BOC in woot app
14I know most of you don’t care, but for those who do, if you download the woot app, an “I want one game” button will pop up. Keep clicking and you’ll get a BOC, which pretty much guarantees disappointment. So manage your expectations. But I didn’t get a Fuko, so I have to get my disappointment somewhere.
- 68 comments, 172 replies
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Thanks for the heads up, but it looks like it sold out. I’ve been looking around the site, but haven’t found anything yet. I sworn I would never buy another BOC’s because the emphasis has been on crap, but I’ll probably buy one anyway. Resistance is futile.
Right now 10:32 on main page BOC
@connorbush sold out
@connorbush missed it by part of a minute, apparently.
@connorbush had time to read this, open new tab, type in, see it, think “nah, it’ll be a waste” and click refresh to see the graph move before it sold out. Wow.
@djslack haha I did the same.
@lichme’s or wootstalker app will be good ways to get one, if you’re interested.
@DaveInSoCal I’ve got Wootstalker running but no notifications from it so far.
@ruouttaurmind I sent out a notification already to the site, app, as well as facebook page.
Make sure you have popups enabled
This year I’m finally removing the “Woot Birthday” annual reminder from my Google calendar. It’s been there for over a decade.
I clicked buy on my phone and computer right when it was available and still failed to attain it.
@medz Thanks, I think.
@medz I got one. I feel really dirty, but I got one.
@medz got it.
@medz Thank you, got one. You’ve saved me from having to look for more of these since we can only buy one BOC per week. Now I can get some sleep. I must say their math skills seem a bit off though:
iz literally
/giphy dog crap
@medz Wow. 38 minutes to first Wooter. I remember when they wouldn’t last 38 seconds.
@heartny Of course now that you’ve paid the $5 shipping already today, you can hit up the cheap sellout and clearance items and the price will be less offensive.
@ruouttaurmind I think shipping today is free on everything but BOC’s, so it might not make a difference. I don’t know what the $5 discount is for. I just placed another small order and this one said “Coupon WOOTPROMO” next to the -$5.00. I thought I got a $10 coupon via email, so maybe it was two fives? Guess I should have read it.
@heartny the $5 discount is the shipping discount, they rolled the shipping price into the price of the BoC so you are still paying the shipping.
Woot! is in rare form today… I have LOLed a few times already.
eh… I got one of the ones that popped up on the main site right after the S5 ended. So primo day is done for me, though I’ll probably check on the site occasionally over the day. This whole BS about limiting people to only one BOC every 7 days kinda kills the reason for watching the site after you get one, tho having free shipping for the day makes up for it slightly… if only it were on wine.woot…
I will say that The Ball is a great video, and well worth watching.
@baqui63 the actor who played the titular role came from the theater. He had so many demands! Drove us crazy! But when we saw the finished product, it was all worth it.
@baqui63 I will check in once or twice, but I have to agree with you. There are not many deals to be found, and since I got my BOC last night (Craplexa), no need to keep checking.
@baqui63 I would have thought with all of the hype, all sites would be doing a woot-off while people were on. I wonder if it’s too much work with everything else going on, an effort to not lose on shipping, or if there is another woot-off to come this month.
@slydon I liked the part where it was windy.
Another at:
@juststephen nice got that one too! Fiance’s account.
@connorbush wow… still hanging there 22 minutes later. Should I get another one?
… another few minutes…
Ok, my daughter has one on the way to her now.
@baqui63 Second account? I think they have limits nowadays.
@narfcake My daughter’s account has different name, shipping and billing info; she also used a different IP address to buy it.
If they cancel it, they cancel it… costs nothing (well, I guess it may be taking crap out of someone else’s cart, but you know, the store is open and lights are on, but no one is there shopping).
@juststephen And still available 30 minutes later.
@juststephen I can remember staying up for 2+ days to follow a woot off, and I’d frequently get at least one, if not two or three BOC that I had to fight 503 and white screens and other things to get. (I’ve never used a bot or even scripting, just a fast F5 and reasonably fast internet connection at work… and of course no real life outside of woot.)
@juststephen Not sure why, but I bought one. The last few have been very disappointing, but if nothing else it will make the fuko look better.
@baqui63 Weird. As long as I’ve been there, they’ve always had limits on how many you can get. I’ve been at Woot since 2006. I do like Meh much better than Woot, though, as they’re staying more true to their original idea.
Still there 32 mins since originally posted. Got one.
My first. Thanks.
/giphy Quiet Party in My Head
Woot’s doing pretty good with their humor today. I love that the UnDash Button is a real, purchasable thing:
Overall, most fun Woot’s been since the World of Warcrap event thing they did a year or so back.
@Starblind I can’t even rationalize that for $1, sadly.
@Starblind Thanks, but how did you find that?
One of the banners.
@j_talbain Thanks- I wonder if the other colors are real too.
@Starblind I should hate you now. I just bought some.
I’m rationalizing that i still get paid for two more weeks so i can afford this…
/woot undash
@chacham I bought some too. I’m a sucker for this kind of crap, especially for a buck. Plus tax.
So, is the wootoff technically part of the 'zon Prime day?
@PocketBrain Also, missed the app sale, but grabbed the BOC that just popped (thanks, WootStalker).
@PocketBrain Congrats on your grab. I got stuck in that waiting room.
@hems79 Another Twitter BOC dropped a few minutes ago. Keep your WootStalker running!
@PocketBrain FYI: Ones that show up as facebook aren’t actually coming from facebook. They are hidden in product images, and I’m manually sending them out:
@lichme You are my hero. +10 life points to lichme!
@PocketBrain Thanks for the tip. I just scored one!
@hems79 Just the tip?
@lichme It was a big tip.
For the main page, @wootoff updates prior to the main page. Coupled with ReloadEvery on a second monitor, it snagged me one perty quickly.
/giphy perty quickly
@chacham I love the image of God face-palming at his desk at the end of that. When a cosmic game of Sims goes wrong…
@chacham It usually also shows up on the community page before the main page as well. I open 2 browser tabs, F5 or ReloadEvery on both pages and have better luck with community.
@heartny Not any more. Now, stuff doesn’t show on the community page until there is a comment on it, and my wootstalker bot is usually the first to comment on new sales.
@lichme Bummer. I hate when beneficial glitches like that are fixed. Thank you for your bot. It’s so fast it looks like stuff shows up on community page first.
They have 7000 bags of crap today. If you want one you should be able to get one.
@sammydog01 Most likely I will get one that isn’t even worth $5, as usual.
@heartny Don’t worry, they cost $10 now!
@DaveInSoCal Plus $5 shipping, right? I think their free shipping today excludes crap.
@cengland0 $10 plus free shipping- they raised the price for today because the coupon is automatic.
Nevermind. I just got one and it says, “Small Print: $5 Crap + $5 Shipping”
Crap up now
I managed to snag one even though I had to re-enter my login info…the die-hards must all have theirs already to allow for such a length of time before they are selling out now.
@cbilyak Same here. I had to re-enter my login info, still had time to buy it, went to the main page and they still had 50% left.
@cbilyak I got mine at 4:30 am. Yes, I’m just that pathetic.
Was wondering where that tiny alarm noise was coming from. Belatedly realized open and PC speaker on.
@lichme thank you!! now I am done with woot for the day !
@lichme Always happy to give everyone a good tip.
@lichme It looks like they’re refreshing that one for the app. Look at the sales stats. I also got that one when i clicked enough times.
I’m still waiting for the other clickers.
@lichme You da man!!
@lichme Thanks man! Woot!
@lichme Thanks for working hard to bring us BOCs today. For some reason, the website tracker wasn’t notifying me so I downloaded the windows app again. Got me and my husband one from two different “sales” easily using it.
@PurplePawprints Depending how long ago you were using it, it should be working. There was a change made on woot’s end that I had to account for to detect craps automatically.
It should be noted, the windows app hasn’t been maintained in over 2 years I think, so it may not work the best
Also, it’s woot bringing the BOC’s, I’m just helping to acquire them. I can’t image having to pack and ship 7000 craps for one event
@lichme By “working hard” I meant the links that you were manually adding that you mentioned up-thread somewhere and the “bring us” referred to the fact that I wouldn’t be getting one without your app. I don’t have the energy for their antics and refreshing and all that anymore.
I was using it an hour ago or so. I’m fairly sure any issues were on my end and not yours, but it just wasn’t notifying me of new items or BOCs. Downloaded the familiar wootstalker app for windows and the next two BOCs auto-opened for me. So, it’s working well enough even if it hasn’t been lovingly cared for recently.
Got one! Signed up for the stalker, making breakfast, came back to the office, BOC was up, bought it! Third try this morning was successful.
Thank you!
They’re hiding URLs in the other WootOff item pictures. You can juuuust barely see it. [1]
@sflood wow, those are hard to read. Needed to magnify it. thanx for the tip!
@lichme Thanks. I got that one.
@lichme Got one. Thanks! It’s still available as of this post.
Anyone remember the rules on BOC?? We bought one under my id, one under my husband’s, different credit cards, same address – will they cancel his?? I can’t remember… BUT I bought mine first – so there, husband!!
@mikibell I think if the credit cards are different you’re OK- there are plenty of husband/wife teams that double up. But who knows about today.
@sammydog01 I thought that might be the case… but I couldn’t remember… Thank you!
@mikibell IIRC …
@narfcake Thank you!
Guess I can relax for duration now.
@lichme I am in the Vestibule Of Patience.
This seems like a really bad idea as it is giving me plenty of time to rethink this decision to buy another disappointing BOC…
@zachdecker don’t do it
@lichme I came I saw I did not buy.
@lichme Thanks lichme! I got one early this morning, but my husband has been frustratingly chasing one for a while. He now has one because of you!
@dolphinone Grats! Good luck!
@lichme where do I need to look now?
@mehdaf app now
@lichme @sammydog01 arg, thanks you two, I had it in the cart but sold out while checking out
@lichme @sammydog01
Ok, got one on the app, thanks gentlemen and or ladies…
It was maybe too easy huh? These cant be good…
They have it up again for those who missed…
Woot Primo Day Crap! - $10.00 + $5 standard shipping
@Jolara Technically, $5 + $5 shipping - $10 total.
@lichme paging @mehdaf
@lichme I think they’re going to have trouble selling 7000 of these things.
@lichme Was severely disappointed with the last one I got, but still went for it anyway. Thanks for the share. Fingers crossed, but hopes low.
should cross legs to protect @ThePrivateParts
@lichme Got one! Thanks for that! Where’d you find the link to begin with? Trying to spot the next one.
I got a Fuko & a Crap within 4 days?
Is this double-the-disappointment??
@daveinwarsh I think it means you’re going to have a shitty August
hey . . . there is twitter crap right now. the link is on woot’s twitter page
/giphy crappy-twitter
Just stumbled into this one, and it looks like it’s been active for a half hour or more. If it times out with the Kindle woot, you’ve probably got 10-15 minutes left.
Never, ever seen one last this long!
Change that to a couple of minutes!
@blaineg STILL up at 1717 EST.
@OldCatLady Yep, and the Kindle has rolled over twice, and it’s still active, so have at the “Why Mosquitoes Crap in People’s Ears (Title by Wammie)” BOC!
From the sales stats, it has been active for over an hour.
Main site had one, and I apparently bought a crapcrap. My day is full. Oh, and I went to Trader Joe’s for the first time and escaped with less than $50. damage.
@OldCatLady trader joe’s
@OldCatLady - Wow, that’s something of a miracle! Just never go when you’re hungry.
@lichme Still there 20 minutes later.
@lichme just sold out.
@lichme thank you! Got it and have never been lucky enough for a BOC before although I’m guessing it will be unwhelming but I’m still excited First my first Fuko and now this!!! Happy days for people to take my
There’s a code in the Roku TV description but I’m too lazy to figure it out.
@sammydog01 See above
The last bag of crap I got was literally not worth five dollars. I swore I’d never try for one again. But it’s sorely tempting today.
@rv617 Same here. The crap usually ends up in the garbage or given away. I bought one last night anyway. Maybe I’ll get lucky after all these years, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
@heartny They have new bags that are very much like fuko bags (in 6 colors). Just think about that.
@sammydog01 A Fuko-like bag might just make it worth it. Maybe. But probably not.
@rv617 Me too. It really was not worth the ten bucks. But here I am, buying one again. Glutton for punishment.
@sammydog01 I’ll only think about it if one of the option is purple and that’s the one I get
@rv617 same here
Here is crap
I’m impressed that I beat @lichme
@cengland0 Haha, I went out to get some dinner. I haven’t eaten it yet, I came here to check woot first.
@sammydog01 Still up. I think they may have hit everyone in their user base.
Of all the goodies lately, I find that I’m most excited about my meh shirt with frosting and sprinkles. Maybe it’s because I know what it is and don’t have to wonder uneasily whether there’s a pallet of car wax en route.
/giphy car wax
@lichme Thank you! Please tell me how you find these. My first BOC!!
@lichme thanks man. Surprised it was even available 10 minutes after you posted the link. I told myself I’d never buy another BOC because they’ve just gotten shittier and shittier over the years, but I guess I’m just a glutton for punishment.
@lichme This one still works. First crap in about 5 years!
You are only allowed to crap once per seven days. It’s painful, but necessary.
@myjossi Looking at product images for new sales when they go up, they have hidden links
Appsclusive - probably waiting room for this one
@lichme So are you famous or something with Woot? I got this email after attempting to buy two BOCs.
@TBoneZeOriginal Haha, I haven’t seen that email in a long long time.
In regards to this email: Woot and I have a long history. I used to game the system a lot over there, but I’d tell them how I did it. They’d try to stop me, but I’d always thwart their attempts. I kind of stopped doing this because it was taking away from other people getting crap, which wasn’t cool (Sorry for the headaches @adq), and the thrill wore off.
After placing 12 or 14 BOC orders in one day, and laughing at them, they cancelled all of my orders (I knew they would). Then, they sent me a tracking number. It was an 817Lb pallet of zip ties. These weren’t cheap zip ties, they were the industrial type ones that go for around $150 wholesale per bag, and I got 180 bags, each containing 1000 zip ties.
I sold them off for dirt cheap. I didn’t have the space for them, as they took up 80% of my garage. Woot actually also held an event to help me sell them off.
Aside from that, I have a lot of contacts at woot. I’ve talked to a few of them on the phone. I’ve worked with several employees directly for various reasons. There was also a brief conversation about my family moving to Seattle and me working there, but I didn’t think I could make it work, as much as the idea intrigued me. This is kind of the TLDR version though, there’s a lot more to it.
Still, nothing beats my rivalry over there with Sam Kemmis. I really do miss harassing him.
'taint a BOC but I just grabbed two 32 GB USB 3.0 drives. USB and microUSB connectors. I kept waiting for meh to bring them back, and it hasn’t happened. Yes, they’re Monster. Wanna make something of it?
Wrong thread, sorry.
@OldCatLady I think this is the most appropriate thread. Congrats.
That one went fast!
Just got a UPS SurePost notification from woot!
/giphy Just a Label
@fjp999 Did you buy a $1 clicker? If so, it’s probably that.
@fjp999 @licheme I got a shipping notice too, and no, it wasn’t the button that I didn’t buy. Weight is 2.20 lbs. and I think this is the first time for me of something from Woot coming via SurePost.
@narfcake You can probably ignore it. The UPS labels are no good. It will most likely be replaced by a USPS label. Woot was testing out a new shipping method, but it couldn’t handle the load (giggidy), so they are going back to USPS.
I do, however, have a 10.9Lb package from woot with a label created.
@lichme you should stop bragging about how big your “package” is.
@no1 I could use a 10.9 lb package some nights. Wait- maybe 3 lbs is a better size.
@no1 Haha, sadly, it will probably shrink.
@lichme USPS or SmartPost/USPS? Except for the shirt.woot journals, I don’t recall much going out directly via USPS.
@narfcake USPS/Smartpost (FedEx)
@lichme I too have a 10.9 lb package with a label created. But it’s for the Undash button in the reference. Weird.
@narfcake The UPS/SurePost had that 2.20lbs + a UPS tracking # as well as a USPS tracking # but I pretty much agree with everyone as
/giphy It is all up in the air
I’m an asshole. I said I wouldn’t do it again. I did it again. And Fuck You Brittany Spears, it’s probably your fault. Yeah, bought the ICDb Crap. Can’t wait to see how utterly horrible it is, especially in comparison to my expected Fuko.
@cinoclav +1 I did it again… as well. I’m a glutton for punishment.
@jsh139 But, but… you didn’t plus 1 me!
@cinoclav Oh shit, I forgot!
/image doh
Apparently there was a crap link in the “Ball” video. I can’t read that tiny shit. And the young folks aren’t patient enough to watch.
@sammydog01 It was
@sammydog01 Too much work for that one considering how easy it was to get other ways. Do you know what time it appeared in the video?
EDIT: Thanks @lichme
@lichme I like to think you had to go frame by frame to find that
@slydon Maybe the guy who posted it here had to do that, I stole it from them. Although, I was clever enough to figure you that the dot was actually a .
I got my BoC… no bag at all, of course its usually just a brown paper bag so no biggie… typical stupid crap oh and some BACON BOWLS like I need more of those being a meh customer
But I did get a…
get ready for it…
Worth it.
@thismyusername picture?
correction, there is a bag it was under the bottom box flap, it is very small and has a zipper on it, no markings… also there was a magnet with the boc under there… Pizza Ladder magnet, which is pretty cool.
I wouldn’t guess it is the “bag” in the boc except I am seeing others in the reveal thread with it so it must be…
@communist click here and work backwards.
Wife received hers today.
Blue Woot BOC reusable bag
Woot Primo clicker
Dress up hardhat
Albert Einstein Sticky note pad
…pretty rough for her first one. She decided that she would not pursue an additional one in the future.
@studerc BOC’s are instant buyers regret.
@studerc I would have paid ten bucks for the bag and the clicker. But then I’m weird.
@DaveInSoCal @sammydog01 …yea, i tried to talk her outta the purchase reminding her that it’s more about the thrill of the chase rather than the outcome. But…she was just so damn proud of herself for getting one. Little did she know that they were beyond simple to get this time.
First BOC- one woot screaming monkey, one woot clicker, one woot purple bag, one all in one home office desk set ( scissors, tape etc) one antenna to whose knows what, three plastic toy tanks – and one I chair iPad stand so pretty cool not great but still beat .
P.S. My dog Nike kept stealing the woot screaming monkey
@AttyVette I hope I get a purple bag too. I’ll find out tomorrow.
@heartny I got a poo colored bag.
@sammydog01 If that’s one of the options, that’s probably what I will end up with too.
Bag o Crap is here… one beige woot bag o crap…(kinda ugly)… Zagg Foam gadget cleaner, Merry Merry Christmas Bingo game, Woot monkey, wrist builder and perhaps a dog leash/collar, oh and some sort of GOJO handsfree headset… Not bad.
Husband’s is here, but it looks like it has been stomped on!!
Mine arrived today. I got the tan BOC reusable bag and the following items:
@msklzannie not a bad haul. I have always wanted to try those straws.
I believe I already had the carrot caped monkey. I plan to give the tractor toy to my nephew for his 1st birthday or Christmas.
@conandlibrarian I thought they were pretty interesting too. Nothing in this one that made me think “what in the world am I supposed to do with this?”
Managed to get a BOC in the app and thought it would at least have some cool Primo Day swag or at least another bag to add to my wall-o-crap. Oh how wrong I was. Easily the worst $10 I’ve ever spent.
@TehChrisReed Oh man, you got one of the old ones. I’ll be pissed off if I get one of those. Most of them have the new nice bags and Primo Day undash buttons.
@TehChrisReed @sammydog01 that is pretty much the quality I got from my BOC. I know I am to be disappointed but … man. It sucked.
My BOC just came today, and I got a WootBot LETTER! w00t!
And a monkey, and some other crap:
@melwin Yay!
@melwin what’s it say?
@capguncowboy So then I basically had to kiss WootBot’s ass and promise to post pics of my next pile of crap that they’re sending me. I’ve seen some people get some great things, and some corny pallets of crap. I’m hoping for a big tv or something cool like that.
@melwin These days they mostly send a big box of the more useful stuff you might find in a BOC.
@sammydog01 I think all of my stuff is useful already so I welcome more of it! As long as it’s not a pallet of last year’s calendars (ugh, that was mean of woot when they did that!)
@melwin kiss ass?
@Del Well, I had to say something corny. I would never have said “I loved Primo Day!” if yo…er, I mean WootBot, hadn’t made me say it.
@melwin You are so getting a pallet of left handed putters after that.
@sammydog01 Well, NOW I will really have to kiss ass. Damnit.
@melwin if you’re feeling coerced, I can cancel what we were going to send. I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything.
Should have put a there.
@Del Only if it was a pallet of left handed putters.
Wootbot apparently spit out an extra label for me so I got two boxes:
I wasn’t going to order one, but they just made it so easy I finally caved and bought one.
@MrMark Nice shoes.
@MrMark Are the shoes at least close to your size? Most of the time they’ve sent shoes, they’ve been some obscure size no one wears
@capguncowboy there are actually womans size 9. So nope not close. My wife has tiny feet so no go there. But I feel that its a common enough size that someone we know will take them. So overall no too bad.
@MrMark I like the Mortimer and Monty magnet!
Sorry all! I was going to post a picture of mine, but it accidentally fell in the garbage. There was a monkey, magnet, some kind of makeup bag or something… and some other junk.
This was my first purchase since November, and will definitely be my last. Lesson learned! All my impulse buys are staying here, meh!
@DaveInSoCal You threw out the magnet?!?!? I have never gotten a magnet.
@sammydog01 And the screaming monkey …
haven’t you always wanted a monkey?
@sammydog01 @narfcake FINE! monkey and magnet are on the floor. Email me with address dave reviews 40 at gmail dot com
@DaveInSoCal Mine was the first purchase since May 2015, and that was just a shirt that a friend designed for shirt.woot. I didn’t get any magnets.
@sammydog01 magnet is in the mail!
@DaveInSoCal I feel like I should send you something, because without this post, I wouldn’t have even got a BOC.
@melwin i appreciate the thought but it’s totally unnecessary. I feel like i started a thread that cost everyone $10 to be disappointed.
@DaveInSoCal You’re the best! Thanks!
@DaveInSoCal It came! I love it! It’s on my fridge as requested!
Now if that guy I’ve never heard of from Woot sends me a clicker I’ll be all set. Thanks!
@sammydog01 sweet! Enjoy!
My BOC arrived today and once again I wonder why I even bother trying:
• Screaming monkey
• Pizza ladder magnet
• Pink nail polish with glitter
• Savvy Infusion Sport Infuser Water Bottle
• Umbrella hat
• Pink terry headband
• Small orange zipper tote
• Ikea BETYDLIG wall/ceiling bracket curtain rod holder thingy
• NO official Woot Bag. I was hoping for purple.
I would say vanilla BoC, but Vanilla is at least some flavor. In > 10 years wooting and multiple BoCs, never have I ever gotten the letter. I have, however, gotten a premium BoC including a laptop with Chinese Linux installed and other excellent goodies. Just not the letter. I am glad I got the shopping bag; have already filled it with groceries. Also yet another monkey. I really wanted that cell phone handset!
Unboxed my first ever BOC today and was impressed that I wasn’t completely disappointed as some of the rest of you have been. Although I’m sure if this something I was more used to getting, the list of items would leave me underwhelmed. I can also say for sure that it doesn’t hold a candle to my Fuko
Thanks again to this forum for making this BOC possible So for the money I think that I can now rest easy without feeling compelled at snagging another one of these for a long time. Orrrrrr more like just until the next time there’s another market saturation of them, damn my compulsive buying nature!
@DaveInSoCal My 50 pound crap post down towards the bottom of the page:
I’m mjvaughn over on woot.
@melwin Nice crap!