A couple of Fuko/Fuku thank yous

lisaviolet went on a bit of a rant said

Thank you for my BotVac 85. It has changed my world. I’m serious as a heart attack. The floor actually looks clean all the time and I’m actually getting back into the swing of housecleaning (for so long it just seemed overwhelming and I pretty much gave up). I run this puppy every day.

Yes, we’ve had a few heated discussions. Mostly when it’s in OCD mode and will clean under the same chair for five minutes, but if I leave the room and let it do it’s thing, well, I don’t get as enraged.

On the occasional day it hasn’t run (not home, for instance), my husband noticed. Just from the stuff on the floor from his shower to the chair where he sits when he puts his socks on. He has to dust his feet off first.

And then there’s the magic from the Kickstarter Fuko. I got a brand new iPad mini. 64GB. I haven’t used it much, got it set up, but one of the things when you rarely leave the house and you have really high speed internet and a couple of PCs and Rokus, it’s not something you use a lot.

Well, my mother-in-law passed away in her sleep yesterday. It’s okay. She was in really good health, had full control of her faculties, but at 87 1/2, I guess she was just done. The boys are taking it in stride, her youngest son had breakfast at her house on Saturday mornings, she always made him waffles. He found her.

Anyway, while we waited for her body to be transported, there was discussion as to what needed to be done. She had a lot of financial stuff going on, it will take a while to get sorted (but she did have a trust set up, so it won’t be as difficult as it could be). And guess who was nominated to clean out her office? Moi. The one who has a white thumb, really good at watching paperwork grow.

And I finally set up my little iPad to use our data plan. All 300MB per month of it. Just in case I need to get on the internet to find something. It will be a lot less frustrating, for sure. (We have basic phones, the ringer doesn’t even work in mine.)

I could really use some NZT about now…

But Meh has made my life a whole lot easier…thank you Meh.