anyone else medically quarantined?

earlyre went on a bit of a rant said

I don’t have a job where working from home is an option (Retail, Grocery Cashier/Gas Station Clerk - I help out the station when their short staffed)
This past Saturday, middle of the afternoon felt suddenly rundown while at work. didn’t think much of it, as i hadn’t had my normal second belt of caffeine for the day…
when i got home, went to the basement for a bit, came up, felt…flu like, tight/sore muscles in my neck/shoulders run down again.
Find a thermometer, 100.6… Fan Fucking Tastic…
check again a couple hours later, 99.3. couple hours later 99.3, go to bed.
when i get up in the morning (5 am Sun) 98.3. so i go to work. feel largely fine. when i get home, start taking my temp on the regular, every 2 hours, and logging it. 99.6, 99.0 99.0, and just before bed, 100.3
Thankfully I had the next 2 days off (Mon/Tues). When I get up noonish on monday, 98.3. 2 hours later 99.0.

so I call the community hotline they have set up in my area to pre screen you over the phone, and advise you what to do next.
they referred me to a “Community Testing Center”, that just happened to be my doctor’s office, to be tested not for COVID, b/c we don’t have those tests yet, but for Flu/Strep/etc.

They did swabs for both Flu and Strep, Both Negative.
so they don’t really know WHAT is causing my Symptoms. it’s not a confirmed case of Covid-19, but… it could be Covid…we don’t know.

apparently i didn’t meet the testing threshold set by the state of Ohio, whatever that may be.

so they told me to stay home from work for 14 days…
Lucky for me, while i do have the optional short term Disabilty package they offer, I also still had 2 Weeks of paid time off to use before the end of May. (expires on my company anniversary, no roll over)

so now here i am, stuck at home for 2 weeks. With my Elderly Parents (whom i live with). now i need things to do and Not get THEM sick…

I suppose I COULD clean my room that i’ve been putting off for like…2 years…maybe…