@fuddledumpers Some friends of ours raise rabbits, and their dung happens to make excellent fertilizer. Y’all might ask around for your local rabbit-raising people. Our garden and flowers look great.
@fuddledumpers@jsfs agree! We had 3 rabbits and the compost has grown us fabulous fruit trees! Our buns are gone, but we still have a bin of “brown gold” we save for future projects.
I have gotten back into having chickens for that reason. Food scraps and grass clippings in, eggs and amazing compost out with no turning the pile… win/win/win…
Globe amaranth (bachelor buttons). Look just as good dried. Year-round arrangement you don’t have to tend or water, or replace because it shriveled up and died.
@katbyter - I was going to say zinnia, because if you dry them upside-down you get a nice stiff flower arrangement that looks pretty good. Dried zinnia does fade over time, though.
i like them all! but some of my favorite favorites are johnny jump ups, queen annes lace, morning glories, hydrangea, tiger lilies, crocuses, forsythia, red geraniums, and marigolds.
also love the scent of lilacs and lily of the valley.
I really like alstromerias since they last “forever” in a vase. Just wish I could grow some locally.
Just planted some of these this year. Hope they will tolerate our climate
@f00l I haven’t had the pleasure, although there is one at the Botanical Gardens nearby;
some rodent died somewhere in my basement last winter though so I’m pretty sure I can guess!
@pooflady for the smells
@spacemart Yes. That or hyacinths.
@pooflady @spacemart Or daphne.
or lavender
@macromeh @spacemart I don’t know what those are.
/giphy fire flower


/giphy chrysanthemum shell firework
Carnations. They last forever!
Yes they do last and they smell great too
Calla lily
Kohler or Moen - they flow really well.
/image phaleonopsis

@f00l I came here for this!

My mother carried white phaleonopsis in her wedding bouquet.
@f00l I’d say okay to cymbidium orchids as well, but truly a beautiful choice.
/image orchids 3

: )
Or if you get something like limoniun it literally lasts forever and looks great dried.
shit-talkin’ thread! we in here #FlowersLikeShit
@fuddledumpers Some friends of ours raise rabbits, and their dung happens to make excellent fertilizer. Y’all might ask around for your local rabbit-raising people. Our garden and flowers look great.
@fuddledumpers @jsfs agree! We had 3 rabbits and the compost has grown us fabulous fruit trees! Our buns are gone, but we still have a bin of “brown gold” we save for future projects.
@fuddledumpers @jsfs @merbet
I have gotten back into having chickens for that reason. Food scraps and grass clippings in, eggs and amazing compost out with no turning the pile… win/win/win…
Hydrangeas, pansies… most anything except petunias and marigolds.
@spacemart my grandfather had a palatial-level “garden” of iris. They make me think of my grandmother. He grew them for her.
@spacemart This. Irises and gladioli.
/youtube Every Rose has its thorn
/youtube moonflower
Reading the choices sent my mind to Hyacinth.

Violet, Rose, Daisy and Hyacinth Bucket.
/image Hyacinth
/giphy Hyacinth bucket
Globe amaranth (bachelor buttons). Look just as good dried. Year-round arrangement you don’t have to tend or water, or replace because it shriveled up and died.
@katbyter - I was going to say zinnia, because if you dry them upside-down you get a nice stiff flower arrangement that looks pretty good. Dried zinnia does fade over time, though.
/image Daisy

/youtube 2001 HAL Daisy
My wife said Rose. She loves them every Valentines Day, Anniversary, Birthday, and every time I mess up.
/image bird of paradise flower


/giphy bird of paradise dance
Tiger lily
/image Heather

All Purpose

Well that appears to be a very fine sifting
/image Indian Hawthorne bloom

This is a very rare type now.
@mehcuda67 Yes, very rare.
My wife had me do an internet search for that same flour.
There is only one Flower.
/image bluebonnets

Hey @TheCO2
/giphy “there can be only one”

@f00l That too.
@f00l Another similarity in colour would be delphinium. They can really add depth to an arrangement.
Lilacs… Jasmine for fragrance. Iris for loveliness
@inanna Was looking for this. I love Jasmine for the fragrance. I love waking at night and smelling the Jasmine. It’s pretty much everywhere near me.
/youtube King Biscuit Flour Hour
One of my all-time favourites to see, but truly difficult to work with in floral arrangements because they are very delicate - Stephanotis
/image stephanotis

/image oncidium

One of my faves… the peony.

/image peony
Carnations or whatever Spouse gifts me.
Lilacs. Remind me of my grandmother.
i like them all! but some of my favorite favorites are johnny jump ups, queen annes lace, morning glories, hydrangea, tiger lilies, crocuses, forsythia, red geraniums, and marigolds.
also love the scent of lilacs and lily of the valley.
Sometimes my favorites are the fake ones.
Used to be lilacs but the wonderful scent now gives me headaches
. But sunflowers have always been my number one.

/image beautiful sunflowers
Tuberose the smell is so fragrant and lovely. Also Lilly of the valley and lilacs
My Nana’s favorite is daffodils and seeing them makes me think of her, so I guess they’re sorta my favorite, too
Peonies & hydrangeas Are the shit
Dahlias, calla lilies and daylilies.
Carnations are the best then roses.
Venus Fly Trap
Anything that develops into edible fruit.
I’m enjoying the wildflowers that are blooming in the woods where I hike.

Wild Iris
Scotch Broom
Hydnoras have to be the best.
so many good choices not in the list
not a flower fan myself, but carnations smell yummy and birds of paradise are unique, and sunflowers are massive…
/giphy random flower

those were actually all covered above, but still good choices.
I love the smell of lilac and hyacinth. And they’re so pretty!
I really like alstromerias since they last “forever” in a vase. Just wish I could grow some locally.

Just planted some of these this year. Hope they will tolerate our climate
/image exotic tulip

@f00l whooaa… that’s crazy!
Exotic tulips are incredibly beautiful.
/image exotic tulip 2

/image exotic tulip 3

/image exotic tulip 5

/image exotic tulip pink

/image exotic tulip yellow 2

Iris. So many varieties, and all are perfect.
NOT this - Amorphophallus titanum (corpse flower)
You dont like the glorious fragrance?
@f00l I haven’t had the pleasure, although there is one at the Botanical Gardens nearby;
some rodent died somewhere in my basement last winter though so I’m pretty sure I can guess!