Sporks are free at taco bell and kfc, of course they are really really really really really flimsy these days… it’s like the guys who make the knives that meh sells design the sporks too.
@ELUNO it’s way too hot out still to be building fires to heat things on. By November it will just be cool enough for a light jacket. These will make great Christmas gifts. Maybe I’ll go camping for the New Year. Now I’m thinking about s’mores. meh! How you taunt me. Why do you do this to me? I’m not sure you can even buy chocolate bars here in Arizona at this time of the year. Chocolate melts before you can put it on marshmallows until around voting day.
@ELUNO It is NEVER too cold to go camping. Been camping in 60 below zero (F, FYI -40 is about the same in both F and C). On the other hand you can not, for example, use an air mattress at those temps as they don’t insulate from the cold ground. Tongue stuck to cold water bottle could be a risk as is dealing with frozen food and water.
And I have no idea how these items would perform at these temps - whether or not you can crack them from the cold like you can do with wet jeans when one stupidly (not naming any names here) bang them a tree to get icicles off of them therefore breaking a leg of them completely off. Hair, by the way, also snaps off if you break icicles with hair in them off. In case you become worried about elasticity (eg not becoming brittle) in cold temps for camping you can read this for your amusement http://collections.dartmouth.edu/arctica-beta/html/EA02b-02.html
@Kidsandliz I don’t mind the cold that much, but going out to play in the snow for a couple of hours is it for me. Camping and sleeping in the cold? No thanks!
@Gwabi I haven’t really used the set yet. The sporks seem to be nice enough. I wouldn’t buy this set for the silverware though. I was quite impressed with the quality of the bowl and cup.
@growyoungagain Singing around a campfire? Clearly you did not go to summer camp (grin). My extended family (eg grandmother organized it) did so as well : )
@ekw me too! Toaks and Optimus. I lost my REI spork ages back. That said, my Ti long handle spoon is my favorite. It is more better than any of my sporks.
These camp sets have been my favorite items in months, I haven’t been able to afford nicer gear lately and had my pack stolen a few months ago. These have been a god send
@Glucose that effin’ sucks! Backpacking gear is not cheap! The kettle alone is worth the price of the whole set. Good luck replacing your gear and hike on!
Yeah, I’ll get this and go camping! Then all I’ll need is a tent, tarps, ropes, stakes, sleeping bags, mats, knives, an axe, folding shovel, a stove, bottles, kerosine, matches, a backpack, dried food, water, some jerky, hiking boots, a whistle…
Oh, meh-ver mind, just call the Hyatt and make a reservation. We’ll only get a Junior Suite, and call it “camping.”
On Sierra Trading Post there are reviews of a couple of items made by the same company. This company also makes an 18 oz bowl (the ones being sold at meh are 12oz) and the repeated complaint was they were small. I’d suggest getting a measuring cup, and then cups and bowls you usually use and see if the volume matches up with what you are used to to decide yourself it they would be useful.
We’re on the opposite end of the spectrum. We went camping this weekend and used the $60 SS coffee pot SWMBO wanted. I like it. She’s my enabler.
We leave the basket at home (it’s a percolator.) Water - coffee - boil - Done! Just be careful pouring the last cup or two as it will have a bot of sediment. Makes great coffee. No need for the filter holder.
@HankB33 What is an SS coffee pot? So many abbreviations and acronyms are being used in these forums and it is frustrating to try and figure out what people are talking about. Also SWMBO??
@narfcake Thanks, I was thinking ss was single serve, but then if it’s a percolater it did’nt make sense. In the post about Amazon reviews and t-shirt designs, what does POD and IP stand for? What’s wrong with emoji’s?
@growyoungagain Apologies - looks like @narfcake beat me to it - thanks. And yes, cowboy coffee - I had forgotten what it was called. (I started making it before I learned that i`t was called cowboy coffee.)
@ndoscoptec OH… It all makes sense now… never mind the question I posted earlier. I thought that was another bowl or something, not the holder for the filter… DUHHH!
What’s in the Box?
1x FlexWare Kettle
1x Double Up Cup
1x Double Up Bowl
1x FlexWare Coffee Drip
2x PackWare Biner Spork
Kettle expanded
kettle collapsed
Coffee drip expanded
Coffee drip collapsed
Cup separated
Bowl separated
Green spork
Green spork side view
Orange spork
Price Comparison
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
2 Year BlueSky Gear
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Jan 17 - Tuesday, Jan 21
Meh dish-- camping cost a bundle don’t let your dishes cost a lot too
Sporks are free at taco bell and kfc, of course they are really really really really really flimsy these days… it’s like the guys who make the knives that meh sells design the sporks too.
@thismyusername I bought my own box of sporks a while back.

@narfcake those are the better ones with the solid handles. To cut costs and weight the KenTacoHutt people have reduced the handles down to this:
@narfcake Why??
@thismyusername That’s not cheap; that’s a value engineered spork.
@growyoungagain Because I can. The whole box of 1,000 was under $7.
@narfcake Devil sporks?
@blaineg If that what [insert religion here] calls the children of an interutensil marraige between a fork and spoon …
On a more serious note, a background on forks:
Sporks of a fine religion.
Will you deliver this before it is too cold to go camping?
@ELUNO it’s way too hot out still to be building fires to heat things on. By November it will just be cool enough for a light jacket. These will make great Christmas gifts. Maybe I’ll go camping for the New Year. Now I’m thinking about s’mores. meh! How you taunt me. Why do you do this to me? I’m not sure you can even buy chocolate bars here in Arizona at this time of the year. Chocolate melts before you can put it on marshmallows until around voting day.
@ELUNO It is NEVER too cold to go camping. Been camping in 60 below zero (F, FYI -40 is about the same in both F and C). On the other hand you can not, for example, use an air mattress at those temps as they don’t insulate from the cold ground. Tongue stuck to cold water bottle could be a risk as is dealing with frozen food and water.
And I have no idea how these items would perform at these temps - whether or not you can crack them from the cold like you can do with wet jeans when one stupidly (not naming any names here) bang them a tree to get icicles off of them therefore breaking a leg of them completely off. Hair, by the way, also snaps off if you break icicles with hair in them off. In case you become worried about elasticity (eg not becoming brittle) in cold temps for camping you can read this for your amusement http://collections.dartmouth.edu/arctica-beta/html/EA02b-02.html
@Kidsandliz I would call that torture, not camping.
BRB, I’m going to freeze some playdoh.
@ELUNO Actually once you acclimate to that kind of cold it isn’t bad (and then 5 degrees seems warm by comparison).
@Kidsandliz I don’t mind the cold that much, but going out to play in the snow for a couple of hours is it for me. Camping and sleeping in the cold? No thanks!
@ELUNO PS what are you going to do with the frozen playdoh? Offer it to your kids as popsicles? LOL
@Kidsandliz That’s actually not a bad idea since it’s not toxic!
I am a wimp.
I salute you.
@Kidsandliz freezing clothes? No thanks.
@RiotDemon Only if you have just washed them and have hung them outside to dry…
How do they keep finding this stuff on Amazon that has never been reviewed?
@ponagathos That’s why it’s here. Nobody bought them elsewhere.
Likely true. I guess I was just cooking up some conspiracy theory in my head.
Bought the dishes and silverware last time. I’m buying again just for the kettle and coffee drip!
/giphy operative-pathetic-nymph

@melonscoop are they decent? The spoons??
@Gwabi I haven’t really used the set yet. The sporks seem to be nice enough. I wouldn’t buy this set for the silverware though. I was quite impressed with the quality of the bowl and cup.
Coffee drip, I find the whole campfire bundle a DRIP.
I muted Saturday Night Live for this?? I can’t recollect anyone ever singing around a campfire, it’s an Urban Myth.
@growyoungagain bubble?
@Crood bubble what? Scrubbing bubbles, bubble boy, bubble wrap, Michael Buble?
@growyoungagain We sang around campfires. My dad brought his ukelele.
@growyoungagain Did you mute the SNL skit where there were two couples singing around a campfire? That needed to be muted for good reasons anyway.
@growyoungagain Singing around a campfire? Clearly you did not go to summer camp (grin). My extended family (eg grandmother organized it) did so as well : )
@melwin I did’nt see it, I was doing stuff on my tablet. Tina Fey and Jimmy Fallon were a nice surprise on weekend update.
@Kidsandliz Yeah I never went to camp, too many allergies.
tempting. but I already have a titanium spork
@ekw Fancy!
@ekw me too! Toaks and Optimus. I lost my REI spork ages back. That said, my Ti long handle spoon is my favorite. It is more better than any of my sporks.
That kettle is too ridiculous to pass up.
/giphy presumptuous-bountiful-fighter

These camp sets have been my favorite items in months, I haven’t been able to afford nicer gear lately and had my pack stolen a few months ago. These have been a god send
@Glucose that effin’ sucks! Backpacking gear is not cheap! The kettle alone is worth the price of the whole set. Good luck replacing your gear and hike on!
@kphilippe It worked! Your order number is: disadvantaged-miserable-hydrogen
/image disadvantaged miserable hydrogen

Spork that’s what you get when the fork runs away with the spoon to a motel 6.
One can never have too much camping gear.
Oh and…
@OH9JK On of my favorite shirts. The best puns are puns you can wear!
Live long And Spork
@narfcake thanks for the link…gotta grab one of those!!
Yeah, I’ll get this and go camping! Then all I’ll need is a tent, tarps, ropes, stakes, sleeping bags, mats, knives, an axe, folding shovel, a stove, bottles, kerosine, matches, a backpack, dried food, water, some jerky, hiking boots, a whistle…
Oh, meh-ver mind, just call the Hyatt and make a reservation. We’ll only get a Junior Suite, and call it “camping.”
@MrNews Yup, the best way to get away from it all is to take it with you. I’ll bring my Blu-ray of a camp fire…might be a Yule log…whatever.
@MrNews My idea of camping is The Marriott Residence. They already have everything, some rooms even a fireplace.
@growyoungagain I stay at the Hilton Americas one weekend every year. They don’t have Chihuly chandeliers in the wilderness.
On Sierra Trading Post there are reviews of a couple of items made by the same company. This company also makes an 18 oz bowl (the ones being sold at meh are 12oz) and the repeated complaint was they were small. I’d suggest getting a measuring cup, and then cups and bowls you usually use and see if the volume matches up with what you are used to to decide yourself it they would be useful.
Forget the camping gear (neck deep in the stuff), but that was a great essay to read over Sunday coffee…kudos to the copywriters!!
The collapsible coffee maker is worth more than the whole deal in for one.
Fuck you, meh. I want color choice.
@f00l It worked! Your order number is: illustrious-tampered-squirrel
/image illustrious tampered squirrel

how, pray tell, do you make coffee in that thing (even with a standard #2 cone filter…)
@chienfou Sit it on top of a cup, place filter in, place coffee grounds in, pour hot water over and allow it to drip into the cup.
@narfcake Same as a Meleta one cup filter.
We’re on the opposite end of the spectrum. We went camping this weekend and used the $60 SS coffee pot SWMBO wanted. I like it. She’s my enabler.
We leave the basket at home (it’s a percolator.) Water - coffee - boil - Done! Just be careful pouring the last cup or two as it will have a bot of sediment. Makes great coffee. No need for the filter holder.
@HankB33 Cowboy Coffee FTW!
@HankB33 What is an SS coffee pot?
So many abbreviations and acronyms are being used in these forums and it is frustrating to try and figure out what people are talking about. Also SWMBO??
As a side note, thanks for not /emojify-ing your post. That’s even less readable than acronyms.
@narfcake Thanks, I was thinking ss was single serve, but then if it’s a percolater it did’nt make sense. In the post about Amazon reviews and t-shirt designs, what does POD and IP stand for? What’s wrong with emoji’s?
@growyoungagain Apologies - looks like @narfcake beat me to it - thanks. And yes, cowboy coffee - I had forgotten what it was called. (I started making it before I learned that i`t was called cowboy coffee.)

Other shirt related acronyms I’ll use here from time to time:
I’m so excited!! I ordered this not realizing the cone was a coffee maker!!!I’m a happy camper now!

/giphy happy camper
@ndoscoptec OH…
It all makes sense now… never mind the question I posted earlier. I thought that was another bowl or something, not the holder for the filter… DUHHH!
I am going to spork out my eyes. Please meh, save me by posting something worth a f*ck. .
ARgh, I ordered one and now 2 have shipped. BAH.