@shahnm The description says “0.075μm” but google tells me no bacteria is that small, so I’m gonna go ahead and assume everything in this description is just made up. Including the “360° Face Protection” part.
We’re hundreds of millions from the herd immunity path we’re dead set on… so these are a good deal for the insane reality we live in now. This style can feel a bit small if you have a larger head.
KN95s are readily available on eBay for about 15¢ a piece now, with less than one week delivery. I’ve bought some from a few different vendors now, so I’m stocked up - I find them uncomfortable/difficult to breathe through, but I expect I’ll want a few this winter for longer indoor activities… I doubt we’ll be anywhere close to “herd immunity” levels (60-80% immune) before next summer or fall, depending on an effective vaccine. JMO.
@cbl_wv ummmm… you got a link there buddy? I have never seen anything KN95 for that cheap. At that price, it seems like you are talking about those 3 layer non medical disposable masks. If that’s legit then awesome, but I am little suspicious.
@cbl_wv I bought 2 fifty packs from eBay from 2 seperate companies. One if them is so crap the metal nose piece is literally tearing apart from the mask, and the layers of the mask itself are really super thin. They are also not fda approved or cdc approved. They also don’t create a tight seal on any point of the face. That’s the main reason to get kn95 over the blue ones. These look better and claim to be FDA approved which means they will deal better and prob have a better filter. I’m buying these as this is the cheapest I’ve seen kn95 masks fda approved on the internet. Also, this company offers 20 of these exact masks if 29.50 on their website. For quality kn95 that actually do what they are supposed to do, this is the best price you will find. Again. Never tried them, but I’ve tried the 15 dollar for 50 deals from different companies and they are all bad and equal if not worse to the blue ones
@cbl_wv You need to look at the testing that is done and whether or not they are on the CDC list of masks that “passed” the N95 equivalent benchmarks for filtration efficiency. Many are not.
I found these okay for my use, as I don’t work in a hospital or customer forward-facing job, but as @zach_kay392 and @Kidsandliz note, the quality can vary.
@cbl_wv@Kidsandliz@muzztime what makes you think that link you posted is one of the vendors that this company uses? That link you posted I actually bought and masks feel very cheap and there is zero seal on any point on the mask and the metal nose piece feels like a twist tie
Here are ones that have been consistently on the CDC list. The ones I know are consistently on the list are the ones currently listed (green and white box) of 10 for $13.95 Powecom masks. They also now have the two strap version of that which I would presume would also be on the list as all they are doing is changing out the straps. I know nothing about the Harley N95 masks (they just went up) listed on there. The ones I bought (ear loop as that was the only choice when I bought a bag) are so far holding up well, nose piece is decent, ear loop straps don’t yank too hard on my ears and stay attached. With the ear loops I can’t get them perfectly tight but don’t have much glasses fogging. OK to breath through.
The link goes to one of the two distributors in the USA for that chinese company and so it is unlikely you will get a fake. They have an anti fake sticker and the one bag I bought from them (took 6 days to get to me, free shipping) checked out on the chinese site.
They are more expensive than what meh is selling. Certainly what meh is selling is likely better than the rectangular masks and cloth ones. Certainly much better than the one layer ones and gaiter/bandana ones.
Since the seller says this: “all damaged products are considered dange during transit” I must assume they also protect against Dange Fever…
The description for these masks says that “The KN95 Disposable Mask is the Chinese equivalent of the NIOSH N95 Respirator” However, there is a significant difference.
While the “filter efficiency” for both masks may be 95%, in use, it all depends upon the mask fitting well.
KN95 masks typically are held in place by loops that go over your ears, whereas the N95 masks are held in place by two straps that go over your head, one that is positioned around the back of the head under the ears, and the second that is positioned above the ears.
The “over the head” straps on the N95s hold the mask much more snugly to the face, ensuring air does not leak around the filter…
@ELJAY There are N95 with earloops. I have some and they are officially certified and appear on the official CDC list (with exact model and everything). You are suppose to conduct a fitting test and check which model is best suited for your face. I can tell you some N95 models w/ two head straps don’t fit me at all. It is true the strap around the head usually fit better, but not always. The problem with KN95 is that many of them are fake, even when the brand is certified. The CDC tested various brands and saw some only had 60% filtration. That is why I would not trust KN95, not because of earloops.
The CDC tested various brands and saw some only had 60% filtration. That is why I would not trust KN95, not because of earloops.
This is why one needs to see if the actual mask is on the CDC list of ones that passed or the ones that failed (they give the range of test results they get when they test 10 masks from the specific brand and model). Then you know which KN95’s are OK with respect to filtration efficiency.
As others have pointed out the “fitting” with respect to air leaks is the other thing that matters. These likely will leak less than the generic blue rectangular ear loop masks just because of their shape. In that respect they would likely be better than the rectangular ones even if they didn’t “pass” with respect to filtration efficiency.
@Kidsandliz@mwgm - I’ve worked for more than 30 years in the environmental/hazmat industry, and have extensive experience with respirators, ranging from these disposable dustmasks, to half-face & full-face APRs (cartridge respirators), PAPRs, SARs (airline respirators), and SCBA… As I said, “it all depends upon the mask fitting well.”
The “Ear Saver” loops are not the same as a halfway decent mask with the over the head straps. The straps on the N95s are typically 1/4" wide elastic straps that are stronger & sturdier & fit more securely than the ear loops with the ear saver extension.
I am aware that there are N95s with ear loops, but they are probably less than 10% of the N95s that are manufactured.
It doesn’t matter whether the mask is approved or certified by CDC, FDA, NIOSH/MSHA (US) , CE (Europe), GB2626-2006 (China), KMOEL (Korea), AS/NZS 1716:2012 (Australia), NOM-116-2009 (Mexico), or NOM-116-2009 (Japan).
If the mask does not make a secure seal with the wearer’s face, the filtration efficiency of the filter’s fabric is virtually irrelevant, (unless you’re wearing a PAPR, or SAR in the continuous flow mode),
and it serves little purpose to wear it at all.
(At least from the perspective of protecting the wearer from airborne contaminants, vs. protecting people from the wearer’s exhaled respiratory droplets…)
@ELJAY@Kidsandliz All true, however the average user will not do a fit test nor do they have access to different models in order to get a better fit. I don’t think earloops are a deal breaker, leakage might be small, however, unknown manufacturer that may have a mere 60% filtration is.
Potato/ potato
I got my parents (who are high risk) a half-face respirator with p100 and added a single layer filter to the valve in order to protect others. As long as you don’t care how you look, that would be best IMO.
@mwgm While the P100 half face APR with an elastomeric facepiece will definitely provide your parents with superior protection from airborne contaminants, it is extremely important that anybody wearing a respirator of this type by physically up to the challenge of inhalation through the much denser filter media.
In the US, if you work in an industry that requires wearing such respirators, (i.e., your employer issues a cartridge respirator to you), Federal OSHA regulations (29 CFR 1910.134) mandate that you must first undergo medical testing, including spirometry (evaluating your respiratory system) as well as your cardiovascular system, to ensure that you’re fit enough to wear such a respirator. (And an MD has to sign off on their approval…)
The extra strain caused by wearing these sorts of respirators for hours at a time can put tremendous stress on the heart, and people have suffered fatal consequences.
@ELJAY appreciate the info, and I think it is very important you added this info it being a public forum. It’s mostly for curveside pickup or if maintenance has to enter their house/similar. If they can’t have it delivered/ curveside pickup I’ll do the shopping. They meet with friends in the open air, 6 feet apart w/ regular masks (very hard to hear with the silicone respirators). They are well aware they should not engage in physical activity with any kind of mask on. I think at most they had it on for 2-3 hours, a mix of driving and short walks.
My mom said she find it easier to breath through her half-face silicone respirator than her N95
I don’t believe for a second that the only difference between these and a niosh n95 is the ear loops. A little bit of surgery on the straps with a glue gun takes just a minute, to turn the ear loop type into the headstrap type.
I still want to do some DIY mask testing but haven’t gotten the crap together to attempt it.
@phr they are kn95 not n95. Even though it says Chinese equivalent of n95, it is false. The filter itself isn’t the same. The n95 isn’t really available to the public and is very expensive.
As far as kn95 goes, it is not too good to be true. This website has on their website selling 20 kn95 for 29.50. this seems like a good deal. Meh and mornomgsave has already had kn95 fda certified for about 1 dollar a piece. This is a little less, but it’s worth it to buy and try it out.
@zach_kay392 kn95 is supposed to have similar filtration as n95. Mainly this means there is an electrostatically charged layer that removes very small particles, unlike those blue surgical masks. I remember the 20/$29.50 kn95’s and didn’t see anything about fda approval on them. I’m skeptical of all of them and would like to see tests. I’m still trying to figure out how to do that. If you buy them and want to sell me a couple for evaluation, feel free to PM me.
@phr n95 is meant for high risk areas meaning in hospitals. Regular citizens social distancing themselves in the street don’t need n95. Kn95 is for them. Hlthe filter itself isn’t as good, and the sealing isn’t as good. The article you posted is as I thought. For medical workers who are in high risk areas every day meaning face to face with covid patients. Kn95 never claimed to be Chinese equivalent to n95. They became a replacement Bec if a shortage. These are still better than the blue ones if that’s what you are looking for. Unless you have n95 that you paid like 10 bucks a piece, the kn95 is the next best thing. Just make sure you buy a brand that seals well around you Bec every one is different which is why medical staff go through “mask fittings” to find the brand that works for them
The website they claim it’s FDA and ce approved. I’m also very skeptical. I’ve bought 2 times from 2 seperate companies on eBay for 50 pack for 15. They feel like garbage. Only one brand I’ve owned that really fit super tight and very thick fabric with good high what metal nose piece. I’m still using those. I will be trying these out and hope it’s good. For me, it’s worth the risk to try it after seeing on the website that they seem legit company and claim to be FDA approved. Price is too good to pass up
@zach_kay392 n95 is just ordinary dust masks. They are not particularly medical. They are $1.10 each at Home Depot in normal times (of course they have been out of stock through the whole pandemic)
The early shortage is understandable, like the toilet paper shortage. It’s ridiculous that 10 months into the pandemic we can’t all get plentiful real n95’s by now. I’ll try to pull some links together about this. I have a few personal n95’s left over from years before the pandemic, since I bought them to clean up rodent poop in a storage shed some time back. There is nothing exotic about them. They should be the norm.
For KN95, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KN95 and other docs saying they are (supposedly) the Chinese counterpart to N95. The only trouble is that most of them are crap.
The early shortage is understandable, like the toilet paper shortage. It’s ridiculous that 10 months into the pandemic we can’t all get plentiful real n95’s by now.
Big difference between toilet paper and N95 masks.
Toilet paper shortage was due to panic buying but the shortage necessarily had to go away because C-19 doesn’t result in more toilet paper use. It’s not like everyone was suddenly pooping more frequently than before. So while everyone used their stocked up toilet paper, the supply chain eventually caught up. There is no tp shortage today because people stopped stocking up once they realized they don’t need more toilet paper than in non-pandemic times.
The same cannot be said for N95 masks. The pandemic has created more need and greater sustained demand for the product. It is because of this greater need, which is real, that the supply chain can’t catch up.
The same is true for hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes – people use a lot more now so the shortage is/was real.
But for most products like tp and rice any shortage was artificially caused by panic buying and manufacturers don’t really have to do anything for supply and demand to equalize.
tl;dr The mask shortage is real and probably won’t end any time soon.
There is no tp shortage today because people stopped stocking up once
they realized they don’t need more toilet paper than in non-pandemic
But it’s a bit more involved than that - people do need more TP when lock downs are in effect. Or more specifically, they need more of it at home.
Imagine how much TP is used by offices, schools, plane|train|bus terminals, gas stations, fast food joints, shopping malls, etc. When the first lockdown occurred, almost all of that demand was shifted to individual homes. And while the total need didn’t change, the supply line had to shift from industrial packaging/grade to consumer packaging and distribution. Easy enough in principle, but it obviously took time for the manufacturers to adapt to the market shift.
[Not that I care; I went the bidet route a coupla years ago when I picked up a couple from one of them deal-a-day sites.]
This might be a dumb question but I’m going to ask it anyway:
Is there a mask that doesn’t form sweat over your mouth? Every time I wear one, I can feel sweat droplets forming above my lip. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
@JT954 Stop breathing?
Like @zachh said, it’s water forming on the mask because it’s condensing from the water vapour in your breath. I guess if you lined the inside of the mask a piece of tissue paper it would soak up the water, but might be annoying.
@JT954@zachhh Also once your mask gets damp from that it the filtration efficiency goes down and it doesn’t work nearly as well as the damp part helps stuff get through the mask.
@akooyer did you actually try a mask from this brand? How much use until the nose bridge fell off? Regarding the other comments, yes. They are made in China. By definition kn95 will always be made in China. And it is not a n95. N95 has a superior filter system as well as a better deal and straps around head. Kn95 does not. If you were expecting the kn95 to be equal to n95 them you simply don’t know what a n95 and what a kn95 mask should be.
But as far as kn95 masks go, what was so bad about these? Just the metal falling off? How soon after wearing it did it fall off?
@akooyer@zach_kay392 I do know the nose piece in their white individually wrapped ones are semi-crap. The metal of that nose piece is like a twist tie and needs to be wider if you want it to stay tight enough to decrease glasses fogging. It does stay bent (and not all brands do) but it doesn’t take much pressure to decrease how tightly they are bent. The photos of these look like the nose piece is decent. It is thicker, wider metal rather than a wire.
These folks don’t make these themselves. They had specs they wanted met, buy from that from the manufacturer and then rebrand the box. On the bottom of the box of white rectangular ones I have it does tell the chinese manufacturer. I’d want to know that on these before I bought because then I could look them up on the CDC list.
If you look at one photo meh posted of the metal nose piece it is on the outside of the mask not covered by a thin layer of material. I did see in one of the photos that it appears to gap in the middle between the fabric and the metal. That may be why it comes off. Perhaps super glue before you even put it on to prevent that?
Also it would appear that different manufacturers are used by maskforeveryface as the photos on their website for this product are of a different mask than the photos here. The one on their website has the usual GB2626-2006 stamped on them that the KN95’s usually have on them and the photos of the meh ones do not.
@akooyer@zach_kay392 PS I am glad at least (I hope at least) that meh posted photos of what they got rather than use generic ones as some of the disposables they sold had photos of 3 different masks in their photos so we had no idea what we were getting. If these are generic photos I hope someone confirmed they are the actually photos of the actual product we would be buying and not of a “similar” mask? @chadp? @thumperchick?
@rpstrong Irk may have been photoshopped in though, however as all 48 are laid out (I had forgotten about that photo when I posted), as you say, the odds are good that these are of the actual masks that people would be buying which is great!
I need something between the Harbor Freight blue things that have a bad smell, so they probably keep COV-19 from leaving my respiratory system, due to revulsion, and my full NIOHS filter cartridge face-hugger certified for Immediate Danger to Life or Health.
These might fit that bill.
I can protect others with shitty cloth/paper masks, protect myself from aerosol solvent fumes (and maybe bacteria/virii? WTF is MC100?), or a little of both.
Who the Hell would think that we would have to learn so much about the construction of masks? Especially if your names not Skywalker, Wayne or are a practicing Creepy Clown…
@medz Yes several of us have. I actually called maskforeveryface this morning to ask. Then I noticed that the photo on their website and one there are of different masks. I didn’t specifically tell them I was on the meh site and asking about those as they had already said they use different manufacturers they have a relationship with; that they only use ones that pass specs for the RN95’s but were evasive about the Chinese companies they used.
It is very likely on the bottom of the box of the ones being sold now as the white individually wrapped ones have that there. Unfortunately despite being tagged no one from meh has answered yet. I know the white disposable ones are made by Guangdong Liangying Electronics co, LDT but no idea if the make these as well since they said they have several company sources.
Stating CE certified without the proper filtration level is meaningless. Are these FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3 certified?
Which CE center provided the certification? (that is the number which appears after the CE mark).
Also, FDA certified means nothing for respirators, it’s good for surgical masks under ASTM (N95/equivalent are respirators).
@mwgm obviously you are ignorant in the topic. FDA approval means EVERYTHING. IT means it is certified in America for nurses and doctors to use in high risk situations. Fda approval means the filter meets guidelines to be most comparable to n95 to protect in hospitals, and that the ear loop makes a tight enough seal around face to be as close as n95 as possible
@Kidsandliz GB2020 is the chinese standard = KN95.
EN149 is the european standard, with classification FFP1, FFP2, FFP3. FFP2 is >94% filtration and almost identical to N-95 (includes liquid aerosol test which, IIRC, N95 does not).
My issue is not the standard (main diffrence would be harder to breath through), but who inspected it. If these were inspected by a reputable european company such as INSPEC I’d probably buy 2 (=4 packages). As it stands, like @xian wrote facetiously, the CE certifiacation might be for the elastic straps…
@shawn@thumpercick@chadp if someone could please look on the bottom of the box and let us know who the Chinese manufacturer is that would be appreciated.
Given how (K)N95 filtration is supposed to work, wouldn’t drawing, painting, or otherwise applying a pigment (especially a water-soluble one) to a mask reduce its effectiveness? I mean, I get that the copywriter has to write something, but it seems weird to sell a safety product with seemingly benign copy that could break the thing without the wearer realizing it.
@aknapik If the (possible) decreased efficiency of a painted mask suggested by a writer trying to entertain and amuse us is all you have to worry about, I want your life.
@aknapik I assumed you were joking about the painting, drawing, water soluble, blah, blah, blah, so I was trying to joke along with you. My bad. (I HATE that expression but it fits here.)
Thanks for your concern about my life. I’m ok. I’m having a little trouble breathing since I painted the mask I’m wearing with urethane paint. But I think that’s because I left it on while I was painting it.
@medz Likely feeling better is thanks to the steroids he was given. I was given steroids with every chemo I had, gave me energy as a side effect and it took me about two days to crash from that. I’d guess he pushed patient right to deny hospitalization to get out based on how he felt at a steroid side effect. Based on what was said about meds given, likely tomorrow he will feel far more shitty unless they are continuing to give him steroids now.
It’s also worth noting that while many Americans lack adequate healthcare, he has dozens of doctors and other healthcare professionals focused specifically on him. Not to mention drug regimens the rest of us can’t get. So, yaknow, kind of a facile profoundly privileged thing for him to say, “Hey, I feel great. What’s the big deal?”
And before some fucker jumps on this, of course a president should be properly cared for. But he should also show at least a tad bit of empathy and compassion. I’m not even diving into the rest of the ridiculous fucking politics, indifference, how the pandemic has been handled, healthcare in this dumbfuck country, etc.
(willful-adorable-bait) So just in case I’m going to add these to my collection. So let me tell you all how it’s really a small small small world after all… I only wrote this for satire And I found out today that my father did get tested, I wrote this before I talk to him last night:
⁃ President Donald Trump may have given me The COVID:
⁃ Let me explain in detail: So about six days ago a bunch of the bigwig republican party members from Onslow County had a meet and greet with Senator Tom Tillis in an enclosed ballroom type area in which no one was wearing any mask that I saw and they were probably around 30 people or so at the function. Upon further investigation I saw a pic of my father & Tom Tillis  together arm & arm for a photo pic. If I go back and count the days during that specific time frame Senator Tillis definitely had the covid unbeknownst to him and everyone else around him,I found this out today about 30 minutes after speaking with my father for about five minutes in length with no more than two foot in distance away from him!! “It’s a small world after all, it’s a small world after all, it’s a small small small small world” So that’s the story of how President Donald Trump may have given me the Covid.🤔/☹️
brief digression. i’m not trained in mask fitting, but after two years of wildfire smoke and 7+ months of pandemic, I can tell whether i’ve gotten the best fit from a given mask. like, if I can feel the mask resist my breathing, then the seal is there. maybe not perfect, but it’s there.
so back to the above. masks from the first box i opened never give me that sealed feeling. even after the usual ear loop and nose band adjustments.
This product is for general, non-medical purposes
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
$84.38 for 48 on Amazon for Similar
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Wednesday, Sep 29 - Monday, Oct 4
Is it bacteria we’re mostly worried about these days?
@shahnm I was hoping that this had already been said
@shahnm No. It’s “bateria” apparently
@dagirlgenius I see what you did there. Cool…
Is it the fronteria?
/giphy rimshot

@shahnm The description says “0.075μm” but google tells me no bacteria is that small, so I’m gonna go ahead and assume everything in this description is just made up. Including the “360° Face Protection” part.
@shahnm filtration levels have to be smaller or else they’re not filtering anything.
@awk @shahnm 360° Face?
We’re hundreds of millions from the herd immunity path we’re dead set on… so these are a good deal for the insane reality we live in now. This style can feel a bit small if you have a larger head.
BTW props on the model number, more so than usual…
Model: W0RK1N-KN9-T0-5
Made in?
@mc Ooh ooh - can I take a guess?!?
“The KN95 Disposable Mask is the Chinese equivalent of the NIOSH N95 Respirator”
@awk @mc “Equivalent” is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.
I guess these are in fashion again. Speaking of fashion, do these come in other colors?
@hchavers Wear them for a while and you’ll get off-white at least.
@awk @hchavers oh the freaking beat up masks I see in the hotel I work at. Please please let me give you another!!
This was depressing. Reality is depressing.
360 degrees of face protection? lol
@tongo In that it’s kinda roundish in shape.
this is an excellent price. the local independent medical supply store has a similar model for $6/mask vs the 60¢ here
@zippyus Then the local independent medical supply store should be reported for price gouging.
Trump says I shouldn’t fear the virus nor let it dominate my life. I might get sick and die, but at least I’ll have his respect.
@medz comforting if any of us end up in the ICU…
@medz He’ll never respect you. Regardless of what you do.
@medz The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
@medz @sjk3 No. The only thing we have to fear is another 4 years of this clown in office.
@andrewkl we have to fear 4 more years of sore loser’s crying and destruction from protestors.
KN95s are readily available on eBay for about 15¢ a piece now, with less than one week delivery. I’ve bought some from a few different vendors now, so I’m stocked up - I find them uncomfortable/difficult to breathe through, but I expect I’ll want a few this winter for longer indoor activities… I doubt we’ll be anywhere close to “herd immunity” levels (60-80% immune) before next summer or fall, depending on an effective vaccine. JMO.
@cbl_wv ummmm… you got a link there buddy? I have never seen anything KN95 for that cheap. At that price, it seems like you are talking about those 3 layer non medical disposable masks. If that’s legit then awesome, but I am little suspicious.
@cbl_wv I bought 2 fifty packs from eBay from 2 seperate companies. One if them is so crap the metal nose piece is literally tearing apart from the mask, and the layers of the mask itself are really super thin. They are also not fda approved or cdc approved. They also don’t create a tight seal on any point of the face. That’s the main reason to get kn95 over the blue ones. These look better and claim to be FDA approved which means they will deal better and prob have a better filter. I’m buying these as this is the cheapest I’ve seen kn95 masks fda approved on the internet. Also, this company offers 20 of these exact masks if 29.50 on their website. For quality kn95 that actually do what they are supposed to do, this is the best price you will find. Again. Never tried them, but I’ve tried the 15 dollar for 50 deals from different companies and they are all bad and equal if not worse to the blue ones
@cbl_wv these are one of my more preferred mask styles simply because breathing is easier for me. I like how it creates space for your nose and mouth.
@cbl_wv You need to look at the testing that is done and whether or not they are on the CDC list of masks that “passed” the N95 equivalent benchmarks for filtration efficiency. Many are not.
@muzztime here’s one link (this company sources from a lot of vendors and the price changes frequently): https://www.ebay.com/itm/154026055696
I found these okay for my use, as I don’t work in a hospital or customer forward-facing job, but as @zach_kay392 and @Kidsandliz note, the quality can vary.
@cbl_wv @Kidsandliz @muzztime what makes you think that link you posted is one of the vendors that this company uses? That link you posted I actually bought and masks feel very cheap and there is zero seal on any point on the mask and the metal nose piece feels like a twist tie
@cbl_wv @muzztime @zach_kay392
Here are ones that have been consistently on the CDC list. The ones I know are consistently on the list are the ones currently listed (green and white box) of 10 for $13.95 Powecom masks. They also now have the two strap version of that which I would presume would also be on the list as all they are doing is changing out the straps. I know nothing about the Harley N95 masks (they just went up) listed on there. The ones I bought (ear loop as that was the only choice when I bought a bag) are so far holding up well, nose piece is decent, ear loop straps don’t yank too hard on my ears and stay attached. With the ear loops I can’t get them perfectly tight but don’t have much glasses fogging. OK to breath through.
The link goes to one of the two distributors in the USA for that chinese company and so it is unlikely you will get a fake. They have an anti fake sticker and the one bag I bought from them (took 6 days to get to me, free shipping) checked out on the chinese site.
They are more expensive than what meh is selling. Certainly what meh is selling is likely better than the rectangular masks and cloth ones. Certainly much better than the one layer ones and gaiter/bandana ones.
@cbl_wv @Kidsandliz @muzztime @zach_kay392
Since the seller says this: “all damaged products are considered dange during transit” I must assume they also protect against Dange Fever…
Just got a 50 pack KN95 on eBay for $14. As above, 1 week delivery.
@tasco Link?
@jmkiii https://www.ebay.com/itm/KN95-Protective-5-Layers-Face-Mask-50-PACK-BFE-95-PM2-5-Disposable-Respirator/154026055696?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
Bought this for the next round of CA wildfires
Exactly why I wanted them, so I could walk without fearing all the smoke.
The description for these masks says that “The KN95 Disposable Mask is the Chinese equivalent of the NIOSH N95 Respirator” However, there is a significant difference.
While the “filter efficiency” for both masks may be 95%, in use, it all depends upon the mask fitting well.
KN95 masks typically are held in place by loops that go over your ears, whereas the N95 masks are held in place by two straps that go over your head, one that is positioned around the back of the head under the ears, and the second that is positioned above the ears.
The “over the head” straps on the N95s hold the mask much more snugly to the face, ensuring air does not leak around the filter…
@ELJAY look up “Ear Savers” they convert ear loops to behind the head straps. Game changer
@ELJAY There are N95 with earloops. I have some and they are officially certified and appear on the official CDC list (with exact model and everything). You are suppose to conduct a fitting test and check which model is best suited for your face. I can tell you some N95 models w/ two head straps don’t fit me at all. It is true the strap around the head usually fit better, but not always. The problem with KN95 is that many of them are fake, even when the brand is certified. The CDC tested various brands and saw some only had 60% filtration. That is why I would not trust KN95, not because of earloops.
@ELJAY @mwgm
This is why one needs to see if the actual mask is on the CDC list of ones that passed or the ones that failed (they give the range of test results they get when they test 10 masks from the specific brand and model). Then you know which KN95’s are OK with respect to filtration efficiency.
As others have pointed out the “fitting” with respect to air leaks is the other thing that matters. These likely will leak less than the generic blue rectangular ear loop masks just because of their shape. In that respect they would likely be better than the rectangular ones even if they didn’t “pass” with respect to filtration efficiency.
@Kidsandliz @mwgm - I’ve worked for more than 30 years in the environmental/hazmat industry, and have extensive experience with respirators, ranging from these disposable dustmasks, to half-face & full-face APRs (cartridge respirators), PAPRs, SARs (airline respirators), and SCBA… As I said, “it all depends upon the mask fitting well.”
The “Ear Saver” loops are not the same as a halfway decent mask with the over the head straps. The straps on the N95s are typically 1/4" wide elastic straps that are stronger & sturdier & fit more securely than the ear loops with the ear saver extension.
I am aware that there are N95s with ear loops, but they are probably less than 10% of the N95s that are manufactured.
It doesn’t matter whether the mask is approved or certified by CDC, FDA, NIOSH/MSHA (US) , CE (Europe), GB2626-2006 (China), KMOEL (Korea), AS/NZS 1716:2012 (Australia), NOM-116-2009 (Mexico), or NOM-116-2009 (Japan).
If the mask does not make a secure seal with the wearer’s face, the filtration efficiency of the filter’s fabric is virtually irrelevant, (unless you’re wearing a PAPR, or SAR in the continuous flow mode),
and it serves little purpose to wear it at all.
(At least from the perspective of protecting the wearer from airborne contaminants, vs. protecting people from the wearer’s exhaled respiratory droplets…)
Just my $0.02
@ELJAY @Kidsandliz All true, however the average user will not do a fit test nor do they have access to different models in order to get a better fit. I don’t think earloops are a deal breaker, leakage might be small, however, unknown manufacturer that may have a mere 60% filtration is.
Potato/ potato
I got my parents (who are high risk) a half-face respirator with p100 and added a single layer filter to the valve in order to protect others. As long as you don’t care how you look, that would be best IMO.
@mwgm While the P100 half face APR with an elastomeric facepiece will definitely provide your parents with superior protection from airborne contaminants, it is extremely important that anybody wearing a respirator of this type by physically up to the challenge of inhalation through the much denser filter media.
In the US, if you work in an industry that requires wearing such respirators, (i.e., your employer issues a cartridge respirator to you), Federal OSHA regulations (29 CFR 1910.134) mandate that you must first undergo medical testing, including spirometry (evaluating your respiratory system) as well as your cardiovascular system, to ensure that you’re fit enough to wear such a respirator. (And an MD has to sign off on their approval…)
The extra strain caused by wearing these sorts of respirators for hours at a time can put tremendous stress on the heart, and people have suffered fatal consequences.
Just my $0.02
@ELJAY appreciate the info, and I think it is very important you added this info it being a public forum. It’s mostly for curveside pickup or if maintenance has to enter their house/similar. If they can’t have it delivered/ curveside pickup I’ll do the shopping. They meet with friends in the open air, 6 feet apart w/ regular masks (very hard to hear with the silicone respirators). They are well aware they should not engage in physical activity with any kind of mask on. I think at most they had it on for 2-3 hours, a mix of driving and short walks.
My mom said she find it easier to breath through her half-face silicone respirator than her N95
Gotta say I’m suspicious of these. Most so-called KN95’s don’t meet standards, and real ones can’t be this cheap even outside the pandemic:
I don’t believe for a second that the only difference between these and a niosh n95 is the ear loops. A little bit of surgery on the straps with a glue gun takes just a minute, to turn the ear loop type into the headstrap type.
I still want to do some DIY mask testing but haven’t gotten the crap together to attempt it.
@phr they are kn95 not n95. Even though it says Chinese equivalent of n95, it is false. The filter itself isn’t the same. The n95 isn’t really available to the public and is very expensive.
As far as kn95 goes, it is not too good to be true. This website has on their website selling 20 kn95 for 29.50. this seems like a good deal. Meh and mornomgsave has already had kn95 fda certified for about 1 dollar a piece. This is a little less, but it’s worth it to buy and try it out.
@zach_kay392 kn95 is supposed to have similar filtration as n95. Mainly this means there is an electrostatically charged layer that removes very small particles, unlike those blue surgical masks. I remember the 20/$29.50 kn95’s and didn’t see anything about fda approval on them. I’m skeptical of all of them and would like to see tests. I’m still trying to figure out how to do that. If you buy them and want to sell me a couple for evaluation, feel free to PM me.
@phr n95 is meant for high risk areas meaning in hospitals. Regular citizens social distancing themselves in the street don’t need n95. Kn95 is for them. Hlthe filter itself isn’t as good, and the sealing isn’t as good. The article you posted is as I thought. For medical workers who are in high risk areas every day meaning face to face with covid patients. Kn95 never claimed to be Chinese equivalent to n95. They became a replacement Bec if a shortage. These are still better than the blue ones if that’s what you are looking for. Unless you have n95 that you paid like 10 bucks a piece, the kn95 is the next best thing. Just make sure you buy a brand that seals well around you Bec every one is different which is why medical staff go through “mask fittings” to find the brand that works for them
@phr https://www.maskoneveryface.com/products/kn95-maskjpg-kn95-disposable-face-mask
The website they claim it’s FDA and ce approved. I’m also very skeptical. I’ve bought 2 times from 2 seperate companies on eBay for 50 pack for 15. They feel like garbage. Only one brand I’ve owned that really fit super tight and very thick fabric with good high what metal nose piece. I’m still using those. I will be trying these out and hope it’s good. For me, it’s worth the risk to try it after seeing on the website that they seem legit company and claim to be FDA approved. Price is too good to pass up
@zach_kay392 n95 is just ordinary dust masks. They are not particularly medical. They are $1.10 each at Home Depot in normal times (of course they have been out of stock through the whole pandemic)
The early shortage is understandable, like the toilet paper shortage. It’s ridiculous that 10 months into the pandemic we can’t all get plentiful real n95’s by now. I’ll try to pull some links together about this. I have a few personal n95’s left over from years before the pandemic, since I bought them to clean up rodent poop in a storage shed some time back. There is nothing exotic about them. They should be the norm.
For KN95, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KN95 and other docs saying they are (supposedly) the Chinese counterpart to N95. The only trouble is that most of them are crap.
This is the test that I want to try to reproduce:
Big difference between toilet paper and N95 masks.
Toilet paper shortage was due to panic buying but the shortage necessarily had to go away because C-19 doesn’t result in more toilet paper use. It’s not like everyone was suddenly pooping more frequently than before. So while everyone used their stocked up toilet paper, the supply chain eventually caught up. There is no tp shortage today because people stopped stocking up once they realized they don’t need more toilet paper than in non-pandemic times.
The same cannot be said for N95 masks. The pandemic has created more need and greater sustained demand for the product. It is because of this greater need, which is real, that the supply chain can’t catch up.
The same is true for hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes – people use a lot more now so the shortage is/was real.
But for most products like tp and rice any shortage was artificially caused by panic buying and manufacturers don’t really have to do anything for supply and demand to equalize.
tl;dr The mask shortage is real and probably won’t end any time soon.
@phr Pre-pandemic you could get 20 N95 for under $20. I even saw flat-folds for cheaper, 50 for $30.
@phr @uscpsycho
But it’s a bit more involved than that - people do need more TP when lock downs are in effect. Or more specifically, they need more of it at home.
Imagine how much TP is used by offices, schools, plane|train|bus terminals, gas stations, fast food joints, shopping malls, etc. When the first lockdown occurred, almost all of that demand was shifted to individual homes. And while the total need didn’t change, the supply line had to shift from industrial packaging/grade to consumer packaging and distribution. Easy enough in principle, but it obviously took time for the manufacturers to adapt to the market shift.
[Not that I care; I went the bidet route a coupla years ago when I picked up a couple from one of them deal-a-day sites.]
@phr @rpstrong @uscpsycho
This might be a dumb question but I’m going to ask it anyway:
Is there a mask that doesn’t form sweat over your mouth? Every time I wear one, I can feel sweat droplets forming above my lip. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
@JT954 unfortunately that’s the water vapor condensing and means your mask probably works.
@JT954 Stop breathing?
Like @zachh said, it’s water forming on the mask because it’s condensing from the water vapour in your breath. I guess if you lined the inside of the mask a piece of tissue paper it would soak up the water, but might be annoying.
@JT954 @zachhh Also once your mask gets damp from that it the filtration efficiency goes down and it doesn’t work nearly as well as the damp part helps stuff get through the mask.
These are crap. The nose bridge falls off the mask. They are cheaply made in China and there is no way that they are N95 rated. Junk.
@akooyer did you actually try a mask from this brand? How much use until the nose bridge fell off? Regarding the other comments, yes. They are made in China. By definition kn95 will always be made in China. And it is not a n95. N95 has a superior filter system as well as a better deal and straps around head. Kn95 does not. If you were expecting the kn95 to be equal to n95 them you simply don’t know what a n95 and what a kn95 mask should be.
But as far as kn95 masks go, what was so bad about these? Just the metal falling off? How soon after wearing it did it fall off?
@akooyer @zach_kay392 I do know the nose piece in their white individually wrapped ones are semi-crap. The metal of that nose piece is like a twist tie and needs to be wider if you want it to stay tight enough to decrease glasses fogging. It does stay bent (and not all brands do) but it doesn’t take much pressure to decrease how tightly they are bent. The photos of these look like the nose piece is decent. It is thicker, wider metal rather than a wire.
These folks don’t make these themselves. They had specs they wanted met, buy from that from the manufacturer and then rebrand the box. On the bottom of the box of white rectangular ones I have it does tell the chinese manufacturer. I’d want to know that on these before I bought because then I could look them up on the CDC list.
@akooyer @zach_kay392
If you look at one photo meh posted of the metal nose piece it is on the outside of the mask not covered by a thin layer of material. I did see in one of the photos that it appears to gap in the middle between the fabric and the metal. That may be why it comes off. Perhaps super glue before you even put it on to prevent that?
Also it would appear that different manufacturers are used by maskforeveryface as the photos on their website for this product are of a different mask than the photos here. The one on their website has the usual GB2626-2006 stamped on them that the KN95’s usually have on them and the photos of the meh ones do not.
@akooyer @zach_kay392 PS I am glad at least (I hope at least) that meh posted photos of what they got rather than use generic ones as some of the disposables they sold had photos of 3 different masks in their photos so we had no idea what we were getting. If these are generic photos I hope someone confirmed they are the actually photos of the actual product we would be buying and not of a “similar” mask? @chadp? @thumperchick?
@akooyer @ChadP @Kidsandliz @Thumperchick @zach_kay392 The second photo shows 48 masks laid out - does not seem generic. (Not to mention Irk’s shot.)
@rpstrong Irk may have been photoshopped in though, however as all 48 are laid out (I had forgotten about that photo when I posted), as you say, the odds are good that these are of the actual masks that people would be buying which is great!
/giphy pudgy-respectful-book

@msmay Pfft. Because that’s how respect works.
COVID-21 preparedness.
I need something between the Harbor Freight blue things that have a bad smell, so they probably keep COV-19 from leaving my respiratory system, due to revulsion, and my full NIOHS filter cartridge face-hugger certified for Immediate Danger to Life or Health.
These might fit that bill.
I can protect others with shitty cloth/paper masks, protect myself from aerosol solvent fumes (and maybe bacteria/virii? WTF is MC100?), or a little of both.
Also, “respiratory” is spelled fucking stupid.
Eh, they’re probably not as good at filtration of particles as an n95, but I’ll bet they stop droplets as well if not better than a cloth mask.
@Seeds https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/whats-the-difference-between-n95-and-kn95-masks/
Chin diapers!
Missed a letter…
China diapers
/giphy confused

@stinks Is this the reason?
@blaineg I mean pants had me at “you won’t be naked”, something masks don’t quite do so well, but I’m not saying no.
Who the Hell would think that we would have to learn so much about the construction of masks? Especially if your names not Skywalker, Wayne or are a practicing Creepy Clown…
@Bumplepimp who the hell would think a virus without a vaccine could be capable of shutting down the world for 7 months
Is this brand on the list of CDC approved Chinese vendors? So they have a certificate of approve?
What is the brand name please? I cannot read the box. Thanks
@Anucavalverde the brand is “Mask on every face”
@Anucavalverde @Larry1977 That is the brand but not the manufacturer. They use different manufacturers and then put their own “brand” on them.

Nobody asked who the manufacturer was.
/giphy sooooo
@medz Yes several of us have. I actually called maskforeveryface this morning to ask. Then I noticed that the photo on their website and one there are of different masks. I didn’t specifically tell them I was on the meh site and asking about those as they had already said they use different manufacturers they have a relationship with; that they only use ones that pass specs for the RN95’s but were evasive about the Chinese companies they used.
It is very likely on the bottom of the box of the ones being sold now as the white individually wrapped ones have that there. Unfortunately despite being tagged no one from meh has answered yet. I know the white disposable ones are made by Guangdong Liangying Electronics co, LDT but no idea if the make these as well since they said they have several company sources.
Stating CE certified without the proper filtration level is meaningless. Are these FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3 certified?
Which CE center provided the certification? (that is the number which appears after the CE mark).
Also, FDA certified means nothing for respirators, it’s good for surgical masks under ASTM (N95/equivalent are respirators).
“Certified” refers to the elastic straps. They come with a 90-day warranty.
@xian LOL
@mwgm obviously you are ignorant in the topic. FDA approval means EVERYTHING. IT means it is certified in America for nurses and doctors to use in high risk situations. Fda approval means the filter meets guidelines to be most comparable to n95 to protect in hospitals, and that the ear loop makes a tight enough seal around face to be as close as n95 as possible
@zach_kay392 LOL
@mwgm If you are going by the ones on maskforeveryface’s site they are GB2020-2006 (the newest Chinese standard) which I think are Ffp2
@Kidsandliz GB2020 is the chinese standard = KN95.
EN149 is the european standard, with classification FFP1, FFP2, FFP3. FFP2 is >94% filtration and almost identical to N-95 (includes liquid aerosol test which, IIRC, N95 does not).
My issue is not the standard (main diffrence would be harder to breath through), but who inspected it. If these were inspected by a reputable european company such as INSPEC I’d probably buy 2 (=4 packages). As it stands, like @xian wrote facetiously, the CE certifiacation might be for the elastic straps…
@Kidsandliz @mwgm @xian By definition, any claim to an “FDA Certified” mask is a lie.
Q: I would like to purchase masks for COVID-19. How do I know if they are counterfeit or fraudulent?
A: The FDA does not issue any kind of certification to demonstrate a manufacturer is in compliance with the FDA’s requirements.
The claim here is “FDA authorized”, which means… ?
@shawn @thumpercick @chadp if someone could please look on the bottom of the box and let us know who the Chinese manufacturer is that would be appreciated.
/giphy moronic-familiar-swordfish

@osfish Now that is a strangely appropriate gif. Everyone behind that truck needs one of these masks.

Given how (K)N95 filtration is supposed to work, wouldn’t drawing, painting, or otherwise applying a pigment (especially a water-soluble one) to a mask reduce its effectiveness? I mean, I get that the copywriter has to write something, but it seems weird to sell a safety product with seemingly benign copy that could break the thing without the wearer realizing it.
@aknapik If the (possible) decreased efficiency of a painted mask suggested by a writer trying to entertain and amuse us is all you have to worry about, I want your life.
On second thought I don’t.
@Trinityscrew Whatever it is you’re facing in your life that compelled you to cast aspersions about mine, I hope it gets easier for you.
@aknapik I assumed you were joking about the painting, drawing, water soluble, blah, blah, blah, so I was trying to joke along with you. My bad. (I HATE that expression but it fits here.)
Thanks for your concern about my life. I’m ok. I’m having a little trouble breathing since I painted the mask I’m wearing with urethane paint. But I think that’s because I left it on while I was painting it.
@aknapik @Trinityscrew Leaving it on while painting is the recommended technique, as you can attain a better seal.
Trump says he feels better than he has in 20 years thanks to Covid-19.
@medz Likely feeling better is thanks to the steroids he was given. I was given steroids with every chemo I had, gave me energy as a side effect and it took me about two days to crash from that. I’d guess he pushed patient right to deny hospitalization to get out based on how he felt at a steroid side effect. Based on what was said about meds given, likely tomorrow he will feel far more shitty unless they are continuing to give him steroids now.
That’s the dexamethasone talking.
@medz @mtb002 Now we have the rage and depression to look forward to, as well as the mania.
@Kidsandliz @medz
Indeed with the steroids.
It’s also worth noting that while many Americans lack adequate healthcare, he has dozens of doctors and other healthcare professionals focused specifically on him. Not to mention drug regimens the rest of us can’t get. So, yaknow, kind of a facile profoundly privileged thing for him to say, “Hey, I feel great. What’s the big deal?”

And before some fucker jumps on this, of course a president should be properly cared for. But he should also show at least a tad bit of empathy and compassion. I’m not even diving into the rest of the ridiculous fucking politics, indifference, how the pandemic has been handled, healthcare in this dumbfuck country, etc.
/giphy forlorn-corrupt-vessel

Bought a couple for family out west
(willful-adorable-bait) So just in case I’m going to add these to my collection. So let me tell you all how it’s really a small small small world after all… I only wrote this for satire And I found out today that my father did get tested, I wrote this before I talk to him last night:
@blaineg It worked! Your order number is: miffed-shaggy-lake
/image miffed shaggy lake

As a librarian about to go back to working with the public…
/giphy wavy-unzipped-coral

/giphy black-horrific-coast

@zenoid It worked! Your order number is: purring-abiding-garlic
/image purring abiding garlic

/giphy purring-abiding-garlic

i got my order and …
brief digression. i’m not trained in mask fitting, but after two years of wildfire smoke and 7+ months of pandemic, I can tell whether i’ve gotten the best fit from a given mask. like, if I can feel the mask resist my breathing, then the seal is there. maybe not perfect, but it’s there.
so back to the above. masks from the first box i opened never give me that sealed feeling. even after the usual ear loop and nose band adjustments.
here’s hoping the next box i open fits better.
@zippyus just opened box 2, and the first mask i pulled out, the loop detached from the mask before i put it on.
Mine showed up yesterday. They are made for very small heads, it feels like it’s trying to pull my ears off.
And after wearing one for 30 seconds or so, the weld on one ear loop failed.
Mine are in Piney Bowes hell.
I wish they’d run this offer again. I would buy more on a heartbeat.
@Lesliecole well this is your lucky day! Go get ‘em!