@blaineg Surgeons specializing in sex-change operations? There used to be a doctor in Trinidad, CO, who was famous for performing them. He ran for some local position like county commissioner, and when he won, he was quoted in the local paper as having said “Yep, we pulled it off.”
Great…now I can’t unsee Home Dics

There’s a tech site that used to be named ExpertsExchange. But you can’t really capitalize a URL…
Surgeons specializing in sex-change operations? There used to be a doctor in Trinidad, CO, who was famous for performing them. He ran for some local position like county commissioner, and when he won, he was quoted in the local paper as having said “Yep, we pulled it off.”
“The Penis Mightier”
“Hor Semen”

@mike808 Among my all-time favorite sketches, classics indeed!
@mike808 Le Tits Now!
@kostia @mike808 Don’t forget Anal Bum Cover. And the always handy Whore Ads. I
that impish old pervert!
I always pronounce it Hōm Ĕdics