@PocketBrain I can’t believe they would assume its gender like that! Did it consent to being vested in a pussy hat or is this just a form of gender bullying?
Why does a gender assumption come along with wearing a “pussy hat”?
I call it potentially more a form of “hat bullying”. But this mannequin is already a victim of “sign-holding bullying” and “standing out on the street making weird movements bullying”.
(Singular “they”) appear to be seriously oppressed.
Another industry ready to be disrupted by automation and robots. Is it just me or does the average sign person look like they’re doing it for drug money?
Naw. She just isn’t interested in some ancient cranky person from the South.
I think you are supposed to take her attitude personally. She isn’t necessarily too good to take notice of everyone, she’s just too good to take notice of @cranky1950.
God I really love meh! How do you come up with these ideas?’ You make me LOL thanks I needed that.
Hey, don’t diss her. She has great hair.
Later spotted…
@PocketBrain I can’t believe they would assume its gender like that! Did it consent to being vested in a pussy hat or is this just a form of gender bullying?
Why does a gender assumption come along with wearing a “pussy hat”?
I call it potentially more a form of “hat bullying”. But this mannequin is already a victim of “sign-holding bullying” and “standing out on the street making weird movements bullying”.
(Singular “they”) appear to be seriously oppressed.
@PocketBrain I was like “This has to be the one in Seattle off of Aurora.”
It is: https://www.google.com/maps/@47.6915457,-122.3445857,3a,24.8y,39.45h,87.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1shJL86MzVmbbzT7fl_1iGTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Another industry ready to be disrupted by automation and robots. Is it just me or does the average sign person look like they’re doing it for drug money?
Who’s the guy with the hair and no shoes?
Still so poignant.
She seems awfully aloof. Even with a pussy hat.
Naw. She just isn’t interested in some ancient cranky person from the South.
I think you are supposed to take her attitude personally. She isn’t necessarily too good to take notice of everyone, she’s just too good to take notice of @cranky1950.
@f00l I wounded.