Best thing I've seen today
12@Carl669, have you heard about this?
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@Carl669, have you heard about this?
Look closely at his right hand.
It is not a real stamp. And the Ukranian border patrol stationed on Snake Island are reported to be alive after capture by the Russians. The Russians did carpet bomb the crap out of the island afterwards. Cuz that’s just how they roll. The Ukranians remember the Holodomor.
@mike808 USA Today says otherwise.
@mike808 But yes, the soldiers are believed to be alive, in captivity.
I just saw the story on CNN, they claim it’s a real stamp. But, then again, CNN …
Still, cool story even if fake.
@stolicat It’s not fake.
@Kyeh Then even cooler, as another example of their resiliency and creativity to actual produce a new stamp in the midst of it all.
@stolicat I admire them tremendously.
The artist is Boris Groh, from Lviv. Reports are the Ukranian postal service, Ukrposhta, held a contest for artwork themed around the “Go Fuck Yourselves” retort.
His website is here, and you can order a poster. No idea when you’ll get one, if at all. Not because it is a scam, but because they’re in the middle of a war.
Word from Ukrposhta in a press release:
So it’s not quite a stamp … yet.
There is a NON-SSL website claiming to be the Ukraine Post service (Ukrposhta), but that seems sketchy without the HTTPS (proof of site identity). It could be a compromised site, and I don’t recommend purchasing/sending funds. Who knows who is in control of what telecommunications infrastructure at this point, And I’m pretty sure the mail delivery and processing is on hold across the country. The domain appears to be legit. Any information is NOT ENCRYPTED unless you get sent to a site with the lock
and https. Hence, don’t enter payment info into a “purchase” form.
For a stamp that has an impressive amount of detail in it.
@Star2236 It’s a poster. See link to artist’s website/webshop above and here:
The Ukraine post is going to issue a stamp based on the poster. No ETA yet on the actual stamps.
thanks for tagging me @Kyeh.
i love this on many levels. i went to Ukraine back in 2017 and the people there are wonderful and insanely resilient. i had never heard of the Holodomor (@mike808 linked it above) and can’t imagine what it took to get through that.
i’ve also had friends volunteer there through various NGOs. they loved every minute. one was there during the last invasion and had to be emergency evacuated in the middle of the night.
one of the guides from my 2017 trip still lives in Kyiv with his girlfriend and posts daily updates. they’re doing the best they can to help their neighbors and at last check, they were ok. the updates are set to public on facebook, so feel free to see what he has to say:
there are other local guides that have posted updates.
Kostya, our guide in Chernobyl, joined the territorial defenses. last i heard he was supposed to be in Kyiv as of last week. Yuriy, his brother that makes very tasty homemade gin, hasn’t been heard from and I hope he’s ok. i also haven’t heard anything from Konstantin, who led our tour of Kyiv’s underground tunnels, and Sviata, our guide for the tour of historical Kyiv has not been heard from either. we all hope they were able to evacuate. but, knowing them, they most likely enlisted the day Russia invaded.
and finally, fuck Putin
@carl669 prayers for your friends
And also fuck Putin
@carl669 How cool that you were able to go there and see all that, but how much more agonizing it must be to watch what’s happening. I cry when I watch the news most nights. It’s so wrong and unnecessary.
A department head I worked for long ago was Ukrainian and because of the Holodomor he was virulently anti-Communist.
I don’t know how this can end well for Ukraine but I’m so impressed by their spirit and just maybe they can prevail somehow.
I’m not on Facebook so it won’t let me see that account.
Is that the State bird of Ukraine?
“Those who want to stop Russia’s murderous attack against Ukraine should stop investing in or buying the products of these companies.”
@Kyeh Interesting on the “Digging in” list:
Koch Industries. Major contributor to a certain political party led by a twice-impeached one-term former president. The first impeachment was over trying to extort President Zelensky to fabricate dirt on Hunter Biden in exchange for military aid to Ukraine. “the perfect call”
Don’t forget all those Senators and House members that voted for party over country and backed Putin’s #1 fanboy in the White House the next time you’re in the voting booth.
Not a one gave a shit about Ukraine and cheered on TFG giving Putin a week-long boner at the thought of Ukraine not getting military aid (anti-tank and anti-air missile defense weapons) to defend itself against Putin’s current invasion.

/image politico hawley fist
I’ve boycotted Koch Industries for years.
@Kyeh @mike808 but seriously. Subway is on that digging in list. So is cloudflare, Asus, Cargill,LG.
Idk how they wrote that list. Companies behave in their best interest. However that interest is allowed by the government. Which should be by and for the people. But it never had been. Enough backlash works if they care about their reputation. America has it’s fair share that don’t.
Regardless Russia’s military is clearly way more pathetic than anyone expected and do you know what a javilin can do to an armored tank?
/youtube javalin missle system
That’s what they are getting
@unksol Cloudflare, I can understand. It’s somewhat of a “free speech” kind of position, and they probably are protecting the remaining infrastructure for the firms that have left because Cloudflare’s contracts are with the western headquarters, not the Kremlin. As well as things like tor nodes and free speech outlets and embassies that were and will remain in-country.
Cargill is a Big Ag company, and Russia has had and will have challenges feeding its people. That’s a humanitarian play, and will be a problem long after Putin concedes or is replaced (by whom or how, who knows).
I don’t think Subway is “intentionally” staying. They’re a franchise and really just a brand. So if they pull out, they lose literally the only thing they sell - the brand - and they won’t ever get it back. By staying, at least they think they have a chance at retaining the only thing they offer to shareholders - the royalty streams - after the war ends.
Not sure Asus or LG have any political interests at all. It’s only been a couple of weeks now. That’s a really fast time to decide to completely pull out of a market, and many companies just aren’t that nimble. It takes time to do the analysis if you’re going to be making a multi-billion dollar decision like some of these companies are. They just can’t turn on a dime, especially if the corporate structure doesn’t allow it.
Where I work, it was a “Do we want to just walk away from $10B and eat it?” question. Way above everyone’s pay grade. And it took a while for the board to do it. That’s a big decision to justify when the big shareholders come looking for accountability on missing targets long after the dust settles. “Because all the cool kids or everyone else is doing it” isn’t going to cut it in the 10 figure club. You also have to have a clear plan for leaving. You can’t just leave the keys on the counter and walk out, leaving everything hanging.
Not trying to justify why or apologize for any of them that are still there or end up staying. I’m saying that there being some stragglers or some that just can’t pull out is not a completely unreasonable position. It’s not simple or easy for everyone just because it is for other companies.
@mike808 that was also my point. Although poorly transitioned. Their “digging iist” seemed to have no basis or facts. Subway is not digging in because it can’t shut down independently owned restaurants.
Cargill, Asus, lg… Not like they are contributing much. But no one is at this point. Maybe they are keeping some at work.
I’m not a fan of the koch brothers but if you are going to lump one in out of 30 on siding with Russia… Eh… Their probably just a greedy trump. Err pricks.
What it looks like when you thought taking over Ukraine would be as easy as taking over the Republican party.