Anyone a fan of the Princess Bride Movie?
8For a donation to the Wisconsin Democratic party, you can watch a live table read of the script tomorrow by the actors who played in the movie.
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/giphy princess bride You killed my father prepare to die

Well you can also prepare to die while we’re at it
Only because right now it’s pissing Ted Cruz off and I honestly think he’s reprehensible for being a pansy to the president after all the horrible things Trump said about Cruz’s wife.
@bleedmichigan That was the substance of the article where I learned about this. That is reason enough to contribute to piss him off. And staying quiet when Trump said all those things about his father being involved with the Kennedy killing. The man has no shame.
@bleedmichigan @Felton10 but trump made it all better the other day… didnt you hear? he added Ted to his list of potential supreme court nominees…
@bleedmichigan @earlyre I heard that-Cruz and Tom Cotton-2 bozos with no judicial experience to pander to his base.
@bleedmichigan @earlyre @Felton10 They’re both former lawyers turned politicians, like former Chief Justice Earl Warren. Republicans cast similar aspersions against Elena Kagan, who had also never been a judge.
This sort of thing is not without precedent.
It’s a great movie. It’s whimsical and doesn’t take itself seriously.
@kostenann But the director sure does. He’s been such a toad. ::)
Never heard of it, I’ve been too busy raiding the castle.
I don’t think it means what you think it means.
Thank you so much for bringing up such a painful subject. While you’re at it, why don’t you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it.
Rumors are around that they are thinking about a remake, I think that would be the equivalent of making a copy of the Mona Lisa!
I’ve seen worse.
Almost 100k online watching.
I use to like it until the LIBERAL NUTJOBS hijacked it!! #TRUMP2020 #HIDENBIDEN #REDWAVE

@IndifferentDude you don’t sound very indifferent
@IndifferentDude you obviously have been drinking too much hand sanitizer-how can someone hijack a movie. Just because EVERYONE who starred in the movie recognizes the Orange Skidmark for the POS he is. You are a complete fool.
@Felton10 Har har!! Good one!!
Are Felton1 thru Felton9 as stupid as you little bro?? I’m assuming they are since you’re all a bunch of hillbilly inbreeds!! Go make another batch of moonshine to keep your inebriation level at 100%. There’s a whole nation of liberTURDS 
counting on you for their daily supply!!
/giphy hilarious

@IndifferentDude Nice response Indifferent Dick-shows you can count to 10-far above your 3rd grade or Trump U education level. You Trumpsters are all the same-no balls, no brains and no mask.
@Felton10 Typical liberal response; when outsmarted by the FACTS, call your opposition names. Textbook play little boy. Maybe Creepy Joe can have you rub his legs when he’s in the retirement home for pedophiles very soon!!

@IndifferentDude “when outsmarted by the FACTS, call your opposition names” Isn’t that what the Orange Skidmark does because that is the only thing that lowlife redneck perverts like you respond to. The pussy grabber daughter molester never bothers with facts because they always go against him and his idiot base is too stupid to recognize facts. They only respond to insults and name calling.
They asked Carol Kane who played Miracle Max’s wife “What type of person was Donald Trump” last night.
How much money did the event raise?
@JT954 ZERO. ZILCH. NADA. Liberals don’t give money, they TAKE & STEAL IT!!!
@JT954 The exact figure hasn’t been reported yet.
But I found this: It only took a $1 donation to gain access to the stream but donations averaged $27 going into the event.
There was over 110,000 viewers…so it could pretty substantial. At least $110,000 if all were the at the $1 minimum. Or, $270,000 if the average is correct.