Acceptance Speach

sohmageek thought this was worth mentioning said

My Fellow Mehricans,
There have been goats great, goats bad, and goats good. I will do my very best to shoulder your burdens, and take the brunt of your blame. To this, My first contest is rolling right along. Tonight there will be a winner. I have a month of fun planned. I hope that you will join in. My first question to the community is why does Saturday and Sunday seem like a ghost town here. Is it less pleasurable talking to us when you're not getting paid at work to do other things, but doing this instead. The other busy time I see is the 11PM-1AM time... I know new items! but still some of us are around other times too! :) I hope to make Saturday and Sunday a little busier this month.

So Join me, in having a mediocre Month.

Watch for weekend things... I'm goat now.