Any suggestions how to stay up for another 2 hours...
1...but not keep myself up all night?
We're nearing my bedtime but I have to wait right? Like I have to see the day 1 meh as soon as it goes live even though it's mediocre at best and will probably be bitterly disappointing right? Right?
- 13 comments, 11 replies
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My plan is to pick up a good book. They usually keep my attention well and I rarely fall asleep reading a good book. I was enjoying watching my progress on the number pick until I was picked off by @thumperchick. :/
I saw that. While I do agree with @thumperchick I'm sorry you ended up being the victim.
This is fantastic!
I'm updating my Garmin GPS, down load time is 44 mins! Will bring me close to midnight
Do what I did before Red Bull: Sour Patch Kids and Mountain Dew.
Repeatedly Slap yourself in the face while singing songs from Jesus Christ Superstar at the top of your lungs.
That'll do it. Thank you! Perfect!
@BillLehecka While I have seen that numerous times today that made me laugh so hard just now!
@BillLehecka - still funny.
Play Civilization V -- the only downside is that you'll be up for at least another 3 or 4 hours.
or 20. true story.
I played Diablo II for 18 hours straight once. My eyes felt like they had sand in them.
Watch the Xbox 360 download mandatory huge updates instead of playing video games? That's what we're doing to kill time at our house...
Brutal. Betting I'll be watching that with my guy this weekend. Bah.
I'm currently stuck in a Youtube loop of people doing speed runs of popular video games. It's fascinating, and I think it's making me a bit anxious.
Lords of waterdeep and Injustice on ios. Great time sinks.
What a great idea @billLechecka let's all post our favorite youtube videos, I'll start with one of mine...
My very favorite youtube video series. There are a total of 12 episodes"
Join us in #Mediocre on Rizon. I'll be giving away a "Dann of Crap" tonight Details in chat room
now that site really sucks.