@elimanningface@hchavers If you ever visit down south make sure you ask for unsweet or you’re in for a shock. The sweet tea McDonalds makes is undrinkable to me and I love sugar.
@elimanningface Unsweet McDonalds tea does not have any sugar in it. Their sweet tea must be pretty close to saturated. And it’s not “unsweetened” it’s “unsweet”. I guess it’s a southern thing. If you just ask for tea you might get a mouthful of sugar. And “iced” is assumed.
@JT954@msklzannie I don’t like chamomile tea hot, but accidentally found out that I enjoy it iced. Now I always have a bottle of cold-brewed chamomile tea in the fridge. It is more refreshing to me than the bitterness of iced black tea.
I’ve recently switched from drinking coffee (I loaded it with sugar and creamer to make it taste good) to tea in the mornings. I’ve always been more of an ice tea and herbal hot tea drinker. So I started with English Breakfast (good) but after buying a small variety of Twinings I really like Lady Grey tea. I do like Earl Grey as well. I always thought it would be different so I had never tried it. So I’m rotating through which tea I drink each morning, the main requirement is caffeine. I need to find another good variety pack to find others.
@remo28 I drink decaffeinated tea at night and just discovered Lady Grey too! It’s my current favorite. Chamomile with honey, spiced chai, black tea, and green tea are my other top choices.
My favorite is called (by most English speakers who drink it) Gold Man tea, and comes from Kazakhstan. It’s hard to get in the states. The next best is in several grocery stores here, called Vini’s Black Tea with Lemon. I drink it with milk and sometimes a hint of sugar.
For herbal tea, there’s a lemon-ginger tea from (I think) Lipton that’s quite good, though if I’m making a pot, I usually add some Lemon Zinger and Raspberry Zinger to it. It seems to have been discontinued, but there was a green tea with goji berries that was a perfect complement to this set, which we recently ran out of…
@heartny I have to check the ingredients with new teas because I hate hibiscus to much I’ll throw it out if I taste it. Which is really weird since I’m not that picky.
@katbyter You should try Trader Joe’s candied ginger. It’s like a ginger gummy bear. And cheap for a bag of it. Or, for kids/grownups that are into a little more sour/spicy, pickled ginger for sushi (by itself, no sushi). You can try the sushi pickled ginger with charcuterie instead of a mini gherkin.
Wet Tea shirts are always entertaining and get my vote.
Speaking of votes, you can vote for Earl Gray; is more than just a breakfast tea:
If you google Vote for Earl Gray, look what comes up: https://voteearlgray.com
Ginger Peach tea is pretty good, Jasmine tea… the kind with the dried flowers that unfurl… In hot water. If you order a London Fog at Starbucks, it’s early grey tea with a splash of milk and honey. Try it
@RiotDemon OIC now… it’s because meh stupidly hides the first comments when there are too many. Missed the expander button this time. Still, chai was conspicuously absent from the survey.
earl gray, even before Picard existed.
for coffee I use a bonavita which I have had for a few years now, does a decent job of doing a pour over. highly rated brewer.
Home made Chai blend. I like a lot of cinnamon in mine, some black pepper, star anise, nutmeg, and a heavy hand of freshly toasted cardamom that adds an almost vanilla quality to it.
I like Teavana’s Samurai Chai, but they’re too pricey.
Irish Breakfast so strong you can stand a spoon up in it, with milk and sugar. English Breakfast in a pinch. Adagio Tea sells a black tea called Yunnan Jig that’s my second favorite.
After drinking tasty bean oily coffee for so long, tea in general always seems to me like desiccated sand water, by comparison.
Must be how engine valves feel running E85, eh?
I do like Earl Grey though. And sometimes decaf green tea before bed. Had some uh… Yorkshire Gold, I think. I can see how people would like that. I’d drink it if coffee didn’t exist.
it’s strawberry earl grey and it’s so good. it’s especially good if you like making london fogs.
after teavana bit the dust i went looking for a replacement loose tea purveyor and found these guys. i’m not affiliated with them i just really love their tea. only had one i didn’t care for and that was an error on my part not reading the ingredients. my second favorite to the strawberry earl grey is the lavender dreams herbal tea: https://www.plumdeluxe.com/product/lavender-dreams-white-tea
also, when i was little my grandfather would make me “tea” that was about 99% milk and sugar with a lipton tea bag waved over it. i still keep lipton tea bags in the house so i can have it this way sometimes.
and in the summer, i make the iced tazo passion tea by the gallon. good with fresh lemons and/or lemonade.
My favorite “pot” teas are an organic Jasmine Pearl green tea or rooibos for herbal. For tea bags that can travel with me, my go-to is Stash - Double Bergamot Earl Gray for black, Mojito Mint or Ginger Peach for green, and either Peppermint, Cascade Mint, or Lemon Ginger for herbal.
@rockblossom i’ve never bought stash on my own, but i shop with a lot of indie brands that include tea bags as an extra (with stash being the most common) and i don’t think i’ve ever had a bad cup of stash tea. really good flavors!
@jerk_nugget I also like Tazo teas, but they are packed in thin paper, so I have to put them in something airtight or the humidity will destroy them. The Stash tea packets are more resistant to outside air/humidity, which is why I think they stay fresh longer and are better for trips.
When most people think of mint, they think of peppermint. My favorite is spearmint. After many attempts to find a mint tea that is more to my liking, I came across Plantation Mint (Bigelow), a very nice spearmint based tea. My other go to is Constant Comment (also Bigelow) - an orange spice tea that is the closest to Market Spice tea - from my much younger days (a specialty tea as I remember).
@fosh2 I love spearmint and bought some at Penzey’s thinking I could use it as a tea. Wrong. But I have some decaf black tea with mild peach flavoring and a pinch of spearmint leaves makes it wonderful.
This sale should have been on a T day with a Test Teas write up. I miss the tea topics. I have been drinking a couple black tea blends. I am still buying locaI but I might have to test a few of the teas listed above or see if there is something similar local. A few choices are online with the coffees. https://outofthegreycoffee.com/collections/most-popular-luxury-loose-leaf
Irish Breakfast FTW!

@curtise I’ve been guzzling Bewley’s Dublin Morning Tea lately. One of my favorite packaged teas ever.
@curtise good choice
Chai Tea

@hems79 Especially when the spices have been fresh-ground vs. the mediocre stuff in a bag. And with cream.
Sleepy Time! What time is it?
@elimanningface and sweet. Must not forget the sugar in the south.
@hchavers no. Iced ONLY!!!
@elimanningface @hchavers If you ever visit down south make sure you ask for unsweet or you’re in for a shock. The sweet tea McDonalds makes is undrinkable to me and I love sugar.
@elimanningface @hchavers @sammydog01 here a lot of people ask for unsweet or half and half.
@hchavers @sammydog01 are you saying the unsweetened McDonalds tea has sugar?
@elimanningface Unsweet McDonalds tea does not have any sugar in it. Their sweet tea must be pretty close to saturated. And it’s not “unsweetened” it’s “unsweet”. I guess it’s a southern thing. If you just ask for tea you might get a mouthful of sugar. And “iced” is assumed.
Chamomile tea is so good that I don’t need to add anything to it.
@JT954 That is probably my least favorite type of tea.
@JT954 @msklzannie I don’t like chamomile tea hot, but accidentally found out that I enjoy it iced. Now I always have a bottle of cold-brewed chamomile tea in the fridge. It is more refreshing to me than the bitterness of iced black tea.
@gio @msklzannie I think that’s why it works for me. I have it with breakfast so it gets colder and goes well with eggs and toast.
Cold-brewed peppermint on a hot day is hard to beat.
You spelled Grey wrong…
none. none tea is the best.
@tinamarie1974 yesssss, rooibos is the best! I should learn to pronounce it someday.
@UncleVinny so I JUST figured it out last night when I googled rooibos to find the url for that specific tea. It is Roy-boss
@tinamarie1974 @UncleVinny This stuff is great.

I also have some “plain” meaning non-flavored. It is definitely an acquired taste. “Earthy” is an understatement, but I like it!
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG TBH, I scarcely ever drink tea. But when I do, it’s Roy-Boss all the way! I’ll keep an eye out for Rishi, tho.
I’ve recently switched from drinking coffee (I loaded it with sugar and creamer to make it taste good) to tea in the mornings. I’ve always been more of an ice tea and herbal hot tea drinker. So I started with English Breakfast (good) but after buying a small variety of Twinings I really like Lady Grey tea. I do like Earl Grey as well. I always thought it would be different so I had never tried it. So I’m rotating through which tea I drink each morning, the main requirement is caffeine. I need to find another good variety pack to find others.
@remo28 I drink decaffeinated tea at night and just discovered Lady Grey too! It’s my current favorite. Chamomile with honey, spiced chai, black tea, and green tea are my other top choices.
My favorite is called (by most English speakers who drink it) Gold Man tea, and comes from Kazakhstan. It’s hard to get in the states. The next best is in several grocery stores here, called Vini’s Black Tea with Lemon. I drink it with milk and sometimes a hint of sugar.
For herbal tea, there’s a lemon-ginger tea from (I think) Lipton that’s quite good, though if I’m making a pot, I usually add some Lemon Zinger and Raspberry Zinger to it. It seems to have been discontinued, but there was a green tea with goji berries that was a perfect complement to this set, which we recently ran out of…
@heartny I have to check the ingredients with new teas because I hate hibiscus to much I’ll throw it out if I taste it. Which is really weird since I’m not that picky.
Black Gold, Texas Tea.
@therealjrn straight gasoline, no chaser
Lapsong Souchong, but only in the Fall.
Otherwise Red Rose.
My kids get “ginger tea” when they’re sick. It is hot water with lemon, honey, and a slice of ginger. No actual tea. Tastes yummy on a grumbly tummy!
@katbyter You should try Trader Joe’s candied ginger. It’s like a ginger gummy bear. And cheap for a bag of it. Or, for kids/grownups that are into a little more sour/spicy, pickled ginger for sushi (by itself, no sushi). You can try the sushi pickled ginger with charcuterie instead of a mini gherkin.
Wet Tea shirts are always entertaining and get my vote.
Speaking of votes, you can vote for Earl Gray; is more than just a breakfast tea:
If you google Vote for Earl Gray, look what comes up:
@phendrick But, better not vote more than once…
And, Earl Gray seems to be the popular choice, at least in Meh’s poll.
@phendrick I think the confusion is that the European spelling of the color is grey and in the US it’s gray.
black tea.
no fancy fru-fru fruitiy shit.
as it says on the side of my Builders brand Tea Box, “Britain wasn’t built on Chamomile”
I occasionally will go with Jasmine tea.
It is still red zinger.
Ginger Peach tea is pretty good, Jasmine tea… the kind with the dried flowers that unfurl… In hot water. If you order a London Fog at Starbucks, it’s early grey tea with a splash of milk and honey. Try it
Genmaicha. I finally found a place that sells it not too far away. Loose and bags even.
@tweezak I just ordered a pound from Harney and Sons. I’m pretty excited.
@sammydog01 Have you had it before? I first had it at a sushi restaurant near us. It’s different but my wife and I both really liked it.
@tweezak I’ve had it in the past and really liked it but not recently. I hope I like this version because I ordered so much.
No one else for chai yet? (As in the spiced Indian-style variety?) Surprising.
Earl grey is good too (chai and earl grey are my two favorites), but they’re both really just varieties of black tea, so… yeah.
@glundqui chai was the second comment from the top.
@glundqui where did you see chai on the list?
@RiotDemon OIC now… it’s because meh stupidly hides the first comments when there are too many. Missed the expander button this time. Still, chai was conspicuously absent from the survey.
Bigelow American Breakfast Blend. I use it to make iced tea. It’s my beverage of choice. Coffee to start the day, iced tea the rest of the day.

Harney and Sons Paris, which is a Black Tea with Bergamont oil in it. They make all kinds of Tea, but Paris is the favorite.
@Oldelvis I’m drinking their Victorian London Fog right now.
@Oldelvis Did you see Paris is 20% off plus an extra 29% off today only? I ordered some Paris decaf. I haven’t tried it before.
Murchie’s Number Ten.
earl gray, even before Picard existed.
for coffee I use a bonavita which I have had for a few years now, does a decent job of doing a pour over. highly rated brewer.
English Breakfast!
@mrhanlon Agreed. Just Strong, hot and black, no sugar or milk.
Darjeeling, it’s just black tea but it’s a unique flavor
A good ceremonial grade Matcha. Again, Adagio for the win!
jasmine green
Home made Chai blend. I like a lot of cinnamon in mine, some black pepper, star anise, nutmeg, and a heavy hand of freshly toasted cardamom that adds an almost vanilla quality to it.
I like Teavana’s Samurai Chai, but they’re too pricey.
I really like Vahdam teas.
None. Maybe iced in the form of electric or Long Island.
Chai. Yummmmm. . .
How was chai not included in the poll?
@cinoclav BONE
@therealjrn Medium rare please.
Irish Breakfast so strong you can stand a spoon up in it, with milk and sugar. English Breakfast in a pinch. Adagio Tea sells a black tea called Yunnan Jig that’s my second favorite.
After drinking tasty bean oily coffee for so long, tea in general always seems to me like desiccated sand water, by comparison.
Must be how engine valves feel running E85, eh?
I do like Earl Grey though. And sometimes decaf green tea before bed. Had some uh… Yorkshire Gold, I think. I can see how people would like that. I’d drink it if coffee didn’t exist.
No favorite. I start the day with a black tea, have a green mid day, and an herbal in the evening.
my favorite is earl grey, but my favorite earl grey is the gratitude blend from plum deluxe:
it’s strawberry earl grey and it’s so good. it’s especially good if you like making london fogs.
after teavana bit the dust i went looking for a replacement loose tea purveyor and found these guys. i’m not affiliated with them i just really love their tea. only had one i didn’t care for and that was an error on my part not reading the ingredients. my second favorite to the strawberry earl grey is the lavender dreams herbal tea:
also, when i was little my grandfather would make me “tea” that was about 99% milk and sugar with a lipton tea bag waved over it. i still keep lipton tea bags in the house so i can have it this way sometimes.
and in the summer, i make the iced tazo passion tea by the gallon. good with fresh lemons and/or lemonade.
@jerk_nugget Ooh, strawberry Earl Grey sounds delicious.
Constant Comet had a tea with orange and spices. I don’t remember what it was called. Heck, I don’t even know if they still make it. It was gooood!!
@misspattybr That was what my parents always drank. I only ever knew it as Constant Comment. was very good.
@misspattybr @ybmuG

/giphy Constant Comet
@misspattybr Found it!

Available on that evil online store that sounds like a river in South America, but I’m sure you can get it locally.
My favorite “pot” teas are an organic Jasmine Pearl green tea or rooibos for herbal. For tea bags that can travel with me, my go-to is Stash - Double Bergamot Earl Gray for black, Mojito Mint or Ginger Peach for green, and either Peppermint, Cascade Mint, or Lemon Ginger for herbal.
@rockblossom i’ve never bought stash on my own, but i shop with a lot of indie brands that include tea bags as an extra (with stash being the most common) and i don’t think i’ve ever had a bad cup of stash tea. really good flavors!
@jerk_nugget I also like Tazo teas, but they are packed in thin paper, so I have to put them in something airtight or the humidity will destroy them. The Stash tea packets are more resistant to outside air/humidity, which is why I think they stay fresh longer and are better for trips.
@rockblossom i never thought about this! makes sense now why they are also good candidates for tossing in with orders vs other brands.
Mister Tea

When most people think of mint, they think of peppermint. My favorite is spearmint. After many attempts to find a mint tea that is more to my liking, I came across Plantation Mint (Bigelow), a very nice spearmint based tea. My other go to is Constant Comment (also Bigelow) - an orange spice tea that is the closest to Market Spice tea - from my much younger days (a specialty tea as I remember).
@fosh2 I love spearmint and bought some at Penzey’s thinking I could use it as a tea. Wrong. But I have some decaf black tea with mild peach flavoring and a pinch of spearmint leaves makes it wonderful.
Japanese sencha. Good green tea with a little extra flavor.
the one at the 19th hole…
Latest taste preference is Keemun… nice and strong, but very flavourful
So glad to see so many people comment on the subject of tea.
I voted Chamomile but I can’t say I had a tea I didn’t like. I prefer it over coffee any day.
I prefer it separate from coffee
RIP Meh’s Test Teas
@therealjrn NO IT’S JUST ON A BREAK!
@sammydog01 oh, Sammy. Our always optimistic Sammy…
Green Earl Grey (Earl Grey green? Earl green?)
Apple tea
@ThomasF appletini for me plzthx.
@ThomasF @UncleVinny

@ThomasF @ybmuG TBH, even though it’s a silly drink, I adore appletinis. I’m a pretty silly person, after all. But…light on the tini?! No sir.
Another vote here for chai, which really should have been an option!
Mostly coffee drinker, but…
Assam tea (a black tea)
Jasmine is also nice
This sale should have been on a T day with a Test Teas write up. I miss the tea topics. I have been drinking a couple black tea blends. I am still buying locaI but I might have to test a few of the teas listed above or see if there is something similar local. A few choices are online with the coffees. https://outofthegreycoffee.com/collections/most-popular-luxury-loose-leaf
Bagging your bros.

I enjoy drinking blended teas. For example, a combination of dried rose, jujube, and longan has a fantastic flavor.