Used to accurately mark where to put a nail in a wall to hang a picture or mirror
Sliding Robots
Model: 00349
Used to move heavy furniture easily
Stick one under each corner of what you want to move and then slide it across carpet or tile
Slim Clip
Model: 102-SLCLIP-MC12
Clips on both sides
Holds as many as 30 bills on one side and six credit cards on the other
Turbo Snake
Sink snake and shower/tub snake
Pulls out hair clogs
Peel & stick hook included for storage
What’s in the Box?
1x Home Smart Hang Rite
1x Hang Rite instructional sheet
1x Slim Clip
4x Large sliding robots
4x Small sliding robots
1x Shower and tub snake
1x Sink snake
1x Peel & stick hook
Condition: New Warranty:90 Day Mediocre Estimated Delivery: 1/5 - 1/8 Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
@mediocrebot sold 209 of these for a total of $1699....not sure how that's possible being 8 times any whole number comes to an even number. #mehlogic
@narfcake I have some other brand of those sliding robot things, and they worked pretty well. I was rearranging my house shortly after having ankle surgery, and I wasn't allowed to put any weight at all on my ankle. I crawled around and put these under furniture, then pushed it while crawling. Worked out pretty well!
@narfcake I got the Slim Clip years ago and it's so much more convenient than a bulky wallet. Still in perfect condition too. This deal is worth it just for that IMO.
who is touching this lackluster junk at least the least set of crap seen on some random tv station at 4am had a few chuckles about it this one is just kind of exactly what I think of when I realize what the website is called so I guess great job? keep up the good work......... I wouldn't even want this stuff for free so please don't freebie me my mom will love you cause she loves crap to fill up the space between the walls and where you walk......
@dfunk29 I have used the sink one and liked it a lot. In fact, I used in the shower drain. But I read somewhere that the velcro on the end can come off in your drain. Didn't happen to me, though. I suppose it depends upon your definition of "really works"--it pulls hair out of the drain.
@dfunk29 I don't know if THIS product works, but snakes themselves DO work. I used one on my sink last year and it was absolutely amazing how well it cleared a stubborn clog.
@mossygreen I didn't realize it was possible to zoom in and see the counties. Cool! No, I'm in Rock Island County (almost Iowa). But anyway, it was darker before. Now it doesn't say everyone.
@Cinoclav i got a zip it stuck in the drain and tore the lower section of in the drain. That i had trouble augering out. Hopefully WHEN thr velcro off this one falls off, i can zip it back out with taking everything apart again...
@Cinoclav Funny thing about that zip it. I bought one, used it and stored it somewhere. Then when I needed it again, I couldn't find it so I bought another one. Now I don't know where the second one is either. I think they may have been sucked into the black hole that is my garage.
@Cinoclav Hey, the one thing I really wanna try out of the bundle is the Sliding Robot number. I'm glad you've had good luck. (The Zip-It has worked for me, too. I was astonished to see a few months ago that the CVS across the street from me now carries the Zip-It.)
I (for 1) am 'dissapoint' at the lack of good up-votes and the abundance of BAD upvotes in this thread! NOW! you go and rethink your voting... ... SHAME!
@unixrab I didn't know this was a place where we were suppose to care and upvote anything I thought the stars were from the great Meh Gods who teach us how to be disappoint I will be upvoting unixrab everytime he posts a gif
Part two of the diabolical christmas vmp plot: two months worth of meh that is so meh, no one will actually buy it. Can't wait for tomorrows repop pick-up stix!!
If you didn't tell me what was in the ASoTV bundle, I would've bought it instantly, but I don't think I need any of them enough to to deal with the crap I'll get from buying them.
The robots work great . . . on carpet. Pro Tip: only use them on carpet. My wife tried using them on concrete once. It was funny actually--well, it was funny after a while. They make felt pads for hard floors. Not sure if there's anything other than wheels that'd work on concrete.
Just got mine yesterday. Anyone else's box smelled of tobacco smoke for the first 10 seconds when freshly opened? I had to double check and make sure that I didn't order anything weird in this box but... I was pretty turned off.
Hang Rite
Sliding Robots
Slim Clip
Turbo Snake
What’s in the Box?
1x Home Smart Hang Rite
1x Hang Rite instructional sheet
1x Slim Clip
4x Large sliding robots
4x Small sliding robots
1x Shower and tub snake
1x Sink snake
1x Peel & stick hook
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 1/5 - 1/8
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
The bundle
Hang Rite
Slim Clip
Slim Clip other side
Sliding robots
Price Check
$17.99 for Hang Rite at Amazon
$7.45 for Turbo Snake at Amazon
$6.85 for Sliding Robots at Amazon
$7.99 for Slim Clip at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, July 7th - Monday, July 13th
Totally just made my 1st Meh purchase cause know....I always wanted my own robot army. 8 is an army right?
Easily move furniture and heavy objects with ease? Easily meh with ease.
@mediocrebot sold 209 of these for a total of $1699....not sure how that's possible being 8 times any whole number comes to an even number. #mehlogic
@xaveir21 Tax and shipping where applicable.
@mediocrebot DO NOT POST UP HERE (unless) (you're funny)
@xaveir21 Totals include shipping when applicable.
As seen on TV = automatic meh. Very few have actually lived up to its hype.
@narfcake I have some other brand of those sliding robot things, and they worked pretty well. I was rearranging my house shortly after having ankle surgery, and I wasn't allowed to put any weight at all on my ankle. I crawled around and put these under furniture, then pushed it while crawling. Worked out pretty well!
@narfcake I got the Slim Clip years ago and it's so much more convenient than a bulky wallet. Still in perfect condition too. This deal is worth it just for that IMO.
@kadagan the image of this is both hilarious and sad, but mostly hilarious.
no one wants this at any price
Definitely Meh.
Who is the "meh" equivalent of Anthony Sullivan? I want this bundle sold with a complete deadpan delivery. Steven Wright maybe.
@slappywhite2001 I love Steven Wright. Maybe that explains why I'm here.
who is touching this lackluster junk at least the least set of crap seen on some random tv station at 4am had a few chuckles about it this one is just kind of exactly what I think of when I realize what the website is called so I guess great job? keep up the good work......... I wouldn't even want this stuff for free so please don't freebie me my mom will love you cause she loves crap to fill up the space between the walls and where you walk......
I'm glad this comes with the Hang Rite instructional sheet.
Mehs seen on TV. No thanks.
Anyone know if the shower snake really works? 🐍
@dfunk29 I have used the sink one and liked it a lot. In fact, I used in the shower drain. But I read somewhere that the velcro on the end can come off in your drain. Didn't happen to me, though. I suppose it depends upon your definition of "really works"--it pulls hair out of the drain.
@dfunk29 I don't know if THIS product works, but snakes themselves DO work. I used one on my sink last year and it was absolutely amazing how well it cleared a stubborn clog.
@mossygreen thanks for the heads up about the velcro, I didn't even notice that.
@BillLehecka Eww... I'm used to getting hair out of the drain. I don't even want to try that!
@dfunk29 - I retrieved my earring from the bathroom sink drain with the sink version.
@BillLehecka sorry, my brain automatically thought you meant kitchen sink!
@dfunk29 it wasn't anything gross... It was just hardened fat and unpopped popcorn kernels. Teaches me to pour hot fat down the drain...
@KDemo I did help my neighbor get her wedding ring back with a hanger as a make-shift snake. With a half bar of soap and a ton of hair!
@BillLehecka Ah! Yes, something I was "scolded" by my ex-husband for doing once.
@dfunk29 It's not the sort of thing you think about until it happens to you (unless you're looking up reviews online).
Here's the As Seen on TV for the Hang Rite.
@cengland0 I'd rather have the laser level...
@cengland0 ruler and pencil works just as well.
@cengland0 I love the part where they show the wall with like 20 holes in it.
@donkeynuts I thought that was funny too. Slight exaggeration but that's what all those "As Seen on TV" advertisements do.
What, no Snuggie? For that alone meh.
@heartny woot sold those
@heartny didn't woot sell ALL of the snuggies last year?
@baqui63 Yes, but there must be some leftovers somewhere for meh to sell too. They can't have sold-out completely, even in a Woot!-off.
@heartny I bought 2 Snuggies from Woot on Mar 9, 2011 for $5.99 each. I use them all the time in the winter...cheaper than turning the heat up.
@Kyser_Soze They are amazing as a blanket layer between the top sheet and the comforter. Revolutionized sleeping in the winter for me.
In for 2. Why? I have no idea.
Does it come with the money shown in the money clip?
Turbo Snake review:
@cengland0 I can't believe that asshole killed Toucan Sam for a stupid shirt!
@cengland0 We have one of these and found that it's not as effective as the zip tie/zipper things. (Someone posted it below, the Zip-It)
This looks like a reverse fukuburu, Where you actually see the crappy contents of the fukuburu bag before you even get it.
@Drunkenalien That was my initial thoughts exactly!
@jseay65 IKR
The map says everyone in Illinois has bought this, but I haven't yet. How can that be?
@christinerenee You will buy it... You just don't know it yet...
@christinerenee It looks like it's really just everyone in Cook and Lake counties. Are you in DuPage county, by chance?
@mossygreen I didn't realize it was possible to zoom in and see the counties. Cool! No, I'm in Rock Island County (almost Iowa). But anyway, it was darker before. Now it doesn't say everyone.
@ELUNO You are probably right.
@christinerenee It's one of my favorite things about the map. No, scratch that, it's my single favorite thing about the map!
Should I email halp if my turbo snake doesn't hang right?
@nadroj Hanging right is fine. Standing at attention for more than four hours warrants contacting customer support.
As a hirsute male I really do need a shower snake in my toolkit. Until now I've just been using wire hangers.
@Shamburglar is that Carrot Top?
Nope Nope Kinda Hell no.
I carried a slim clip (in gun metal) for a few years. It was neat, but I got tired of the marks it would leave on my cards.
The furniture sliders really do work. For drain cleaning I prefer the Zip It.

@Cinoclav i got a zip it stuck in the drain and tore the lower section of in the drain. That i had trouble augering out. Hopefully WHEN thr velcro off this one falls off, i can zip it back out with taking everything apart again...
@Cinoclav Funny thing about that zip it. I bought one, used it and stored it somewhere. Then when I needed it again, I couldn't find it so I bought another one. Now I don't know where the second one is either. I think they may have been sucked into the black hole that is my garage.
@Cinoclav Hey, the one thing I really wanna try out of the bundle is the Sliding Robot number. I'm glad you've had good luck. (The Zip-It has worked for me, too. I was astonished to see a few months ago that the CVS across the street from me now carries the Zip-It.)
@ongware That's surprising, those things are pretty damn tough.
@cengland0 I did what made sense - I stored it under the bathroom sink that tends to get clogged.
@Cinoclav what can i say, but #flex
@ongware - Same thing happened to me - pieces of it broke off in the drain.
@Cinoclav We've tried so many DIY drain clear methods when we ran across the Zip-It. It kicks ass.
you guys would sell stuff like this lol
These aren't the robots we're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along. Move along.
The headline and persuasive copy just added to my sadness.
I didn't think I could ever be disappointed by things called Turbo Snakes or Sliding Robots. I have been proven wrong.
@belowi well said.
Naw. Turbo Snakes & Sliding Robots sound like winners. Besides, they aren't speaker docks.
Turbo Snake has nothing on Better Metal Snake.
lol, read the second box as "Cum Cup" on small mobile pic
@satih oh, that's nasty
"Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?"
@PSUClaus1 +1 for I. Jones
So it's a BOC except we know what we're getting before it arrives....
@ascii256 round heres we callem f u k u b u k u b u r k u r u s or something
@The_Baron This is the best comment so far...why no up-votes??!
@unixrab You have brought your curse upon me, begone foul demon!
@unixrab A mere prankster. You are no match for the Order of the Triad!
I'd rather pay for a plumber than this.
@edbe 2nd best comment
Would be in if there was an ove glove.
I (for 1) am 'dissapoint' at the lack of good up-votes and the abundance of BAD upvotes in this thread! NOW! you go and rethink your voting... ... SHAME!
shame on @lisaviolet!

@unixrab I didn't know this was a place where we were suppose to care and upvote anything I thought the stars were from the great Meh Gods who teach us how to be disappoint I will be upvoting unixrab everytime he posts a gif

So @JasonToon, shouldn't it be "Christmas Meh-adone?"
Top 10 Meh offer ever, add it to the list.
Part two of the diabolical christmas vmp plot: two months worth of meh that is so meh, no one will actually buy it. Can't wait for tomorrows repop pick-up stix!!
I've actually owned the Turbo snake for years now, very handy little thing. Has fixed several clogged drains quite well. I endorse it!
"As seen on TV" You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.
My cat gets hairballs. Will the Turbo Snake work on him?
@donkeynuts You'll never know until you try.
Eight dollars with free shipping is plenty cheap enough to have four new items for future Mehrican Exchanges.
If you didn't tell me what was in the ASoTV bundle, I would've bought it instantly, but I don't think I need any of them enough to to deal with the crap I'll get from buying them.
Wow, at least two people in my county purchased this, and I wasn't one of them. Perhaps my meh promotional activities are finally paying off?
Clicking the "Meh" button today was a no-brainer. Of course my wife insists that I have no brain anyway, so it came naturally.
The robots work great . . . on carpet. Pro Tip: only use them on carpet. My wife tried using them on concrete once. It was funny actually--well, it was funny after a while. They make felt pads for hard floors. Not sure if there's anything other than wheels that'd work on concrete.
Thank you VERY much, but I'd rather have ARMOUR brand Vienna Sausages.
Just got mine yesterday. Anyone else's box smelled of tobacco smoke for the first 10 seconds when freshly opened? I had to double check and make sure that I didn't order anything weird in this box but... I was pretty turned off.