I do weekly B-12 injections
Coffee. Red Bull. Diet Dew.
Wait… Non-caffeinated? Cocaine.
@fuzzmanmatt cocaine is often compounded with caffeine.
/image debbie downer
Have someone wrong you in a really unfair way. The more unfair it is, the more energized you are gonna be.
@vorever Sad but true.
@vorever Ooooooh, yeah.
Try to share the road with a bunch of Tennesseans. Near-death experiences usually work better than coffee.
@ZeroCharisma What, you don’t like being tailgated so close you can count their eyelashes? In the rain?
Wet fingers in a light socket generally works for me.
Kiss an angel good morning
Afternoon nap
Have a hungry kitty.
0:56 second mark
A diet pill. Naw…I’m just kidding!
Almost die.
I’m going with nap… or gunfire in the neighborhood. `
Ride with my wife driving her car in heavy traffic.
There can be no other way, CAFFEINE FOREVER!️
Regular exercise
Crunchy apple.
@porkchap Not Crunchy Frog or Spring Surprise?
@werehatrack both of those, too.
Hooked on a feeling. You put that song on and you will be dancing
Smoke crack.
Fuck that
Rock show
I do weekly B-12 injections
Coffee. Red Bull. Diet Dew.
Wait… Non-caffeinated? Cocaine.
@fuzzmanmatt cocaine is often compounded with caffeine.
/image debbie downer
Have someone wrong you in a really unfair way. The more unfair it is, the more energized you are gonna be.
@vorever Sad but true.
@vorever Ooooooh, yeah.
Try to share the road with a bunch of Tennesseans. Near-death experiences usually work better than coffee.
@ZeroCharisma What, you don’t like being tailgated so close you can count their eyelashes? In the rain?
Wet fingers in a light socket generally works for me.
Kiss an angel good morning
Afternoon nap
Have a hungry kitty.
0:56 second mark
A diet pill. Naw…I’m just kidding!
Almost die.
I’m going with nap… or gunfire in the neighborhood. `
Ride with my wife driving her car in heavy traffic.
There can be no other way, CAFFEINE FOREVER!️
Regular exercise
Crunchy apple.
Not Crunchy Frog or Spring Surprise?
@werehatrack both of those, too.
Hooked on a feeling. You put that song on and you will be dancing
Smoke crack.
Fuck that
Rock show