California Alway Wins The Numbers Game...Well Sometimes Texas
1It's time for me to exit from I'd been hoping that maybe the folks running it might start to rotate the starting times of the day's offering to something like 9pm, 10pm, 11pm and midnight Eastern to give us Eastern Time Zone folks an even chance at competing for items some of the time. Best of Luck to you Late-nighters!
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Yada yada, those are still more convenient for the west, blah blah, go to bed at 12:05 AM ya chump, cheer up suckers, etc.
Don't let the automatic VMP renewal hit ya on the way out.
I guess I'm one the generous mehmbers on the west coast who doesn't automatically buy everything at 9:00pm; that gives you east coast folks an extra chance, y'know.
This deal didn't sell out until 9:30 this morning. If you went to bed before midnight and didn't get up until after 9:30 then you have more problems than time zones and a sale on the Internet for a really shitty watch. Quit your bitchin' and deal.
Are people just willfully ignorant about how population works, so they can play the victim card? Or is there some legitimate reason why so many people on the east coast have such a problem with the concept that more people buy more stuff?