@2many2no@ybmuG I’m not a fan of them, actually. I don’t generally like (or condone, really) beer made with anything other than water, yeast, barley, and hops. The fruity and doctored stuff has no right calling itself beer… My wife adores the stuff, though.
I’d say there’s plenty of energy in a Fireball.
An Erg Bomb.
A piña coulombada.
A bourbON
Is Shocktop too obvious?
I think it’s too obvious.
@shahnm well, since we both thought of it at the same time, I guess it was…
@shahnm @ybmuG If you have enough of them, it gradually becomes less obvious…
@2many2no @ybmuG I’m not a fan of them, actually. I don’t generally like (or condone, really) beer made with anything other than water, yeast, barley, and hops. The fruity and doctored stuff has no right calling itself beer… My wife adores the stuff, though.
@2many2no @shahnm @ybmuG Fan of the Reinheitsgebot, eh?
@shahnm @tweezak @ybmuG
/youtube beer is good
/youtube first drink of the day
@2many2no @tweezak @ybmuG
/image Shock Top

Send me one of each and I’ll find out.
Bud electroLyte
Jim (energy) Beam.
Set for stun.
/youtube set the controls for the center of the sun
@2many2no +1 just for Floyd!
TesLaCroix. Spiked, of course
Mix a Colt45 with

@rtjhnstn It has electrolytes!!
run and coke
Any wine from the Coulomb-ia Valley.
Fire Watter.
The original (and real) energy alcohol drink: Sparks.
How about some soju and Bacchus D?