday cat
Had to finish the week.

/image caturday 1
/image caturday 2
/image caturday 3
/image caturday 4
/image caturday 5
/image caturday 6
/image caturday 7
/image sunday cats

/image monday kitty

/image tuesday kitty

/image wednesday kitty

/image thursday kitty
/image friday kitty

/image saturday kitty

/image caturday kitty
/image sunday kitty
My cat has been staring at my Christmas tree on and off for a couple of days. It only has lights on it right now, so I know he’s not looking at an ornament. Today I grabbed the flashlight so I could shine it in the general direction that he was looking, to see if something had gotten into the tree. My cat got really excited, twitching his tail and meowing.
I didn’t find anything. He’s currently sitting on the floor on the other side, looking into the tree. I don’t know if it’s just the leds or what. It’s kinda creeping me out.
Don’t try to figure your cat out. It’s not worth it.
@f00l @narfcake - This is why I don’t have a cat. Neither of us would understand the other, and it would be a bit tough to come to agreements.
Besides, I’m stubborn and wouldn’t give in so quickly.
The whole point of having a cat is to deal with an intelligence that is continually mysterious to you.
My cats have been pure predators that consented to share with me and consented to be cute and oddball and consented to leave me alive and be kinda friendly because I and other humans were kinda way big to kill and we humans were kinda useful and made good cat-toys.
They appeared to regard me with affectionate, fond, and amused contempt.
Who said anything about reaching agreement?
@PlacidPenguin Hah. Good reasons why I don’t have a cat either.
But I like catshirts.
My point was that I wouldn’t succumb to having to get approved by cats.
Not to worry. They won’t approve of you. Ever. Do not bother with “approval”. Irrelevant.
They will appreciate you at times tho. Which can make up for the contempt.
It’s a benign and happy co-existence. Not a true partnership as it would be with a dog.
How do we deal with the fact that @f00l was brainwashed by cats? Do we intervene, or is it better to leave him naive?
There exist no known remedy for my mental and emotional deficiencies, which are legion.
Most specifically, there exist no known remedies for those disorders in me which are related to cats.
/giphy "fat cat"


@RiotDemon http://messybeast.com/moggycat/cat-greeblings.htm
From this time forward
When felines concentrate, @f00l
Will not disturb them.
@katylava woah.
Turns out, he stares at the tree even when the lights are off.
I wonder if the tree gives him better reception @katylava.
Some of the stray cats I feed…sadly, the friendliest one disappeared over a month ago. I had had his mother, brother, and sister all fixed and had gotten them their rabies shots too . He was so sweet and friendly… he would always come running when I called his name but he suddenly disappeared on Halloween night ( worried at his fate because he was solid black except for a small white spot on his belly)
@AttyVette Sad he disappeared… Glad the rest of his family is around. My neighbor fed strays too and go them fixed. One of the ones she takes care of, Wildman, vanished as well. We spent weeks looking for him.
/image needz moar cat pix

So as seen on [adult swim] has been trying to get rid of these $300 cat condos for weeks now… someone buy them so they will sell something else please…
@thismyusername I paid $80 for a huge cat condo they rarely use. I think I’ll pass, even though it looks cool.
@RiotDemon They’re cats. They demand more.
How is it that you
Are fascinated by cats
And yet not have one?
@f00l @narfcake
Just because someone finds something fascinating, doesn’t mean they have to have the thing.
I find a number of things fascinating, despite not having them.
Also, one doesn’t have a cat. Rather, the cat chooses which human will fawn over it.
Cute adorable terrorizer.
By not having one, I avoid the last part. Mostly. My neighbor’s cat has left presents on my front steps before. Asshole.
What cat isn’t an
Asshole? Did these gifts used to
Be alive? Or no?
@narfcake Actually mine is more of a PITA than a terrorizer.
@f00l Yes.

/image cat with bird
@cranky1950 Broken switch. It couldn’t flip all the way.

/image evil switch
@RiotDemon yea I am starting to think they over-priced it so they wouldn’t have to ship anything over the holiday months.
@narfcake A friend of mine has a cat with no front claws who brought down a hawk. That cat was lucky he wasn’t lunch. I also think cats, because many of them kill so many birds and small animals, should be kept inside or if they are outside then be in enclosed areas or on a leash (yes several of mine walk on leashes - if you call their walk, sniff, lick, sit and watch walking…). But they can kill cockroaches. That is OK since cockroaches will never be on the endangered species list and will outlive the human race.
Cockroaches will prob outlive nuclear winter by millennia.
@narfcake - I love that house, but just SEEING that many cats makes my eyes itch!
Found another cat star

These happen to be a friend’s cat.
Merry Christmas!


/image santa claws
@Kidsandliz I haven’t had any luck finding the regular Fresh Step cat litter that we talked about in another thread. I ended up buying the Arm and Hammer Clump and Seal in the black box. While it’s super fine and clumps great… The odors are killing me. I can smell the box 20’ away. The box says it’s guaranteed 7 day odor free home. Yeah right.
Have you been able to find the litter, or have you used anything else that’s almost as good?
I’m really bummed. I don’t know how people could buy cheap litter and deal with the smell.
I’m about to go looking online to see if I can order it and have it shipped in, that’s how much I miss it.
As a side note, I just realized the first box I purchased was the fresh one, the second box was the multi cat. I just topped the box off with the multi cat and hoping it’s better at the scent.
I have one cat that’s borderline kidney issues, so he pees a ton. I go through lots of cat litter so I had already purchased the second box before I noticed the first one wasn’t very good. I’m crossing my fingers that it’s not terrible.
@RiotDemon I just bought a ton of it on sale Black Friday at either Petco or Petsmart. In the store. Some of it was triple action which is not my favorate but way better than that febreeze crap and some was unscented multicat unfortunately in the boxes and not 42 pound bags. I found multicat at Target too on sale earlier (not much of a sale) again only in the more expensive cardboard boxes. They seem to have done away with that in the 42 pound bags which stinks. (hmm didn’t purposely make a pun LOL).
@Kidsandliz last time I was at Petco, half their shelf was empty and all they had was the febreeze and unscented kinds. I bought the unscented one, and it just didn’t work for me even with their claims of better odor control. Petsmart only carries the Febreeze and unscented kinds now.
I went on Fresh Step’s website to write a review on the new Febreeze one. Apparently they think “pee” is profanity because I couldn’t post my review until I changed it to urinate, lol
@RiotDemon multicat unscented? I have a handful of boxes I just bought black friday (usually used scented when I can get it) and haven’t opened them yet. This does not make me happy to hear these boxes of unscented are not good. Guess I will have to mix them with a scented one.
I discovered that too (about pee) when I left a one star review on their site too.
@Kidsandliz I can’t remember if it was the multi cat unscented or the extreme unscented. I didn’t even realize I was grabbing unscented. I just grabbed the one that wasn’t Febreeze. After the second day, I was wondering why the cat box stunk. That’s when I realized the box said unscented instead of scented.
I found it funny they thought pee was profanity, yet when I hit an error on their website, they said, “Oh poop, we don’t know what happened.” How is poop ok, but pee isn’t?
@Kidsandliz I was at the grocery store where I bought the unscented, it was the multi cat. So I do suggest mixing it with a scented one.
@RiotDemon Thanks. Like you I had scooped up everything that wasn’t febfeeze crap.
@RiotDemon I think I have figured out why unscented sucks. Whey pee and don’t bury it (3 of my 4) the pee stinks until you toss some liter over it for them. With the scented the pee must have activated the scent and that killed the pee odor. Too bad I have a ton of unscented around. I am going to mix it with extreme next time (that version has too much scent in my opinion) and so then hopefully then all will be good. If not… growl…hiss… I’ll bop the company’s nose with a cat’s claw for wrecking their litter.
@Kidsandliz yeah, one of my cats doesn’t really cover his either. The Arm and Hammer multi cat variety is much better than the fresh one I initially purchased. The clumping is a million times better than the low dust fresh step. Unfortunately I think fresh step has lost a customer unless they bring back the non Febreeze stuff.
I really wish they would go back to using the litter robot. My one cat started to dislike it so I had to put out a regular box. At first my other cat kept using the robot, but now they both use the open box. I see that they now make a few newer versions, one of them more open than what I have. Too expensive for me though. My original robot was a gift.
Every once in a blue moon, one of them will use the robot.
@thismyusername For some reason I really like this photo. Wonder where it was taken.
Posted this here as I can’t find the thread where someone’s cats were interacting with the TV to post it there.

@Kidsandliz This thread is done. The dogs have taken over.

/giphy "cats suck"
@ELUNO Sorry more pet cats in the USA than pet dogs and more cat pet owners than pet dog owners… and fortunately no electoral college for that one. (grin)
@f00l mentions that the
Thread where cats obsessed over
TV is this thread.
See this post and the replies to it.
@f00l I blame you I didn’t look at the hidden posts. Now it is too late to move it to under that post.
Easier to find
At end of thread anyway.
@f00l accepts all blame.
@Kidsandliz Late as always! A dog would have sniffed the thread in time!

/giphy "sniffing dog"
When I was young we had wonderful boxers. One of them use to watch the TV whenever a (non-cartoon) dog or cat came on the screen.
When the dog or cat went off screen to left or right, she would go around to the back of the TV looking for it.
Shows with cats are kinda rare, but we would play shows with dogs just to watch her do it.
She kinda got used to the TV over time. After a while it had to be a really interesting setup on the TV before she would check.
She had a thing for action shows. And shows where the dogs are highly featured.
@f00l My dogs never paid any attention to TV animals. They would just ignore the screen even if we held their faces to it. Just a couple of times they would go off from barking coming from the TV.
Feline Synchronicity
Maru and Hana
Grinch Kitty
@narfcake @1:02, the weiner dog going, “Did that just happen?”
I’ve had this for a while.
@PlacidPenguin in this household I have one who bites, and then spits out, small pieces of paper, then another whose idea of a good time is slow demolition of a cardboard box the same way (he can’t stand to see package tape remain on cardboard either so has to pull it off). My floor is constantly littered with “untitled collage”.
Next time there’s a Meh exExchange, if you participate and I get you as a recipient, I know just what to include in the box.
@PlacidPenguin What? Another box? LOL
O ye of great strength
And patience who doth pick up
Pieces of cardboard.
Well that depends. By the time you get around to cleaning up the mess by the first cat you mentioned, is the paper still wet?
@f00l No not great patience - finally broke down and bought that hand held vac meh sold since I had been trying to use just a broom. Vac works better not to mention the entire place has carpeting and needs a working vac which I didn’t have.
@PlacidPenguin no paper is not wet. I let it sit for a while because I am lazy. This is not a house beautiful apt. It doesn’t get all that wet anyway. Rip it off, spit it out, rinse and repeat.
@Kidsandliz Do they ever play with their kitty toys? Or just hoard them for trading when they’re in the slammer?
@compunaut Umm well one might get locked up for murder - those birds that have the battery operated when touched tweet are especially vulnerable. Then the toy hanging by round elastic gets pulled back by cats and occasionally another cat gets assaulted when the toy is released. I am sure goat cat (my door top hanger outer) must have rigged the nail to fall out one time so that one cat got snapped in the nose when she pulled it back. Tennis balls are mauled, ping pong balls are hidden under furniture, and my shoes are attacked… Amazingly furniture is not scratched.
Sorry to inform
Cats that tennis balls belong
All to terriers.
Climbing up the back
Of @f00l’s sweater or coat is
Property of cats.
@f00l Sweater climbing - you likely you were mistaken for a tree - lucky for you there are no goats around to climb you as well… oh wait…
Sometimes she just hangs out like this.

and one of super stealthy cat. I’ll bet no one cat spot her
Here’s a couple of pics of our 19.5yo kitty, Colby. He’s several years older than the kids. He’s really showing his age this year, but Hills Thyroid Care (in cans) seems to have really turned things around when he was losing his appetite.
@compunaut Gosh he is doing well for an old man… 3 of mine are 15.75 (1) and 15.5 (2). All my old ones have hyperthyroid, one also has diabetes and stage 2 kidney failure, one of the other ones might be developing diabetes. I don’t think any of them will make it to 19. Goat cat on the other hand is 5.5 and so far so good with her.
@Kidsandliz I’m late to the party, but just wanted to ask whether your vet has tried Onsior for the kidney issue. I don’t even know whether it’s applicable. My 8 year old was diagnosed with severe bladder disease this year; adhesions, thickening, recurrent infections, pain when peeing. A specialist vet put him on Onsior 2-3x weekly. (Robenacoxib - a prescription NSAID). After two months his ultrasound was clear; small adhesions remaining, no thickening. The vet was awestruck, and has started using it for all bladder issues. It’s new to the market. I was preparing to have him euthanized, because he was in so much pain. Now he’s back to a normal hellion.
@OldCatLady I will have to remember that and ask my vet about it. So glad it worked for your cat and he is now a happy little guy. Is it expensive? For a while there my male kitty was getting urinary track infections but as far as I know nothing bad like what was wrong with your cat in this respect.
Monmon cats. Just because. http://dangerousminds.net/comments/cat_tattoos_tattood_cats_and_tattood_cats_giving_other_cats_tattoos

@OldCatLady if I had a sphynx cat, I’d be covering it with temporary tattoos.
@thismyusername That is wonderful. For a while we had gold fish and tI joked they were cat TV. This works even better - interactive cat game. On ice no less. LOL The goldfish would swim over to interact with the cats, people. Curious little things. Of course to live 20 years they needed to be smarter than the average fish.
@lseeber Which one is Catman?

/image Catman
/image Adam West Catman
Met this little sweetie the other day. I edited the photo to give the owner some privacy. Apparently she goes everywhere with him just sitting on his shoulder. Super cute.
I still miss her (this is from 2009):

@Shrdlu Yes very sad when our pets die. I still miss mine as well, regardless of how loving and sweet my current ones are.
@PlacidPenguin Just now seeing this… hahahahaha. Love it.
She’s happy to be home

@Pantheist She looks content
Petey eating last night.
@lisaviolet hehe, those noises! My one cat does that weird chomping noise at the end. He never did it until I moved back in for a little while with my parents who still had our family cat that did that. I guess he learned it from her.
He sometimes does it when he eats, but mostly it’s when he’s sitting there waiting for me to feed him. It almost sounds like he’s chewing on his cheeks.
A friend sent me these
@f00l I kick my cat out of the bathroom. I do not like this, lol
So is it just me or does this cat looked shocked and horrified to learn he’s under surveillance? This is their actual ad.

The book
Star Trek Cats
By illustrator Jenny Parks
Will be released Feb 28 2017
$10.50 Hardback (Amazon)
$9.98 Kindle
@f00l so cute!
Thinking about buying it.
I shelled $90 on a preorder for a fancier version of a book I already own. (This one has leather, a magnifying glass, and glow in the dark ink.)
Still think that it was incredibly ridiculous of me to do so. I may cancel that and prefer this. Or possibly have both.

It is certain
/8ball Buy it?
But of course. It had to exist. The time/space continuum logic demanded it.
Link to this other book, pls?
/image not-so-lazy caturday



/image it’s not caturday now
/image sunday afternoon cat

@RiotDemon That’s just so wrong.
@RiotDemon That so looks like a little kid got hold of that cat LOL and that poor kitty it goes to lick that stuff off. Hope it is like one of mine. Lazy little bugger. She puts her paw under running water in teh sink or tub (except this place as no tub and she preferred that) to get it wet and then uses that instead of spit to clean herself.
@Kidsandliz what I find funny is that it’s either two different cats, or the same cat with different makeup. The top three photos are the same, but the bottom is different. The top ones even have fake eyelashes! What a patient cat.
/youtube Valentine’s day at big cat rescue
/image edges2cat

snake cat