Anyone own a Purple mattress?
11Hey guys,
I’ve seen it come up randomly at times (usually in reference to people like @Barney who have an obsession with the color ) but never really got a clear feel for things.
I’m in the market for a new mattress and the mentions of the Purple Mattress have piqued my curiosity, I was wondering if anyone here actually owns a Purple Mattress and has some wisdom to impart about it. Very interested in how it feels, whether it’s firm, soft, or somewhere in between and if it lives up to the hype. I’m interested in hearing anything you have to say about them, feel free to give advice too as to whether you think I should buy one or run away.
For those unaware of what I’m talking about, check out
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Nope but I bet it’s disappointing.
I thought this was a decent write-up
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@Einherjar13 Interesting. Now I guess we’ll re-evaluate which mattress we’ll try next.
@Einherjar13 I’m not sure how I feel about that article, pretty much from the first paragraph I was pretty sure it was going to find the Luxi bed to be the superior option. They clearly had a bias and whether or not it was sinister in some way or simply a result of their personal preference is hard to say.
@Einherjar13 your sharing the link was much appreciated though!
@jbartus Referral commissions – there are tons of mattress “review” sites that do that. That’s not to say that the information is bunk, but that there’s a financial incentive behind it all.
@jbartus I read it a while ago and now that you mention it I do remember thinking the same thing about the bias. He does disclose he was given both mattresses, so take that as you will. Either way I thought it had some good points on Purple, regardless of Luxi.
I kickstarted the purple pillow so I can provide some firsthand opinion…in March, when you’ll probably already have purchased a mattress
@jbartus I think the bias had more to do with the fact that the author had already tested the beds and had decided on which one he preferred. The article was obviously written after instead of during the testing.
@cinoclav I’m not sure which is what troubles me. If you read the comments someone called them out on a bunch of half-truths. In general I was leaning your way but it does feel like a bit of a snow job to be honest.
@cinoclav @jbartus theres a whole expose’ on sleepsherpa in particular. Payola, lawsuits, direct ownership by a mailorder mattress company of multiple ‘independent’ review sites, and search engine manipulation with ad buys to capture a monopoly on searches.
Take the ‘review’ site as fakespot poster children. They don’t have reviews, they’re advertising sites. You are the product they sell to the mattress company that owns them.
@jbartus @mike808 Ironically, our original discussion took place before most of the events in the article. Much has changed since then.
@cinoclav @mike808 really interesting read, thanks for sharing!
There is a user that has one. I forget what thread we were talking about it in. The top is a waffle like texture and he said it took some getting used to.
Hopefully he’ll chime in.
@RiotDemon I’m not the same guy, but I do have a Purple mattress. I don’t feel the “waffle texture” unless I’m running my palm flat over it and thinking about it. This may depend on what sheets you are using, though; I have Sheex on mine.
@darksaber99999 so, what wisdom do you have to impart?
We’re also thinking of trying one. We’ve been sleeping on a Boyd memory foam mattress we bought from meh in September 2014. I like it just fine but it’s not my wife’s holy grail of mattresses. We are currently evaluating a Casper mattress but so far it feels effectively identical to the Boyd. Certainly not $800 better. So it’s probably going back then we’ll give the Purple a try. Sadly, my wife has it in her head that she wants a $5000 mattress that some friends bought so I think she will never be happy with any other.
@SSteve Wife and I made the mistake of laying down on the tempurpedic cloud lux plus (or something like that) while mattress shopping and now i’m pretty sure that i will be spending 5k+ on a mattress once we get fed up with our current one.
@hisgrossness ummmm…That’s a lot of money for a mattress
@mfladd true story. Pretty much literally as much as it is possible to spend on a mattress. However, it is insanely god damn fuckin comfortable. (expletives used purposefully for added emphasis) also they were offering a zero interest payment plan which is pretty much literally free money since future money is worth lass than now money. so… it was tempting but we’ve resisted so far.
@hisgrossness If you get it let us know. Also, you probably already know I love expletives
@mfladd Will do! i don’t think it’ll be happening in less than… 8 years or so though.
ahhaha yes, expletives are fookin gr8 m8 i r8 8/8!
@hisgrossness save yourself four thousand and buy a Purple mattress.
It’s definitely unique, but I’m not intrigued for its price. As with many mattresses, it’s only the top layer that’s special; the base is standard foam.
If you have an Ikea nearby, check out their offerings. When I bought mine years back, my back couldn’t feel a difference in their $300 memory foam mattress versus a $1000 memory foam from a mattress store.
@narfcake as much as I love Ikea for many things, their mattresses ain’t one. They’re of decent quality and whatnot for the price, but it’s that ‘for the price’ bit that carries heavy emphasis. Sure, they do have higher end stuff, but we’re talking Purple/Luxi money for a MORGONGÅVA. The $300 versus a $1000 mattress store comparison doesn’t surprise, that fits for accommodating the margins for the middle men on the mattress store side of things, but a $1000 memory foam mattress is a low end memory foam mattress at such stores, not at all the target segment of companies like Purple.
I appreciate your input though!
@jbartus All is fair. FWIW, I once did a project (fire protection) for a foam manufacturer here in SoCal. It was pretty cool seeing the 12’ wide, 150’ long slabs of foam extruded and coming down conveyor belts.
The operation manager (secured facility, so guides were needed) readily admitted that for the foam guts, the resilience spec and color is mainly what differentiates one from another, and that in a finished mattress, the covers can cost more than the foam going into it. Granted, he was probably basing it on their manufacturing materials cost, not finished costs (labor and materials for the foam to be cut to size, glued, and covered).
Any which way, it’s an industry with high margins. Some very very high.
@narfcake now I want a 12 foot wide 150 foot long mattress. I shall turn my entire house into a bed!
Due to how the “purple” layer works - collapsing locally with enough pressure - I wouldn’t say firm or soft really apply. That collapsing is local; I don’t feel the other person moving around at all. I’m a side sleeper, and I’m very happy with it.
My gf has a Casper, and she prefers my Purple.
@darksaber99999 good to know, though I’m single presently, thanks for the information!
@jbartus if you are single it is easy pick up and sleep with a variety of people until you like one of their matress and then ask which one it is.
@CaptAmehrican A mattress slut. That should work. LOL
@CaptAmehrican lol old news at this point but can confirm purple does great at muting vibration transfer
I tried a Purple Mattress for 2 weeks. I am lucky as my daughter works there, so I did not have to pay for it. My wife LOVED it. but I did not. I am a large guy… 300lbs, yeah yeah i know need to get rid of at least 100 of it! but my weight went right through the soft comfy part and into the hard part of the mattress. I gave the mattress to a friend of mine. He and his wife LOVE it. Purple has a money back guarantee so I say try it out. if you don’t like it they will come get it!
@basherhockey you are making me rethink the whole honey let’s replace our bed with a new one. ( I too need to lose about 100…)
@Barney so do you have one?
@jbartus Nope.
We just bought a Leefa a couple of weeks ago. So far, so good, but did a lot of research. There’s a thread here somewhere from Mehers. There’s several websites that compare different mattresses. I will say the Leefa isn’t the least bit “hot” like some of the complaints of foam mattresses are. I wouldn’t be able to stand it.
@pooflady I can’t find anything about Leefa, but there’s a Leesa… is that it?
@whogots LOL - Yeah, that’s it. Sorry about that. They want you to use it for 30 days and you have 100 days to return it.
@pooflady ugh, more brands and more brands! I think I want to cry!
@jbartus Update - we’re returning it. I think a combination of weight and age is the problem. We both had a hard time getting out of it. So far it appears that returning it won’t be a problem at all.
@pooflady sorry to hear that it didn’t work out. What’s up next? Purple?
@jbartus No, going back to the Original Mattress Factory; have had good luck there. I think St. Vincent de Paul is going to be very happy.
@pooflady Update: Returning the Leefa and having the money refunded was smooth. No problems or wait time at all. Would definitely recommend the company.
Am I the only one who likes futons?
/image “purple futon”

@f00l I slept on one for a while, it was horrible.
Great for short term use but in the long term they’re just really not meant to be every-day beds.
@f00l Futons were great when I was in my 20s. My wife had a futon when we started going out. We enjoyed it then but I think it would cripple us now.
@f00l In my experience, futons are great, but only assuming they are A Frames (or Tri-fold), and not L Frames (or Bi-fold), and not the actual Japanese thing that is a real futon.

L Frame futons invariable end up with you either cradled in a slightly concave middle, or constantly rolling outward to either side of the convex middle bar, depending on which way the particular L Frame is set up. A Frames, on the other hand, are generally quite comfortable and don’t list to either side or to the middle. The thing is, most people choose L Frame futons because they are the quicker ones to switch from sofa to bed and back.
If you’re not in a rush, sign up for their email list so you’ll know about any sales. I got a free purple cushion with mine from buying it over Labor Day. It’s pretty neat and works similarly to the mattress, but I don’t think you could judge the mattress by the cushion.
I wonder how these compare to the (much cheaper) mattresses from The Foam Factory.
Before I moved into my apartment, I researched the crap out of these online-to-door mattress companies (Leesa, Tuft&Needle, Casper, Saatva, YogaBed, Helix, etc.) and ultimately ended up buying 12 inches of memory foam placed on top of 14 inches of space-saving foundation. I saved a ton of money and would do it again in a heartbeat.
However, if you do get a purple bed, please let me know what you think of it!
(Yes, I even went against my mainstay Sweethome’s recommendation.)
@wooterondo I was disappointed that Sweethome didn’t even evaluate IKEA’s top mattress
@jbartus Ikea mattresses aren’t bad. I have used them before - my kid had a better one her Ikea bunk bed and was happy. I slept on it a few times while waiting for her to sneak back into the house through the bedroom window at 3 am or so. It was comfortable (I like harder mattresses and am of normal weight). As she went to re-enter she put her shoes through the window, pulled the curtains together (yes screen was out -this was my clue I missed other times she snuck out as the house was full of mosquitos), I darted to the window, snaked by hand through the curtain, grabbed her by the wrist and said, “Oooh look what I got. I giant cockroach. Get your ass in here”.
She then got to drag her mattress into my bedroom to sleep on my floor for 6 weeks. NO complaint about the mattress. Plenty of complaints about the sleeping arrangement (I was none to fond of it either - the things we do for our kids LOL).
@Kidsandliz That has to be the funniest teenager story I’ve heard in years! Highly creative. I didn’t learn until a few months ago that in his teenage years my son slipped out of his bedroom window a few times. I guess he felt safe telling me about it since he’s about to turn 47 and figured I couldn’t ground him or anything.
As self supporting adults (not safe to do it prior to that LOL), we (4 kids) once had a conversation with our parents telling stories of things we did when younger. Turns out they were (sort of) glad we didn’t tell them/they didn’t find out some of them back when we did them.
My kid was on the receiving end of a number of ‘throw them off balance’ consequences for bad behavior and/or make their life really inconvenient even if it ruins mine as well. I think the one she hated the most (besides sleeping on my floor) was the one connected with missing the school bus. She’d owe me twice the time it took me to get there and back (calculated as if I had dropped her off at prime time so in the end she’d owe me an hour) in hard manual labor at the time of my choosing - and was I ever good at choosing times that would ruin her life… lets see… weeding the front yard when the boys were playing basketball across the street (teen here who likes to play basketball with the boys), and etc. The snarky, teen type evil complaints about me ruining her life would be met with, (over and over as she had to learn this lesson multiple times), “if you don’t like the consequence of your choice, choose a behavior that has a consequence that you like”. That usually got me a “if looks could kill you’d be skewered” look.
I have a sleep number bed. I bought the very cheapest one, on sale, getting their additional gift card and then bought a couple of foam pads (they are primarily differentiated by the amount of padding). I found that to be comfortable. Although you should note I like a very firm mattress so your mileage may vary.
@Kidsandliz I have a Sleep Number bed as well. It wasn’t their cheapest, but still on the lower end. I love that it’s adjustable
@Kidsandliz my parents had a sleep number bed, it was a disaster. Also I am single and like to sleep in odd positions so that transition zone in the middle would be off-putting. I want a king size mattress without any notable transition.
@jbartus I sleep on a twin one so don’t have to deal with however they divide the middle
I bought one I have a bad back and I love it best bed I ever slept on including the first tempurpedic and a tempurcloud the purple bed is awesome @jbartus
My wife loves it too
Is it just me (since I am perverted) or does anyone else find it amusing that astroglide says ‘my wife loves it too’. Never mind, just me.
Been loving our Purple since July! Two main reasons: keeps me cool and the support is borderline amazing how it can be soft yet firm at the same time. 9.5/10 from me and prob 8/10 from the wife…she actually prefers to stay a bit warmer which is a whole 'nuther story. One other note, we are your spitting image of “average” sized ppl, me at 180 her at 140, so not sure if that comes into play.
Oh and with all that purple gel layer it literally weighs 200lbs+ for a king so if you plan on moving frequently prob not the bed for you.
My Purple Pillow arrived on Saturday. Since then, we have been having a somewhat contentious relationship.
On the plus side:
3… And it’s not quite thick enough. Thus, the included air mattress-like pillow heightener thing. It feels great (to me) with the airmattressthingie about half inflated, but air, being air, rapidly moves to the side away from the head on it, leaving the pillow unheightened in the place it needs heightened - which is under my head.
3 1/2. That can be solved by inflating the airmattressthingie completely, leaving the uncooperative air no place to go. Then I have a bouncy pillow-sized air mattress that weighs almost nothing, on top of which I attempt to place a wiggly, slithery oblong of gel that weighs ten pounds. It doesn’t require a PhD in physics to predict where this arrangement is headed. And it headed there fast, and I evicted both the pillow and the airmattressthingie from the bed.
Any others here have experience with the pillow?
@rockblossom I have stopped using my Purple Pillow that I got just before Christmas. I managed to get the early bird option on Kickstarter but they still haven’t shipped me the pillow cases that they were out of.
I didn’t mind the weight so much but for me the purple pillow keeps on squishing together so the pillow gets even smaller and harder unless I unzip the pillow case and stretch the pillow out every night before sleeping. It seems to me that there needs to be some kind of stiffener on the pillow to keep it from being so squishy side to side.
The air mattress like pillow helped me with the height thing since the pillow itself is pretty short. Now it doesn’t do much good since there is a slow leak. I can inflate it at night after stretching out the pillow part and it will seem like it is holding air. By the time I wake up though the air bladder is flatter than a pancake.
I haven’t decided if I’m going to try to contact purple and tell them how much it sucks or if I’m just going to chalk it up to another shitty Kickstarter.
@elangomatt Interesting. My pillow actually does have a stiff backing that helps the pillow keep its shape. That must have been added since the early shipments. The backing, unfortunately, also makes it slide off the air mattress like a pancake off the griddle.
@rockblossom The backing of your pillow is stiff you say? The backing on my pillow is very thin material that adds zero structural integrity but it doesn’t turn the pillow into a slip and slide off the air mattress. Any chance you could post a picture of what the back of your pillow looks like so I can compare it to mine? Maybe I’ll have to email Purple and see what they can do about mine.
As for the air bladder part I just read some of the kickstarter comments and I might try using an old flat pillow in place of the air pillow part just to raise the height some.

Thick, and fused to the gel part. It’s flexible, but the pillow keeps its shape when it is flat and in the zip case.
I’m also looking for alternatives to the air mattress. I’ll look for an old, flat pillow.
@rockblossom Got mine yesterday. It is heavy as all get out and much smaller than the pillows I’m used to. I unpacked it right before going to sleep, and thought it was a little low but comfortable. I’ll have to check out the air mattress thing, I didn’t notice it last night.
@rockblossom Thanks for the picture. I keep forgetting to take a picture of my pillow backing. It looks similar to that actually but it looks a lot more scrunched up. I did try using an old pillow to replace the air bladder and it actually works pretty well!
@rockblossom would it be good for a pillow fight?
@sohmageek If you have the kind of pillow fights that require having an ambulance on standby, then … yeah.
@rockblossom Did you put the air inflatable part in the pillow cover under the pillow or in the pillow case? I found that the pillow cover provides the necessary enclosure to keep it from shifting
@nalesean In the pillow case. The pillow cover (the zippered cover) just barely contains the pillow itself, and is a pain to get closed while the pillow keeps trying to ooze out the zipper opening as I’m trying to zip it. No way would I try to put anything else inside the zippered case. (That might have worked when I first unrolled the pillow and it had not yet expanded to its full size. But then, I wouldn’t want the pillow to be compacted, as that would make it less “squishy” than it should be.)
I found a small fuzzy lap robe that folds to just the right size to substitute for the inflatable. The added bonus is that it isn’t inclined to shift around under the gel pillow.
@rockblossom ah okay. My wife slept on her purple pillow for one night and wanted the inflatable the next day, and it seemed to be designed such that should go into the pillow cover, it was snug inside of it, but fit smoothly. Whatever works, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@rockblossom @rockblossom Mine arrived a few days ago, and it’s still sitting on its box waiting for me to launder the pillow case. I don’t think it would have occurred to me to put the inflatable into the case with the pillow [duh], so I appreciate that advice.
@elangomatt I noted a few minutes ago that my pillow is here and as yet untried. It has no stiff backing, either. If you contact the company about your concerns, would you please post back here about the response you get?
I didn’t read it all but I just got my Squishie… I’m thinking of getting the seat padding… to get a free sample
@sohmageek there’s your star. Quit yer whining!
@sohmageek how big is their free squishy?
@Kidsandliz around the size of the meh stress ball/puck
@sohmageek that’s big enough for me to sleep on.
@sohmageek thanks
I have a Tuft n Needle, been on it for about a year. MY back has never felt better!
Dang. I’ve been trying to figure out if I want a purple or a Leesa or a Tuft n Needle and hoped after reading this I’d have an idea. Nope.
@Alien88 I bought this, let it air for six hours, and have been sleeping happy ever since. My back, hips, legs and shoulders don’t hurt. At all.
@OldCatLady How thick as I see they come in different thicknesses?
@Kidsandliz At least 10". I bought this on Black Friday for $200., and still, nothing hurts. I rotated it 180 degrees after 6 months, and just checked the ‘original’ side- it has completely rebounded. I wish all my furniture purchases were this satisfying.
@OldCatLady Thanks for the info
So, I forgot to post and let you all know but I ended up ordering a Purple mattress a couple of weeks ago. It came today and is sitting on its platform frame waiting for my sheets and such. I’m pretty impressed with it so far, I laid on it on the cover and felt very well supported all over. I’ll report back with more as I live with it for a few weeks.
@jbartus Please do. I’ve got one in my Purple shopping cart. Not in a hurry, just wading through all the information.
@chashart2000 while wading beware of the lawsuit going on between them and a particular other party relating to ‘potentially toxic powder’. I haven’t found corroboration anywhere else for the alleged powder (certainly not going to carve my own up to see) but from other information I’ve reviewed on the case the lawsuit doesn’t seem to be about shutting this blog up or whether the claims are truth or fiction (though fiction is implied and shutting up is expected on libel grounds) but rather the fact that this alleged unbiased mattress reviewer is in fact an employee of one of Purple’s principal competitors in the bed-in-a-box market, hence their being named as a second party to the suit.
@jbartus how’s that bed treating you? Our brand-name memory foam mattress is starting to get lumpy.
@medz liking it so far.
I have the purple pillow. I had it for about 90 days before the air pillow they include would no longer hold air. I don’t know what I did to it. It is mainly there to help increase the pillows higher if you like it higher. I haven’t missed the extra height. I had slept on a 20+ year old feather pillow that is really 2 or 3 pillow shoved into 2 or 3 pillow cases/covers to hide how nasty the look. Anything would be considered an improvement.
I haven’t slept a winter on it yet, but summer has felt cooler. I feel it is as supportive as my rock hard group of pillows while still has lots of give. NO more fluffing pillows. I’d give the mattress a try. I mean 100 days to sleep test something isn’t that bad. Just make sure you figure out when your trial ends based on shipping received, and give your self enough time to send it back.
@jml326 and the worst that will happen? You donate the mattress you tried to your favorite charity. It’s a great return policy!
I love mine. King size. Had it for about 9 months. We also got the sheets and mattress cover for the 100% experience. Best bed for ever for me and the fam.
How do these compare to sleep number mattresses (well other than one is an air mattress with padding and the other is a foam mattress) with respect to how people like them?
@Kidsandliz My parents had sleep number. Hated it. They moved to a foam mattress and love it. Since Purple is Foam… probably better?
@Kidsandliz I had a sleep number in the past and I have the purple pillow. They are in different leagues.
The sleep number is just like a mattress that you can adjust. Making it softer makes it softer everywhere, but it still feels pretty much like a regular mattress.
The purple material (I’d call it more of a gel) isn’t adjustable but it’s somehow smart in the way that it collapses to yield to pressure while supporting where there is less pressure. It’s like it just gets softer where it needs to automatically. It is very heavy, though. Just the pillow weighs a ton; I can’t imagine what a king size mattress weighs.
I would probably have ordered the purple mattress already but I read a few reviews that said they’re not great for heavier people, and I’m roundly in that camp.
Our guest bed is a regular memory foam bed (and a cheap one at that) but it seems very comfortable. I’ve never slept a full night on it, though, and the real test is sleeping on it every night. Guests like it, though.
@djslack 140 lbs. Also I weigh in the neighborhood of twice as much as the mattress at present and have no issues.
@djslack Thanks. Is gel like memory foam in how it behaves?
Originally, as long as it was firm, it didn’t matter what I slept on. In fact taking people camping for a living, sleeping on my life jacket on slabs of rock, a thin closed cell foam pad, etc. was fine…and when on a real mattress what it was depended on what was on camp beds at the places I worked and was fine. Back then I had no issues. Then my back got more picky.
I had a Beauty Rest mattress (bought what I had slept on at someone’s house when I watched their kids while they went on a vacation without them, and had liked it) that was wonderful but couldn’t find a replacement I liked. Was at a very, very expensive hotel in Boston at someone else’s expense and loved that mattress but could not find out what model it was despite stripping the bed and hunting and customer service told me they used a number of different kinds.
Then I bought a Serta Memory foam on sale (so much cheaper than tempurpedic) and found while it was OK in the store after lying on it for 30 min plus, in the end it was too soft and kept having back aches (so my kid got lucky and slept on that). Then when there was a sale I bought the cheapest sleep number and 3 walmart waffle foam pads (since the primary difference between sleep numbers seems to be the thickness of the padding) and most of the time this is good (and I sleep with it set at 85-100 - much lower than that and I get a back ache).
While I can’t afford anything right now the sleep number is leaking air and they want just about the cost of a new one to fix it so it is unfixed so far. I just have to fill it with air daily. Fortunately I sleep on a twin so that makes everything cheaper. At someone’s house where I lived for a while I was in a double and sure liked the space (but the mattress sucked) since it meant I had more room with all the cats trying to sleep in the bed with me, but as all my sheets, blankets, headboard, etc are twin I will replace it with a twin.
@jbartus I can’t imagine a mattress so heavy. I hope it is a king you are talking about.
@jbartus Do your parents like really firm or softer (eg medium or soft) mattresses?
@jbartus @djslack My queen size Zinus weighed 65 lbs delivered. I am of regal proportions also (4x the mattress) and it’s perfect. They don’t leak.
@Kidsandliz My mattress is ‘plush’ firmness, and it works for me. I had been using a thick eggshell foam topper with the old mattress, but after a week I took it off. Here’s the twin version of mine:
Short version: the ‘name brands’ spend more on advertising. That’s about it.
@OldCatLady And I know mattress companies give identical mattresses different outside fabrics and different names so it is harder to compare between different stores (thus can’t have them price match either). Reminds me of how over priced glasses (eg zillion percent markup) frames are.
@OldCatLady That’s what our guest bed is. Got it on sale from Amazon. Everyone that has been on it has good things to say, but the longest anyone has slept on it is less than a week.
@kidsandliz it does not act like memory foam. The give and support is immediate, at least with the pillow it doesn’t seem to sink in further throughout the night. There are videos on purple’s website that show it in action. It seems to be both softer and firmer than memory foam at the same time if that makes sense.
You also might want to check out for a diy option. If the problem is with the connector (which they say is most common) that repair kit is $20.
@djslack Thanks for the link to self repair. I am thinking that might be the issue. I am thinking it is also missing a washer - which should be a really cheap fix.
Thanks, too, for the information about the difference between memory foam and the mattress @Oldcatlady has. I can’t buy anything right now, but I figured worth figuring out what I’d do in the future if ever get a decent job and dig out of my financial hole. If the sleep number fix is cheap then I am not buying anything as that mattress is OK otherwise.
@Kidsandliz you’re welcome. One clarification: my comment to you was about the purple mattress. The mattress oldcatlady and I have is a traditional memory foam. If you didn’t like the Serta memory foam then you probably wouldn’t like it either.
@djslack Ahhh thank you. That is good to know.
@Kidsandliz yes, King size. I like to sprawl.
I don’t really know what my parents’ mattress preferences are. I’ve been on their bed and would call it a solid middle ground foam mattress.
As far as the mattress companies go, that goes for many other products offered in major retailers. Computers are a prime example of this where many model numbers are exclusive to a specific chain. The reasons this is done are various, sometime it’s a special configuration to meet that chain’s price point target, other times it’s just to obstruct price matching.
As far as the Purple bed goes, like @djslack said it’s not really comparable to a straight memory foam mattress and the purple gel grid that makes up the top 3 inches is unique in my experience with regards to the way it gives. Literally within seconds of laying down I feel like the bed has completely conformed to me, same with changing positions. It’s fascinating. It’s not at all like the memory foam mattresses I’ve slept on, nor my old traditional mattress with a 2.5" topper, it’s really hard to describe.
@jbartus they the only ones who make a gel mattress? Sort of like to lie on one prior to any purchase decision (not that I can be buying one any time soon… but you know, gives me information…)
@Kidsandliz not sure probably not. Would it help to have a small sample of the material to play with? I have a couple of Squishies around
@jbartus It would help to see what it feels like. I do have an email to them about why no actual twin size, will they make one, why only twin XL and so I could ask them if they have any. But if all they will be making is a twin XL I wouldn’t be buying one anyway because then that means all new sheets, blankets, etc. and I am unwilling to do that. So seeing what it feels like would be useless if I couldn’t get the size I needed. Not to mention I can’t afford anything right now anyway… Thanks though.
@Kidsandliz TwinXL is increasingly popular due to the longer length. Most people probably don’t mind the idea of buying new sheets if they’re already forking out for a mattress and saving money by going manufacturer direct, so I’m guessing they probably don’t plan to go Twin.
@jbartus I figured it was just because of king beds and needing to fit things through a door or wanting two different top mattresses on the box springs. Too bad. I’d need a new bed frame (and the one I am using is vintage and lovely), have quilts and sheets I really like… I guess I’ll be a hold out.
@Kidsandliz actually that’s a good point too, doing the whole split king thing is probably another factor (done with the increasingly popular motorized platforms or like you said when two different mattresses are wanted). I’m sure you could get one and cut it down to size with a chain saw. ;P
For what it’s worth you’d probably want to replace your frame anyhow. Foam mattresses (and by extension gel-topped foam mattresses) don’t typically use box springs and tend to go on taller platform bases rather than traditional bedframes accordingly. Putting the mattress on the frame, assuming it even provided enough support for the mattress not to cave into the gaps, would result in a really low bed and putting it on a boxspring would probably result in an overly tall bed.
@jbartus Maybe (k)not?
@jbartus Actually I have my current mattress on a piece of plywood with no box springs. I am presuming that will still be OK. It is on what used to be a (antique) rope bed so it is higher than the typical bed frame so no box springs works fine for height.
@Kidsandliz I’d imagine that’d probably be more than ample support.
@Kidsandliz They don’t call it gel. They call it “Hyper-Elastic Polymer™”. It’s a plastic that is a lot like gel and stretches. It’s supposed to be soft where you want it and firm where you need it.
@astraith oh. thanks
@djslack Most of the reviews I heard is it’s great for heavier people. I’m about to buy one, so I can come back and let you know.
We have a sleep number bed with an adjustable base for 2 years. I love it, he hates it. We’ve been married almost 17 years, this bed is the biggest fight we’ve ever had. I would have been happy to send it back had I known how much he hated it, but he didn’t tell me until after the 100 day trial was up. I pointed out that his timing could have been better, but being chronically sleep deprived at that point, well, lets just say the communication break down was pretty spectacular. I am an overweight side sleeper. He is a normal weight stomach sleeper. I have my side set to about 45-55 depending. He keeps his higher. He complaint was he could feel the air mattress no matter how many extra layers of foam sleep number sent us. I finally ordered a mattress topper from My Pillow which saved our marriage. He can tolerate the bed now, though he still doesn’t like it. I wish Purple made a mattress topper for those of us who don’t want to replace the whole mattress, I’d try it in a heart beat.
@mtb002 that’s a tough situation.
It’s not all that different from my parents’ situation though, it got so bad that Mom was sleeping on a crappy old mattress in the guest room for like 2 years. At one point we had two mattresses stacked in the guest room for her which is far from the proper amount of support as you can imagine as they’re really not meant to stack like that yet it was still better than what she had been dealing with.
For anyone concerned about the allegations of dangerous powder on the mattresses being made by a so called honest mattress reviews site a judge seems to have found compelling enough evidence that the review site is being run by a biased party who works or has worked for one of their main competitors that they’ve issued orders in favor of Purple compelling the site in question to post a disclaimer and various other steps to limit the damage being caused to Purple by the parties in question.
Fast Company exposes the underside of the online matress review sites
@mike808 in this case there was a direct employee of a competitor who created a so-called honest mattress review site spreading rumors about Purple.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 it is a little firm but being a side sleeper my shoulders DO NOT hurt anymore. There are NO Pressure points. Some of the best sleep I’ve had in 20 years.
Any post you see that complains about a white powder inside pillow or seat cushion it “fake” there is NO POWDER in the matteress just a competitor trying to ruin the competition.
Try it, there is a 100 day trial period get one, You Won’t be sorry.
{This post smells of hidden bias and should be taken with a grain of powdery salt.}
@donnavaleta How did you come across this forum? I can’t help but think your review may be a bit biased…
@donnavaleta @Thumperchick my gut says my reassurances about the legal matter caused a spam bot to target this thread. Given how defamatory the allegations have been I’m not surprised to find an effort like this is being made
Whatever kind of bed you buy…
You never know when the “Government Unlawful Mattress Tag Removal American Police” (GUMTRAP) will drop by to check all your mattress tags.
Somebody once confided in me that as a kid they removed the tag from their bed, and spent the next few days fearful that there would be a police raid on their house.
@daveinwarsh I am allowed to remove them, as I am a consumer. You are so jealous right now.
@thismyusername You consumed a mattress?
@thismyusername “Last night I dreamed I ate a 75 pound marshmallow”
@therealjrn @thismyusername
Tomorrow I will eat a frozen 3 pound solid chocolate rabbit.
@mike808 @therealjrn @thismyusername The chocolate sounds good. You planning to eat it all at once and while still frozen? If yes I hope you have ice picks as teeth.
Quite a few comparisons if better matresses.
{VMod edit: URL no longer relevant.}

A site owned by a company that received financial support from a major player in the bed in a box space…
Also didn’t see a letter score review for Purple on there making it hard to match up against the others. Only a handful of mattresses are directly compared against the Purple.
@jbartus @rtjhnstn sleepopolis and sleepsherpa are owned by the same matress company. This thread has already been targeted for spamming fake news and propaganda to preserve their search engine ranking (so no controversy or competitive review sites show up).
@jbartus I was researching Purple because of the seat cushion they make. They are a rebrand of another company. That’s not a big deal but I did find some potentially scary info that the product is coated in a fine dust that isn’t safe to inhale. If I can find the articles I will link them. I wasn’t considering the mattress so it wasn’t a deal breaker but it did give me pause about their overall safety. Googling Purple white dust will open the rabbit hole.
@Serafyna I would be interested in hearing about the rebrand aspect. The white powder thing is fake news from where I sit unless you’ve found sources better than the ones I’ve found. The site that’s basically been behind that whole allegation has been revealed to be run by a party who works for a competitor of Purple.
@Serafyna Who are they a rebrand of?
@Kidsandliz Took me a bit to find again. They are Wondergel. They have changed the mattess design from what I’ve read. From Forbes “Brothers Tony and Terry Pearce spent decades inventing and licensing cushion … In 2010, they started selling seat cushions under the name WonderGel.”
Tony Pearce is the guy that posted the Purple matress to Indigogo two years ago.
@jbartus I will look deeper into it. As I said, I didnt because i was looking at seat cushions… and my rear doesn’t care.
Rebranded Wondergel. Though it appears they did some design changes to the mattress… the seat cushions are nearly identical except purple instead of blue.
From Forbes — “Brothers Tony and Terry Pearce spent decades inventing and licensing cushion … In 2010, they started selling seat cushions under the name WonderGel.” If you look on the original Indigogo campaign for Purple matresses Tony Pearce started it.
Hope that helps.
@Serafyna sounds like the same people have two different brands to market their products in different ways. From what I’ve read the brothers invented it and your quote doesn’t contradict that.
@Serafyna Was hoping then someone else was selling something identical only cheaper. I guess not. Thanks for looking this all up.
@djslack Well… not entirely. Wondergel used to make a matress - it no longer does. The cushions they make are all availible in similair form from Purple. It appeared like they had moderate sucess with the seat cushions getting into BBB and such, but the matress just didn’t take. It had 5 reviews on Amazon and 5 stars if I recall. I dont think rebranding is a bad thing. I wasn’t trying to diss the brand.
@Kidsandliz I think the seat cushions are a bit cheaper if you buy Wondergel… but no such luck on the mattress since Wondergel no longer lists it as a product they make.
@Serafyna I’m sorry. It wasn’t clear what I was thinking. I was thinking when you said thread that purple was putting their name on some existing product that we might be able to get from another source with less hype behind it, not that they had rebranded themselves. Turns out we’re saying the same thing.
@djslack @Kidsandliz Oh I see! I’m sorry to both of you that I wasn’t more clear. I didn’t think of how it else rebranded could be interpreted.
@Serafyna for my part I thought you were implying it wasn’t their original creation as advertised which also doesn’t seem to be the case. Hooray for the vagaries of posting online!
I’m digging something old up… @jbartus how’s the bed? The wife and I are looking for a new one. Debating on purple now…
@sohmageek I love my bed. I can barely get comfortable on other beds now (hotels and such). The way the gel grid thing supports is just unmatched.
@jbartus I love mine too
@sohmageek— My daughter likes the bed, but Purple wants me the shell out for a new frame for the queen bed I swapped out for a full. I have spent over 3 thousand dollars and the want another 174$ for a frame for it and won’t let me return the full frame I had to buy for 164$. Its a scam, buy somewhere else and save money!!
@DaveMcC it said the frame is non refundable. I hear Casper had some cheap frames but it could have been a Black Friday sale. The frames aren’t too expensive. I too wish I could change sizes and that’s why I didn’t upgrade to a king as we had an oversized queen bed to a regular queen and I didn’t realize it.
I know this thread is about Purple, but we just got a Nectar for the guest room and I tried it and love it. They have a 365 day return policy and the price is quite good with the promo.
@readnj I just bought another Zinus for a friend. She’s battling cancer (winning, targeted gene therapy works), but has lost a lot of weight, and needs a softer (and lighter) mattress than the $700. ‘custom’ monster they’ve had for years. She’s delighted, and at $170. it’s a deal.
@readnj I’ve been looking at purple, nectar, and a few others. thanks for the input
@rtjhnstn Let me know if you want a referral link for Nectar. It gets you two free pillows and $125 off if they aren’t currently running that promo which they do from time to time. I think the promo is current for all for a few more days, so after that you will need a link.
@readnj Please include the link. It’ll be a couple of months before I make that choice
@rtjhnstn for what it’s worth I can wholeheartedly recommend the Purple bed. Everyone who’s touched my bed since I got it has been jealous
@readnj My daughter likes the Purple mattress. I paid over 3000$ and Purple rakes you for more money for a frame! Not worth this kind of money!
Hi, I did not like purple at first after read this mattress review, i am cleared that this mattress is best. I read review from this

{VMod edit: URL removed.}
@thismyusername I just share my opinion, why you said spam.
@Mattloyed, @thismyusername say spam because you join yesterday to plug a product.
@thismyusername I do not agree with you.
@Mattloyed @thismyusername. Not first language english is? Wouldnt click on your link if youd pay me.
@Thumperchick spam check?
@jml326 @thismyusername @Thumperchick
He’s not the only ‘first-time poster newbie mehmber’ to jump on this thread to defend either a brand or the ‘review’ sites.
None of them are independent. It’s a constellation of sites with the same owners in the industry they self-review so that no matter which one you end up at, you will see micro-targeted advertising for an audience of one. Each site has a different bias (paid for) to make you think they are independent or that a ‘free market’ is at work here. Its just not true. Thats why they are so desperate to keep up the pretense.
Don’t feed the trolls. Remove the ‘@’ quoting so you dont send and email when you reply in thread.
Makes it harder to clean/save the thread for the mods.
@mike808 I wanted them to get the email with Saitama expressing my feelings in a clear and concise manner.
I have caused the downfall of many a spammer here for 4 years now, but thanks for the input.

Sleepsherpa, sleepopolis. Bestmatressrevies, … they’re all in on the game. Even have trolls to spam for/against themselves to get the commission from whichever one you choose, if you do.
I own a purple mattress. We love how the mattress feels and it is very comfortable to sleep in. But before we moved, I noticed that there are some indentations. I know it wasn’t about the support or the bed frame. So a little over a year after I bought it, after settling down in our house, I finally took the time to report it to purple. After taking some pictures to verify my complaint and sending the pictures to them, they replaced my purple mattress with a new one. we are very satisfied owners of a purple mattress. The best mattress we’ve used so far. I’ve used a memory foam mattresses, but the purple is the best in my own experience. great customer service too!! the only downside is it is quite heavy to move.
@kjb218 Sounds like you will be replacing it yearly. Good thing they are willing, so far, to do so.
How is it different from memory foam? I had a sealy one and it didn’t give enough support (I like harder mattresses).
@Kidsandliz that’s a possible shill account.
@Ignorant @Kidsandliz Innocent until proven guilty, though. No links, no “blog” site, no referral … unless ruled otherwise, I’m not deleting.
@narfcake Thanks for that info. I am not in a position to buy a mattress in the near future anyway despite needing one and I am not sure I’d buy one without actually trying it in person which rules out internet only purchases. If it is a shill account this person is cleverer than most in how they post something.
@narfcake oh totally, that’s why I say possible
I was in a Bed Bath and Beyond on one of my infrequent foray’s to the stores 110 miles away and they had a purple chair cushion (or maybe it was supposed to just be a sample? but they had it on the chair). Oddly wiggly thing to sit on but reasonably comfortable for the short period of time I sat. As people are saying - even that was heavy. Wish they had a bed set up with a mattress on it and a pillow. Not sure I’d like a hardish but wiggly pillow.
@Kidsandliz the pillow is great but it does weigh about 10 lbs.
Gheesh - for the grammar nazi’s yes I I realize there is an apostrophe where it doesn’t belong and the edit window is gone… am tired thank you the landlord and his 6am workmen.
@djslack Can you fold it in half and bunch it up? Does it “push back” like foam pillows do? I really like a pillow I bough years ago at Ikea (which is no longer made) the Gosa Lilja. I fold it in half lengthwise and it is perfect. I wish I had bought more than one. Never seen it on ebay or anywhere else in years.
@Kidsandliz I mean I guess you could fold it, but it’s a lot like those chair cushions. It’s formed into a shape that provides even support. It’s also pretty small compared to like a king size pillow so folded it would be really thick and not very big. It can go sideways into a king size pillow case to give you an idea of the size.
As for the push back, it is firm but giving - it kind of supports your head without pressure but you don’t sink down to where you would want to fold the pillow or put your arm under it like some thin pillows.
I also think it’s like $100 so it’s pretty ludicrous. I Kickstarted it probably almost two years ago now so it wasn’t full price, and I did it as a foray into whether I’d like to try their mattress. I haven’t bought the mattress. I love the pillow, though. My wife likes it, our little puppy loves to sleep on it too, but I haven’t found a justification to go buy another one at full price so my wife could have one too.
@djslack Thanks for that info and yes $100 for a pillow is steep.
I just found the pillows I like on the Irish ebay. The seller had said pickup only. I emailed to tell her I’d pay whatever outrageous postage it would take to get the things here. Those pillows are perfect for me and it has been years since I have seen any for sale anywhere. I guess that will kill any birthday money I have coming but it would be so totally worth it because then I’d have a pillow I really like for a bunch more years.
@Kidsandliz What is Irish eBay?
@therealjrn It looked to me it was ebay in Ireland.
I purchased one for my daughter. She likes the bed but wanted a queen instead of the full. Since we were within the 100 day trial period we asked to return the full and get a queen. That’s when they tell you to eat the frame you had to purchase separately and buy another one! Go buy a bed somewhere else that the frame is included in the price far lower than what Purple charges!!
@DaveMcC yes, do let’s blame the company for not kowtowing to our every whim when we buy a different sized mattress than we actually want. O.o
You could use the mattress with any frame (or no frame) designed for foam mattresses.
@jbartus emphasis on “designed for foam mattresses”. Foam mattresses need a fairly solid, flat surface underneath them and not just a few bars or planks.
@medz there is a surprisingly loose grid to the official Purple frames. Most bed frames I’ve seen that aren’t the collapsible ones sold with traditional box springs would work.
@medz Or just put plywood down on top of the bed frame slats. That is what I did with a mattress. Cheaper than the “official” solutions.
@Kidsandliz @medz yeah I was thinking of coming back to edit in that suggestion but opted not to. A sheet of quarter inch ply should more than suffice and with free cutting at the store all you need is like $20 and measurements befitting your bedframe.
So, haven’t seen this thread in a while.
@therealjrn did you bump it because you missed it?
@therealjrn I bought a cheap memory foam mattress on Amazon. I got firm because I figured it would take longer to develop a sag. Too hard. Had to get a soft gel foam topper for it. Nice now.
@medz I had a sleep study the other night and they used sleep number beds. I always thought I liked a firm mattress but I ended up with it on #30. That was probably a little too soft but I had to sleep fast.
We have 3 purple mattresses in our home. The purple is the best mattress I have ever slept on. We had a memory foam prior, and pillowtops before that.
The only caveat I would say is that they changed how they make the purples sometime between our 2 and 3rd mattress. Now they give you options on thickness of the materials. My mother bought the 3rd and I am sure she didnt pay attention to the changes. That said the 3rd mattress (full size for son) is definitely thinner than the other 2, and different. We are going to add a box spring to see if that changes how it sleeps, but even now it’s not bad. Just different from the other 2 we have.
Don’t worry over the particles people talk about. it’s basically talcum powder to keep the gel from sticking to itself. Unless you tear open the outer shell and take a jackhammer to it, you won’t stir up anything.
I had a purple mattress. We tried it out a year or two ago. I didn’t care for it, so we “returned” it, and by that I mean we donated it to a local transitional housing charity, sent a letter confirming the donation in to Purple and got our money back. We did give it a fair shot - we used it for a couple of months and had their mattress protector and sheets on it. It just didn’t support me in a way that worked for me - I felt I sunk down too much in parts and not enough in the extremities, so I felt like I was sleeping scrunched up a lot. It’s partly my problem because I flop over onto my stomach most nights, but the Purple mattress was absolutely killing my back. My husband didn’t mind it, but wasn’t in love with it either.
On a side note, Purple’s sheets are absolute garbage (developed holes after just a few washings) but the mattress protector is legit. One of my dogs threw up on it the other night, and it washed up perfectly with no leakage to my current mattress.
We decided to try Luxi next, and it’s the mattress we still own. I did switch it to the softer side at first, but eventually decided to switch it back. I think it takes a longer time to break it in, but it is very comfortable once you do. I also really like the pillows now that we’ve had them for so long (at first they were too hard for me).
@shaunanl I love that they let you donate it to return it-that’s admirable for a company to be so generous.
Our new memory foam mattress threw me into night sweats, so we had to find a thick enough topper (I’m actually using 2) and I’m back to sleep!
not sure if the purple one would do the same.
Our old mattress had developed memory foam dementia (body sized depressions on each side that never recovered) so we were shopping for a new one and comparing the various brands. The Purple looked too much like a system and I’m very leery of systems for anything beyond planets, computers or filing - so got a T&N queen (original) that was on sale last Prime Day, and we’re pretty happy with it, both in support and warmth/cooling. Only complaint is the edges, which are pretty soft, so if you lean over to pet the cat or sit on the edge to put on your socks you tend to ooze off onto the floor. Their new “Mint” version (more $$, of course) is supposed to have enhanced edge support.

/giphy bed system
@stolicat system? What do you mean?
My advice is to look into the safe, chemical free, mattresses. These are usually latex with natural cotton and wool without toxic fire retardants. I’ve done a lot of research into mattresses, and memory foam as well as related mattresses are full of nasty, endocrine-interrupting, and other unhealthy side-effects, chemicals, such as formaldehyde. Also, don’t trust ‘Certi-Pur’ which is a fake ‘safety’ company that certifies some memory foam and related products as ‘safe from dangerous chemicals’. It’s not an actual company as this certification company is owned by Dow Chemicals, the ones who make the dangerous chemicals that go into all these products. Seriously, everyone, beware of what you sleep on-do your research and pick the most healthy option, especially for your kiddos.
/image flax mattress

@Gypsigirl213 Back on the Schrute farm, mattresses are are all hand made and do not conform to industry standards.