@fuzzmanmatt, it might, butt for those specific times what I do is use some Lysol toilet stuff & or break out one of my fucking hand grenades & frag the damn toilet then I drink 750 ml of Gabo, snort some cane, play me a bit of Lynard & Floyd, then try to figure out why I blew out my commode,… then take a crap n my other toilet…just another Day in paradise!
@Num1Zero Seems like there’s a non-zero number of toilet professionals who point to two big issues with such a hack:
the volume displaced by the bottle = less volume of water available to ferry solid waste from the bowl further down the sewer line, especially relevant with extreme water-saver toilets (1.28gpf, I think?)
the chemicals in products like Fabuloso may degrade plastic and/or rubber parts (like flapper-valve seals) over time, creating leaks and necessitating earlier replacement if you’re lucky or failing catastrophically and resulting in massive water damage in your house if you’re unlucky.
Me, I’ll stick with a spritz or three from the Poo-pouri kit I got last time it showed up on Meh.
@Felton10, yes, unless in, wait,… i’ve been drinking sum Gabo Tequila, so… what was the question¿? … Okay, yes it works on bird poo poo, less in it hits the windshield, Then it is like when da shit hits da fn fan,…it gets messy!! Butt then again, “That’s What She Said!!”
I always thought this was some kind of joke or gag gift. Then at a summer get together (before Delta), I found it sitting on the toilet in my host’s guest bathroom. Or was that a gag in itself?
It does work. It lasts long enough for the smell it’s masking to fade away. I was skeptical until someone else used it in a multistall restroom at work. It would be great if they designed a way to incorporate little dispensers right into the toilet itself, so you don’t have to remember to take it with you.
You programmers at meh really need to learn your gd fucking shit!! I leave Answers, A2As, comments & freaking posts on several platforms & apps; whenever I am at a loss of a word, need to check sum info, or what fucking ever, I can leave my post to check on whatever info I need AND fn return, RETURN to my original post & carry on, but with this Cheap Ass program on this fucking platform, IT IS DAMN IMPOSSIBLE!! FUCK You Cheap MFs at meh!!.. & LOL, Update¿? my damned ass, every time ya UPGRADE, ya seem to DOWN- GRADE Your program!!
@1DisabledWarVet I was about to come down hard on you for your unnecessarily foul language until I saw your screen name. Let me guess…you were a sailor…or maybe Marine. Still unnecessary but you get a pass from me. Thank you for your service.
@dyounghbic@haydesigner, I have to disagree with you, or y’all. The comment I made was the 1st time I’ve used fowl language since some time in 2020. In this case I was about to post a fairly long comment which was about letting others know how much I enjoyed their laid back comments & how they even helped my PTSD. So, I was about to post my lite comment, but needed to ck on a word. To do this what I do on other platforms is ck the spelling on Google, then tap the square icon at the bottom right on my android screen & return to my com- ment, but instead I Lost my entire comment,… & l blew a fuse. I went back after about 10-15 min later, but couldn’t delete the comment. My Bad, but if you, or others want to block my comments you can do so at your discretion; that is up to you. Nevertheless, I do apologize for posting any comment that’s distasteful. I am humbly & sincerely sorry!
I woke up in a Soho bathroom
The attendant knew my name
He said “You can go poop at home tonight
If you form a boundary with this spray”
I staggered back to the bathroom stall
And the smell blew back my hair
I started spraying Poo-pourri around
And I could breath the air
Not this s**t again! You can make this spray quite easily yourself: mostly water with a little glycerin (or corn oil), a dash of isopropyl alcohol, and 20 drops of a strong essential oil like peppermint, lavender, or a combination.
If your poop is consistently foul-smelling, consult a gastroenterologist.
It’s all part of the American infatuation with conquering anything that doesn’t smell like perfume. “Beeeeee-Oooohhhh.”
These are better scents than the last ones which were very meh. I think my xmas gifting may well be complete now. No more socks, fam. Just crap from meh.
Bought some pre-pandemic as a gag gift. Then everyone started working/schooling from a small home with one bathroom. We now shout “Don’t forget the poop spray!” when someone runs to the toilie.
In for one.
@mskateia my first experience with Poo Pourri was considered a gag gift from my friend to her daughter’s friends. They laughed themselves silly. That is, until they found out how well it worked in a shared sorority bathroom.
So, my bathroom door can’t be shut because of the lattice door.
I hadda go do my morning thing. As I was doing my morning thing, Natasha (the new cat) did her morning thing in the litterbox (which is in my bathroom) I had just cleaned.
Her morning thing was pretty substantial for a little girl (there wasn’t much from yesterday). I scooped it out after she was finished.
I come back to the office and Brian says “that really smells, didn’t you use the poopourri?” (Poopouri is something you spray into the toilet before sitting down, so the morning thing doesn’t smell like crap.)
I had to let him know that that wasn’t me, that was Natasha’s morning thing.
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$53.13 at Amazon and eBay
Cloud Berry Scent
Sweet Violet
Holiday Heaven Scent
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Sep 7 - Wednesday, Sep 8
Holy crap! What a shitty deal!
Does this work for those times that it comes out so hard it splatters up under the seat?
@fuzzmanmatt, it might, butt for those specific times what I do is use some Lysol toilet stuff & or break out one of my fucking hand grenades & frag the damn toilet then I drink 750 ml of Gabo, snort some cane, play me a bit of Lynard & Floyd, then try to figure out why I blew out my commode,… then take a crap n my other toilet…just another Day in paradise!
Just cut a small hole in a bottle of fabuloso and put it in the toilet tank. Smells good and saves water.
@Num1Zero does this really work? How long does it last? I can’t use those bleach tablets because they smell too strong
@bjango @Num1Zero this will likely stink like too much perfume the way other
stink up the air with cheap perfume“air fresheners” do.@Num1Zero Seems like there’s a non-zero number of toilet professionals who point to two big issues with such a hack:
Me, I’ll stick with a spritz or three from the Poo-pouri kit I got last time it showed up on Meh.
@bjango @Num1Zero, try using ¹/² a tab, or wear one of dem fruckin Masks & fn Distance Yourself From Yourself + Don’t Surround Yourself With Yourself!!

Does that work on bird poo also?
@Felton10, yes, unless in, wait,… i’ve been drinking sum Gabo Tequila, so… what was the question¿? … Okay, yes it works on bird poo poo, less in it hits the windshield, Then it is like when da shit hits da fn fan,…it gets messy!!
Butt then again, “That’s What She Said!!”
Lighting a match is way, way cheaper.
/giphy light a match

/youtube Mr. Big Stuff
IRK is role playing the Tidy Bowl Man. Who knew IRK was into that?
I always thought this was some kind of joke or gag gift. Then at a summer get together (before Delta), I found it sitting on the toilet in my host’s guest bathroom. Or was that a gag in itself?
@hchavers It does work pretty well. Better than those jars of “air freshener”.
Irk, there are much better places to snorkel, with much better marine life.
Wake me up before you go go
Not after, with the smell.
There is not enough “no” for this.
It does work. It lasts long enough for the smell it’s masking to fade away. I was skeptical until someone else used it in a multistall restroom at work. It would be great if they designed a way to incorporate little dispensers right into the toilet itself, so you don’t have to remember to take it with you.
So what are they selling today?? Who knew there were still considerate people in the world left. As your poop don’t stink.
You programmers at meh really need to learn your gd fucking shit!! I leave Answers, A2As, comments & freaking posts on several platforms & apps; whenever I am at a loss of a word, need to check sum info, or what fucking ever, I can leave my post to check on whatever info I need AND fn return, RETURN to my original post & carry on, but with this Cheap Ass program on this fucking platform, IT IS DAMN IMPOSSIBLE!! FUCK You Cheap MFs at meh!!.. & LOL, Update¿? my damned ass, every time ya UPGRADE, ya seem to DOWN- GRADE Your program!!
@1DisabledWarVet I was about to come down hard on you for your unnecessarily foul language until I saw your screen name. Let me guess…you were a sailor…or maybe Marine.
Still unnecessary but you get a pass from me. Thank you for your service. 
@dyounghbic except he’s always like this. A number of members have blocked him.
@dyounghbic @haydesigner, I have to disagree with you, or y’all. The comment I made was the 1st time I’ve used fowl language since some time in 2020. In this case I was about to post a fairly long comment which was about letting others know how much I enjoyed their laid back comments & how they even helped my PTSD. So, I was about to post my lite comment, but needed to ck on a word. To do this what I do on other platforms is ck the spelling on Google, then tap the square icon at the bottom right on my android screen & return to my com- ment, but instead I Lost my entire comment,… & l blew a fuse. I went back after about 10-15 min later, but couldn’t delete the comment. My Bad, but if you, or others want to block my comments you can do so at your discretion; that is up to you. Nevertheless, I do apologize for posting any comment that’s distasteful. I am humbly & sincerely sorry!
Gotta say, my favorite has to be
Pooooooooo are you?
Poo Poo, Poo Poo!
I woke up in a Soho bathroom
The attendant knew my name
He said “You can go poop at home tonight
If you form a boundary with this spray”
I staggered back to the bathroom stall
And the smell blew back my hair
I started spraying Poo-pourri around
And I could breath the air
Pooooooooo are you?
Poo Poo, Poo Poo!
I have to say it…“This shit really works”
Shitty deal-Instead go to the poo pourrie website and get the best scent (citrus) 16 ounces (30% more) for $27! You’ll actual use this scent.
@Sweetbabyjames Just visited the site. The largest is 8oz for $24.95.
Evil migraine medley of pain and despair.
Not this s**t again! You can make this spray quite easily yourself: mostly water with a little glycerin (or corn oil), a dash of isopropyl alcohol, and 20 drops of a strong essential oil like peppermint, lavender, or a combination.
If your poop is consistently foul-smelling, consult a gastroenterologist.
It’s all part of the American infatuation with conquering anything that doesn’t smell like perfume. “Beeeeee-Oooohhhh.”
These are better scents than the last ones which were very meh. I think my xmas gifting may well be complete now. No more socks, fam. Just crap from meh.
@Vertabrae It worked! Your order number is: superb-smiling-grape
/image superb smiling grape

Don’t buy this! This stuff REALLY burns when you spray it on.
@Trinityscrew A short poem for you:
It’s supposed to go in the bowl
Not on your butthole
Bought some pre-pandemic as a gag gift. Then everyone started working/schooling from a small home with one bathroom. We now shout “Don’t forget the poop spray!” when someone runs to the toilie.
In for one.
@mskateia my first experience with Poo Pourri was considered a gag gift from my friend to her daughter’s friends. They laughed themselves silly. That is, until they found out how well it worked in a shared sorority bathroom.
So, my bathroom door can’t be shut because of the lattice door.
I hadda go do my morning thing. As I was doing my morning thing, Natasha (the new cat) did her morning thing in the litterbox (which is in my bathroom) I had just cleaned.
Her morning thing was pretty substantial for a little girl (there wasn’t much from yesterday). I scooped it out after she was finished.
I come back to the office and Brian says “that really smells, didn’t you use the poopourri?” (Poopouri is something you spray into the toilet before sitting down, so the morning thing doesn’t smell like crap.)
I had to let him know that that wasn’t me, that was Natasha’s morning thing.
In for another set.
Happy with the scents, less happy with the bottle that opened up in transit. Four out of five ain’t terrible at the price, though, so oh well.
@missag I bet your mail carrier wasn’t happy either.
@sammydog01 Betting the truck is smelling pretty HeavenScent right now. Oops.