Yes- it’s shown in that picture.
Even though bacon with cat hair on it is hugely better than not having bacon, I still prefer mine unadorned by such…
@PhysAssist let me be one of the Last to cast Blame, Cat Hair on all stuff, from Food to beds to clothing!
Plus ALL the storms, that dropped a lot of Rain, Snowstorms, hey it has Snowed in ALL 50 states.WOW!
@PhysAssist Nah, my cat just doesn’t have much interest in people food! Which is a plus, in my opinion. He always wants to sniff it but he hardly ever wants to eat it.
@Kyeh@PhysAssist That is so VERY true, my Cat Thor, Loves to sniff stuff. But unless it is from the Box, Can or bag he don’t want to eat it. Same goes for bottled water, he like tap water better.
@pakopako Don’t have a minced bacon patty, but I do have other bacon dishes I’ve made: bacon and potato pie, bacon cup with eggs, bacon grilled cheese sandwich burger, bacon jam, bacon mac and cheese, bacon pancakes, bacon pizza, clam and bacon pizza, bacon potato tart, chocolate mousse with crumbled bacon, coffee ice cream in a bacon cup, Guinness bacon brownies, ice cream with chocolate shell and bacon, maple bacon salmon, and lamb, bacon, and porcini mushroom risotto.
@ItalianScallion I actually miss this local bacon I used to get up in Monterey. But there was an even better one I got one year up in Sonoma. Bacon steaks that were not superfat. Like 1/4 pound slices of bacon for the win
Bacon lettuce tomato and avocado
I LOVE it!
Goes nicely on a burger.
Goes nicely on EVERYthing!
Is there a wrong way?

@lonocat That is the Best use of Bacon, Not the Kevin Bacon!
Yes- it’s shown in that picture.
Even though bacon with cat hair on it is hugely better than not having bacon, I still prefer mine unadorned by such…
@PhysAssist let me be one of the Last to cast Blame, Cat Hair on all stuff, from Food to beds to clothing!
Plus ALL the storms, that dropped a lot of Rain, Snowstorms, hey it has Snowed in ALL 50 states.WOW!
I’m so sorry…
Mea Culpa!
Bacon is very good for getting the dog’s attention. Otherwise she just tends to ignore me. (Priorities, i guess.)
@phendrick So what did you do to the Dog?
/showme a lot of cat eating a Mountain of Bacon
@mycya4me They look about as interested as my cat would be - which is not very.
is there something terribly wrong with your cat then?
I’m feeling very sorry for you and it just from your comment!
In fact, for today only, it’s probably my fault!
Mea Culpa
@PhysAssist Nah, my cat just doesn’t have much interest in people food! Which is a plus, in my opinion. He always wants to sniff it but he hardly ever wants to eat it.
If only our dogs were more like that.
@Kyeh The same for my cat! Unless it comes in a box or can … he turns up his nose!
@Kyeh @PhysAssist That is so VERY true, my Cat Thor, Loves to sniff stuff. But unless it is from the Box, Can or bag he don’t want to eat it. Same goes for bottled water, he like tap water better.
/image bacon burrito

That yellow stuff clearly ain’t bacon, though…
Bacon is best used to get wonderful bacon drippings.
Not a big baconista, but bacon and egg and mushroom (with onion and chiles) omelots or burritos (see above) … gasp
when my
does what it’s told and does just what the Fat Bastard tells it to do!!

Bacon and tomato sandwich. Nothing else needed.
No mayo or cheese?
You lost me there…
/showme bacon and cats
Turkey bacon avocado sandwich.

Like a BLT, but better.
Unless you’re allergic to avocados or something.
I haven’t found any bad uses of bacon so far. I have even made bacon ice cream
A Mehtizen after my own heart!
One of my finest culinary creations: bacon wrapped in bacon on a bed of bacon

Should I share more of my bacon creations?
@ItalianScallion do you have any pics for a pure minced bacon patty?
@ItalianScallion Delish!
@pakopako Don’t have a minced bacon patty, but I do have other bacon dishes I’ve made: bacon and potato pie, bacon cup with eggs, bacon grilled cheese sandwich burger, bacon jam, bacon mac and cheese, bacon pancakes, bacon pizza, clam and bacon pizza, bacon potato tart, chocolate mousse with crumbled bacon, coffee ice cream in a bacon cup, Guinness bacon brownies, ice cream with chocolate shell and bacon, maple bacon salmon, and lamb, bacon, and porcini mushroom risotto.
@ItalianScallion @pakopako And that was all at one meal.
@mehcuda67 @pakopako C’mon, I’m not that bad. It was one day, not one meal. Sheesh!
On pizza with pineapple and mushrooms.
Feed it to the pigs, I don’t eat bacon.
@Star2236 bacon-ception!
@pakopako @Star2236
cannibal pigs?
@Kyeh @pakopako
Bc pigs eat anything. They’ll even eat you. Be weary of pig farmers.
@pakopako @Star2236 I have heard of that
There’ve been murder mysteries where the victim got fed to the pigs.
/showme an Instant Regret Kit filled with bacon and onlookers are very excited about it
@mediocrebot One can only dream…
Bacon needs a purpose other than being bacon?
@UpbeatDuck I so agree,
/image Welsh rarebit with bacon

Try that again

/image Welsh rarebit
/showme Welsh rarebit with bacon
Ever since this topic, i’m’a craving bacon
@Cerridwyn Your could order this high-quality yummy bacon from Oscar’s Smokehouse right from the convenience of your keyboard.
@ItalianScallion I actually miss this local bacon I used to get up in Monterey. But there was an even better one I got one year up in Sonoma. Bacon steaks that were not superfat. Like 1/4 pound slices of bacon for the win