A very mehdiocre contest #1 (unofficial)
14Well, I'm in the giving mood. I'm going to hold a little contest.
All you have to do is be the closest to guess the actual time that my Fuku that I scored is delivered to the minute... (I will post a screenshot of the Fedex page for proof..)
I'll message the winner, or they can message me, with their email address and I'll mail you something. It'll be interesting, believe me. It'll be worth your effort to post on this thread for. That's all I can say. :)
Only one guess per person.
Contests ends Tuesday at 9pm EST.
Good luck.
P.S.: It says #1 as it's likely I'll hold another now and then.
- 145 comments, 39 replies
- Comment
1:46 pm
4:13 PM
11:18 am
12:42 PM
1:51 pm
Thanks @juststephen
10:16 am
@speediedelivery you have insider information, right? ;-)
@KDemo Yep, shhhh :p
I'm actually working on the prize for the second contest now.... I'm really getting into this.
1:52 pm
12:00 High Noon.
4:20 pm.
7:01 PM
1047am. And thanks! I'm going to work on something soon and do one as well, I think.
1:19 pm
10:15 am
2:17 pm
10:37 am
10:00AM (Yes, straight up 10 o'clock in the AM)
Thanks, @juststephen, for the contest - have FUN!
1:11 PM
@juststephen Thank you!!
12:13 PM
4:42 pm on the nose
11:32 a.m.
4:19 PM and you should ask the delivery guy if he has a minute
@pzy Our delivery guy doesn't even knock or ring the bell. I know when he gets here my phone notification updating showing your package was delivered...
12:35 p.m.
3:53 pm
1:24 pm
11:47 am. Thanks for the contest!
12:22 pm
6:03 pm . thanks for the contest @juststephen
1:27 is lucky
5:38 PM
1:37 pm
Thanks for putting together the contest!
I vote 2:23 PM.
5:47 pm (my Fedex guy doesn't show up till pretty late in the day, hoping the same is true for you :P)
9:42. And thanks.
@pooflady 9:42 a.m.
10:13 A.M.
Would be interesting to plot the guesses and see where they cluster.
Cool idea @JustStephen
6:01 pm
4:05 P.M.
Please specify AM or PM, else I'll decide which seems the most logical choice for your guess.
6:66 pm
(and nero is dead)
@thismyusername well then, it's hacking time.
1:26 pm
12:48 pm
1:17 PM
11:46 am
2:12 pm
2:02 PM. 😃
5:38 PM. Thanks for putting this together.
He'll be late
10:18 am Thanks!
4:01 pm. All the good times are gone.
2:39 pm!
1:38 PM
3:34pm is my guess, although technically USPS will be delivering this to you ;) You might want to check the time from usps.com, as well.
@jsh139 Will do!
2:47 PM
2:01 pm
10:53 am
Thanks for the fish...I mean the contest.
11:11 AM
2:43pm :)
1:41 PM
3:32pm good sir
@PFFlyer Oops... I am guessing u mean 4:44am since I already guessed 4:44pm last Saturday 11:23pm :)
3:18pm I wish that your package be full of excellence.
3:27pm. Something tells me this...
2:42 pm
1147 am
1:16 PM
12:13 AM
11:48 -- Thanks!
5:17 pm
3:45 PM. Or you could just require guesses in 24 hour time format and say 15:45, thus taking away the AM/PM confusion. :P
@brennenrampton 15:45, eh?...Is that like 3:45am or something? ;)
1:29 PM
Can mediocre employees guess? Oh we can? Good. Midnight. It will be delivered at midnight. #winning #blessed #hashtag #poundsign
12:02 PM
2:12 PM
1413 (2:13pm)
11:38 am
1:57 PM
4:27 PM
Okay, the guessing period has officially ended. I'll receive my Fuku tomorrow or Thursday and let people know who the winner is!
Also, if there are two paper that guessed the same (IE, a tie), I'll give BOTH the same (pretty much) prize.
(Example, if it comes at 3:03pm and someone guessed 3:02pm and 3:04pm, they'd both get a prize!)
I can't see how to message someone, so I'll @mention them and figure it out from there, unless someone can show me how if it's possible?
Best of luck!
357 pm
Missed this by two hours. For the hell of it, 11:47 AM.
Okay - drumroll please!
It arrived at 1:31pm!
Picture of USPS tracking:
I believe congratulations are in order for @ACDawg! He guessed 1:29pm!
Is there a way to message people on this forum?
@juststephen No way to message them. We'll just all say congrats to @ACDawg and flood his inbox. He'll get the idea!
@cinoclav My only question is if I post an email, how to know that it's really @ACDawg and not some other mischievous imp claiming to be him?
@juststephen I would just wait for him to reply to this thread and have him give you his email address.
@jsh139 That works, too. My mind wasn't working in reverse. :)
So, @ACDawg, post a working email address and I'll email you to get your information! :)
@juststephen woohoo! Thanks. You can email me at cohnajspam@gmail.com
Thanks again!
@ACDawg Congrats!!!!!!! Be sure to post a pic. @juststephan - thanks for the contest :)
@ACDawg Email sent! :)
@mfladd oops..mispelled it @juststephen ^^^
You the man, Dawg! Congrats!
@Pavlov (salivates at bell)
@juststephen I saw the AC, and had hope. Gratz to the Dawg variety.
It has been shipped! I hope that you're amused, @ACDawg. I know I will be. muahahaha!
I'll probably have another contest next week!
@ACDawg looking forward to the unveiling (pics).
@juststephen Thanks again, for running the contest!
The winner's prize should be delivered today - I'm looking forward to seeing the look of... -insert emotion here- when they see what it is... muahahaha. evil laugh
@juststephen what if multiple people guess the correct time?
@HELLOALICE They didn't in this contest. However, according to my July 14th post in this thread, if for some reason more than one person had guessed the correct time, they'd all receive prizes. Same goes for if someone guessed 3:13pm, someone else guessed 3:15pm and the actual time was 3:14pm, they'd both receive prizes.
@juststephen Oh derp. I just saw Tuesday, not the post date.
I received the package. See the pictures in the link below. So there is some funny money and tons of little pieces of paper with URLs on them. Apparently if I find the correct 3, the prize will be revealed. Will update with what I find...
@ACDawg Good luck!
@ACDawg I really love this forum and the people in it. There's always wacky fun stuff like this going on.
@ACDawg Muahahaha. The plot thickens.
(I painted the box with acrylic paint, added layers of triple thick glaze, that process took a bit of time in itself.. then the getting the many urls linked properly, honestly, I don't remember how many there were.... I used several services.. and did each manually...)
And for some reason, one of the links doesn't work, it's not one of the ones you need. I made sure that the special ones were hosted where they wouldn't be taken down.
@juststephen Yes, the thought plickens. Not for nothing, but if the size of that funny money is identical (or within a set margin of error as defined by statute) to a real bill, you've just technically committed a Federal felony (even if only one side is printed) and you've involved others, so there's a conspiracy rap also. You're not likely in any real danger of being indicted, but trust me from experience, don't make the bills the same size as real currency. Been there, done that - long, long story - I work with props all the time. If you bought the bills I'd be even more shocked, they tend to get a little whack about stuff like this.
Seems like a very fun twist on the contest, hope it isn't too much work!
It's play "school" money, so it's considerably different and has "School money" and "Not Legal Tender" written everywhere.
In fact, Aging Dragon Queen from Woot sent these to me as a joke. :)
Doesn't the paw print kinda give it away?
Here's a picture compared to a real (old, though) $10 dollar silver note.
@juststephen @pavlov Same size as the type at Dollar Tree and Bartlett educational supplies and even Amazon.com (where these came from)
@juststephen What it says doesn't matter a bit - it is the size that is the get out of jail free card - and it meets that requirement based on the graphic above. It can have a paw print or Mickey Mouse on it and if that bill is the same size as a real bill, and a cursory facsimile of a real bill (which this would qualify) it is prosecutable. Like I said, experience was my lesson and it was a damn expensive lesson. The Secret Service's Website covers the guidelines, if you or anyone else is interested. As long as you make it (or purchase it) being the right size, you're good - and you're good!
Neat idea!
@Pavlov Gracias. I did more research and I'm definitely good. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that trouble and expense. :(
@juststephen Some lessons are learned the hard way - just the luck of the draw. Being indicted sucks. Having it dismissed is priceless.
@Pavlov Hopefully it wasn't long and drawn out.. The gubberment can be that way.
When this box is solved, I'll open up my next contest, with a totally different but still unique prize. :)
@juststephen (Or was it TT? I don't remember. I'd have to check the thread...)
Any luck? I honestly don't remember what links are what, so you're on your own.
@juststephen Yep. Will update soon
@juststephen - Pretty sure it's "Aging Drag Queen", but your version is very cute.
Ok, so here are the 3 winning urls:
1: http://goo.gl/oQclTg
2: http://goo.gl/VNmqV2
3: http://goo.gl/x9Phl5
I combined the 3 codes and redeemed it on Amazon for......
Thanks for the Amazon credit and hour or so of fun!
@ACDawg Well done. Congrats on your buck!
@ACDawg I might be a bit more generous in the morning and send you more. We'll see. I'm surprised you actually took the time to complete it.
Enjoy your commemorative unofficial meh box, at least that's a mehntionable home painted and glazed mehmento.
All of those random capital letters must have been a pain.
I wonder how many slips you had left at the end that you hadn't tried.
I'll post the next contest in a couple days after I find the thinger prize I've already prepared for it.
@juststephen Approximately half of the slips were left after finding the 3 good ones. Some of the "Nope" images were just as good as the 3 good ones. Very fun and well worth the time. Thanks again!