Amazon Dating?
15I was thinking about ordering something from Amazon Dating and having it shipped to a locker a Whole Foods so my package doesn’t get stolen. If I don’t like what I ordered, I’m wondering if I can return it to Kohl’s and get a 25% off coupon on a future purchase? Free shipping with Prime. Yay!
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Ha ha. Yeah, my girlfriend sent me that. I wonder if she is trying to tell me something?
@therealjrn Did she apply to be listed? You might want to keep an eye on that.
If it was only so easy.
Do you really want to know that your date has had 78K dates before you?
Damn. Too slow. Sold out.
I just ordered a 22 year old named Ted. He was on clearance.
@sammydog01 Ted doesn’t get great ratings. Cookie, 50, however does. Maybe you should exchange.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 I heard Cookie is a lot of fun but has an addiction problem. Lol
Rivers looks interesting though
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 Maybe I’ll take them both!
Who needs AMZN dating when the “Love Rocket” Meat Man is only a click away over on Woot? I think @sammydog01 is pretty close to swooning.
@therealjrn um, what?
@tinamarie1974 The Meat Man. You don’t know about the meat man?
@therealjrn I know about some mans meat, but who is the meat man???
@tinamarie1974 Exactly. That’s what I’m saying.
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 Johnny Love is the meat man. At least that’s what he calls himself on Instagram.
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 The Meat Man:
He sold some meat on Woot. I like him. He’s selling sausages soon!
Looks like an American Apparel catalog