One of the two negative feedbacks (out of over 1,000 transactions) I got on ebay was from reselling a still new-in-box item that I bought from meh.
Turns out the item wasn’t functional and the buyer left negative feedback before contacting me. I would have happily refunded the $25 or so to avoid the negative.
(ICAWW - The other negative was over 20 years ago, I shipped someone the wrong item and they also left a quick negative before contacting me.)
I’ve had an order or two from meh where an item arrived broken or not working and if my intention was to turn around and sell it I would have never known unless I opened and tested. But I’ve also had that happen with Amazon too. That guy was an asshole for leaving you a negative review without contacting you first. Did you look at his record to see if that’s something he does?
@DLPanther Ugh, resellers have kind of ruined thrift stores - they come in and grab all the good stuff and put it on Ebay. So a lot of thrift stores have in turn raised their prices.
@DLPanther@Kyeh@PooltoyWolf the worst offender being goodwill itself. Any donations of significant value (like legos and nice jewelry) never even hit the shop floor, instead going straight to goodwill’s own auction site. And that’s not even getting into some of the other criticism people have of the way the store distributes proceeds between actual charity and “executive overhead.”
@DLPanther@Kyeh@Turken At least re: eBay listings, the ‘policy’ varies from region to region. I know most of my local stores still have stuff like video game consoles and LEGO sets in a glass case up front, but I see less of that in the stores I sometimes visit in south Georgia, for example.
I’ve always considered buying deals (from consumer sites) to sell to others at a profit to be one of those things like: not returning a shopping cart, or pulling into a parking spot head first when you can see someone is about to try backing in, cutting someone off in traffic to save 5 seconds, not holding the door for someone.
It’s being rude and inconsiderate to other people to give yourself only a marginal gain.
Not only is this likely to result in loses long term (The products are on meh for a reason, so they didn’t make it on traditional markets)
It would long term cause the IRK problem (instant sell out) on everything. Which in turn would destroy Meh, because it would be peopled entirely by resellers, who would find firsthand why the products didn’t make it in the first place.
(Besides, the margins for time/effort are likely awful even if you had modest success, better to just pick up an extra shift or few hours)
If you are serious about doing this much, the first thing you should do is get a mehmbership. That shipping will eat you up.
Don’t really see meh as a reliable source for products that can be resold on eBay etc effectively. Amazon would be out due to the limited inventory you can generate. Not sure you could even get listings for items that you hold in such low inventory.
They often argue that we have some obligation to serve them up the multiple orders they place. We don’t. Instead, we have entire divisions of our company set up to operate as wholesalers.
He was one of the good ones at meh. Sent me various IRKs tailored to comments I made and also sent my daughter a monsterfied Elmo for free to add to her collection of over 1,000 elmos from all over the world.
It was the haunted Scotsman but yeah I just checked to I can’t find him either. I saw something in my email from Etsy from him about a month ago but didn’t really read it, it must have been him closing his Etsy shop. I’ll search my emails to see if I can find it.
@dave@Kidsandliz@Koolhandjoe@Kyeh@Star2236@werehatrack This was his info on an e-mail I got from him. Wonder if this was his or the company’s cell phone. Different area code might mean it was his. [information moved to a whisper by volmod to keep it from being accessible to data-scraping spambots]
@medz The same kind of people who would buy the old Denali road bike at WalMart and try to sell it for $800 on eBay or Craigslist, expecting to find a purchaser who didn’t know what it was really worth.
Don’t do this.
Garage sale but not online. But who hasn’t sold a bunch of shit you’ve collected in your house no mater what website it’s from.
I’ve been buying cookies here in bulk and trading them for favors at work. I’d buy them by the pallet if I could.
Hmmmm. Not a bad idea. Thanks!
I buy too many treats from here and Amazon. Then I pass them out to friends and give away a lot to the nearby Food Bank.
Do you mean stuff from IRKs or buy stuff specifically for reselling it?
Not that I do either, I’m just curious… 
@Lynnerizer Some people do - that’s why they limit you to 3 on most items.
One of the two negative feedbacks (out of over 1,000 transactions) I got on ebay was from reselling a still new-in-box item that I bought from meh.
Turns out the item wasn’t functional and the buyer left negative feedback before contacting me. I would have happily refunded the $25 or so to avoid the negative.
(ICAWW - The other negative was over 20 years ago, I shipped someone the wrong item and they also left a quick negative before contacting me.)
I’ve had an order or two from meh where an item arrived broken or not working and if my intention was to turn around and sell it I would have never known unless I opened and tested. But I’ve also had that happen with Amazon too. That guy was an asshole for leaving you a negative review without contacting you first. Did you look at his record to see if that’s something he does?
By “resell” you mean “throw in the Goodwill bag for someone else to deal with” right?
@DLPanther Ugh, resellers have kind of ruined thrift stores - they come in and grab all the good stuff and put it on Ebay. So a lot of thrift stores have in turn raised their prices.
@DLPanther @Kyeh I could not possibly agree more. Resellers trawling thrift stores deserve a special circle in hell.
@DLPanther @Kyeh I rarely even bother to go to my local Goodwill stores anymore, on account that used t-shirts are $5.99. Not worth it at all when shirt.woot has enough promos that puts them under $10. Current one is this:
@DLPanther @narfcake Wow, that really is a good sale!
@DLPanther @Kyeh Not as good as this before they caught the “oops, it wasn’t supposed to work like that.”
@DLPanther @narfcake Awww.
@DLPanther @Kyeh @PooltoyWolf the worst offender being goodwill itself. Any donations of significant value (like legos and nice jewelry) never even hit the shop floor, instead going straight to goodwill’s own auction site. And that’s not even getting into some of the other criticism people have of the way the store distributes proceeds between actual charity and “executive overhead.”
@DLPanther @Kyeh @Turken At least re: eBay listings, the ‘policy’ varies from region to region. I know most of my local stores still have stuff like video game consoles and LEGO sets in a glass case up front, but I see less of that in the stores I sometimes visit in south Georgia, for example.
I’ve always considered buying deals (from consumer sites) to sell to others at a profit to be one of those things like: not returning a shopping cart, or pulling into a parking spot head first when you can see someone is about to try backing in, cutting someone off in traffic to save 5 seconds, not holding the door for someone.
It’s being rude and inconsiderate to other people to give yourself only a marginal gain.
@OnionSoup I tend to agree.
@OnionSoup I feel the same. Legal, yet lame.
Not only is this likely to result in loses long term (The products are on meh for a reason, so they didn’t make it on traditional markets)
It would long term cause the IRK problem (instant sell out) on everything. Which in turn would destroy Meh, because it would be peopled entirely by resellers, who would find firsthand why the products didn’t make it in the first place.
(Besides, the margins for time/effort are likely awful even if you had modest success, better to just pick up an extra shift or few hours)
@Shingro But that’s why Meh limits the sales to 3, usually.
If you are serious about doing this much, the first thing you should do is get a mehmbership. That shipping will eat you up.
Don’t really see meh as a reliable source for products that can be resold on eBay etc effectively. Amazon would be out due to the limited inventory you can generate. Not sure you could even get listings for items that you hold in such low inventory.
There were folks in the past doing such – aka runners. And they got knocked down.
@narfcake Ah, that’s why that post got resurfaced. Blast from the past.
@narfcake #TIL
I’ve got a black IRK bag for sale on craigslist and facebook, but no takers
I found three more! and even some creepy yet classy severed hands earrings! Priceless, but I’m thinking they’re worth a Jackson

Did we ever find out what happened to @koolhandjoe? Does he still work for meh?
@Star2236 He is now working elsewhere. I have no other information.
Okay, thanks.
@Star2236 @werehatrack What is the name of his Etsy shop? People can contact him that way if it is still active.
@Kidsandliz @Star2236 @werehatrack
I think it’s The Haunted Scotsman? Something Scotsman.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @Star2236 @werehatrack Think that is correct. I bought one of his masterpieces on Esty. Just looked and didn’t see his site on Esty.
He was one of the good ones at meh. Sent me various IRKs tailored to comments I made and also sent my daughter a monsterfied Elmo for free to add to her collection of over 1,000 elmos from all over the world.
@Felton10 @Kyeh @Star2236 @werehatrack @dave maybe someone at meh can send a message to @koolhandjoe and let him know people on meh miss him and appreciate what he did?
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @werehatrack
It was the haunted Scotsman but yeah I just checked to I can’t find him either. I saw something in my email from Etsy from him about a month ago but didn’t really read it, it must have been him closing his Etsy shop. I’ll search my emails to see if I can find it.
@dave @Kidsandliz @Koolhandjoe @Kyeh @Star2236 @werehatrack This was his info on an e-mail I got from him. Wonder if this was his or the company’s cell phone. Different area code might mean it was his. [information moved to a whisper by volmod to keep it from being accessible to data-scraping spambots]
Who would buy it?
Bots@medz The same kind of people who would buy the old Denali road bike at WalMart and try to sell it for $800 on eBay or Craigslist, expecting to find a purchaser who didn’t know what it was really worth.
My daughter sells a lot of the items I get in IRKs for a pretty good price, but unfortunately keeps the money.
@Felton10 That’s your own fault, you know …
@Kyeh Not really just means I have to give her less money in the months she runs short.