Choosing between a douche and a turd is a sacred ceremonial duty of each conscious American. Even more so, since votes don't really count and none of our voices matter. Even more so, since the president is just a talking head, that doesn't decide anything himself. HENCE, GO TRUMP!!!! Or Bernie. Better yet, Bernie with Trump as his VP.
Why's he gotta call me out?
You've had it comin' a long time
But isn't Ted Cruz in a vegetative state?
@cinoclav four more years?
Kind of like the meh goat draft, then?
@DaveInSoCal: - Looking for a shortcut to the presidency? I'd support you! It would omit the extended nightmare that is campaign season, as well.
Choosing between a douche and a turd is a sacred ceremonial duty of each conscious American. Even more so, since votes don't really count and none of our voices matter. Even more so, since the president is just a talking head, that doesn't decide anything himself. HENCE, GO TRUMP!!!! Or Bernie. Better yet, Bernie with Trump as his VP.
Thanks for answering my question, Irk! You make some valid points, and I'll give it more thought.
Maybe a Vice Presidential draft instead...
I hear the Irk is on Obama's short list for SCOTUS nomination.
@Teripie STOTUS
This video made me realize that the music plays on a non-stop loop in the background of the Ask Irk videos.