Beer FUKU Too...The Revealing
18I am pretty sure I have the first box. And if I don't I am starting this anyways.
So its strange that I received from the person I sent to last time......
So here we go
Yes your standard cardboard box
(TC edit - removed addresses)
Great note and good packing
The good stuff. Lots of bubble wrap and individual plastic bags. Always a must
The haul, or at least the top layer, from NY. The Brewers Reserve is a Blackberry Stout. Can't wait to get into that one.
But, I found these gems sitting on the bottom.
They may not make it till the morning!!!!
I have to admit I have had Heady, thanks @somageek. But the SOS has been on my list of wants for a while.
Thanks so much @Humper. Cheers
- 67 comments, 289 replies
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Nice job @humper! Nice score @abrakke! Way to kick it off! Sub this thread and follow along!
@abrakke @humper good digs... I prefer Sip to Heady... Now that it's getting cooler I'm hoping to pick some up soon... But I have to say I've had a few really really good ones recently... I haven't even been putting them on untapped... I should...
@abrakke Glad the beer looks good to you! I would tell you the SoS should be cold, so maybe let that sit for a day or 2 to thoroughly chill. Like I said, i hope the others tickle your taste buds.
@Humper Heady was great tonight. Cheers
@Humper @abrakke shared the Lawsons, it was fantastic.
@marklog Cool, I'm glad someone enjoyed it. I will admit, I prefer the Lawson's Super Session IPA, its crisp and clean and flavorful. Only problem is Lawson's is more expensive than Heady, which is weird.
@Humper that SOS was fantastic. Better than heady imo. One of the only things that j have had that is better is Foundation Epihpany
This is the part where I say "oh shit, I've got to get that in the mail."
@LikeClockwork ha! welcome to the fuku.
@LikeClockwork same. fear not. I will probably be last :-D
@LikeClockwork Uh... I haven't shipped yet...!
@LikeClockwork @marklog @connorbush @galmaegi As long as you don't make people wait as long as I have... I think you're good... Thinking of which... @marklog where's my beer ;)
@sohmageek i know! i have three boxes to send out, and I'm going to do them all at once.
@marklog I'm going to have to repackage your box anyway I got some new good shit to send your way. I'm going to send you some emails
@marklog I received the beer. Thank you pics will come :) I have your box repackaged with some more variety. Less doubles. But with a sick kiddo it looks like it won't be mailed out till next week.
This sounds like an amazing idea. How does one get in on the next round?
@BlindRob sub this thread and follow along, i will post a link to collect your personal information
which will be sold to the highest bidder.
@marklog Sounds good. What's my cut for my own identity? I want at least 15%
Mine should have been delivered to my person last Thursday or Friday. I hope they got it...
@shindig966 i emailed to confirm, thanks for the note.
A little off topic here, but is anyone hitting up stores on Black Friday to (hopefully) grab some limited Bourbon County beers?
@hashybrown You bet! The rumor is they should be a little bit easier to get here in St. Louis. I wish they were still doing the 4 packs, but I guess I really shouldn't complain.
@shindig966 you let me know what younger able to score and spare and we can swing a trade. Lots of michigan goods can come your way
@hashybrown I'm going out tomorrow. I'm in OKC and it sounds like everyone is getting it around here, bottled and on tap.
@shindig966 @LikeClockwork did you all get what you were searching for? Ended up getting 2 bottles of the base, 2 of the coffee, and 1 barley wine. I waited in line for about 45 minutes at the store I usually get beer from but everyone in front of me cleaned them out (had to get the coffee elsewhere). Ultimately I'm not super bummed out that I didn't spend $80 for a bottle of rare. The people at the front of the line were camped out at 3 am...
@hashybrown I got one of the regular. The store I went to didnt get any of the variants and only four cases of the regular, so they limited you to one. Still happy. I turned around and had it on tap at one of the craft bars in town at eleven o'clock in the morning. Good day.
@hashybrown It was weird down here in Louisiana. It was easy to find bottles, but we did not find any variants besides the barleywine in Baton Rouge. However, BCBS could be found at chain supermarkets and there were reports of people purchasing full cases because the retail clerks had little instruction on how to sell it.
I find this year's batch is good to drink right away.
@hashybrown I was able to get 1 barleywine and a few of the regular. St. Louis hardly got in any coffee. Almost every store got in 6 rares. The coffee was actually rarer than the rare was.
@abrakke I would be up for trading, but I honestly usually don't get the really hard to get stuff from Side Project, Perennial, etc. I'm not big into waiting for hours in line for beer. But message me and let me know what kind of stuff you're looking for.
@shindig966 it may have to wait if it happens. I have been put on a short leash with my beer habit. The last couple months have been out of control.
VERY IMPORTANT: To whoever is getting the box I sent out, I found out that ванна кімната Іскра, the substance sold to me as a "rare Ukrainian import microwbrew craft beer" is actually a rare Ukrainian import tile cleanser. So I'd not recommend drinking more than one in a sitting. It's not all that bad, though, and I'm probably going back for another six for the week-end.
Ahem - I got my beer!!!!!!
Courtesy of @hashybrown, I have some delicious beverages to enjoy :)
Your standard shipping box, but what's that?

It's some weird John Cena baby staring at me. Slightly creepy, I have to admit.

There was a top piece of foam and then this. WHAT'S IN THE BAG?????

Foam spacers and bubble-wrapped bottles. nice packing job.

Interesting bags, I had no idea there was something special to them until @thumperchick got a hold of them.

The haul, very exciting

And a super awesome typed note and beer list. I have to step my game up for the next shipment

Right now I'm enjoying the Old Pro, very interesting and surprising. I can't wait to have the rest! Thank you to @marklog and @hashybrown!
@Humper Damn, nice selection from the DMV. OTWOA is an incredible IPA, that (AFAIK) can only be purchased in can form from the brewery. Interestingly, most of what DC Brau puts out is rather middling to me, it's like they put all of their energy and talent into that one beer. Old Pro is probably my favorite unflavored gose.
@Humper Wow- great box there.
@Humper glad to see everything made it up there safely (and quickly). We cracked open a can of OTWOA last night. Enjoy!
@Humper very cool box. I had a wings courtesy of @abrakke, it was awesome.
@brhfl @marklog Interestingly enough my first OTWOA I didn't care too much for it. Drinking it right from the can it was too bitter and didn't have as much "personality" as I was expecting. Luckily I have another couple so I can try from a glass and see if my experience changes.
My box is packed and ready with a shipping label. I will drop it off at FedEx tomorrow.
I sent mine Wednesday and I got a shipping exception yesterday but it says it will be delivered today (Monday). Also, I took the time to write up a bit about each beer and left it out of the box X-D. It was about each brewery and why I included the beers I did. Some that you like, some that I like. Everything I sent was from NC. I'm sad I forgot it but once the box is posted I'll add my write-up here as well.
@RedHot Just got notification that was delivered, Have fun @Hollboll, I don't mean to ruin the surprise but since I left out the descriptions there's nothing that says who sent it.
@RedHot Thanks for the heads up! Just found it :D
I'd love to see the writeup about the different breweries if you still have it! Photos coming soon. :)
@RedHot just opened it! You went all out!
Here's my reveal:
Courtesy of @RedHot.
Packaging: 100/10. Each one was wrapped super well and nothing broke. Well, this bag had the slider break off but I thought that might be intentional. ;)
Here's the box upon opening:

The cans:

The bottles:

This giant bottle!

Artsy shot:

Everything all together:

Thanks @RedHot! I'm super excited to try these, and I know @Dalek is stoked too.
@redhot, I think you did a really good job! As I was opening it, there were lots of approving comments from @chadp and @galmaegi (who lived in NC for a bit).
@hollboll WOAH, that's a huge haul. HUGE. Green Man /droooool
@marklog I do like Green Man and Bad Penny!
@marklog seriously! I'm super grateful and super excited. :)
@hollboll real quick before I have to work again. First off I made a rule when I signed up that everything would be from NC.
You said you liked ciders. well, there tons of cider made in NC but very few cideries bottle. I found what I could but couldn't fill an entire box with cider alone. So you got a mix of what I like and what I thought you would like. The Bold Rock looks like a broke the NC rule but they're now bottling in NC and most of their fruit has always come from NC. The McRitchies cider is the classy stuff and can be really tough to find. Naked is my wife's favorite bottled cider. If you're ever in NC you should hit up Bull City Cider works, everything they make is great but they don't bottle.
Big Boss is my favorite brewery and Bad Penny is my favorite beer (If I have to pick). Its a brown Ale and its exactly what a brown ale should be. Big Boss makes lots of other stuff that I would have loved to send, picking one was hard.
The Greenman IPA is pretty hoppy, I know you don't like hoppy but this is a must send because it's one of the most well known and most liked breweries in NC. I left out Wicked Weed which is another really well known Asheville brewery and I'm kinda kicking myself for it but I don't think they make much to your liking.
The steiny bottle is a SODA! its all natural and delicious. that one is lemon lime they also make cola and root beer.
Aviator is a really cool brewery as well and the Pumpkin Beast does a great job of showing exactly what a pumkin beer can (and should) be. They have new and different artwork for their beer every year and it's always that same style art.
Shotgun Betty is from Lonerider. This is a really popular brewery in the triangle area as pretty much every restaurant in Raleigh has Shotgun Betty on tap. Its a sweet easy drinking beer thats kinda malty and kinda wheaty.
@RedHot my favorite part of this whole thing is @hollboll's ability to gloat to the rest of the office all of the awesome beer she received.
@marklog I love that she had it shipped to the office too because it was cheaper to ship to a business :-)
@hollboll Hurry up and taste the Naked Apple and the Mcrichies! I'm interested to hear what you think. IMO one of them taste more wine like and the other is more fruity. Also, hurry up and taste everything else :-) Apparently, I'm way more excited to send than to taste.
@RedHot hoping to tonight! Super exctied. :DDD
@RedHot! @dalek and I had the bad penny and bold rock carolina apple ones last night! I tried the bad penny (@galmaegi says that's one of her favorites), and for an Ale it was pretty good! ;) @Dalek really liked it said it was perfect this tim of year.
I really liked the bold rock carolina! Not sure if it was what I had for dinner with it but it was super tart, but in a refreshing way. Already off to a good start! <3
My box has been delivered to its recipient finally!
I'm a little nervous about it next to all the gorgeous and over-stuffed boxes on display so far.
(P.S. Worst shipping experience ever with FedEx- 3 tries to pick up a box literally outside of the (closed) office door.)
@dashcloud Yeah, mine wasn't very pretty either. I am a programmer, not a writer/designer :(
Tracking info says the one I sent out will be delivered tomorrow, hope he likes it. I'm at the end of a 7-12s stretch, I was kinda tired when I put it together.
I received my fuku box yesterday. I will have pictures up tonight. I must say that it has to be in contention for best packed box, and I have so much beer I don't know what one to drink first!
@zdunklee Glad it made it safely. There is one in there I believe I sent you before, but I had bought some beer before knowing who my recipient was so you got it again even though it is a duplicate of a previous tasting.
Ok so I'm really disappointed that I order so much stuff from many different places this time of year and did not realize what this was until it was too late to take a picture of the awesome treasure map that was attached to the top of the box.
Anyway I opened up the box to find this:

So yes that's an inflatable pirate chest, I was already excited and not even more so. Opening the chest reveled the amazing booty inside.
So now I am intrigued. This box seems larger than it possibly needs to be. But everything is packaged excellently.
After I finally get it all open, and @marklog will be jealous as soon as he sees this next photo, this is the bounty to be had:
I would say @cbilyak has outdone the last fuku, and I have ever only had two of the beers in the treasure chest. Both myself and my girlfriend are super excited that most of the treasure came in bomber form.
Oh and yes, that would be pirate gold in that last photo as well. I love the theme and plan on using that chest as a cooler at my annual cookouts next spring and summer.
Oh we had the Broo Doo last night, great harvest ale. I think the Alpha Klaus is on tap for dinner time tonight.
@zdunklee MMM, that Three Floyds though.
@zdunklee sorry it was all FFF but they have so many good beers that it is easy to just go there and forget other breweries. I loved that the chest is also a cooler...I need to get another. There would have been more gold coins and jewels but my kids got to them!!
@zdunklee alpha klaus is great.
@zdunklee that's awesome. cbilyak I think this may win coolest packaging award. Well done. :)
@hollboll FYI, the treasure map that was destroyed on the outside of the package and therefore did not make the photo shoot started at 3 Floyd's Brewery and the "X" marks the spot was @zdunklee's home. My daughter and I made landmarks (Notre Dame logo, big tire for Detroit, etc.) and then we burned the edges to make it look like it was an older map. We had fun putting it all together.
@cbilyak yes it was awesome! I really wish I didn't open the box before i got a picture of it.
@cbilyak That's both awesome and adorable.
Ok, got mine today. A big thanks to Mcvick, who put together a hell of a package.
The Box as found on my doorstep:

(TC edit - removed address)
Opening it up I find a letter:
Looks like my brew is from NOLA WooHoo!
Inside, I find it all wrapped up and waiting for me to put it under my tree, but nah, I'm not waiting for Christmas!

Well wrapped for shipping....

.....and Christmas.

Can't wait to try them out. Thanks again Mcvick!
@webender @mcvick hey I recognize that box, nice haul! I like the wrapping paper haha
@evbarnstormer Is that your box from Beer Fuku 1?
@evbarnstormer Good eye. You did such a good job with securing the box you sent to me that I had to pass it along. You know, reduce, reuse, recycle and whatnots.
@webender it is. The nice thing about this is if you save everything you can reuse it all. My person is mostly getting @becca 's packing material.
@evbarnstormer I tried to pack yours in a way that made the materials re-usable. Maybe I'll get them back some day :)
It's my first package, let me know how I did.
@webender the ghost and dr hoptegon are great. Enjoy
@LikeClockwork Came up HUGE.
-Rocket Fuel from mustang brewing
-3rd anniversary ale from prairie artisan ales
-Bomb! from prairie
-DNR from coop ale works
-christmas bomb!
-IPA this machine form marshall
-gose from choc
-le ferme farmhouse from elk valley
-urborose stout (enjoying now) from anthem
-two stellar bottles of home brew
-one Belgian one wheat
(good news, I recently started getting into wheat beers)
-a GREAT OKC cap that all my clippers and lakers friends will surely appreciate ;-)
-a spectacular lucha libre bottle opener
strangely inside 3 dixie cups
-11 black washers
-4 silver washers
-8 pennies
please explain
-two magazines
-much crumpled newspaper
-bubble wrap
-plastic bags
GREAT GREAT packaging--no leaks here.
@connorbush Glad you enjoyed it! The cups were because, the last time I tried shipping liquids, the people at the store could hear it sloshing around. Just a little extra rattling noise/distraction if it got picked up and shook around.
@LikeClockwork it was fun musing about what I thought it could have been. way to burst the fun. OMG THE DNR IS SOOOOOO FUCKING DELICIOUS MIND BLOWN
@connorbush for a state with terrible alchohol laws, we still work hard at putting out some decent stuff.
@LikeClockwork how did you know to replace my old hat?
@connorbush edit almost forgot the package included 3 awesome stickers
look at that cute lil' sideways Oklahoma
@connorbush Oklahoma sticker is now on my car.
@connorbush Now you have a doubly awesome hat collection.
@LikeClockwork I am pumped. I am pretty sure the first OKC cap is from when they stopped being SuperSonics.
also I work at a brewery and the head brewers are so envious. I will bring in some of the brews for them to try. Too bad I downed the Uburous stout and the DNR.
@LikeClockwork drinking the home brew wheat. Mmm.
@LikeClockwork Just finished up the last of them!!! Great haul, thanks. I really liked the gose beer. I had not had one prior to this experience. Quite nice!!
My fuku arrived! Based on a comments spoiler yesterday I am guessing this is from @webender and to answer your question, it was packed very impressively and everything arrived safe!
Top package layer and a note about the beer

Everything wrapped, bagged, banded, and padded
I agree, and I haven't had this one, only the lager
Big bottles of my favorites styles and I've had none of these!
Thanks @webender !!!
@evbarnstormer this is why you are late coming over here!
@TaRDy's clearly to blame for my recipient having box in hand and not posting( or maybe they're ashamed for me, and aren't posting it as a courtesy to me).
@dashcloud sorry about that, after reading a few of their rough draft posts that tore you to shreds, I finally advised them not to post it at all. You have been spared.
BAAH! (humbug!)
Well my Packaged was probably one the first to arrive on the 25th... I better make sure sure I'm not the last to post!
So as it arrived... like I said it was so early... I was sorta confused.... I really couldn't remember ordering any instruments...
(TC edit - edited out yours and senders address from shipping label. Please blur/delete this information next time.)
Opening the box... Hmmm.. Seems to be packed extremely well... Lets see what kind of instruments we've got in here...
Woa! Beer! My favorite kind of instruments!

Since my photo is out of focus...
Dragons Milk Reserve (Bourbon Barrel) with Raspberries
Oddside Ales Bean Flicker Blonde Ale with Coffee
Dragons Milk Reserve (Bourbon Barrel) With Coffee & Chocolate
Founders Backwoods Bastard
Too bad it wasn't colder out... I would of started sampling at this very moment. Alas, there are more "Instruments" to find! On to package 2!
Stouts! YES!
Rochester Mills Milkshake Coffee Stout
Right Brain Coffee Stout
Why stop here? Onward!

Package 3
Bells Hell Hath No Fury
Shorts Brew Black Cherry Porter
Shorts Brew Bellaire Brown
And I'm gonna make a note here, everything was packaged perfectly, this being my first beer fuku, it really helped getting my package early so I had some clue how to ship. :)
And the 4th and final box....

Another CEO stout... and... oh whats this???
A Bells 30th Anniversary Imperial Stout!
I'm so looking forward to this one... as well as all of the others.... Thank you mysterious fuku shipper... Thank you, as your inspiration (and maybe some of your packaging) passes on though with my fuku shipment...
@mehk welcome. I had a list all printed out and of course forgot to put it in the package. Hope you enjoy.
@mehk got the boxes they a job I was on. They are amazingly perfect for beer shipping.
@mehk Dragon's Milk is awesome! I'm very interested to hear about the Right Brain CEO Stout. I'm trying to figure out where to find that around me :-) well done @abrakke
@RedHot that's not just any dragons milk either, those are both reserve ones. They sell out here nearly as fast as they are put in a shelf.
@zdunklee @mehk I was going to get all into how rare half of those bottles were, but I was going to leave it up to @abrakke. As he has chosen to stay humble about this, I will speak on his behalf.
Those two Dragon's milk variants are 'stand in line' type of beers. They made four versions, and in my opinion Aaron sent you the 2nd and 3rd best :)
Bells' 30th is another amazing stout. Another allocated beer. Hell's hath is probably my favorite on this list, and while not an allocated beer, relatively limited release.
Backwoods Bastard is probably the hardest to get of this lot. Very highly regarded limited beer from Founders.
Shorts, Oddside, and Right Brain are all either MI only or just outside of MI distribution. Bean Flicker and CEO are both amazing. Honestly not a bad or even average beer in this entire lot. @abrakke, not only did you break the rules on quantity but he sent ridiculously high quality specimens. Shame on you and well done.
@marklog I like being a rule breaker. Backwoods seems limited to us on the east side of the state. But I will say from what I hear the west side gets quite a bit. But yes a once a year release. I am just glad that I can pass on some great michigan beer to those who haven't tried or can't get it.
@mehk that Milkshake Stout sounds amazing!
@stardate820926 the creators of that beer, Rochester Mills, is doing a '12 Milkshake Stouts of Christmas', which is a variation on milkshake stout twelve times. The list:
12 Days of Milkshake Stout
• Imperial Milkshake Stout - 12/12
• Pumpkin Pie Milkshake Stout - 12/13
• Blueberry Pancake Milkshake Stout - 12/14
• Snowball (Coconut) Milkshake Stout - 12/15
• Chocolate Cheesecake Milkshake Stout - 12/16
• Nutcracker (Hazelnut) Milkshake Stout - 12/17
• Bourbon Barrel Aged Milkshake Stout - 12/18
• Monkey Business (Banana Cream) Milkshake Stout - 12/19
• Creme de menthe Milkshake Stout - 12/20
• Peanut Brittle Milkshake Stout - 12/21
• Black Forest (Chocolate Cherry) Milkshake Stout - 12/22
• Christmas Toffee Milkshake Stout - 12/23
@marklog how did I know you would break that out. Sounds soooo good. May have to make it over for one or two
@marklog wish they would can them
@marklog oh my! I need all of those!!
I'm going to a release party for Bourbon Barrel Temptress Milk Stout from Lakewood Brewing here in Garland next weekend. They release a special edition of Temptress every quarter and the BB is available during the holidays too.
The current one is Sin Mint Temptress that tastes just like a mint's so freaking good
Last quarter was Mole Temptress that has chile pepper and cinnamon in it. They had it on tap when we did the tour a few weeks ago. Also, really damn good.
@abrakke Terry's Terrace, Ale Mary's, Ashley's and a few others will have them too, not just the brewery.
@marklog Backwoods Bastard shelf turded for a while down here in Louisiana. One could find four-packs about a month after release. I think it was the first time it was released in our market and people didn't jump on it nearly as fast as other limiteds from Founders. I liked it, but if I remember correctly I found it to be a bit hot. Needed some time to mellow out
@abrakke There was a bit of the backwoods that appeared here in Chicago. Unfortunately I wasn't able to snatch any of it up, looking forward to it As well as all of the others, you made this an very exciting experience for a first timer.
@marklog I'm Guessing all of those are available only on tap?
@mcvick let @abrakke or I know if there's any '14 laying around down there...
@abrakke @marklog backwoods is still available all over the West side. Every place i frequent has it, as well as still being at founders. Also if either of you see project pam, that's one of the best new founders releases in a long time imo. Get it if you can.
@marklog j have some 14
@zdunklee it is out but I haven't been anywhere lately. BCBS out a hurt on my beer budget
@mehk I aim to please. It was easy that you like stouts. My last didn't like stouts. Which is ok but now is stout season and would have been bad if I got someone else who didn't like them.
@mcvick hot? It's funny how different people's tastes are. I loved it right away. It's one of my new favorite beers. But I can appreciate that. I have had some barrel aged stuff that is really hot off the bat. I plan on breaking out a 14 and a 15. Maybe tonight watching the Lions game.
Received notification that FedEx delivered a package to my house from today. Now I know I haven't ordered anything from the site in the last couple of days, so my hope is that this package contains something I cannot buy from Meh.
Oh the hour remaining at work will be tortuous.
From Meh, in an Amazon Prime Box...

This box contains Texas Beer!

A note from @galmaegi

Wrapped with care. Nothing breaking/leaking here.

The contents are out of the box

The Beer Fuku Too Lineup

Saint Arnold Endeavour and Icon Belgian-Style Wit
Rahr & Sons Drahthaar
Martin House Single Hop IPA
Karbach Rodeo Clown DIPA
Four Corners El Chingon IPA
Lakewood Hopochondria Session IPA
Deep Ellum IPA
Oklahoma Suks
Thank you @galmaegi for the wonderful box. There are many IPA's found in this loot, and I promise to report back on each one.
@mcvick Yay! Good to know the beers traveled safely. Enjoy! :)
@galmaegi So, no funky feet beers yet. I have consumed the Endeavour, the Martin House Single Hop, and the Drahthaar. I shared the last two with friends at an intimate beer tasting/get together. We remarked that the Single Hop smelled like apple and maybe mango (but not in the tainted way). It would be interesting to find out which single hop was used here.
The Drahthaar was a different DIPA than both the New England citrusy style and the West Coast style. We poured it next to a Ghost in the Machine, and the Drahthaar was much almost brown in color. It was also sweeter (but not "sweet") than the typical DIPA. However, it was an easy drinker and since it is over 9% I imagine that drinking a full bomber would result in "getting a shine on". More feedback will come as they are consumed.
@mcvick Nice! I'll need to find an IPA that I can drink easily. Every time I order a pint of IPA I find myself struggling to finish. :)
@mcvick Ok, so this is more of a running notes section for the beers as I drink them. I am currently drinking the Deep Ellum IPA. This might be my favorite of the bunch. Lots of hops, big, bold. It knows what it is and doesn't shy away. This would be a nice year round to have in my area.
@galmaegi have you tried Founders All Day IPA? It's a session IPA, and hop-forward flavor but not very bitter
@becca Good to know, I'll give it a try. Thanks!
@phatmass There are a few steps.
1) Turn your pagination back on.
2) Remove your tiny image avatar.
3) Properly execute a left hand turn, without being in the intersection after the light turns red.
4) Keep an eye on the forums for a post about Beer Fuku 3 by @marklog. There will be a sign-up sheet and info at that time. If anyone remembers, someone will try to tag you to let you know it's happening.
Step 4 will only happen if you successfully complete steps 1-3.
@phatmass step one, stop it with the avatars already. Step two, sub this thread, I'll post here to let folks know when it's opened up :)
Got my package today. It was good sized, and who doesn't like a big package? I'm guessing it was from @mmichalka judging by the shipping label.
I haven't had any of these beers before, so I'm ready for a blurry weekend.
(TC edit- I edited your photo and uploaded a new version. You left your and your senders address visible, clear as day. We might be cool, but the internet is dark and full of creepy bastards. Blur/remove that portion of your label next time.)
Looks like some good stuff.
I attached the comments to the pictures because I'm bad at formatting, so mouse over or whatever. So lazy.
@LikeClockwork Yay, everything made it ok! @marklog had me so concerned with possible spillage I wrapped each one twice. Sorry I didn't include a note or anything, I was kinda on a time crunch to get it sent out. We have similar tastes in beer, so it made it pretty easy to find stuff I think you'll really like. The Warimono is by far my favorite Tripel (and it's made here in College Station!!!), so save it for last or drink it first. Actually, drink it when ever you want, just so long as you savor every drop.
@mmichalka They all look awesome. Thanks again. I haven't had any of them before. I cracked open the Buried Hatchet and Le Mort Vivant last night, and both were solid. I wasn't familiar with the Biere De Garde style, but I really liked the Mort.
@LikeClockwork, yes death is most satisfying. As for the beer, it's both delicious and has fantastic artwork. You got lucky, that one is out of season but I happened to have one stashed away. It was my first introduction to the beire de garde style as well. Glad to hear your enjoying it so far!
@marklog this has been a lot of fun. Sign me up for next year.
@marklog I think @LikeClockwork means next month
@RedHot That too.
@RedHot I could probably do this once a quarter at most, but more than once a year would be a good thing.
@mmichalka Agree, i think the other one was.. Halloweenish? We won't do it every month, but probably sooner than once a quarter. As we grow folks can dip in and out, and some (like @cbilyak I'm assuming) will stay on forever and ever.
Hey everyone - just a quick reminder that the pictures you post are out there, on the internet, with absolutely no privacy. If you're going to post a package w/shipping label shot - make sure you blur/edit/remove the address information for you and your sender. For some people, even the tracking # reveals too much personal info (city) that they don't want out there. It's not just your privacy - but the awesome person who sent you all of that beer - so be wary on their beerhalf.
I'm going through the thread and editing them as I see them for this round, since most of you can't edit your comment anymore.
@Thumperchick You're totally awesome, and I thank you for your thoughtfulness.
@Thumperchick thanks for removing my address from the pictures!
@Thumperchick hence my tiny baby images. Just kidding, that was an accident and i was too lazy to fix them.
Just saying, mine should arrive today.
Is anyone else besides me still waiting for a package? I wasn't even sent a tracking number.
@mmichalka, @galmaegi is still waiting on hers. No one got a tracking number though, it's a surprise for everyone.
You can set up something with FedEx though to see any incoming shipments, if you haven't already.
I think a few people said their packages should be arriving today.
@mmichalka yup, still waiting. I'm hoping it comes in today.
There are still a few outstanding. I am working on contacting them. Its normal to have a few stragglers. Have patience, typically those that ship late feel bad and THROW IN EXTRAS OUT OF GUILT. Too early to sound the douchebag alarm.
@hollboll, @hashybrown, @marklog thanks for slightly unrustling my jimmies. Unfortunately, they won't be fully unrustled until I am opening a box of delicious craft beer.
@mmichalka @hashybrown I've been bugging @hollboll why I haven't got my beer yet. I think I'm gonna do that until mine shows up. Poor @hollboll...
@mmichalka I'm still waiting too, no worries, it'll get there. :-)
@marklog also not to rub it in but I JUST GOT MINE! unboxening tonight.
I'm tempted to work the rest of the day from home, patiently working by the door.
@mmichalka I'm still waiting for mine as well.
My recipient's box was delivered today.
@mmichalka The package I sent out is being delivered today. I have not received mine yet either, but hope to receive it today for the weekend.
Also, did the email we get say the username of who was receiving it? I only see the first/last name of the person, not their username.
@Skylord123 this is probably a spoiler, but according to the tracking, yours was delivered at 10:43 this morning.
@hollboll :O
@Skylord123 :D Let me know as soon as you get it!
Oh I definitely will! Perfect timing to. I get off early on Fridays :D
@Skylord123 yusssss!
@mmichalka No package, and my recipient's already had their box for most of this week.
@dashcloud your recipient isn't the person sending one to you. Maybe you got someone across the country, who's a procrastinator and likes turtle slow shipping?
@mmichalka just checked my front porch...nothing here yet either. Not worried, there was no douchebaggery last time and there won't be this time either.
@Thumperchick It'd be a lot better if my recipient and sender were the same person- I'd only have to worry about one person instead of two. I'm definitely feeling some anxiety over the extremely high quality boxes that have been on display so far.
@Skylord123 soooooooooooooo?
@dashcloud yours should be delivered now!
@dashcloud I love your anxiety.
My recipient's fuku has been in transit for a week now, was originally scheduled for delivery today, but per fedex tracking he will have it by tomorrow.
I had a FedEx tag on my door when I got home tonight but it says it's for "packages not picked up" and can't tell me anything with the door tag number. I guess I'll sign it and put it out on Monday in the hopes they will leave the package (if there is one).
I got mine. I got mine. I got mine. I got mine. I got mine. I got mine. I got mine. I got mine. I got mine. I got mine.
Got my package from @hollboll.
Pretty impressive packaging..

These all look awesome to try out. I am excited. Right now I am trying out the Matilda Belgian Pale Ale. Good stuff.
I don't really know what to think about the Budweiser & Clamato Chelada. Watching videos of people trying it was pretty great.
If I had known I was getting @hollboll I would have split the fuku with my girlfriend. She likes cider but we can't seem to find anything good here in Utah (go figure).
Anyways, thanks for the beer @hollboll! Looking forward to trying the rest. =D
edit: I accidentally left out the note :x fixed!
@Skylord123 aw yay! Glad you like it! If you do it next time put in a note about the cider for your gf, I'm sure someone can stash one or two in there. I almost put one in there but went with the Budweiser instead ;). Glad it all arrived safely and you like the first one! Let me know how they turn out :)
@Skylord123 I forgot to mention, he Firestone DBA is @dalek's favorite beer of all time. I know you can get some Firestone walker there but DBA can be hard to track down. :)
@Skylord123 that kentucky bourbon barrel ale is legit. I may have brought ab extra suitcase on a trip once, just to haul a bunch of that home. Maybe.
@hollboll Tried out the Kentucky Bourbon Barrel. Not going to lie, it is my favorite so far. Was really good..
I will be trying out the Firestone DBA tonight.
@Skylord123 Oh awesome! I heard some people talking about that one at the store. Glad you liked it, hope the DBA was good.
@hollboll you have got to be kidding me. So, the good news is you sent a fantastic box. The not good news is YOU BROKE RULE #1 AGAIN FOR THE SECOND TIME! Still, great job. You're getting the hang of this...
@marklog aw thanks! ;) I'm pretty happy with this one, even if @mfladd's mang-o-Rita isn't in there
OK, so I got my box. It was awesome. Just awesome. I have pictures and want to do my awesome sender justice, so I'm going to post in the morning.
Great, great, great job @nikkisoo!
@marklog the suspense of the reveal is killing me!
@NikkiSoo i'm sorry, i had this whole thing typed out and it took forever, and then I deleted it right before sending and I was SO PISSED I had to walk away from the computer. Then the weekend happened. I should be able to get to this today.
@marklog I thought this was a part of the was working! I have been on pins and needles to see if you liked the beers. I say play this up and make suspense a part of your thing for all beer FUKUs to come, it's riveting! Enjoy them :)
Mine was delivered as of yesterday. Hopefully the recipient posts photos today!
Mine should have arrived last night if 3 day shipping is a real thing.
@connorbush I just got it a few minutes ago! Thank you so much! I'll post pics soon.
@shindig966 bastards... That's 3.5 day shipping... I want a refund. Jk.
Got my box from @evbarnstormer.

Awesome all around.
Some creative packing ideas in here.
The box:
Inside the box:
The box has a box:
Inside that box:
The final assortment:

What's in here:
Short's Brew:
Locals- American Lager
Soft Parade- High gravity ale
Cup A Joe- Coffee Creme Stout
Bellaire Brown- American Brown Ale
Rochester Mills Milkshake Stout
Griffin Claw Grand Trunk- Bohemian Stout
Odd Side Ales Hells Yes! - Munich Style Helles Lager
Right Brain Brewery:
CEO Stout Coffee Just Grew Up
CEO Stout Boardroom Series Peanut Butter
Green Bush Brewing Company Distorter Porter
Paulie's Pasta Shells & Cheese, Original Flavor
@dashcloud haha the mac and cheese was supposed to be a noisemaker, enjoy!
@evbarnstormer Clever!
@dashcloud my wife asked that I clarify that's from the dollar store and not something special from MI you need to eat hahaha
@evbarnstormer Huh- it looks awfully nice for a dollar store box.
So, it's likely not made with Wisconsin cheese then, but any old cheese they could get cheaply?
@dashcloud Man that Peanut Butter CEO isn't exactly an easy one to get. @evbarnstormer where did you find that outside of the brewery?
@zdunklee I didn't, I was in Traverse City for Thanksgiving. Edit: They were about a week old at the time. I bought all 4 bombers and they're all pretty good. Haven't seen them in the stores but forgot to ask at the brewery if they would be.
@evbarnstormer They usually aren't in stores, that's why I wondered. I still have a bottle of the Imperial CEO I got when I was up there in August. They sell nearly everything they make in bombers, just don't ship most of it.
@evbarnstormer nice contents Evan. @ dashcloud enjoy these. Some of Michigans hidden gems right here. The soft parade is great.
@abrakke Glad to hear it! I'm looking forward to trying them all!
I received my box o' beer from @connorbush today!
First: a HUGE FedEx shipping box

And inside of that?? Another box! Which was very nicely bubble wrapped might I add...

@shindig966 more! More pics! No teasing!
@shindig966 this explains @connorbush's crazy shipping cost.
@Thumperchick I do not see how it would be safely shipped without such measures. I mean just in case. It was ready for a big toss over a fence.
Ok part two... Imgur and I had a disagreement. Anyhow...

And inside of that box? A brown shopping bag with a mysterious red envelope
Look! It's a custom Christmas card!! (Which I got a big kick out of.)

Under the shopping bag? Some tightly rolled shopping bags. I wonder that they may contain...

It's BEER! And awesome beer too! I have always wanted to try the Modern Times. I haven't heard of the other two, but BA gave the Swami's IPA a pretty high rating.

The aftermath of the packaging... Now I have bubble wrap for the next time we do this!

My cat also liked the box!

@shindig966 black house is great. It really taste like black coffee.
@abrakke I just had one. It was a great coffee stout!
@shindig966 yay!! I'm glad kitty liked it. I was so sad to find out my local whole foods got rid of their main canned section in favor of bottles. I wanted to send the MASSIVE shipwrecked IPA by Mission Brewery. Next time. Or when i find one ill send it out.
@shindig966 @abrakke @connorbush i really enjoyed modern times last go around
@shindig966 I wonder if I was creative enough.
This is my first Beer Fuku, I received my box of greatness yesterday, but did the unboxing today.
Definitely not waffle fries, but it's a stout box!

Heaps of bags, pretty sufficient padding I'd say.

Dug a little to find a compact box surrounded by a trash bag, keep any potential casualties concealed.

My thoughts!

A heartfelt note, Some background on these brews was nice.

Brewery Swag and more bags. I apparently need to step up my packing game next round!

The treasure. Everything was nicely Ziploc'd and taped.

Wow! Seriously thank you @stardate820926 for making my first Beer Exchange a great one!

Definitely going to borrow ideas from these unboxings for the next round.
@travo i got the heart o Texas in my last one!! Enjoyed it very much.
@travo ooooh nice! I love the Austin eastcider with honey. I've heard great things about temptress. Everyone around here loves revolver too. Well done!
@travo Tried a few things, Lakewood's lager wasn't my favorite, but Sidewinder by Revolver was quite good, citrus-y and with spices, and not too much of a hoppy punch. It was reminiscent of Deschutes Chainbreaker.
@travo I'm glad everything arrived safely. I had far less bubble wrap than I thought I did so I was rummaging through my house trying to find packing materials. We hadn't dropped off the grocery bags for recycling in a while so...voila! hahaha
according to tracking my recipient received his Thursday 12/3
Got mine yesterday. Found it hanging out on my neighbor's porch for hopefully just a day. Will post pics tonight!
sorry I'm so late posting -- thanks @zdunklee for the haul!
What treasure is in this here parcel?

This treasure!

Founders Blushing Monk - I've had this, and it's quite tasty. Only one of these beers that I've had / can get around here, but it is a beaut'.
Odd Side (Grand Haven, MI) Black Citra
Dark Horse (Marshall, MI) Plead the 5th Imperial Stout - I know Dark Horse is good stuff, looking forward to this!
Short's (Bellaire, MI) Soft Parade rye berry ale - I had Short's stuff once at the Extreme Beer Fest and it was excellent and they were super nice
Short's Cup A Joe coffee creme stout
Blackrocks (Marquette, MI) 51K IPA
Destihl (Bloomington, IL) Hoperation Overload 2x IPA - sounds like my kind of beer!
Gonzo's (Kalamazoo, MI) vanilla porter
Petoskey (Petoskey, MI) Mind's Eye PA
Excited to see a bunch of stuff I've never heard of and a couple things I know good things about. Thanks for the beer, the buried treasure, and the beer list w/ notes. Well done, @zdunklee!
@becca that 51K is one of my favorite IPA's as far as being good and drinkable at any time. It pairs well with pretty much everything.
Please reply to this message if:
You have received NO tracking information and no shipment.
I will then reverse engineer my process and reach out to your sender and see what's up. I know some folks were waiting for special releases, etc, before they sent. Anyone who hasn't shipped their box yet, GET TO IT! Also, don't forget to include extra beers to alleviate your guilt.
If you have received no shipment but already have your tracking information, I don't want to hear from you until pictures are posted, buster.
@marklog I haven't received it yet. Thanks @marklog!!!
@marklog The person I sent to needs to post. :(
@marklog I don't have either
@hashybrown let me know if you dont have it by tomorrow. Yours should be there today.
@marklog I'm still completely in the dark.
@marklog Nothing here yet either...although I am in the office today so it is all together possible something was/will be delivered today and I will see it when I get home tonight. My FedEx delivery manager only told me about my Woot purchase not think that is it!
@galmaegi @cbilyak, @mmichalka I've reached out, pending a response.
@marklog i don't have a tracking info and haven't received a package. thanks!!
@NikkiSoo i've got confirmation, yours is hitting the mail today, with added beers to alleviate the sender's guilt.
@soomass confirmed that should be on it's way today also.
@marklog Fedex tried to deliver mine today but apparently it requires an adult signature so they won't just leave it on my porch. No one is home during the day so I'm not sure how I'm actually going to get it :(
@stardate820926 did they leave a little tag you can sign? also, you might be able to take the information they left for you, get online, and schedule pickup at the fedex location near you.
or, just call 800-GOFEDEX and they will walk you through options, up to and including changing your address. if they need the sender to do that, just email me your work address (if that works for you) and I will pass it along to the sender.
@galmaegi right there with you
@marklog I don't know if they left a tag yet. I just got a text that it was not delivered. I signed the poorly marked tag they left on Friday and put it out this morning but I guess it didn't work. I'll see if they left anything today and then probably go the route of having it left at a Fedex location.
@marklog in all fairness, I think I received my beer first last time so only fitting if I am last this time. It all evens out.
@marklog incase you didn't see below, there is confirmation that my sender is alive, and I will eventually get beer :D
@mmichalka Yay. I would have felt bad if you hadn't received anything, especially since the stuff you sent me has been so good.
@marklog Still nothing for me. I blame @tardy for this. :(
@galmaegi yours is on it's way!

@marklog Woooo~ finally! Thanks @marklog for the update. :)
@galmaegi @marklog it was marked as delivered this morning
THANK YOU @becca! I just picked it up. I'll post something later tonight. :)
To those that have received their beer and have not yet posted:
POST YOUR GALDURNED PICTURES! If you messed up and forgot to take pictures, post some sort of response akin to 'I got the beer, here's what I got'. Your job is not over when you've sent and received. You MUST post. The whole reason why I organize this thing is to read the reveal posts so DOO IT.
@marklog Maybe they're waiting for their film to be developed?
@marklog this is me, I got my "instruments" on Friday. I will post pics tonight.
@marklog I guess my person either wasn't happy with their beer or just doesn't want to post. If he doesn't post I will post a dramatic recreation of what the unboxing may have looked like.
@shindig966 can you post that anyway?
@marklog yea @becca needs to post hers! I know she said she got it already!
@RedHot You're fired.
@marklog Tracking on the beer I sent said it was delivered Friday.. Getting a bit worried now :/
All right, here it comes. Imagine its Friday, you've worked a 60 hour week because that's all you do now. you've got tons of work to do around the house that just keeps piling up because you're never home and your mother-in-law is coming in this Sunday. yeah, Friday isn't all it should be so you're kinda feelin' beat down when you get home. You pull into your driveway and find some instruments on your porch that your wife refused to bring in because the box "looked dangerous". Well now you're excited because you've been keeping up with the reveal thread on Meh and you know that @abrakke uses these boxes for shipping your favorite food group: Beer!

(TC edit - removed address from label.)
Lots of packaging going on. Each delicious morsel wrapped up and stuffed into a smaller box.
The first beer out of the box says not to open it yet, that makes Opie sad but we move on
Now we get to the beer
The cans

The bottles

So things are looking pretty great as they are, right? But wait! there's still one more!
As I unwrap, there are more messages

Now I'm getting excited!
drumroll please...
Thats right
FUCK YEAH! I love coffe stouts and I'm a huge fan of bourbon barrel aged beer of all types! This is the best present ever. My birthday is on the 24th so I'm going to save it to enjoy then.
and everything from the top because why not :-)
Thanks whoever you are!
@RedHot So far I've tried the Daisy Cutter which is crazy hoppy and pretty dry, and the Dragonfly which is sweeter with a mild hop kick.
@RedHot Your very welcome! Thought that maybe reusing the box that my Fuku came in might of given it away who the sender was. Next time I'll include a letter.
@RedHot @mehk is that a threadless beer like the t-shirt company?
@evbarnstormer Yes! at least the logo is the same. I'll try that one tonight.
@evbarnstormer yeah it's a collab between threadless and Finch
@marklog after opening my fuku from @abrakke I wanted to make sure there was something special that I could send, when @RedHot listed his favorite as coffee stout.... I kinda had to, the release date worked out perfectly!
@mehk ummmm. I love coffee stouts too. That's amazing. Great call. We couldn't find them anywhere around here with out waiting inline at least the coffee that is.
@mehk So I tried the threadless IPA, it was average. Not bad a little hoppy but lighter (and maybe kinda citrus-y) than I like them.
I have also tried the Mudpuppy porter and I'm probably going to go on the hunt for more. Its smooth and malty, (considerable hopping which was a pleasant surprise) with a chocolate nose that isn't overly sweet.
In addition to being incompetent at posting, I have had a few busy weeks here. But here goes.
The packaging was awesome. Lots of padding at bottom, each item individually wrapped and sealed.
Here are the contents.
The letter at the top of the box

The Elusive IPA from Public House
Chocolate Milk Stout from Four Hands
Belgian Style White Ale from Cathedral Square
Zeke's Pale Ale from O'Fallon
Virgin Territory IPA from Morgan Street Brewery
Fantasyland Midwest Coast IPA from Urban Chestnut Brewing Company
Domaine Dupage French Country Ale from Two Brothers Artisan Ales
Pumpkin Ale from Schlafly
The haul plus a coaster from almost all of the breweries that were selected and a koozie from Schlafly
The note. I love the fact that everything is local and not something that I can get my hands on. I look forward to trying all of them - not in a single sitting of course. Thanks to @shindig966. This is really awesome. Sorry for keeping you waiting on the reveal. I'll send you a note explaining.
@kphilippe @shindig966 LOVE the coaster/cozy with every beer concept - very clever idea!!!
@kphilippe No problem! I was getting worried that a neighbor took it off the porch or something. Did you find the Public House bottle opener hiding in there also?
@shindig966 hmm I need to go looking for that. Don't think I saw that in the first pass. Hopefully I get home before the wife goes through the packaging...
@shindig966 I think I ended up with the bottle opener. It was hiding in the packaging in the bottom of my box from @kphilippe hahaha
Friendly reminder.
@Thumperchick sorry! I really thought that was too small to read. my bad
@RedHot Most pics uploaded and posted appear smaller, but if you click on them, they are much larger - making addresses easily seen. No worries, just didn't want the warning to get buried in all of the awesome beer.
As with a few other meh people on here, I am just now getting to post mine! My deepest apologies to @dashcloud! He did an amazing job and my career has sadly kept me from his wonderful gifts.
I am also just now shipping @mmichalka's box as I am a terriblely meh person and was sent out of state by my oh so wonderful employer for about two weeks and just got home Sunday night :(
Onto what you mehicans came here for! :)

Letter from the oh so patient Dashcloud
Sticker and Coasters
Other side of the coasters
6 Pack holder 1: Traveler GrapeFruit Shandy, Traveler Beer Co.
More info on the holder 1
6 Pack Holder 2: Dirty Blonde Ale, Atwater Brewery
Holder 2 Bottom
So many bubbles! Both wrapped and bottled!
More bags of random air than your average Meh box
All 6!
Ciderboys:First Press, Commonwealth Ciders:Traditional Dry
Commonwealth Ciders:Razzberet Tart, Sprecher:Hard Root Beer
Commonwealth Ciders:Gregarious Ginger, Coney Island:Hard Root Beer(My personal fave!)
(TC edit- changed pic links from google drive to imgur.)

Mystery pic not in original post?
Note to self, Google Drive is no fun, I'm currently uploading pictures to Imgur, and will fix my mediocrity momentarily! :)
@blandreth94 maybe @tHumperchick can straighten this out..
For the time being, refer to this Imgur album!
@marklog Thanks!
@tHumperchick I can no longer edit my post :( Can you help, or just nuke the images and replace with my lazy album link?
@blandreth94 I can, but not for a few hours. Just walking into a class. I will fix it when I get out, though.
@Thumperchick Thanks a bunch, and no worries!
@blandreth94 @dashcloud someone's been saving their air bags!
@blandreth94 Yay! Glad you got the box. Hope you enjoy all of them. So relieved here!
@blandreth94 fixed! Sorry it took so long, I spaced it when I got back.
@blandreth94 droooling over here. Well done @dashcloud!
@blandreth94 Woohoo! Much relief knowing my sender didn't just up and vanish. I hope your business trip wasn't all that bad.
@marklog @abrakke it was a good day over here on the west side. Good beer from all over!!

@zdunklee Prairie Bomb! is about the best part of living in Oklahoma.
@zdunklee awesome! @abrakke just told me that Pretty Things went out of business! Thought it's possible that he told me that just so I would open the three PT's that I had... :) Either way, that's some darned good beer!
@marklog @zdunklee @abrakke It's so hard to believe that they're done. Pretty Things are legends.
@becca @marklog @abrakke I'm already sad they are done and they literally just got to this side of the state this week. The only two I can get are Brabapapa and Jack D'or.
My box from @kphilippe was ready for pickup at FedEx today.

Packed very well

The awesomeness!

One small casualty...though I can't figure out quite how. The bottle is intact and the cap seems secure but I guess I'll be drinking a Campfire Stout tonight :D

And one apparent stowaway from the last exchange maybe, a keychain from Public House Brewing Company in Rolla, MO hidden in the packing material :)

I am beyond thrilled with this box and can't wait to try all of them! Thank you so much @kphilippe!!
My "note" was emailed to me this morning
Nuckin Futz Imperial Peanut Butter Chocolate Cream Porter. This was the biggest risk, since you don't like porters, but I doubt you have ever tried a porter like this one. Track 7 is a funky little brewery in Sacramento that does some crazy stuff. And this was the closest that I could get around me to a milk stout - Northern California doesn't specialize in things like that.
Highwater Campfire Stout - My intention was to pack this in graham crackers and marshmallows. That didn't happen. This is from a brewery just up the road from me. It definitely tastes like a campfire setting.
Golden Road Pamplemousse Saison - Golden Road is one of my favorite breweries even though they are down in Los Angeles. They get great flavors out of everything they do. This is a saison (farmhouse) ale brewed with grapefruit to give it a nice citrus taste. I only saw this beer once and it wasn't widely distributed/
Red Branch Hard Black Cherry Cider - From a company in San Jose. My wife loved this one. I am not a big cider person, so I took her word on it. Definitely different than most of the apple ciders out there.
Golden State Cider - This one comes from north of San Francisco in a small town called Sebastapol. I have a good friend who is on a beer app called untappd, and he rates very few beers above 4 stars. He did for this one and it is his favorite cider.
Indigeny - This is the favorite one I could send to you. This is a very small cider house based in Sonora, CA - Gold Country. The only reason I know of it is that I go past it on the way to a cabin in the middle of nowhere California. We have met the owners and this is one of the coolest bottles I have ever seen. It isn't distributed where I live, so you are probably one of the first people in Texas to sample this one.
@stardate820926 So jealous of the Nuckin Futz beer there!
@dashcloud I can't wait to try it!
On another note, the Campfire Stout was amazing!!
@stardate820926 That's where the missing bottle opener I sent to @kphillipe went to! It went from St. Louis to California and found its way to you.
Headed out of town for a few days for work...hoping I come home to my Beer FUKU...I am parched for craft beer from outside my geography.
@cbilyak I hope so too. Still not ready to sound the alarm, but I'm reaching for it...
@marklog If you need some help making sure everyone gets a box let me know. I don't mind sending a few extra beers
@RedHot I would offer the same except that I do not need to send myself beer. I appreciate that you offered, but nobody needs to spend extra $$ unexpectedly this time of year. Hopefully my sender will do their duty since they agreed to participate in this FUKU.
@cbilyak i too have been anxiously awaiting a beer delivery. also my recipient has yet to post. ho-hum.
OK, I’m a bad example. I sat on reviewing my FUKU for ages. To be honest, I didn’t quite sit on it. I wrote it, links and everything, then closed the browser window by accident which caused a rage quit for the day.

(notice my dainty pinky shadow)

So, here’s my second attempt (in MS Word, where I will then copy paste).
So, this is the box! Very exciting.
A note! Wait, TWO notes! Check this out!
This beer was wrapped very well, and efficiently!
Not only that…
Each bottle came with a little tag! How fun is this! Hopefully you’ll be able to read each one of them. If not I can type them out.
Here’s the whole lot:
And here’s what we did the night I opened the box. A Treehouse flight?! In MICHIGAN!?!?? This is why I do this thing.
@Nikkisoo, thank you thank you thank you!
Again, so sorry about the delay. Now… who else is @tardy with their pics?
By the way, I had the Toaster Pastry last night- it was AWESOME. It reminded me a lot of a beer Founders makes called ReDANKulous, and also a very limited distribution Griffin Claw beer called Bloody Hair. YUM.
@marklog love that you like them! i'm obsessed with treehouse and was so excited to share them to you out in Michigan!!! Cheers :)
@marklog @NikkiSoo nice Tree House haul!
@hashybrown seriously @nikkisoo went out of her way...
oh btw.. did I just see that @becca had a KING JULIUS?!?!?!?!?
@marklog i wish they had the king julius when i visited! I was hoping for one of the biggies to send you! all around noce representation of treehouse on this go around of beer fuku!
@NikkiSoo where are you based? Wish I could make it there more often.
@marklog I'm fancy. Partner's coworker got us a can of the King. An offering of that caliber pretty much makes him family now.
@NikkiSoo I also thank you. I got to enjoy those beauties with @marklog. Amazing beer
@becca i am near Marlborough, so only about an hour away from Treehouse!
@abrakke I am glad you got to enjoy some of the delightful flavors of my fav brewery - the holidays are for sharing, afterall
What a great day to start the week! Many thanks to @becca who nicely put together this awesome Beer Fuku for me.
Very nicely packed, made it safe to TX all the way from MA.
How did you know I collect brewery stickers?
Aw, look at this little guy, I mean a ghost!

Happy Hanukkah!
I can only imagine the song by Rihanna. I wonder what it tastes like. Topaz Umbrella Ella Ella, Jack's Abby Smoke & Dagger Black Lager, Metric Stout
Berkshire Brewing Steel Rail Extra Pale Ale, Baxter Hayride Autumn Ale
Cambridge Remain in Light Pilsner, White Birch Blueberry Berliner Weisse, Bantam The Americain Cider (I'll let @hollboll to be a judge as well.)
Foolproof Raincloud Robust Porter, I'll wait until a rainy day.
Tree House "That's What She Said" milk stout!
All in the fridge being chilled now. Oh, I got a post card too. I typed in the website on the back but all I got was "hold please" message?! I also need some explanation on that blue stick. @becca? Anyone?
@galmaegi yay! Excited to hear what you think! Especially for the homebrews (which were straight from the keg so I hope the carbonation is ok).
I had a hard time with this because I am ALL. ABOUT. IPAs. so I mostly went for style variety here and hope some of these are more your speed.
No clue when the postcard is from, I think I bought something from an artist who threw it in the bag once. The blue thing I just got in a fundraiser event bag and I'm assuming cheese spreader? Maybe?
Oh and the ghosts were promo handouts at a music festival this spring, and we made a game of going by the stand to grab more ghosts, ending up with a boatload.
@becca I've had Remain in Light Pils, Hayride Pale Ale and Steel Rail Extra Pale Ale. So far, Steel Rail is a winner. I'm creating my own little bracket. :)
I totally understand how hard it is to pick something if you're not drinking it all the time. I had to pick IPAs for @mcvick and it wasn't that easy. Thanks for picking out different types of beer so I get to try them out!
Ok mystery solved. The blue thing and the ghosts were not for dreidel. @hollboll and I were wondering what they were for. For seconds I thought the blue stick was a beer skimmer. That would've been weird.
@galmaegi I know this is way too late but wanted to let you know my favorite was ......... "Topaz Umbrella Ella Ella"!
@mmichalka Did you finally get yours? I never got a tracking number from the OOPS office so I'm blind as to your beer's location!
@blandreth94 yup! That's what the "At last" gif was about. I've just been really slow about getting pictures uploaded/been really busy this last week. I should have my post up tomorrow.
Hubby texted me at work, my box has arrived...with a smashed in corner but no noticeable leakage. Will take pics and reveal tomorrow night as tonight I will be indulging in adult beverages with a friend and will get home too late and too hindered to provide a quality reveal.
I had a surprise box from @kphillipe on my porch tonight

So awesome!!!! I am very excited about all of these! The Campfire Stout was amazing and was lamenting not being able to have more, the Lost Abbey sounds great too, but that Wootstout...oh my!!! I can't wait. I love just about everything from Stone and of course I love Wil Wheaton. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
My reveal! Please know that I am a novice at posting pics so here's to hoping I do this correctly!
Photo of box...crushed corner but no internal damage
Letter inside

Inside, good packing and a bonus bottle opener!

Plenty O Bubbles


More beer...:)

Even more beer...: O

And finally...the last beer.

And the total package:

I have never had any of these so I am really looking forward to trying them all! Thanks ever so much @happyshow!
@cbilyak nice haul from @happyshow! That Young's is amazing.
@marklog Good to know, I will save that one for last then!
@happyshow I have been very slow at drinking beer lately - lots of champagne over the holidays. Had the Victory Storm King Imperial Stout last night - it was delicious and had to fight hubby for it. He took a sip and decided he really liked it too. Thanks!
@cbilyak You are welcome. One of my all time favorite beers is also from Victory called Golden Monkey.
@happyshow I have consumed all but the can of oatmeal stout. By far, the Bell's was the best - f-ing phenomenal!! Thanks a million!
Looks like @happyshow re-gifted the box I sent him, to you.
I really wish he would just post the beer.. Even if it's just pictures.. :/
@Skylord123 Yes I did use your box. It seemed convenient. Sorry for not posting my reveal yet. I'll upload the pictures tomorrow.
@happyshow I'm glad it came useful. Only reason I noticed the box is cause it's from work hah. Looking forward to the pictures.
It's here!!
@travo originally sent this thing almost a month ago from Washington state to Washington, D.C. However, after traveling all the way across the country and getting on the truck for delivery, FedEx decided to rough up the box and cause a bottle to leak. They sent it back to him and he more than made up for it. TWO boxes showed up in my building yesterday and they were dropped off at my doorstep today.
TLDR: @travo isn't a douchebag.
upon arrival:

directions on box 2:

@travo picked up a foam packer after the bottle leak problem. There's a beer list and a card:

let's look at the card:

beer definitely helps
4 bags of air of unknown origin. Bottles were also padded with plastic bags:


sweet looking can
The whole crew:

But wait! What about that second box?

it's Pacific Northwest treats!
Finally, the typed list:

No dietary restrictions here other than how much I can fit into my stomach at once.
Thanks @travo! I'm looking forward to trying the lot of beers and snacks.
@hashybrown Hey you're welcome! Hopefully most of this stuff you can't get in stores on your side of the country. Tim's Cascade Style chips are probably the best in the world.
Who still has to reveal?
@cbilyak @mmichalka is still lagging behind on my super late box!
@cbilyak @happyshow
@Skylord123 Here is my reveal. Thanks for all the brews. A couple were pretty rough to drink but overall some great choices. The Griswald's Holiday Ale was awesome!!!

The delivery medium.
Packed very well.


A very nice variety. I'm saving the Golden Ale for last (second from the left)

After their long trip, they rested here for a few days to chill out.

Relaxing by a fire to enjoy the brews.

I really enjoyed this IPA

This was my favorite of the entire lot so far. Very very delicious. It even had the WAF

(TC edit - uploaded pics to imgur and changed links. One Drive links + forum markdown = sad.)
Is anyone able to see the pictures? If not I'll upload them to imgur and try again.
@happyshow No luck with the images loading here.
@happyshow one drive images don't share well in the forums. Image urls need to be fairly simple and end in the file extension (.jpg, gif, etc) - this is why they aren't showing up.
I'm on my phone right now, but if you give me a bit, I'll copy stuff to imgur and fix your links.
@happyshow thanks for posting! T Humper Chick will get the images straightened out. Im not sure what 'rough to drink' means but based on your notes it seems like a good box!
Anyone else still waiting on beer/pics?
@happyshow All fixed!
@Thumperchick Thanks. My sad descriptions are not there so it now sadder.
@happyshow They're there now.
So, that's it? We're all revealed? No more shipments? No more pics? Is it time to vote on the User Experience? I'll take recommendations for finalists........ now.
@marklog @cbilyak 's treasure chest!
@evbarnstormer I second that one!
I also nominate @nikkisoo's holiday rhymes.
@marklog Still waiting on the irony that is @mmichalka 's package :P
@blandreth94 are you saying we have an outstanding package? (that's what she said?)
@marklog that is correct!
@mmichalka POST YOUR SPOILS OR... OR... something really bad. Gimme a minute.
@marklog it has been more than a minute...
@marklog @mmichalka REALLY needs to post so I can stop checking the forum every day to check for her post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@cbilyak agree! I emailed, haven't seen a response yet.
@marklog I nominate @connorbush for his creative grocery packaging and for most safely-packed box.
I nominate @likeclockwork for including homebrew and mother-fucking expensive/rare/high ABV beers and a hat and stickers and bottle opener!!!!
Mostly certain I received the best haul of BFR2 (beer-fuku-round-two)
@connorbush I'm juat glad you got some stuff you liked in there.
@cbilyak @blandreth94 good news! pics incoming.
@marklog you were saying?
@cbilyak yeah apparently its on me to post them. I will get them up today..
I just have a minute, but here's the album:
I forgot to say. THANK YOU for organizing the Beer Fuku for us, @marklog!
@galmaegi my pleasure! as usual, lots to learn about how to run a thing like this. We're going to put some time between this and BF3, but I promise it will be back.
In the spirit of thanks, here's to @Thumperchick for fixing all of our broken pictures and markdown! :)
@blandreth94 no problem!
I like where I live...10 minutes from 3 Floyds and work in downtown Chicago:
Is there a sign-up sheet for those that want to join in the fun of future beer FUKU's?
@tcarlton not really, you kinda have to keep a look out. @marklog usually calls out a few people who always participate and gives everyone some time to get signed up. Posting in this thread will help as I'm sure someone will scan the thread and make an announcement.