Anybody watch the eclipse last night
6Last night was the longest (near) total eclipse of the moon in almost 600 years.
It was pretty spectacular locally, even at 3 am!
Anyone get some good pics? I forgot to get my gear together so had to just settle for using the binocs.
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I was able to see the nearly total eclipse but it was pretty cloudy here where I was.
@fjp999 I work til 2315 (here n CST) and wasn’t sure what the likelihood was that I would see it above the bank of trees growing across the street. On my way home I drove past the house out into the country to scope out a spot to view from that would be across from an open field.
Set the alarm for 0230 (then promptly slept thru it) and woke at 0320. Went out to the front porch and was lucky enough that it was still above the tree line so didn’t have to drive anywhere. Sky was clear so it was pretty good viewing for about and hour.
I didn’t even know it was happening.
meant to post something about this a couple of days ago but, well, you know… life!
I saw it right around 2:05 a.m. but my cell phone camera wasn’t up to photographing it. Also it wasn’t red at all, just dark gray.
Pretty cool though!
@Kyeh I thought it was just the clouds above my house but maybe it wasn’t as red as I imagined it to be?
@fjp999 I don’t know - it just had no red where I was viewing it, unlike that last one.
@fjp999 @Kyeh
Pretty red/brown here…
I sure wanted to, but Florida weather completely cucked me out of it. The one night I want to stare at the sky, I get a solid, unbroken 10 hours of thick cloud cover. I never caught so much as a glimpse.

@chienfou Indeed…I was pissed!!
@chienfou @PooltoyWolf Same where I live.
What eclipse?

We were ready and waiting, I knew it was a bust when it was pouring just after midnight. It’s not like I can even plan on catching it next time. Total bummer!


Dammit, now I have to clean the coffee off my monitor!
Clouds and fog here. Four days in a row of heavy fog (photo is from our weather cam).
well that sucks!
Went out in the backyard to look at it for a few minutes, convinced my wife to come out too.
We decided it was really cool, but too cold to sit outside.
I never really saw the point of going out on a cold night to watch a lunar eclipse. We have a lunar eclipse every month, but it is just slower moving.
Added for the literal-minded: Yes, I understand the cosmological difference between a new moon and an eclipse.
Didn’t even know about it. It rained all day so I doubt it would have been visible.