4/24/20 Been there…
11Over the years I have had a chance to live at 20 different addresses in 5 different states. During that time I have also had the opportunity to visit all 50 states (plus DC, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands) at least once. Several are ones I go to regularly, some I have only been to once, or just ‘passed thru’ while going somewhere else. In general, I have enjoyed my time in virtually every place I have been, and have found something to give me fond memories of each. I don’t think I would refuse an all expense paid trip to any of them. Travelling is one of the things that I miss the most with the SAH orders.
What about you? Once this is over and you can travel again, where is the next place you want to visit?
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How many states have you been in besides confusion, disarray, paranoia, etc --(yes* I AM talking about YOU)
@chienfou It’s not paranoia if they’re really out to stick you with a syringe full of disinfectant
I have a friend in London. I might finally get on a plane. It’s only been 19 years.
@RiotDemon Who knows, by that time, it might be cheaper and possibly safer to take a cruise ship there? There’s only so far you can social distance on a plane even without a middle seat.
Belgium, definitely. My MIL’s birthday party (major one and hopefully not last one!) is on hold until this thing resolves one way or another. All of us, including kids and grandkids, had planned on going over this summer for the big day. Now the goal is just that everyone stays alive and healthy.
@mehcuda67 I loved my time in Belgium. So much to see and do. The people and the food are wonderful. The best of the Dutch and the French in one. And the beer. Nectar of the Gods.
@mehcuda67 my Mom was born in Northern France and grew up speaking Flemish. During WWII they lost the house in and air raid and moved to Paris… I have enjoyed my time in Belgium, tho it’s been many years since I was there.
@chienfou @mehcuda67 @mike808 If in Flemish Belgium take in a carillon concert (carillons are common in the lowlands - the Netherlands and northern Belgium). Always free and open air. In Mechelen (it’s in the Flemish part) they have one of the few carillon (called beiaard in Flemish and Dutch) schools in the world. I think they have 3 carillons there.
@mehcuda67 As someone currently living in Belgium I agree it’s a great place. Was never on my list of vacation destinations before moving here but I was pleasantly surprised.
This lockdown has been rough since the usual perk of living is Europe is the ease of travel around Europe.
As we type this, I was supposed to be returning home from a trip to Switzerland and Italy. My son was $pending a semester abroad in Switzerland and we were going to meet him and then travel with him. Of course now he is in his bedroom upstairs…
@readnj bummer. SWMBO was due to leave for a 30 days study trip in Israel in a couple of weeks. That trip too is ‘postponed’. She was really psyched by the opportunity, but…c’est la vie!
We have a lengthy list of places to visit. Some, like Australia and New Zealand, are post retirement trips. We love traveling and miss it but already have plans to visit Greenland in 2021.
I’ve visited (ie contributed financially to the local economy) all 50 states, 9 Canadian provinces and territories, plus 28 various other countries.

/giphy bravo
Other than airports, I haven’t been east of Denver. Lots of trips to England (family) and one to South Africa.
Another trip to England will probably happen first, but returning to Africa is definitely on the bucket list.
@blaineg Oh, that’s not true. I spent a week in the Nashville area on business, and a week in the Tampa area with family, including a Disney World trip.
@blaineg When we were at Victoria Falls last October, the flow was at a record low, but it was also the peak of the dry season. The falls were still spectacular.
Now they are at a 10 year record high.
Mosi-oa-Tunya, “The Smoke That Thunders”.
@blaineg Gosh that looks so lovely. I remember as a kid we were in a glass bottom helicopter flying around Niagara Falls and being incredibly impressed, but this waterfall looks even more spectacular.
I’ll be excited to go to the bar down the street again and see my friends and neighbors…
Gosh. So many places I’d love to go. As a tourist. I never really have been able to travel as a tourist, rather I had jobs. Interesting in its own way to work in these countries but it would be nice to also have had more time to travel. Let’s see… Antartica, Cambodia again, China, actually so many countries I haven’t been to… my list is long and on all continents. I’ve only worked (well besides the USA) in Canada, England, Scotland, The Netherlands/Belgium, Germany/Austria and Cambodia (although much of that has been from the USA) and while working on a schooner I was in some of the Caribbean nations although in many ways it doesn’t feel like I really visited those countries on land (tourist go ashore, we clean their quarters much of the time) so I’d like to go back as a tourist. Been in a couple of more countries in Europe while I was working over there, but not nearly long enough in any of them.
Be nice to work for the University of Pittsburgh Semester at Sea. A couple of semesters in a row so I can see more (and circumnavigate the world). When stuck in Hong Kong’s airport in the middle of a typhoon in the international transit area a bunch of kids headed to their pick up for that plus the Italian woman’s soccer team played pick up soccer at around 6-7:30am until the transit area started to have too many passengers stuck there. Hearing them talk about what they were going to be doing was interesting. Hong Kong turned off all the TV’s - um yeah like we didn’t know there was a typhoon? We saw an air China jet upside down on the runway and our plane bounced around a lot landing. Since we were stuck there around 16 or 18 hours or something (I no longer remember), had not everything been shut, it would have been fun to take a day trip to Hong Kong.
I suppose 4/25/20’s post should now be titled Bean there…

@curtise I came here for this joke
I was supposed to go to Prague, NYC, and Chicago this summer. So any of those, I really want to be anywhere but here right now.
I’ve done 32 of the states plus DC, 5 Canadian provinces, and 4 foreign countries which were for work but turned out to be a lot of fun and mischief …
I’d love to go to Czechia
New Zealand
as above, anywhere really.