Calling all VMP D&D dorks
19So, just recently, I participated in an estate auction to get my 14 year old daughter a reasonable bike. They also had a large collection of D&D stuff which made the 10 year old me very happy, so I bid way too much to win the auction. The real value was taking a 90 minute drive into rural Virginia and just shoot the shit with my awesome kid way too early in the morning. I have WAY too much D&D stuff now. Meh hasn’t provided on the promise of possible socks to the loyal VMP community, and even though I got ghosted in the last Mehexchange, I’d like to send out some vintage D&D stuff to those VMP members who may enjoy it. My rules are this: you must be a VMP member and would appreciate this. If you plan to sell them, please don’t. I bought the set for the hard bound manuals, but I’ve also got about 30 campaigns. If you’d like some stuff and are a VMP member, comment here and I’ll send you three things (and maybe some dragon dice). I’ll send things out to three random folks. Not looking for you to cover the cost… I’ll actually roll dragon dice to choose. I’ll send you a whisper when it’s time. Let’s say… end of July. I’ll roll 8/1.
Edit - to clarify, I’m going to pick 3 random people if there are that many D&D donks here
- 42 comments, 62 replies
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My son is HUUUUUGELY into it, I’d absolutely take some.
@PHRoG his sister got him this on pre-order for his bday earlier this month. He’s sooo excited.
@PHRoG Well then I’m certainly not sending you this (even if you roll a 20)
@capnjb whoa!
Wait, huh? I thought it was new?
I admittedly know zilch about this stuff…but, the website clearly says pre-order for distribution in August?
@PHRoG TSR reprints editions as needed. This is a 2nd edition print. Circa late 80’s
@capnjb ohhhhh, gotcha! Thanks for the education
You know… FWIW ex-vmp’s should jump into the nonsense if you’re interested. And if Meh-HQ would like some as well, I’ll send it through Olathe, KS
edit - I really have too much. My wife is not impressed.
@capnjb XVMPs too, you say?
/giphy omgwtfbbq yes please
@SpoopySkeleton My already expired edamame seems be spending the week there at the moment.
@capnjb it’s going to be a whole-ass cryptid by the time it gets there.
@SpoopySkeleton That seems fair. And topical.
@capnjb I thought so too!
I’m in. Not a player myself but the grandson would LOVE it!
Thanks for the opportunity!
This is sooo cool… The kid is into d&d but he is not a vmp.
@mikibell doesn’t matter what kid is…are you, or WERE you, VMP?
@PHRoG please don’t tell me the total if you do the math.
“You’ve been a VMP member since September 2014.”
@mikibell Doh! Forgot you could view profiles and see, .
December '15 here…mine lies b/c of compromised cc.
@mikibell @PHRoG
It was also explained in the “In Just 7 Days …” thread that the least common badge is shown. So Goat < VMP < Kickstarters etc.
I got rid of my late 1970s Player’s Manual and DM guide a few years ago, so I deserve nothing. Just curious… did they have a Fiends Folio?
that’s some old school stuff right there. I’m working on getting my family into playing now
YOOOOO THATS FREAKIN RAD-TASTIC and I’d enjoy playing with the old rules because those are super fun!
I’m not a VMP, and apparently that’s not a thing any longer?
Doesn’t matter. Still love it.
My 9 year old has really been taking to fantasy lately. She’s been reading the dragons books set in dragonlance, amongst other books as well. I’ve got some 4e books sitting on the shelf that she drives into to find out more about the races and monsters in the books she is reading. I want to run a campaign for her and her brother, but they seem uninterested in actually playing, so far.
I may have to force them to try and see if they like it.
Definitely huge nostalgia vibes for me in your pictures as I started with AD&D. THAC0!
That is really great of you. Not requesting entry into the drawing. I did tell my wife that if we are ever forced to move into a retirement home, finding one with a D&D or equivalent roleplaying group should be a goal. I always wanted to get into it and had some of the books, it just never worked out except for a few weeks of Shadowrun before the game master moved.
I had a ton of fun playing D&D way back when I was a teenager. I need to find a group to play D&D with again. Maybe I will put up a request on the bulletin board next time I stop by the Keep on the Boderlands.
If I am one of the random VMPs I would start up a “new” collection so I am ready if somebody responds to my bulletin board posting.
@yakkoTDI Oh man, the Keep on the Borderlands. That was the one published adventure we had. Not really designed to solo with, but back in that era you were encouraged to have hirelings. So let the player run three “independent” characters, add in a bunch of hirelings, completely fumble the job of first-time DM, and somebody will probably survive to cash in at the end…
@capnjb Finally got a chance to go to my post office today. Thanks for the excellent items. Love the bonus of an Irk bag and the dice.
Oh man, I would love that stuff. My brother and I somehow got a BD&D set from an older friend, then later picked up a few 2nd edition things. We lived too isolated to do more than make up a few solo adventures. And dream. We dreamed plenty big with it.
But alas, I’ve never been VMP, so I don’t count for this drawing. Good luck to all those involved! (Though I guess applying equal luck to all is essentially the same as doing nothing. So … maybe … good luck to all those who prefer to play wizard! Or rangers! Or something. Meh. Anyone who plays deserves the joy.)
P.S. THAC0 was pretty weird looking back on it, but at the time it was one of those things that just added to the flavor. So maybe “good luck to all those who understand THAC0!”
Wow, that’s awesome! My brother was into D&D as a kid and has passed his love for all things D&D down to his kids. The family that D&D’s together, stays together. I used to drive many miles to take him to a store called ‘Men at Arms’ to buy some coveted figures for the game. As a VMP, I would love to enter on his behalf. I know he would be thrilled. He wasn’t always good about taking care of his things when he was little, so I absconded with his mini D&D Computer Fantasy Game from the early 1980’s because I liked playing it and figured he’d never miss it. Not quite on a par with your collection, but still fun. I sent it to him for his birthday last year and he thanked me for saving a memory from his childhood.
I played quite a bit of AD&D back in the 80s and remain a big fan. Have boxes of painted figures, the 3 main hardbound manuals, and LOTS of dice. Have purchased many of the related computer games (most are available on; Baldur’s Gate may be my favorite game ever. I also have a growing collection of Forgotten Realms fantasy novels published by TSR/WOTC.
My son is interested in playing D&D or similar ttRPG, but it’s been tough to find available/open campaigns around here for the last few years.
@compunaut I played a lot of the early computer games so was happy to find this mixed in with the D&D stuff. Adventurer’s guide and a full tractor feed print out of all the spells
/giphy indiana jones belongs in a museum
@capnjb @compunaut Well that’s terrible.
@brainmist @capnjb @compunaut
I think it’s hilarious!
Good memories playing many years ago. I spent some hard earned money on books to play when I was young. Nice find and the quality time with the daughter is hard to equal.
Is there such a thing as too much?
@speediedelivery “Is there such a thing as too much?” Are you asking me or my wife? We have different answers
I would like to be in the random die 20 (or maybe 100) roll. I started playing D&D right when 2nd edition was released, so I got a mix of 1st and 2nd edition RP’ing at the time. Having some of the old books/campaign would be sweet to go with the collection I have. I have some Ravenloft and Dark Sun books/campaigns. Ravenloft was my favorite setting, course I am a horror geek, so it plays well to that.
@michaelsimpson Thanks for making the flashback to when my favourite DM had a D100 so he could tell you that not only were you hit but where you were hit.
@michaelsimpson @yakkoTDI rolls You were hit in the childhood for 14HP damage.
@yakkoTDI Haha! Our DM did the same thing. The dang thing rolled forever and the suspense was intense at times. He also used it for rolling magical items we found and what bonuses or curses were imbued on them.
@capnjb @michaelsimpson @yakkoTDI
/roll 1d100
You rolled a total of 43
@michaelsimpson @yakkoTDI Somewhere I have a copy of…Dragon Quest? Maybe? Which absolutely over mongered the combat.
1st edition old-schooler here. Back when we D&Ders had to go underground because people thought that playing D&D turned us into school shooters.
Turns out, it wasn’t that at all. Quelle suprise!. Turns out, 40 years later, we were just defenseless kids being scapegoated and used for misdirection by a gun industry and its bribed politicians that just wants to sell more guns to well-regulated militias.
@mike808 Sad thing is, nothing has changed in those regards.
Two of the three of us in this house , including my Kid, are big ol DND dorks. Throwing my (wizards) hat in the ring here. Thank you for the consideration!
Would definitely be interested. Started with AD&D 2nd edition. We mostly play Pathfinder these days, but our group definitely appreciates and uses source material from the days of THAC0.
I’d love it, but the whole border thing makes shipping anything a far more costly endeavour.
We can figure that out if and when the situation presents itself. And if there is a possibility of a poutine gravy and/or ketchup chip exchange, I’ll drive it there myself
@capnjb Mmm, you said poutine
Oh that’s awesome! You found some treasure there!
That’s super cool! I knew D&D was “big” in terms of influence but was surprised to find out how active it still is. It took three and a half decades of life and a global pandemic for me to take part in my first campaign — but now that I have, I’m never going back. Computer games are incredible - especially nowadays - but nothing can beat a DM saying “that seems really cool so I’ll allow it” during a fight with Dracula Daddy™. (I still find it hard to bring myself to say “Strahd” out loud.)
TL;DR: I’d be totally down for a sick og trinket to show my love for the game even if it does not come from a place of nostalgia.
So I’ll throw my hat in the ring too — thank you
Dag. I think we may or may not have just passed 20 VMP, ex-VMP and/or staff in this post. I’m going to have to figure some shit out with math. And dice. FIREBALL! FIREBALL! FIRESALE!!
@capnjb “Casts counterspell for your Fireball”!
@capnjb @michaelsimpson
Did someone ring for a +4 Ice Mage?
@capnjb excel can do a random draw. The easiest way is to just have excel assign a random number to each person and then put them in numerical order. The first X number “win”.
Ok… I really wasn’t expecting this to gain much traction, so I set the selection date out a bit. It seems like there are enough folks interested to have a reasonable random draw now. I’m going to end the entries(?) at midnight on Sunday, July 24th EST. I’ll try to figure out a clever way to capture the roll the next day, Monday. If everyone is okay with that, we will follow that path. Also, my wife (18 charisma) is suggesting that I move things sooner than later. So, there’s that. We’ve been married for 22 years so no saving throw is correcting that course. Stay tuned on Monday
/roll 1d100
You rolled a total of 97
/8ball Does this sound like a good plan?
Ask again later
@capnjb What ever is easiest for you. Good luck to everyone!
True story:
My son just took an actual class with real accredited university credit hours on “Introduction to New Orleans culture and neighborhoods through D&D TTRPG”.
The campaign was various side quests to play (virtually - it is a tabletop game after all) through the various neighborhoods and landmarks. Of course, this involved Ann Rice related locations, and the countless Inns of great feasting and libations, accompanied by talented and entertaining minstrels. Which the students could then go visit IRL on their own.
There was much sauntering about and rejoicing in the village apparently, according to my son. He got an A/Pass.
@mike808 That is awesome! Wish they had a class like that when I was in college.
Hello I am delurking and making my first post to say I would like to give these very good books a very good home. I spent many years in many basements telling people about very cool elves and would love an excuse to start again.
@ItsNemo What did we do that was so bad we got almost 6 years of the silent treatment?
You missed all the “post if you’re still a vmp” threads…
If you win, you have to post a reveal.
Don’t want any of this stuff but you are very nice to gift VMP’s with things!!!
Ok… calling it tonight. Will announce names tomorrow.
Squeezing in here at the last minute. Saw this when it first popped up and got all nostalgic but then sad that its been so long since I’ve played. I’m gonna try to use this as inspiration and pull out the stuff I have and convince someone to play with me soon.
I never was into it, but my roommate from college was/is a huge D&D guy. He lost all his books in Katrina but his dice survived so now he’s on a mission to collect every licensed die and bag. If you want to part with some vintage dice I could see about putting the two of you in touch…
@djslack I hear, see, and feel for your friend who lost everything in Katrina. 504
Ok, the dice have been cast! Congrats to:
@Compunaut @PHRoG @yakkoTDI
But wait… mediocrebot makes an AWEOME saving throw and causes another dice roll! Also cograts to:
@Stinks @Michaelsimpson @HartNY
If you folks can get me your info soon, I’ll get the stuff in the mail. I’m not a fan of going to the post office so I’d rather do this in one trip Don’t be the guy holding things up
@capnjb ok… I should have coffee before making posts. It should have said ‘AWESOME saving throw’… because we all know who that summons
@capnjb @heartny
@heartny @speediedelivery thank you… it’s that lack of coffee thing.
@capnjb oh shit! This is awesome!
@capnjb Whoa, thank you! This is truly awesome! I hope you enjoy your coffee!
@capnjb Feels like that WoW-themed Southpark episode.
How do I send deets? Can you DM in meh-land?
@stinks If you look at my post, at the end there is a Reply link and a Whisper link. Click the whisper link and make sure my name is the only one listed. Only you and I will be able to see the message. Just be sure it’s ‘whisper’ and not ‘reply’ Otherwise everyone can send you D&D stuff.
@capnjb Well poop. I just saw this because work was making me work and I forgot to check back on this. Address has been whisperereded.
@mediocrebot Krull is my character name.
Who has seen the trailer for the new D&D movie coming out? Personally, I am not impressed. It potentially looks better than the last stab at it, but I think the problem with them making D&D movies, is they are not basing it on anything that is established, say one of the campaigns set in the world. They are grabbing bits and pieces (magic, classes, etc) and attempting to mesh them together into something.
I would love for someone to pick up either Drizzt Do’Urden in Forgotten Realms or the Companion series in Dragonlance. Either of them would make a great start to the genre. I think the Drizzt attempt would be a fantastic series for a few seasons considering all the material out there, especially if they have R.A. Salvator on board to help create it. As for the Companions, that would be an awesome trilogy, akin to LOTR. It would be awesome to see Flint, Tass, Raist, Cameron, etc on the big screen.
@michaelsimpson Yeah, I’d love to see some Dragonlance… except I’m extremely worried they would biff it too hard and it would make me sad/angry that they ruined some of my favorite characters and stories.
@xobzoo Very true. Odds are, they would, but if they did it right, it would be amazing.
Well shoot. I should clearly check in more often.
I played D&D from the boxed set in 1980. I will cheerfully accept more dice, but probably the folks who won the draw will make better use.
(I do still have that boxed set, and some day will fulfill my dream of SJW Keep on the Borderlands.)
Oh well, congrats to the winners!
Someone go kick @compunaut in the butt. When I get his info we can get this train rolling
ah dang it, how’d I miss this?
The birds are in the air (except for @compunaut who I’m hoping is enjoying a relaxing week in Cabo Wabo. Which is excusable). Should land early next week. Have fun with your old books that smell like grandma
@capnjb woohoo!
It looks like all the birds have landed. Start rolling them 20’s
@capnjb My bad!
Got it in yesterday, was in a rush to start work and totally forgot to open it. Had him open it this afternoon as a surprise (didn’t tell him it was coming) and HE IS SO STOKED!!
He loves that they’re vintage and immediately went digging into the character sheets, maps and notes you included.
He literally shouted “MAGIC MISSILE!!” when he looked in the pack with the set of dice!! (are those vintage too?)
Again, thank you so much for this awesomeness!
/giphy magic missile
@PHRoG Cool! Glad he enjoyed it And yes, the dice are vintage. The collection came with a little over 200 dice so I had my daughter pull together a set to put in each box
@capnjb holy crap, that’s a lot of dice!!! He’s well on his way…I think he has like 12 sets? He’s been rolling the ones you sent all evening…been hearing the cascading thudthudthudthudthudthud in his dice tray for a few hours now.
I showed him this thread and he’s curious if the included sheets, maps and notes are yours?
@PHRoG No… they came with the collection. I did enjoy looking through them though. As did my kid I’m not sure what ended up in your box, but I got a lot of character sheets, hand drawn maps, etc. Someone had a fun childhood
@capnjb Here is a pic of my package. I was like a kid in a candy store. Really appreciate you sharing with us!
@michaelsimpson Heh… you got the one Woot bag… because… well… you know
/giphy unofficial
Hey @compunaut It’s been a couple weeks. Please get me your info by Friday. Otherwise I’m gonna send it to @Snapster. You have been warned