@amehzinggrace@elimanningface@tinamarie1974 Would you be shocked to learn that I enjoy baking cookies from scratch? But I almost always make brownies from a box? And I have a drawerful of Pillsbury dough in the refrigerator because sometimes you need a cookie in under 15 minutes and I was hoarding?
@amehzinggrace@elimanningface@sammydog01 not at all suprised. I do both homemade and from scratch. It depends on my mood. ALSO I may have bought like 96 pieces of cookie dough during a woot off. Lets see if it gets baked or snacked on raw. Yummy!!
@amehzinggrace@elimanningface@sammydog01 soooooo they arrived today, three days late. Dry ice was melted and gone. Dough was thawed and HOT. I think UPS was trying to bake them while in transit!
I reached out to Woot CS. Lets hope they take care of it.
@phendrick my wife and I are both essential and my kids are being home schooled so I’ve had less time. Must be nice to catch up on your Netflix back log.
i don’t bake very often, but when i do it’s usually from scratch. i just enjoy learning how to do things and i also often already have the ingredients.
that said, although i haven’t had occasion to use it in a long time, boxed cake mix is very good and cost effective if you’re in a pinch. especially funfetti. i also prefer boxed pudding mix to from scratch.
Both. Just depends on how much effort I feel like putting into it. I also seem to prefer boxed brownies to home made ones (at least ones I’ve made). They always just seem to be richer and gooier. And honestly if I just want to make cupcakes I’m fine with a box mix. I can add things or do home made frosting. No one I feed them to complains they aren’t from scratch, they just want free cupcakes.
This recipe can be found all over the Internet just Google it
Use the larger size pan 9x13 and follow the instructions to the letter
especially follow the instructions about cooling the chocolate and butter mixture and do not put them in the fridge just wait it out with them on the counter
You won’t be interested in any other brownies after you’ve had those
Adding nuts is fine, I wouldn’t add anything else like icing or stuff
that would just detract
recipe is below
If you use a glass pan lower your temperature by at least 25°
also check the brownies frequently while cooking with a toothpick
Get them out of the oven before they’re completely done
they will continue cooking on the counter
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Melt in a glass measuring cup in microwave:
½ cup butter (1 stick)
4 ounces of Baker’s unsweetened chocolate
It seems Baker’s unsweetened chocolate box no longer contains 1-ounce wrapped squares of chocolate. Instead their chocolate is in smaller pieces of 1/4 ounce. So 4 of the new little pieces equal one of the old-fashioned wrapped squares. You will need 16 of these little pieces for the brownies.
Beat until light in color and foamy in texture:
4 eggs (best if at room temperature)
½ teaspoon salt
Add gradually and continue beating until well creamed:
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
With a few swift strokes, combine the cooled chocolate mixture into the eggs and sugar. Before the mixture becomes uniformly colored, fold in:
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour (if you don’t sift, use 15/16 cup)
Bake in a 9 x 13 inch pan for about 25 minutes. Cut when cool.
If you are feeling fancy, you can sift powdered sugar over the brownies as our cook above has done. We even have stencils for powdery holiday decorations on the brownies.
@f00l I genuinely PREFER Ghirardelli boxed mix to scratch brownies. I make them in my all-edges brownie pan and don’t feel the slightest bit unhappy that they aren’t from scratch. I make my pancakes from a mix too and have never been bothered by my choices.
I do the cooking at our house, my wife does the baking. There is always a sourdough bread, cookies or brownies baking. (All from scratch) Even breakfast waffles from an Alton Brown recipe, from scratch. She buys flour in the 10 lb. sacks, 3 or 4 kinds.
One of the most depressing discoveries I made in my 20’s was that it rarely matters. During a weekly gathering my roommate and I hosted, most people reacted with equal enthusiasm to the complicated recipes I baked from scratch and the brownies I threw together from a cheap box mix. I had a few discerning fans of particular recipes. The ones that requested special cakes for their wedding reception or would completely lose their mind if I baked their favorite pie for their birthday. But most people didn’t care at all.
Lately my youngest daughter does most of the baking in our house. She makes some really amazing desserts from scratch and usually she experiments with ingredients in a quest to reduce sugar and/or bad fats in the recipes. (She is just finishing her degree in diet and nutrition and starts her internship in the fall.)
I dislike the lack of nuance in this poll. I think boxed cake mix is a lifesaver in a lot of situations, but if you can’t make scratch brownies or cookies, you’re better off not eating them than having a box version.
Hard to decide. I can’t eat carbs so I either get shitty boxed baked goods or shitty homemade baked goods. I stick with the Shitty ones int eh box because time is the only thing I can’t make more of.
@wdreiling I am no food or packaging expert but I don’t think you should be having sh*t in either. That’s an opinion but I really think it should be a universally agreed upon one.
Either, depending on how soon I want it or whether I know how to make it.
Here’s my recipe for sourdough bagels.
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sourdough starter
1/2 cup warm water
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp salt
2 tsp all-purpose yeast (if you’re in a hurry)
Mix water, starter, and yeast and allow to bloom. Mix in remaining ingredients and knead for five minutes (I use a mixer with a dough hook). Cover and allow to rise until doubled in size (60-90 minutes in my kitchen, or overnight in the fridge for a stronger flavor). Punch down and divide into 12 equal parts on a floured baking sheet. Form into bagel shapes however you like, cover, and let rise until doubled again.
In a large cooking pan or skillet, combine 2 quarts water, 1 tbsp each of salt, white sugar, and baking soda, and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, then start boiling the bagels, 45 seconds on each side. Drain on a wire rack. Brush with a beaten egg and add the toppings of your choice. Bake at 425 for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Remove and cool on rack.
I over beat the cheese cream a little but it was still pretty dam good. It had a chocolate cookie bottom and mini chocolate chips inside. I love to bake, I just need more people to eat it.
Not quite baking, but I did find an amazing recipe for homemade ice cream the other day. Absolutely delicious and very simple to make! I added marcinio cherries
Make it up as you go. Concoctification!
And if it’s good, better savor it, because it won’t happen again no matter how hard you try to replicate it.
@katbyter I do that; I have enough experience eating utter failures that my instincts kick in to prevent a truly abysmal outcome.
From scratch. I love baking.
@kittykat9180 Hello fellow Kitty
Option C. Semi-homemade. Start with a box and spruce it up with extras and spices.
@katbyter Why wasn’t this an option in the poll? Conspiracy much?
@katbyter @tinks599 Probably whomever made up the poll doesn’t cook.
I think if you accuse @sammydog01 of baking from a box, she will @ you with a gif of a table flipping over.
So who’s going to do it
@elimanningface what, @sammydog01 bakes from a box!?!?!?!?!?!
@elimanningface @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 that’s what i heard…
@amehzinggrace @elimanningface @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 What? Wait. I thought she secretly called up restaurants and bakeries for delivery to a secret location and then snuck it into the house.
@amehzinggrace @elimanningface @tinamarie1974 Would you be shocked to learn that I enjoy baking cookies from scratch? But I almost always make brownies from a box? And I have a drawerful of Pillsbury dough in the refrigerator because sometimes you need a cookie in under 15 minutes and I was hoarding?
@amehzinggrace @elimanningface @sammydog01 not at all suprised. I do both homemade and from scratch. It depends on my mood. ALSO I may have bought like 96 pieces of cookie dough during a woot off. Lets see if it gets baked or snacked on raw. Yummy!!
@amehzinggrace @elimanningface @tinamarie1974 Ooh, tell me how they are!
@amehzinggrace @elimanningface @sammydog01 i can do that. If it was easy to ship you some I would share
@amehzinggrace @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 secret tip to improve any cookie or brownie: eat them cold! Sooo delicious!!
@amehzinggrace @elimanningface @sammydog01 soooooo they arrived today, three days late. Dry ice was melted and gone. Dough was thawed and HOT. I think UPS was trying to bake them while in transit!
I reached out to Woot CS. Lets hope they take care of it.
@amehzinggrace @elimanningface @tinamarie1974

/giphy BOO
@amehzinggrace @elimanningface @sammydog01 IKR. I was so sad…I had planned on making a few tonight!!
@amehzinggrace @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 put it in the freezer! Freezer makes magic!!
@amehzinggrace @elimanningface @sammydog01 no, no these are beyond fixing…it was super gross!
Mostly from scratch but I still use box stuff sometimes.
“because who’s got the time?” – been under a rock, these last couple months?
@phendrick my wife and I are both essential and my kids are being home schooled so I’ve had less time. Must be nice to catch up on your Netflix back log.
@phendrick @zinimusprime I’d like to think we’re all essential.
@elimanningface @phendrick

/giphy optimistic
From scratch only. Sounds impressive until you realize I only bake fruit cobblers.
I await my invitation
Why not both?
She’s even got that pretty pink mixer!! Is that you?
From whoever made the baked good, using whichever technique such wonderful soul chose, as long as I get some.
It depends. Brownies? Box. Everything else? From scratch.
i don’t bake very often, but when i do it’s usually from scratch. i just enjoy learning how to do things and i also often already have the ingredients.
that said, although i haven’t had occasion to use it in a long time, boxed cake mix is very good and cost effective if you’re in a pinch. especially funfetti. i also prefer boxed pudding mix to from scratch.
Both. Just depends on how much effort I feel like putting into it. I also seem to prefer boxed brownies to home made ones (at least ones I’ve made). They always just seem to be richer and gooier. And honestly if I just want to make cupcakes I’m fine with a box mix. I can add things or do home made frosting. No one I feed them to complains they aren’t from scratch, they just want free cupcakes.
@remo28 Agreed on all counts.
@remo28 @arielleslie
“Brownies Cockaigne” from Joy of Cooking
This recipe can be found all over the Internet just Google it
Use the larger size pan 9x13 and follow the instructions to the letter
especially follow the instructions about cooling the chocolate and butter mixture and do not put them in the fridge just wait it out with them on the counter
You won’t be interested in any other brownies after you’ve had those
Adding nuts is fine, I wouldn’t add anything else like icing or stuff
that would just detract
recipe is below
If you use a glass pan lower your temperature by at least 25°
also check the brownies frequently while cooking with a toothpick
Get them out of the oven before they’re completely done
they will continue cooking on the counter
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Melt in a glass measuring cup in microwave:
½ cup butter (1 stick)
4 ounces of Baker’s unsweetened chocolate
It seems Baker’s unsweetened chocolate box no longer contains 1-ounce wrapped squares of chocolate. Instead their chocolate is in smaller pieces of 1/4 ounce. So 4 of the new little pieces equal one of the old-fashioned wrapped squares. You will need 16 of these little pieces for the brownies.
Beat until light in color and foamy in texture:
4 eggs (best if at room temperature)
½ teaspoon salt
Add gradually and continue beating until well creamed:
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
With a few swift strokes, combine the cooled chocolate mixture into the eggs and sugar. Before the mixture becomes uniformly colored, fold in:
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour (if you don’t sift, use 15/16 cup)
Bake in a 9 x 13 inch pan for about 25 minutes. Cut when cool.
If you are feeling fancy, you can sift powdered sugar over the brownies as our cook above has done. We even have stencils for powdery holiday decorations on the brownies.
/image “brownies cockaigne”

@arielleslie @f00l @remo28

no coffee in it.
brownies made with coffee are the bomb!
/image mocha brownies
@arielleslie @Cerridwyn @remo28
Playing around w the recipe w stuff like cinnamon or coffee is a great idea. Or mint. Or coconut. Stuff like that.
And I agree about choco-coffee brownies being amazing, also.
What the Brownies Cockaigne recipe doesn’t need are additions like Hershey’s kisses or icing or similar.
Why? Well, because the kisses and/or the icing are not as good as these brownies by themselves. These “extras“ will detract.
@f00l I genuinely PREFER Ghirardelli boxed mix to scratch brownies. I make them in my all-edges brownie pan and don’t feel the slightest bit unhappy that they aren’t from scratch. I make my pancakes from a mix too and have never been bothered by my choices.
I do the cooking at our house, my wife does the baking. There is always a sourdough bread, cookies or brownies baking. (All from scratch) Even breakfast waffles from an Alton Brown recipe, from scratch. She buys flour in the 10 lb. sacks, 3 or 4 kinds.
One of the most depressing discoveries I made in my 20’s was that it rarely matters. During a weekly gathering my roommate and I hosted, most people reacted with equal enthusiasm to the complicated recipes I baked from scratch and the brownies I threw together from a cheap box mix. I had a few discerning fans of particular recipes. The ones that requested special cakes for their wedding reception or would completely lose their mind if I baked their favorite pie for their birthday. But most people didn’t care at all.
Lately my youngest daughter does most of the baking in our house. She makes some really amazing desserts from scratch and usually she experiments with ingredients in a quest to reduce sugar and/or bad fats in the recipes. (She is just finishing her degree in diet and nutrition and starts her internship in the fall.)
I dislike the lack of nuance in this poll. I think boxed cake mix is a lifesaver in a lot of situations, but if you can’t make scratch brownies or cookies, you’re better off not eating them than having a box version.
Hard to decide. I can’t eat carbs so I either get shitty boxed baked goods or shitty homemade baked goods. I stick with the Shitty ones int eh box because time is the only thing I can’t make more of.
@wdreiling I am no food or packaging expert but I don’t think you should be having sh*t in either. That’s an opinion but I really think it should be a universally agreed upon one.
@elimanningface thanks for the advice. Maybe this is why all of that stuff tastes like shit.
Either, depending on how soon I want it or whether I know how to make it.
Here’s my recipe for sourdough bagels.
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sourdough starter
1/2 cup warm water
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp salt
2 tsp all-purpose yeast (if you’re in a hurry)
Mix water, starter, and yeast and allow to bloom. Mix in remaining ingredients and knead for five minutes (I use a mixer with a dough hook). Cover and allow to rise until doubled in size (60-90 minutes in my kitchen, or overnight in the fridge for a stronger flavor). Punch down and divide into 12 equal parts on a floured baking sheet. Form into bagel shapes however you like, cover, and let rise until doubled again.
In a large cooking pan or skillet, combine 2 quarts water, 1 tbsp each of salt, white sugar, and baking soda, and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, then start boiling the bagels, 45 seconds on each side. Drain on a wire rack. Brush with a beaten egg and add the toppings of your choice. Bake at 425 for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Remove and cool on rack.
i want one now
and i surely don’t need one
I over beat the cheese cream a little but it was still pretty dam good. It had a chocolate cookie bottom and mini chocolate chips inside. I love to bake, I just need more people to eat it.
@Cerridwyn @Star2236 it looks delicious
@Cerridwyn @tinamarie1974
@Cerridwyn @Star2236 @tinamarie1974
Post your location and I am SURE there will be a line of mehtizens to help you out with that…!

@Cerridwyn @chienfou @Star2236 um, wait…Ill take some of that action.


/giphy road trip!
A cheesecake I made this past weekend. Also made a peanut butter pie.
I don’t often bake;
But when I do, I bake from scratch.
/image most interesting man in the world

/image most interesting sourdough in the world

Not quite baking, but I did find an amazing recipe for homemade ice cream the other day. Absolutely delicious and very simple to make! I added marcinio cherries