@blaineg@Kyeh@mike808@tinamarie1974 Someone gave me a bird like that one time, the language it used was NSFW. I’ll have to see if I still have it around somewhere. Probably next to the farting teddy bear my brother gave me as a birthday present one year.
@blaineg@Kyeh@mike808@tinamarie1974 This is the only thing I can find at a moment’s notice . An almost 76 year old man who still has stuffed animals-time for the padded room.
@blaineg@carl669@Kyeh@mike808@tinamarie1974 my wife wasn’t too crazy about me keeping it as I wanted to show it to everyone who came over our house. Walter was scared of it.
@Felton10@ybmuG But then again it’s pretty common for birds to eat other birds.
I’ve posted this before - I was walking to my car and this hawk swooped down in front of me with dinner in its claws.
@Felton10@Kyeh@ybmuG Nice photo! They usually don’t sit there and pose like that.
My wife and I were eating lunch last week and noticed out the window a hawk sunning itself and preening in a tree in our back yard. Must have sat there for 15 minutes before a robin started dive bombing it. I guess the hawk was too close to its nest or something. Weird to see a little song bird aggressively attacking a big BOP.
Is there a bird hologram on your card?
If so, then that explains why Walter gets to use it too.
@narfcake membership has its privileges
That’s a pretty huge box for one not-so-large bird!
@Kyeh Never too much for Walter the g-boat!
So @Walterbird - what’s in the box?
@Kyeh A mail-order Mrs. Walterbird! Duh!
@Kyeh @mike808 I dont see air holes
@Kyeh Nothing exciting-a 25 lb bag of litter for the bottom of Walter’s cage, couple of rope perches and some spray cage cleaner.
@Felton10 @Kyeh no presents for thr Goat?
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 He got two boxes full of toys from Bonka Birds in the last two weeks. So he is set with presents.
@Felton10 @Kyeh yea Walter!!!
@Kyeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974 Air holes not needed.
@blaineg @Kyeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974 Someone gave me a bird like that one time, the language it used was NSFW. I’ll have to see if I still have it around somewhere. Probably next to the farting teddy bear my brother gave me as a birthday present one year.
@blaineg @Felton10 @mike808 @tinamarie1974 This one says it learns words and phrases that you teach it - so if it’s foul-mouthed it’s your own fault!
@blaineg @Kyeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974 This is the only thing I can find at a moment’s notice . An almost 76 year old man who still has stuffed animals-time for the padded room.
@blaineg @Kyeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974
Here is what I got (have)
@blaineg @Felton10 @Kyeh @mike808 aw, one of my best friends (48 y/o) still has his childhood Alf’s. Looks just like yours!!
@blaineg @Kyeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974 Told you one of my wife’s biggest complain of me is that I haven’t grown up yet.
@blaineg @Felton10 @mike808 @tinamarie1974 Hah! You could send that parrot toy to @carl669.
@blaineg @Felton10 @Kyeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974 oh god… my girlfriend would kill me if I brought that thing into the house
@blaineg @carl669 @Kyeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974 my wife wasn’t too crazy about me keeping it as I wanted to show it to everyone who came over our house. Walter was scared of it.
@Kyeh It’s a major award!
Fra-gee-lay. It must be Italian.
Only the best dinner for this months GOAT-rack of lamb.
@Felton10 at least it wasn’t goat. That would be weird…
@ybmuG But Walter usual eats an egg in the morning and a chicken leg at night
@Felton10 @ybmuG But then again it’s pretty common for birds to eat other birds.
I’ve posted this before - I was walking to my car and this hawk swooped down in front of me with dinner in its claws.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @ybmuG OMW!!!
@Felton10 @Kyeh @tinamarie1974 had one in our back yard earlier this year raiding the grackle nests. Was a bit of chaos for a minute
@Felton10 @Kyeh @ybmuG Nice photo! They usually don’t sit there and pose like that.
My wife and I were eating lunch last week and noticed out the window a hawk sunning itself and preening in a tree in our back yard. Must have sat there for 15 minutes before a robin started dive bombing it. I guess the hawk was too close to its nest or something. Weird to see a little song bird aggressively attacking a big BOP.