Meh. Have a keurig at home. And at work. And an espresso machine in the closet that hasn't been used since before we moved it from the other house in 2005.
Back in the day, they got an espresso machine at a place I worked. After hours I decided I wanted some espresso. I made a cup--a regular, full size coffee cup.
@eddypoon things with an electric boiler aren't usually. Then it would require a high power step-up/down transformer inside to be able to power the same heating element since running a 110v element on 220v will burn it up. And that would be costly and inefficient to put in an electric appliance like this.
I take my coffee seriously. I was tempted but meh. We have a high end Capresso drip coffee maker and it's awesome. We have some of the lower-end Capresso stuff and it sucks. Lots of negative to meh reviews on this unit. There's a reason it's being dumped...
Isn't the "Meh" button supposed to alleviate the need to come to this topic just to reply "meh." ....?
I like the people who add unique puns or other snarky statements, but for some reason I get irritated with just "meh." yes I know it's meh. that's what the button is for.
You're getting my money tonight, Meh. At least it's a night my husband is home so I got to check with him first. No marital strife coming with this purchase.
Would probably like this better than the side-by-side machine I bought here in October. But this would wake me up way too fast anyway. I'm not ready for alertness so early in the day. Would prefer to get most of the way through the day before I'm totally aware of my surroundings.
@jseay65 I'll take that bet. Both started as one trick ponys but Barney has learned to change it up and developed a personality while jrofuga is still just a bot.
Your inflatable, espresso-drinking shark reminds me of the time I was helping my boyfriend clean a bunch of old stuff out of a storage room in his house and found an inflatable sheep.
Just put the drip machine in the basement after 538 pointed me towards an old freakonomics article on the best way to do French press. After selling the wife on the simplicity of the press, can't put another plug-in machine on the counter. $35, though ..,
@saodell Selling one's wife - whether the press is simple or not - is frowned upon in some societies. BTW, we do really enjoy our French press when camping - great way to enjoy coffee whilst in the wilds.
@G1 Looks interesting - plastic safer than glass, but having to deal with needing filters would be a pain when camping. We're very happy with our very simple and less expensive 20 buck Bodum press.
Do I get in trouble if I first pushed the Meh button because I was not impressed by this product, but then changed my mind, decided to buy one anyways, and now have the perilous-impartial-actor order "number" to prove it?
P.S. I am a woman; if that makes any difference as to how much trouble I may be in.
@pepsiwine You did what?! Oh shit, the shit storm that's coming your way shall be immense. Honestly, I'd fucking hide, right now, just fucking hide.....seriously though, it's fine, that meh button doesn't really effect anything around ordering...or really anything for that matter.
@pepsiwine You use the meh button as you wish. There aren't any rules dictating meh button behavior. Also, being a lady doesn't change how little respect you'll get around here.
@studerc Ok. So on a scale of "Escape From L.A." to "Miracle Mile", it sounds like I better find someone who can fly a helicopter. (For the 2 people that will even get that reference.)
Just so no one is confused by the price, this is a STEAM not a PUMP machine. You put the amount of water in for one cycle and turn it on and the steam pressure forces the water through the coffee. I had one of these for a while and it was ok but I eventually retired it for pump type machine. Pump machines have a separate cold water reservoir, one or two boilers and an electric pump to force the water through the coffee. They also run $200-$1000+. That's the kind you want if you use it often or are a serious Euro-poseur.
@PhysAssist aye!!! What's with the h8fest on the magical elixir of water and properly dried and roastedberries No one's hating on you slurping brominated vegetable oil !!
@unixrab No hating, just expressing a personal preference AND as so many others before me have done without being accused of hating, explaining why this is another Meh button press... AND I only drink diet BRO-minated veggie oil!!! In my caffiend of choice, the ingredients list starts with carbonated water, then reconstituted orange juice, so it's healthy, right? :-)
Pretty Sneaky Meh, Making us east coasters stay up till midnight so we are all tired and then trying to sell us espresso at our weakest and most tired moment.
So this makes one 12-oz serving of espresso, yes? Because the included carafe is 12-oz. Seems inefficient to pour it into 4 little separate cups. Mehthinks you're mehbe gaming the serving size here. Like how the cans of energy drinks all say they are 2 servings. Mehdonkulous.
I thought meh at 3am EST when I first checked the deal today. But then at 8am after taking my first sip of coffee, I pulled the trigger. Thanks for slowly eroding away my bank account.
I think meh is trying to send us a subtle message as to what they think about the big football game today. I figured they'd have something "super" or "snacky" or maybe even "under-inflated" today.
Instead, we get a coffee pot. Hmmm...think of the significance.
Thanks, Meh. Apart from sex with randoms strangers, and designer found the only other thing I can't say no to. COFFEE. enchanted-shrill-snake
I'd seriously consider this if not for the shortage of counter space. When it comes to manly things, I think the comments have made it clear this item just does not have the raw horsepower to fill my man-needs. It might go well in the office too, but I am not responsible for that and this is the weak end meh.
For the price, I'm tempted to give it a try, but if I lost interest (e.g., too much trouble, too little used) it would end up in the Goodwill donation bin. While I drink coffee (from a Keurig) daily, I only drink espresso beverages occasionally. On those occasions, I'll resort to SBUX Via or a local coffee shop.
Wow!!! Glad I don't want this, working for the State, and getting one paycheck that won't hit bank till Monday... SUX...At the same time, looks like I should br finding an AeroPress...
It's been an adrenaline year so far, and my coffeehouse expenses are really adding up. In for one sleek-incidental-wolf, and if anybody wants to tangle with me, go for it.
@EastonDF yeah, I had to run water through 5 times until everything was cleared out. The first official brew, and the second, had a slight plastic taste to it.
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Limited Capresso
Estimated Delivery: 2/16 - 2/18
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Espresso machine
1x 12oz glass carafe
1x Measuring scoop
The machine
The milk thing
Just a couple average joes enjoying a cuppa
Price Check
$100 List, $57.05 at Amazon
$59.99 at Capresso
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Wednesday, May 11 - Monday, May 16
Meh. Already have a hardcore nespresso maestria. Granted it was 20x the price.
Meh. Have a keurig at home. And at work. And an espresso machine in the closet that hasn't been used since before we moved it from the other house in 2005.
Will this run on AA batteries? I have 120 fujitsu's from December that I need to put to use.
Good price and all...but meh
I don't espressoly want this item.
@peaceetc boooooooooooooo (tossing peanut shells in your general direction)
@alacrity I'm sorry. I won't mocha more coffee puns.
@peaceetc STOP pun-ishing me!
@kus (need more peanut shells)
Makes me want a Centon USB Stick
I was expecting something bowl-related, very disappointing meh.
@axleman1011 I'm probably going to drink coffee DURING the superbowl.
Happy February!
@jsh139 Febrewary?
@jsh139 Happy purple!
@Barney happy blue
@choral_music NICE
tempting but meh
@Lotsofgoats with steamed mehlk?
That beard though...majestic.
@studerc beards are HOT 😍 who is he?
@hippiechik I believe that is @harrison.
@jqubed @hippiechik that is probably me, yes. could be an impostor.
Mehhhh to da nehhhxx
Pitchers and catchers report this month!!! Happy February. Happy Super Sunday! Oh..and meh!
@msimard8 Happy purple!
@msimard8 Pitchers and Madison Bumgarner. He's different.
@SSteve It's a good thing he came in when the score was 3-2, otherwise he might still be pitching.
That is one crazy looking speaker dock.
Thanks Meh. Actually, if this is a good machine, then it is a solid offering at the price. Thankfully just don't need one at this time.
@RedOak Not a good machine for espresso. Get a machine w/15 bar block pump or use an aeropress.
@ajdmin Second on the aeropress. It makes DAMN good coffee and semi-espresso for less than this machine.
I have a Capresso burr grinder, and it's great... but my caffeine generator is a different brand (and 15 bar).
Is that an Orca with a Morcha?
I'm sorry. I'll let myself out.
Back in the day, they got an espresso machine at a place I worked. After hours I decided I wanted some espresso. I made a cup--a regular, full size coffee cup.
I've never been so wired in my life.
@djslack and then?
@baqui63 it's why we still can't have nice things.
@baqui63… and then… a looooong time on the toilet.
Darn 120V not universal voltage
@eddypoon should work fine on 440v.
@SteveOOO at least 0.3 times
@eddypoon things with an electric boiler aren't usually. Then it would require a high power step-up/down transformer inside to be able to power the same heating element since running a 110v element on 220v will burn it up. And that would be costly and inefficient to put in an electric appliance like this.
@eddypoon No worries, it will make expressos twice as fast @ 220 volts.
I don't think you understand "scale" guys...
@thismyusername Also wrong, we have no way of knowing how far away the banana is from the camera...
capresso? more like crapresso!
Actually, some pretty alright reviews out there, I'd be tempted if I didn't have my aeropress (the lazy/cheap-man's "good" cup of coffee).
@dis_member Same here. I was not sure what to expect with the aeropress but it works well for me.
@dis_member Areopress is a glorious thing.
@stevo42 Aeropress IS glory. Sweet, caffeinated glory.
@dis_member @mehlissa @stevo42 @chillface since I got the Aeropress I haven't used anything else to make coffee, it is so damn good.
Nice shirt. I might have seen it somewhere before...
I take my coffee seriously. I was tempted but meh. We have a high end Capresso drip coffee maker and it's awesome. We have some of the lower-end Capresso stuff and it sucks. Lots of negative to meh reviews on this unit. There's a reason it's being dumped...
@Headly Thanks, this influenced my decision not to get it. I'll stick with my pour-overs.
Does this come with a jbl speaker built in?
that looks like a Woot t-shirt. back when they used to be cool t-shirts
@username It is.
This design garnered the highest derby vote count ever - 2000 votes. These days, 100 votes can be more than enough already.
@narfcake Nov 7, 2008 .. the good ole days
Isn't the "Meh" button supposed to alleviate the need to come to this topic just to reply "meh." ....?
I like the people who add unique puns or other snarky statements, but for some reason I get irritated with just "meh." yes I know it's meh. that's what the button is for.
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 meh meh meh meh
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 this is meh...take your logic and throw it right out the fucking window.
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 I like purple.
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 Ahem......mehA
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 > meh
@SSteve mega-ditto meh
@Collin1000 meeeeeeeeh.
@Collin1000 MEEEEEEH!!!
@Collin1000 meh
@triplebud uhuh... meh.
@Collin1000 meh
@Collin1000 ....meh?
meh@Collin1000 meh

@Collin1000 meh.

You're getting my money tonight, Meh. At least it's a night my husband is home so I got to check with him first. No marital strife coming with this purchase.
Meh. I'll stick with my AeroPress. And I'm not much of an Espresso guy.
@marvelljones I'm completely sold on the AeroPress. I've had one for two years now, and it's great.
Good write-up. Enjoy the picture for 'Scale'.
Would probably like this better than the side-by-side machine I bought here in October. But this would wake me up way too fast anyway. I'm not ready for alertness so early in the day. Would prefer to get most of the way through the day before I'm totally aware of my surroundings.
Meh, even though I'm not buying this coffee-thing, I will theoretically buy coffee-things.
Six minutes into the sale, and I'm already confused as to how 19 of these (at $35 apiece) somehow comes out to a random $668...??
I know my math minor was shot 5 kids ago, but still. ;)
@modmamajama Some pay taxes and or shipping.
@modmamajama I checked in at 10:03 mountain and they had already sold $31,000 worth. frequent system error here.
@mehjohnson Ahhh... ok, then. I can now move along & mope about my Meh-con sporting a goatee this morning. Not funny, Meh... not funny at all. :P
PS: It's already February?!!
@modmamajama mathematically speaking... 1/12th of the year gone. (0.08333333333)
This was pretty cool back in '95. Meh.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh
I love purple.
@Barney I got $10 that says @Barney and @jrwofuga are the same person.
@jseay65 I'll take that bet. Both started as one trick ponys but Barney has learned to change it up and developed a personality while jrofuga is still just a bot.
How does @Barney have a horse avatar?
@hammi99 it's a goat.
@hammi99 lol horse... that's great
@jseay65 I'm in on that bet.
@WINTERMUTE you left out the "w"
@jseay65 Nope.
@jrwofuga Sorry. It looks like I was wrong twice. Once on the spelling and about the bot comment. :)
@WINTERMUTE no worries.
Your inflatable, espresso-drinking shark reminds me of the time I was helping my boyfriend clean a bunch of old stuff out of a storage room in his house and found an inflatable sheep.
@pepsiwine shamoo, perhaps?
@CrossIT He said its name was Dolly.
Should I really be telling people this?! What the heck, this is anonymous, right!
@pepsiwine Please tell us he hadn't named it.
@pepsiwine they're called "Luv Ewe's" and make phenominal beer-bottle cozies, as well as conversation starters.
@alacrity Yeah, it definitely had a "cozy hole" in it....
@pepsiwine Those are somewhat common gag gifts from those who find such things hysterical.
@pepsiwine a standard long-neck fits pervectly- and stays cold. and the pictures of your friends drinking out of a sheep's ass are priceless.
@alacrity I hope that's what it was used for.
I didn't ask any questions. And he wouldn't let me throw it away...
@pepsiwine Sentimental attachment? You might want to be worried.
@pepsiwine shark or orca
@ChunkyBitz or homesick Scottish shepherds
Just put the drip machine in the basement after 538 pointed me towards an old freakonomics article on the best way to do French press. After selling the wife on the simplicity of the press, can't put another plug-in machine on the counter. $35, though ..,
@saodell Nate Silver is a goddam troublemaker. Now I need to go check up on the site.
@saodell Selling one's wife - whether the press is simple or not - is frowned upon in some societies. BTW, we do really enjoy our French press when camping - great way to enjoy coffee whilst in the wilds.
@RedOak Get an aeropress. Cleanup is 1000% easier. Unfortunately, you will be the coffee-guy for your friends at every subsequent campout.
@G1 Looks interesting - plastic safer than glass, but having to deal with needing filters would be a pain when camping. We're very happy with our very simple and less expensive 20 buck Bodum press.
@RedOak They have a metal mesh filter you can find on amazon for pretty cheap, and it tastes better not having to use the paper filters.
Do not need, for that alone Meh
No baby arm. For that alone, meh.
decent machine- but the intravenous attachment is $79.99 and refurbed units are kinda sketchy
@alacrity huh? It says new doesn't it?
@RedOak The machine is, but to get the IV drip into the arm, that's extra, and you probably don't want a used IV.
My son's newest chore will be to figure out how to pull a perfect espresso shot on this thing.
@iluvmingos Lavazzo espresso grind and warm the milk first if you want more than 2 single shot cappuccinos.
@iluvmingos I like the way you parent.
@PyxienTX Thanks!
@robohit He's 18 now so he is actually happy about this chore. It will save us a lot of money if he can get it figured out!
@iluvmingos Yes, a live-in 18yo and a live-in barrista can be quite expensive. Good thinking.
Do I get in trouble if I first pushed the Meh button because I was not impressed by this product, but then changed my mind, decided to buy one anyways, and now have the perilous-impartial-actor order "number" to prove it?
P.S. I am a woman; if that makes any difference as to how much trouble I may be in.
@pepsiwine Absolutely, you're in deep trouble. I would not be surprised if you're the new goat.
@pepsiwine You did what?! Oh shit, the shit storm that's coming your way shall be immense. Honestly, I'd fucking hide, right now, just fucking hide.....seriously though, it's fine, that meh button doesn't really effect anything around ordering...or really anything for that matter.
@pepsiwine You use the meh button as you wish. There aren't any rules dictating meh button behavior. Also, being a lady doesn't change how little respect you'll get around here.
@pepsiwine you just happen to be in the middle of it all...
@studerc Ok. So on a scale of "Escape From L.A." to "Miracle Mile", it sounds like I better find someone who can fly a helicopter. (For the 2 people that will even get that reference.)
@Lotsofgoats Great Scott!!!
@pepsiwine I love Miracle Mile. Such a great movie. So, I guess that makes me one of the two.
@pepsiwine Simply push the back button at the top of your browser window and the world will be rebalanced.
@Thumperchick Truer words were never said.
Just so no one is confused by the price, this is a STEAM not a PUMP machine. You put the amount of water in for one cycle and turn it on and the steam pressure forces the water through the coffee. I had one of these for a while and it was ok but I eventually retired it for pump type machine. Pump machines have a separate cold water reservoir, one or two boilers and an electric pump to force the water through the coffee. They also run $200-$1000+. That's the kind you want if you use it often or are a serious Euro-poseur.
This is a pretty decent 15 bar for under a hundie:
The steam wand is a bit watery, but the actual espresso is decent.
@thismyusername Yep, have one in the family and it makes decent espresso.
@MsELizardBeth Hahahaha!
I really do want an entry-level espresso maker but this thing looks like a bitch to clean.
@thechinglish ease off on the caffeine
@unixrab I'm a barista, I get high on my own supply, and sometimes the caps lock key gets stuck
@thechinglish A Barista who purchases this item is pretty high praise for the item (unless you're a sucky barista :-)
Cafeine comes in Mt Dew (Diet- preferably), not thin brown broth made from burnt beans... Happy February!!
@PhysAssist Happy purple!
@PhysAssist You can take your carbonated beverages and enjoy them!
@PhysAssist aye!!! What's with the h8fest on the magical elixir of water and properly dried and roasted berries No one's hating on you slurping brominated vegetable oil !!
@unixrab No hating, just expressing a personal preference AND as so many others before me have done without being accused of hating, explaining why this is another Meh button press... AND I only drink diet BRO-minated veggie oil!!! In my caffiend of choice, the ingredients list starts with carbonated water, then reconstituted orange juice, so it's healthy, right? :-)
@PhysAssist ah.. i wuz just messin with you. you're no h8r ;-)
@4G_Reaper Will do, thanks for the permission! They're especially good with some coconut rum!
so i just pressed meh with a caffine headache . do i get a prize?
Does it make regular coffee?
@samoman21 Nope.
Why would I want to be manly?
@Pamela no amount of pretending this is mehnly makes it true.
Does anyone here havea cat? If my catt licks another cat's it wrong?
@bluecolor You're the other cat, right? Admit it. Let the healing begin.
meant to post that in r/catbutt mods plz delete
@bluecolor The meh "mods" do little other than posting entertaining comebacks - good luck. Or you could hope for a meh server burp.
I clicked meh, but I think you guys actually found something I can use, and for a price I might impulse buy it for. You win this round.
Pretty Sneaky Meh, Making us east coasters stay up till midnight so we are all tired and then trying to sell us espresso at our weakest and most tired moment.
This is not just for 220volt. T.T
So this makes one 12-oz serving of espresso, yes? Because the included carafe is 12-oz. Seems inefficient to pour it into 4 little separate cups. Mehthinks you're mehbe gaming the serving size here. Like how the cans of energy drinks all say they are 2 servings. Mehdonkulous.
I thought meh at 3am EST when I first checked the deal today. But then at 8am after taking my first sip of coffee, I pulled the trigger.
Thanks for slowly eroding away my bank account.
@gwrankin Forgot to add this: mixed-morose-almond
I think meh is trying to send us a subtle message as to what they think about the big football game today. I figured they'd have something "super" or "snacky" or maybe even "under-inflated" today.
Instead, we get a coffee pot. Hmmm...think of the significance.
Thanks, Meh. Apart from sex with randoms strangers, and designer found the only other thing I can't say no to. COFFEE.
@aublahblahblah I like you.
This looks like it would last about 2 weeks...junk
I'd seriously consider this if not for the shortage of counter space. When it comes to manly things, I think the comments have made it clear this item just does not have the raw horsepower to fill my man-needs. It might go well in the office too, but I am not responsible for that and this is the weak end meh.
For the price, I'm tempted to give it a try, but if I lost interest (e.g., too much trouble, too little used) it would end up in the Goodwill donation bin. While I drink coffee (from a Keurig) daily, I only drink espresso beverages occasionally. On those occasions, I'll resort to SBUX Via or a local coffee shop.
Wow!!! Glad I don't want this, working for the State, and getting one paycheck that won't hit bank till Monday... SUX...At the same time, looks like I should br finding an AeroPress...
not worth it at any price. little guys like this don't have enough umph to do the job.
It's been an adrenaline year so far, and my coffeehouse expenses are really adding up. In for one sleek-incidental-wolf, and if anybody wants to tangle with me, go for it.
I see your steam-meh background, meh

@lehigh its not steam its a foam-art flower.
Got mine in, the inside smelled horrible and had white flake stuff.? On the inside. Looks like I'm gona be cleaning it for a few days before use...meh
@EastonDF yeah, I had to run water through 5 times until everything was cleared out. The first official brew, and the second, had a slight plastic taste to it.