Do you like it? Is it worth it? I signed up for an invite code, I don’t know, last summer? Last spring? Anyway, got it today, wondering if it’s something I actually want to use.
I liked it when the alternative started its decline, but I’m not on it hardly at all. If you liked Twitter 2 years ago, you’ll love BlueSky, though starting over is never easy.
I’m a furry, so 98% of us have at the very least started using BlueSky. I myself was given an invite code and went ahead and created a BlueSky account to park my username, but haven’t found it necessary to actually use it so far. Twitter may be a raging dumpster inferno run by an egotistical child, but I still manage to get most of what I want out of the site. For now.
I only use it for the.possum photos. Haven’t been on in a long time though. Seemed fine to me.
.I wasn’t on Twitter, only joined Bluesky because Musk is a barsteward and I wanted to help their numbers. Lol
Interesting to see how people are liking/adjusting to the Twitter Clones. I dumped Twitter early last year when it started smelling a bit musky and went to Mastodon. It has worked fine, operates very much like the old Twitter, and doesn’t have ads (at least on the server I use) cluttering up the screen. Since I only use it to read and follow certain people/hashtags (the same ones that I followed on Twitter) but don’t post, I can’t say if that part works as smoothly.
Lately, I see more people desperately clinging to X as though it were their alcoholic and increasingly abusive spouse. They seem to think that if they can just hang on through the bad stuff, they can get the old website relationship back and “save the marriage” from ruin. We can say: “I’m so sorry, but no, that time is gone and will never come back.” all we want and it will make no difference.
@f00l M is a decentralized system rather than being on one server group. You chose the server like you chose a cell service provider based on the terms of service and whatever fits you best. Like cell service, once you are on, you have access to everyone/everything just like you can call/internet everywhere on a smartphone. Except that most of the service providers on M are free to use and usually free of advertising. They vary in how tightly they are modded and what kinds of things are allowed to be posted. It’s actually easy to set up and use, but some people go into “analysis paralysis” at the need to choose a server.
I won’t have anything to do w Souptible. That’s just my personal thing.
Also, I don’t want to join like every Twitter replacement that shows up
maybe only the ones who are best designed and have the best chance of succeeding and aren’t owned by Facebook or somebody who has apparently zero social judgment or political judgment.
The person who founded spoutinle is notorious for lying about those he perceives as “enemies”.
He’s not only doxxed some of them. He also published private medical information about their children.
Anti-filed for bankruptcy and blatantly lied on the filings of his assets to the court, leaving off all the most valuable assets
There is no evidence whatsoever available to the public that bot sentinel ever did what he claimed it did, or ever did anything except target people he didn’t like, and accuse them of being hostile, or driven by bots
He never provided any evidence that he actually did any sort of comprehensive sweep of Twitter content, looking for evidence, either of hate speech or bot activity.
His services seem to be for sale (presumedly for a nice price), and they essentially targeted those who criticized his clients and accused those posters of either hate speech, or being bots
He may have performed this service for somebody who hired him on behalf of Amber heard
Amber Heard/ Johnny Depp controversy is one I don’t care to take sides on because I think they’re both full of it
That doesn’t excuse either party of hiring a service to falsely trash fans of the other party and that’s apparently what he seems to have done
Re Bot Sentinel in general
He simply made claims and certain very naïve areas of the media accepted them
Furthermore, he goes around, accusing all sorts of people of hate speech
When his daily Twitter feed was full of hate speech and false hoods, and his speech was far more egregious than anything his “enemies” had ever said, and far less amenable of any kind of factual confirmation
I think he’s a scumbag
His service was never audited by any other software professionals. He just simply made claims that it did this or the other, and some of the naive media accepted that these claims were true, without ever bothering to check.
He has zero credibility in the Internet security sphere
As far as I can tell, there’s no evidence suggest that his service was more than a bunch of made-up scores, for his larger targets.
Regarding those who clearly committed what could be called hate speech, but who were on the side of one or another of his likely set of clients somehow he never found them to be guilty of hate speech
He does have progressive politics, but he somehow failed to target himself in Bot Sentinel as being a proffer of hate speech, even though he was a prolific provider of speech in his own account
In the one case, I know of finally got Twitter to check on his claims.
They basically responded by saying that he didn’t know what he was talking about and then the accounts his service were targeting were completely innocent and were written by individuals and were not more any “hate speech” than the content of his own Twitter feed.
Twitter reviewed the bot sentinel findings under the old Twitter management before Elon came on board
They basically called him full of shit and implied that his judgments were arbitrary, and apparently made up
Apparently he had to go into bankruptcy because of various unpaid bills, including rent or something. I don’t know the details.
But when he did so and the time came for him to list his assets. He somehow forgot to name all the wholly owned Internet businesses that were entirely in his name.
He is also not only doxes people, but as I said, he doxes medical information about their minor children, who havenever commented on Twitter.
He also published, blatant and defamatory, utterly false information about people he perceives to be his enemies
Such as accusing them of being drug dealers, or having lied under oath or similar
There is no evidence that they ever did anything with the kind
(He’s the one who lied under oath if he had to say that his bankruptcy filing statement was accurate under oath)
I’ll have nothing to do with him or any business of his
Bot Sentinel also supposedly violated European and UK privacy laws protecting individuals (acting as private individuals) when these people were posting on the Internet
Or so he’s been accused and the data against him looked pretty good according to some European based lawyers
However, Elon took over Twitter and banned people from using the API for free
that shut down not only all the alternative clients people used for their Twitter feeds, but it also shut down bot sentinel
I think a couple of lawsuits against his services were being prepared by people who lived in the UK or the European Union.
They claimed their privacy had been violated, and I think they had a pretty good case according to some commentary but I don’t remember the technical details anymore
those lawsuits were halted after Bot Sentinel no longer had API access to Twitter
And that kind of sums up my feelings about that person
@f00l - I found background on Bouzy - ironically on Post, and I’m glad I used a fake Google phone number to sign up. The only id they have for me is an old email address. Sketchy indeed.
I’d heard that it’s incredibly hard to delete your user info and close your account in Spoutible, for those who wish to.
I’m not trying to talk anyone off Spoutible. People should make their own decisions. And if you have friends there, then that would have some weight.
He didn’t wrote the code. He bought it for a v small sim, from someone who sells a general Twitter-copy that can be customized.
This has been proven even down to the poor English translation of the manual and certain misspellings within the manual and the tech info for the software product that carry over to new customized versions for people who bought the original and then didn’t go edit the visible information that tech or tech services people might look at to clean up the translation and spelling.
My attitude about social networks on the order of Twitter and it’s competitors is this
I don’t care enough about being a public face of anything to push any sort of social presence enough to be noticed
I don’t care to be one of the thousands of people liking this or disliking that
So I have little reason to comment and I actively avoid being noticed, or notable
However, certain people have public personas and certain news and commentary gets published on these networks and so I take a look at that once in a while
I’m on Facebook in order to keep up with family, but everything is private private private and that’s how I wanted to stay
I don’t post there either. That’s because I hate the FB privacy policy and history so much and I think that the company exploits all the users horribly.
I also think that’s not one of the more honest companies in the universe even in the tech industry FB is dishonest by tech industry standards.
So I have an account on Facebook and I suppose I could log into it if I needed to, but I think the last time I did was like four or five years ago or something
@Kyeh somewhat, although I rarely use it. I spend more time on small special interest forums where I get to know everyone than I do on expansive social media. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc, not really for me… But I occasionally go on Bluesky: the most active feeds I follow though are Bodega Cats, and Possum every hour… Just for the pictures of the fur balls. Bluesky itself is fine, just expansive social media in general is not for me.
@OnionSoup Yeah, I consider Meh to be my social media. I’m on Nextdoor mostly to hear about giveaways nearby, or a quick check on a neighborhood situation, but it’s not one I enjoy. I lurk on Instagram and use Pinterest, but I don’t use them socially.
I’d be interested in an alternative to like Xitter if it got going enough to be informative. I really hate the fact that some local govt entities like the emergency agency post on X because I’ll be damned if I’m going to join it. They need that info to be available without any sign-up!
I looked around on post social last night, and it seems kind of interesting because it focuses on news and if you run a search, it seems to pull up stories first and then comments later which I kind of like the idea of
I’m going to play with blue sky and mastodon as soon as I get the accounts set up the way I want
I don’t know yet about mastodon, but I can say that post that social and blue sky both seem kind of small and present. They need a bit more critical mass if they’re going to gain traction.l?
I don’t know if Spoutible will offer any of the usual and perhaps not useful compensations such as credit monitoring etc.
Spottable communications on this seem to be positioning the issue, as though it were the result of an attack or of Internet, hostility, or such
That seems not to be the case. It seems to be the software itself simply made the data available in the wild.
It appears that technically nobody had to hack into their systems to get the information they just had to look at what was publicly available to somebody who knows their way around APIs.
I liked it when the alternative started its decline, but I’m not on it hardly at all. If you liked Twitter 2 years ago, you’ll love BlueSky, though starting over is never easy.
I’m a furry, so 98% of us have at the very least started using BlueSky. I myself was given an invite code and went ahead and created a BlueSky account to park my username, but haven’t found it necessary to actually use it so far. Twitter may be a raging dumpster inferno run by an egotistical child, but I still manage to get most of what I want out of the site. For now.
@PooltoyWolf I never became active on Xitter, so I took no damage when it slimed. I guess I’m lucky.
@PooltoyWolf @werehatrack “slimed” - yes, good description.
I only use it for the.possum photos. Haven’t been on in a long time though. Seemed fine to me.
.I wasn’t on Twitter, only joined Bluesky because Musk is a barsteward and I wanted to help their numbers. Lol
I havent been on bluesky but I like X, least they stand up for free speech.
I’d like an account but haven’t chased it.
I don’t post in those sorts of places. Once in a while I read stuff.
@f00l - Would you use an invite code? I can help.
Thank you!
Don’t send just yet somebody sent me a code. I’m gonna try to set up an account and see if that code works.
If I ever get my reset code for my password (I keep trying) I’ll check to see if I have any invites. (Is it still in it’s only?)
Interesting to see how people are liking/adjusting to the Twitter Clones. I dumped Twitter early last year when it started smelling a bit musky and went to Mastodon. It has worked fine, operates very much like the old Twitter, and doesn’t have ads (at least on the server I use) cluttering up the screen. Since I only use it to read and follow certain people/hashtags (the same ones that I followed on Twitter) but don’t post, I can’t say if that part works as smoothly.
Lately, I see more people desperately clinging to X as though it were their alcoholic and increasingly abusive spouse. They seem to think that if they can just hang on through the bad stuff, they can get the old website relationship back and “save the marriage” from ruin. We can say: “I’m so sorry, but no, that time is gone and will never come back.” all we want and it will make no difference.
Re mastodon does one “choose” a server or is it random?
What diff does the assigned server make?
@f00l M is a decentralized system rather than being on one server group. You chose the server like you chose a cell service provider based on the terms of service and whatever fits you best. Like cell service, once you are on, you have access to everyone/everything just like you can call/internet everywhere on a smartphone. Except that most of the service providers on M are free to use and usually free of advertising. They vary in how tightly they are modded and what kinds of things are allowed to be posted. It’s actually easy to set up and use, but some people go into “analysis paralysis” at the need to choose a server.
I like it pretty well so far. A thousand times better than the cesspool that xitter has become.
I spend more time on Post and Spoutible though.
What is Post? Another xitter alt?
I won’t have anything to do w Souptible. That’s just my personal thing.
Also, I don’t want to join like every Twitter replacement that shows up
maybe only the ones who are best designed and have the best chance of succeeding and aren’t owned by Facebook or somebody who has apparently zero social judgment or political judgment.
@f00l - Yeah, Post is more geared toward news. A lot of my favorite follows have set up there.
Spoutible is okay, it’s Threads I’m avoiding. Suckerberg is nearly as bad as elmu, and I won’t go where I’m certain info will be manipulated.
@f00l @kdemo “elmu”! I like that, I’m going to use it.
I also like “Souptible.”
The person who founded spoutinle is notorious for lying about those he perceives as “enemies”.
He’s not only doxxed some of them. He also published private medical information about their children.
Anti-filed for bankruptcy and blatantly lied on the filings of his assets to the court, leaving off all the most valuable assets
So I don’t care for him
@f00l - Christopher Bouzy? You sure? I guess I have homework to do. I was a devout user of his Bot Sentinel.
There is no evidence whatsoever available to the public that bot sentinel ever did what he claimed it did, or ever did anything except target people he didn’t like, and accuse them of being hostile, or driven by bots
He never provided any evidence that he actually did any sort of comprehensive sweep of Twitter content, looking for evidence, either of hate speech or bot activity.
His services seem to be for sale (presumedly for a nice price), and they essentially targeted those who criticized his clients and accused those posters of either hate speech, or being bots
He may have performed this service for somebody who hired him on behalf of Amber heard
Amber Heard/ Johnny Depp controversy is one I don’t care to take sides on because I think they’re both full of it
That doesn’t excuse either party of hiring a service to falsely trash fans of the other party and that’s apparently what he seems to have done
Re Bot Sentinel in general
He simply made claims and certain very naïve areas of the media accepted them
Furthermore, he goes around, accusing all sorts of people of hate speech
When his daily Twitter feed was full of hate speech and false hoods, and his speech was far more egregious than anything his “enemies” had ever said, and far less amenable of any kind of factual confirmation
I think he’s a scumbag
His service was never audited by any other software professionals. He just simply made claims that it did this or the other, and some of the naive media accepted that these claims were true, without ever bothering to check.
He has zero credibility in the Internet security sphere
As far as I can tell, there’s no evidence suggest that his service was more than a bunch of made-up scores, for his larger targets.
Regarding those who clearly committed what could be called hate speech, but who were on the side of one or another of his likely set of clients somehow he never found them to be guilty of hate speech
He does have progressive politics, but he somehow failed to target himself in Bot Sentinel as being a proffer of hate speech, even though he was a prolific provider of speech in his own account
In the one case, I know of finally got Twitter to check on his claims.
They basically responded by saying that he didn’t know what he was talking about and then the accounts his service were targeting were completely innocent and were written by individuals and were not more any “hate speech” than the content of his own Twitter feed.
Twitter reviewed the bot sentinel findings under the old Twitter management before Elon came on board
They basically called him full of shit and implied that his judgments were arbitrary, and apparently made up
Apparently he had to go into bankruptcy because of various unpaid bills, including rent or something. I don’t know the details.
But when he did so and the time came for him to list his assets. He somehow forgot to name all the wholly owned Internet businesses that were entirely in his name.
He is also not only doxes people, but as I said, he doxes medical information about their minor children, who havenever commented on Twitter.
He also published, blatant and defamatory, utterly false information about people he perceives to be his enemies
Such as accusing them of being drug dealers, or having lied under oath or similar
There is no evidence that they ever did anything with the kind
(He’s the one who lied under oath if he had to say that his bankruptcy filing statement was accurate under oath)
I’ll have nothing to do with him or any business of his
Bot Sentinel also supposedly violated European and UK privacy laws protecting individuals (acting as private individuals) when these people were posting on the Internet
Or so he’s been accused and the data against him looked pretty good according to some European based lawyers
However, Elon took over Twitter and banned people from using the API for free
that shut down not only all the alternative clients people used for their Twitter feeds, but it also shut down bot sentinel
I think a couple of lawsuits against his services were being prepared by people who lived in the UK or the European Union.
They claimed their privacy had been violated, and I think they had a pretty good case according to some commentary but I don’t remember the technical details anymore
those lawsuits were halted after Bot Sentinel no longer had API access to Twitter
And that kind of sums up my feelings about that person
@f00l - I found background on Bouzy - ironically on Post, and I’m glad I used a fake Google phone number to sign up. The only id they have for me is an old email address. Sketchy indeed.
I’d heard that it’s incredibly hard to delete your user info and close your account in Spoutible, for those who wish to.
I’m not trying to talk anyone off Spoutible. People should make their own decisions. And if you have friends there, then that would have some weight.
He didn’t wrote the code. He bought it for a v small sim, from someone who sells a general Twitter-copy that can be customized.
This has been proven even down to the poor English translation of the manual and certain misspellings within the manual and the tech info for the software product that carry over to new customized versions for people who bought the original and then didn’t go edit the visible information that tech or tech services people might look at to clean up the translation and spelling.
My attitude about social networks on the order of Twitter and it’s competitors is this
I don’t care enough about being a public face of anything to push any sort of social presence enough to be noticed
I don’t care to be one of the thousands of people liking this or disliking that
So I have little reason to comment and I actively avoid being noticed, or notable
However, certain people have public personas and certain news and commentary gets published on these networks and so I take a look at that once in a while
I’m on Facebook in order to keep up with family, but everything is private private private and that’s how I wanted to stay
I don’t post there either. That’s because I hate the FB privacy policy and history so much and I think that the company exploits all the users horribly.
I also think that’s not one of the more honest companies in the universe even in the tech industry FB is dishonest by tech industry standards.
So I have an account on Facebook and I suppose I could log into it if I needed to, but I think the last time I did was like four or five years ago or something
I do have some invite codes if anyone needs one.
@OnionSoup Do you like it?
@Kyeh somewhat, although I rarely use it. I spend more time on small special interest forums where I get to know everyone than I do on expansive social media. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc, not really for me… But I occasionally go on Bluesky: the most active feeds I follow though are Bodega Cats, and Possum every hour… Just for the pictures of the fur balls. Bluesky itself is fine, just expansive social media in general is not for me.
@OnionSoup Yeah, I consider Meh to be my social media. I’m on Nextdoor mostly to hear about giveaways nearby, or a quick check on a neighborhood situation, but it’s not one I enjoy. I lurk on Instagram and use Pinterest, but I don’t use them socially.
I’d be interested in an alternative to like Xitter if it got going enough to be informative. I really hate the fact that some local govt entities like the emergency agency post on X because I’ll be damned if I’m going to join it. They need that info to be available without any sign-up!
@Kyeh @OnionSoup
On Reddit is v v important to subscribe to
/giphy floof

@f00l @OnionSoup I mostly look at cats on Instagram
I looked around on post social last night, and it seems kind of interesting because it focuses on news and if you run a search, it seems to pull up stories first and then comments later which I kind of like the idea of
So we’ll see if I actually use it
I’m going to play with blue sky and mastodon as soon as I get the accounts set up the way I want
I don’t know yet about mastodon, but I can say that post that social and blue sky both seem kind of small and present. They need a bit more critical mass if they’re going to gain traction.l?
Is anyone using hinge?
What do you think of it?
Re recent “drunk messages” from me.
Was dictating. Did not proofread.
Blame Siri.
/giphy “blame Siri”

@f00l Siri made up “Souptible”?
Siri makes up all my thoughts
I haven’t yet migrated from Siri to SiriGPT.
/giphy siri gpt

@f00l I don’t use any of those entities.
I find it a bit funny that they called the Amazon one Alexa, because it’s so close to alexia:
I guess to be fair, “she” doesn’t have to read.
I post and text while stuck at stoplights while out driving or something
And so I dictate them
Because I’m a shitty typist using a phone
And because I’m lazy
That’s where Siri comes in
I use Siri because I figured the privacy practices. There are a little better than they are at Amazon or Google.
Also, because I like my iPhone
(Also like android, use both)
For any of you in the Spoutible network:
It’s seems they’ve had a huge and ongoing data breach.
Usernames, Passwords, 2factor token , names, phone numbers, and ip addtresses may have been exposed for all who have accounts.
At the very least please update/change your passwords everywhere else if you re-use passwords. And reset 2factor.
The are prob other steps users ought to take for self-protection.
But this is a corporate, software, and IT-security issue. The users are victims.
I don’t know if Spoutible will offer any of the usual and perhaps not useful compensations such as credit monitoring etc.
Spottable communications on this seem to be positioning the issue, as though it were the result of an attack or of Internet, hostility, or such
That seems not to be the case. It seems to be the software itself simply made the data available in the wild.
It appears that technically nobody had to hack into their systems to get the information they just had to look at what was publicly available to somebody who knows their way around APIs.
@f00l When I started college they were still using social security numbers are student id numbers. This feels about as sensible.