Since I prefer to heat Pop-Tarts by popping them into the frying pan with some butter, I automatically get buttered ones. And I find that they are much better that way. And I don’t have to worry about the frosting being at a temperature that will melt my teeth.
I agree with Irk.
I’ve never had a pop tart that was worth eating, and I bet that butter improves about 75% of everything [that I’d be willing to try it on].
Butter on Pop Tarts seems like it would be gross.
@yakkoTDI Especially the Pop Tart part.
Since I prefer to heat Pop-Tarts by popping them into the frying pan with some butter, I automatically get buttered ones. And I find that they are much better that way. And I don’t have to worry about the frosting being at a temperature that will melt my teeth.
I agree with Irk.
I’ve never had a pop tart that was worth eating, and I bet that butter improves about 75% of everything [that I’d be willing to try it on].
@xobzoo Most flavors are a waste of butter.
butter on unfrosted pop tarts is tasty. On frosted its just messy. Talking good butter though; Kerrygold or better