It’s a sad day for me, just lost my multi-year streak by a few mins. We should have had a 10 min crossover grace period for this, I’m not ready to admit the longest streak of anything I’ve ever done is over.
That’d mean you had your streak going since November 2014, right? That’s rough.
I once asked if VMPs would get to click the meh button during the six hours that we used to get to buy the previous day’s deal if it hadn’t sold out, but that’s not the case.
Somehow I always fall somewhere after 100… Not that I don’t come to meh and not that I don’t click the button… I think some AI that’s hiding in the cloud… An AI gremlin, if you will, intercedes and makes it look like I missed a click.
@TaRDy I can relate! Albeit my streak was just a fraction of yours. But I was still bummed when I lost my streak of 162. I got stuck in a travel/timezone issue. That is when I realized that the meh bots are set only to Eastern timezone, and don’t care where you are when you click meh, as long as it’s according to their midnight. Now I know. On to the next.
@JWhirly another thread could be the discussion of the word/words/phrase “timezone.” Is it one word: timezone? Hyphenated phrase: time-zone? Or two words: time zone. Depends who you ask! (For what it’s worth, note that Grammarly’s built-in spell check thinks one word timezone is incorrect). “Spell check” is another one to consider. Dammit this is a wormhole!
@JWhirly It’s like the discussion of whether “coyote” is properly pronounced with two syllables or three. I say that both are wrong, because the “goddamn” in “coyote” is never silent.
@JWhirly Merriam-Webster is the dictionary most style guides go by, and they say it’s two words. Spell-check (also per M-W) has its limitations, and we copy editors take it with a grain or two of salt.
My longest streak spans multiple pairs of underwear.
/youtube The who I’m free
@shahnm How’s that reality tasting?

Thanks for the earworm.
Ouch. That WAS a great streak you had going. I guess I shouldn’t say that your username checks out …
I was going to say the same thing! DARN that username, he manifested it right from the start!
@TaRDy, This is for YOU, I feel your pain!


That’d mean you had your streak going since November 2014, right? That’s rough.
I once asked if VMPs would get to click the meh button during the six hours that we used to get to buy the previous day’s deal if it hadn’t sold out, but that’s not the case.
@lljk Well meh can always change their mind… if they want to…
Them’s the breaks. Now you don’t have to worry about not doing it in time every day.
It’s so freeing to not have to worry about clicking that dam button everyday. I miss it all the time now and it feels great!
@TaRDy, look – ten more quick years of clicking your life away, and you’ll be right back in the game!
Somehow I always fall somewhere after 100… Not that I don’t come to meh and not that I don’t click the button… I think some AI that’s hiding in the cloud… An AI gremlin, if you will, intercedes and makes it look like I missed a click.
/youtube Another one bites the dust
@TaRDy I can relate! Albeit my streak was just a fraction of yours. But I was still bummed when I lost my streak of 162. I got stuck in a travel/timezone issue. That is when I realized that the meh bots are set only to Eastern timezone, and don’t care where you are when you click meh, as long as it’s according to their midnight. Now I know. On to the next.
@JWhirly another thread could be the discussion of the word/words/phrase “timezone.” Is it one word: timezone? Hyphenated phrase: time-zone? Or two words: time zone. Depends who you ask! (For what it’s worth, note that Grammarly’s built-in spell check thinks one word timezone is incorrect). “Spell check” is another one to consider. Dammit this is a wormhole!
@JWhirly It’s like the discussion of whether “coyote” is properly pronounced with two syllables or three. I say that both are wrong, because the “goddamn” in “coyote” is never silent.
@JWhirly @werehatrack The coyote is always silent.
@blaineg @werehatrack Crossover episodes don’t count.
@JWhirly Merriam-Webster is the dictionary most style guides go by, and they say it’s two words. Spell-check (also per M-W) has its limitations, and we copy editors take it with a grain or two of salt.
@blaineg @werehatrack thankfully I’ve had no interaction with any of the two or three, nor the four or five syllable type coyotes!
@werehatrack Blasphemy!
I feel your pain. The grace period would help, indeed.
Meh. If they gave us 10 minutes, eventually we’d ask for 15.
If you accomplished that streak without a daily alarm (or 6), congratulations.
/showme evil entity laughing at your misfortune from the shadows, unpressed meh button in the foreground