Anyone else smell chloroform?
13I took my annual trip to Oregon to buy fleece this weekend. My mom and I were walking back to our hotel after dinner when a caravan of p-wagons pulled into the lot next door.
This glorious sonofabitch was clearly their king. It was painted in 1977, and has Seagrams running lights and a wooden grill. The old boy driving her was wearing overalls and had a beard two feet long if an inch.
This van has seen some shit, you just know it.
And of course as I'm going over to talk to them, my mother shouted out, "Remember not to get into any of the vans! ". Thanks, mom.
What's the strangest or coolest or just most messed up thing you've seen on the road?
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First thing I can think of - I've seen the Ghostbusters station wagon out on Hwy 5. I'd most like to see the Google Maps street view camera vehicle.
@KDemo We had one drive down our little 3 house, dead-end road this summer.
I don't think you'll ever see the pictures they took, not after what we did.
@KDemo I saw a Bing camera vehicle.
@jaremelz OK I'll bite. What did you do ?
@ceagee Just acted very naughty.
@KDemo I'm on Street View with my puppies. We were sitting outside and this strange car turned the corner. I didn't realize quick enough what it was.
You know how they blur out the faces of people? Yeah, the do it to dogs too. I still laugh when I see the picture of Kota with his face hidden for privacy.
@looseneck This is me, Shadow & Kota on Street View:

@KDemo Twice I have seen the google vehicle around here. Was behind it once on the road and going the other direction a different time.
@KDemo I followed the streetview car up one of the main roads here one afternoon and the driver stopped to get gas, so I pulled in and visited with him a bit. It was interesting, and it's crazy the amount of gear those little cars are stuffed with.
When my wife and I were on our honeymoon in 1993 we read "Mad Monks on the Road." The passenger would read it aloud to the driver. In the book, they talked about their Bounder RV. Every time we saw a Bounder, we joked that it was them. As we were finishing the book and our trip, we saw them in their Bounder (it had "Mad Monks" painted all over it) going the other way on the freeway.
These guys came to our touch a truck this weekend...they are such nice people.
We were at a meat outlet store in town here (that sold, besides normal frozen stuff, frozen game like squirrel, turtle and deer - this store is in one of they outlying suburbs of the state capital). Up pulls a beater 4 door. OMG I wish I had had a camera. Hillbilly central ah la Okefenokee swamp Georgia or Louisiana bayou style. All sorts of weird crap hanging from the review mirror, the shelf behind the backseat had a large taxidermy done baby alligator and a very large alligator skull. Piles of clothes and other junk stuffed in there too, some of which fell out like an avalanche when they opened one of the back doors. A couple of ratty looking dogs in there and 4 people (3 men and one woman) complete with stained overalls, clothes and hairdos 20+ years out of style. The beater car had panels from a variety of mismatched junkyard vehicles... perhaps the entire thing was built from junk yard pieces? I have never, in my entire life, have seen anything even remotely like this. It was astonishing. And so weird that any photo posted would have likely gone viral.
@Kidsandliz This:
@cinoclav Somebody was actually commissioned to build that car (shown) to promote the album; it was recycled years later. :-( I love how they fit a sedan door on a coupe frame; giant gap both sides of that door.
@cinoclav This is one of my favorite Johnny Cash songs. I never knew they actually built that thing, thats awesome.
@PocketBrain Not sure 'recycled' is the appropriate term. Crushed...
Your mom's admonition was justified; you've already established weird creeps are attracted to you.
@jqubed Yeah, I guess she's used to me by now! :)
I work in Los Angeles. I saw this about three years back according to my Facebook:
Looks like the mystery of the flat tire wasn't one the gang could solve....
@Collin1000 We have one in my town. I wonder how many of them are running around out there.
this would be a jaremelz thread...
@Lotsofgoats I would ask if that's a good or a bad thing, but considering you said this...:)
@jaremelz I only ever say good things about you!
This I would love to see the inside of. I am not so sure I'd like to peddle that thing up or down a hill.
@Kidsandliz Do they sleep standing up? Is it for vampires?
@jaremelz It is probably for goats - try it you'll like it. I'd guess a board goes across the top from the overhang to the back except for a corner to climb up. Without stabilizers I'd be afraid it would tip over when in use.
And then we have this...
@Kidsandliz Redneck Genius!
I've been trying to recall some of the stranger things I've seen while driving. I did take a photo with the Planter's Peanuts Nutmobile this summer, and yes, that's what they call it. I don't know if my time in Mexico counts, but we did become a taxi at one point. We were coming down off a mountain where we'd gone to buy coffee from the growers. It was hot and the going was very slow, so our friends had the big sliding door open. At one point, a couple guys just jumped in, assuming we were a bus. We ended up giving all kinds of people a ride down, crammed into our old VW.
@jaremelz - Of course it counts! Sounds like a fond memory.
@KDemo That trip was one long, strange memory. The stories I could tell. ...