@pennypenny looks like your post office might have them and they’re in some “Delivery Attempt: Action Needed” status. You can try contacting them or if that doesn’t work out send us a message through our support form: https://meh.com/support
@benj Yours also made it to the post office as well. Looks like we already refunded your order but you still might check with your post office. I’d love to know if they turn up.
Where they were made matters.
ECRI is worried that doctors and nurses are using KN95s that are not filtering 95 percent of particulates.
A team at the not-for-profit patient safety group noted that 60 to 70 percent of imported KN95 masks do not filter 95 percent of aerosol particulates. ECRI tested about 200 masks from 15 different manufacturers.
Because health systems were purchasing some of the models tested, ECRI chose to raise an alarm and issue an alert to the public.
“Because of the dire situation, U.S. hospitals bought hundreds of thousands of masks produced in China over the past 6 months, and we’re finding that many aren’t safe and effective against the spread of COVID-19,” Dr. Marcus Schabacker, president and chief executive officer at ECRI, said in a press release. “Using masks that don’t meet U.S. standards puts patients and frontline healthcare workers at risk of infection.”
@dtwsportsfan what you say is half true. They don’t say it’s not safe against covid. They said it doesn’t meet standards for first line medical workers who are spending all day every day front line within inches of covid patients. For them it isn’t good enough. For the average person walking, the kn95 is the best they will get and 10 yes better than those blue masks. All this assuming they fit right.
Regarding how many masks USA ordered for hospitals, the main issue was the way they fit as they didn’t make a deal all around. Which is the main point of the mask. The reason they ordered so many and from different companies is to find the ones that are good for the nurses. The medical workers, assuming working for a hospital not cutting corners, are only using the FDA certified kn95 masks.
Please don’t say things and take it out of context and then spread it to people
@dtwsportsfan The USA maintains a list of foreign (mostly chinese made) ones which have passed the 95% filtration test of the size of particles the NIOSH approved N-95’s also need to protect from (they still need to fit right to work as an N-95 substitute - as does N-95’s as the “fit” matters) as @zach_kay392 states. The testing also lists the range of filtration of the ones tested for each company’s “model”.
All of them tested for each model (they test 10 for each model each time they test) needs to pass in order to be on the list as passed. Some have quite a range with respect to “quality control” for any given model so that some (individually) pass and some don’t (thus not listed as passed on that list) and for some none pass. These are NOT NIOSH approved masks but if they are on the list of meeting standards (if you don’t end up buying counterfeit ones) then the filtration of the material is equilvalent. If you know how to fit them properly then they provide N-95 NIOSH approved equivalent protection. Fit matters.
I know one source of genuine, RN-95 masks that has repeatedly been on the approved list since last May (not all masks stay on the list). The powecom ones (I know nothing about the harley’s listed on that website other than seeing complaints that the ear straps break easily) have consistently been on the list since last May. The link goes to one of the two authorized dealers in the USA for powecom (yes a chinese company). They also have an anti-counterfeit label on them where you can then check what you got against the chinese company’s website for authenticity.
Shipping, when I bought some (the powecom ones) maybe 5 or 6 weeks ago, was 6 days. Shipping was free. So far the ear loops have not pulled out of the masks I have bought. The nose piece metal is wide enough that it pretty much stays how you bend it. Most of the time I can adjust them such that my glasses don’t fog which is a plus. They currently have both ear loop and two strap ones for sale.
@dtwsportsfan Absolutely! Meh even states these are not for use in a medical or dental setting. But they are far better than those cloth ones or even the 3 layer Doctor looking ones. Honestly, we got 100 for $37 last week…I like Meh very much but I’m always looking for a deal and it happed to be somewhere else last week.
Both products are said to filter 95 percent of aerosol particulates. KN95 respirators differ from N95 respirators because they meet the Chinese standard but are not regulated by U.S. agencies.
@dtwsportsfan it’s not just that. The n95 itself has a superior filter, and has a different kind of strap that makes a tight seal around the face. If you were to buy a kn95 and tie the straps around your head and make a tight seal, it would be almost as good as the n95. N95 isn’t perfect. It’s just a better deal. The problem with on is that it isn’t a good seal. Of it is Chinese certified and fits tightly around your face, it is 99% just as good as the n95 for you
The ECRI report finds most KN95 mask fail to meet the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) standard for what qualifies as N95. Although this makes them a bad option for healthcare workers, researchers say they should be useful for the general public.
SO I’ve bought a few batches of these, and they’ve come in very handy for lengthy stints indoors with other people because, compared to a cloth mask, they actually are pretty comfortable…which means I can get my would-be mask shirkers to wear them without constantly touching them or letting them slide down.
The tenting keeps them out of your mouth, which means no dampness. The nose piece helps create a better seal so your glasses don’t fog quite so much, and, if you secure the straps behind your head, they’re pretty snug. Would they pass N95 fit testing? Probably not. But they’re better filtration than cloth, for just a little more peace of mind when you’re the only one masked correctly at the grocery store.
In the specs for this item it states “The KN-95 Mask can protect you from pollen”. It mentions nothing about respiratory droplets. So this product will protect you from pollen in the spring, if you survive the 2nd wave of Covid.
Thank you US FDA with the $5 Billion+ budget for not doing any useful tests of masks, or designating and paying a private company to do it.
Any US company (like meh or anyone else) should be able to submit a few masks from a batch they have received to sell (no “sample” masks from these china outfits) to the FDA, have it tested, and get the result in a day or two.
And where’s Consumer Reports when you need it? UL? &^%$, any college level science lab should be able to do such tests. Gimme $250,000 and I’ll get it set up with proper equipment and qualified personnel, then financed by fees for the tests.
We’re gonna being wearing masks for a few years, at least.
@ojohn there are literally hundreds of companies manufacturing there own kn95 masks and they are being produced so cheaply, you can buy 50 for 17 bucks in eBay. There are tests being done moron. Just go to FDA website and they have dozens of brands that they tested and certified. The reason they can’t certify every one of them is Bec there are too many and every day another company pops up to manufacture them. And Bec they are so cheap these that are not FDA certified, it doesn’t pay to get them tested it it would be more expensive .
How about check what the FDA does to test. There are 2 components. The filter itself and the fit. If the mask fits and creates a seal all around, it is already the best mask you can buy. Even FDA approved N95 doesn’t protect you from covid only protects others.
Any kn95 is good and better than the blue one as long as it has a seal all around the face. As it is, even a shit kn95 is the best option as no blue mask seals around the face
@zach_kay392 The FDA tests that have been done are worthless, bureaucraticese nonsense tests. On what page is it that the FDA “tested and certified” any masks?
Mask tests should be performed and masks rated and ranked (it would not be very hard) much like Consumer Reports used to do and present most tests about 10 years ago. A 10 years old Consumer Reports article is a perfect outline for doing and presenting the tests.
Consumer Reports sucks now too.
@ojohn idk wtf you’re talking about, but you don seem to get it. FDA has a standard. This isn’t potato chips where you rank your favorite flavor. The mask is either good or it isn’t good. FDA tests masks from manufacturers. If it passes their standards and criteria, it gets certified. The list if certified manufacturers from FDA is available on their official website and cdc website. What does consumer report have anything to do with this?
And fyi, i repeat, FDA certified masks are only for medical staff in front line workers. Not for everyone who goes to the supermarket.
So because there are dozens and dozens of companies producing masks, to test all of them as they come up for only medical staff is very costly, and almost impossible when every week another company comes out. Also, if it gets certified, it wouldn’t be so cheap. It’s why the certified ones cost like 2 dollars a mask instead of 50 for 17 bucks on eBay.
It’s too costly to test all fo them especially Bec only for hospital workers when they already have brands that are good for them…
I don’t see the logic in rating masks and ranking them. That just doesn’t make sense. It’s either good or not good. You don’t see a list of Colgate toothpaste ranked 1 to 10 in order of how safe they are. They either get approval or it doesn’t. It’s impossible to the FDA to keep track of what mask from what company comes in especially some most if them are brandless and many companies order from same manufacturer but don’t disclaim it
@ojohn the tests aren’t worthless. It is the standard for hospital workers for what they are using now. And fyi, the approval is mainly in how it fits being it fits tightly. If it has gaps by your chin it nose, it could be 200 bucks a mask and have approval from every lab, it will be worthless. Finding a mask that seals all around is the best thing more than any certificate. Even the CDC says that all that matters is that it seals
@ojohn even further, after the masks are approved, each worker must go through what they call a “mask fitting” to find the right brand that fits them. Many workers even buy those mask extenders that basically goes around the head and tightens the ear loops creating a seal that you can buy in Amazon for 5 bucks
@zach_kay392 Yeah yah ya. Post the internet page link(s) to see these tests by the FDA, tests that are usable by common people and people with a college degree like myself.
Using google for “fda mask tests” or “cdc mask tests” brings up a lot of links of their bureaucratic nonsense bs. But no practical usable test information.
It’s not “too costly” to do any such test, once equipment is in place. Should cost no more than $10 per test. It is not rocket science.
CDC/FDA testing procedures for masks should have been in place 25 years ago along with their pandemic plans which were in place then and since - that nobody ever read.
@ojohn I’m sorry but you really just don’t get it. You also bring in education as if that has anything to do with itm I am also a college graduate and also have a masters.
First if all, there have been tests that have been in place for decades… It’s the masks that all hospital workers have been using for decades. It’s called the N95. The problem now is that there was a shortage and not enough produced for a pandemic. It’s not only America. China had a shortage as well back in April. The FDA only since covid did they start to test and certify kn95 masks like they are now. And I’m not talking about random websites talking about it. If you can’t find it yourself, I cannot help you. I already told you CDC and FDA on their respective websites has all the information and lists. The links were actually posted in a previous deal meh had on masks I believe it was on the last mehrathon when they had 48 masks for sale.
And for some reason you keep leaving out the main points.
The main issue with testing is that there are so many manufacturers making mask. Every day another one. And most of them are brandless. And the companies that sell them often use the same manufacturer so you wouldn’t even know who is making it. And everyday another company comes out with one or the company decides to change the way they make it. It’s not possible to keep it up and test it like that when it’s coming from China and by the millions.
FDA approval is only needed for front line medical workers. Literally every person and organization that said to wear masks have said for regular people practicing distancing, an approved mask isn’t necessary. All they need is a mask that creates a seal around face, and not to touch the mask. The blue ones do not create a seal, and the cloth ones do not filter shit without the filters and the ones that do have the filter still don’t work as good as the blue masks, and those blue masks are still not as good as a non certified kn95 mask.
The ones that would pass the FDA approval would be more expensive because they would have been made of higher quality and more precision which is why many of the brand names certified by FDA and third party costs about 3-4 dollars a mask even in bulk. The ones you have here or on eBay for less than .80 each most likely won’t be certified. And companies can change the way they make it after getting certified so what’s the point?
All you need is a mask that creates a seal. Hospital workers are coming within inches or covid patients. Those workers need FDA approved masks. Not you who puts a mask on to go into a grocery store for 5 minutes.
Again, the problem was a shortage. The n95 was and is the gold standard. If you want to complain why America didn’t plan and have companies producing in America, that’s something else. But regarding FDA approval, you are allover the place. First you say we should already have certified masks. But that doesn’t make sense be we never needed kn95 we always used n95 for medical purposes. Then you talk about testing them, but it’s not really possible to test them all when more than half aren’t even branded to tell them apart.
Companies, especially the cheap ones can just reduce the quality or change the fit after getting FDA approved and who would know? That is why FDA doesn’t just approve the mask but the company as well that they looked into the company. So to do this for each brand and Everytime another one pops up is impossible. They have their list, and that all. If you want a certified mask, then u have to buy one already on the list or third party certificate that you trust.
But at the end of the day, for people like you and I, all that matters really is that there’s a seal around the face. Because even the blue one is good, problem is it has no seal. So it comes down to this. Either you buy a n95 for 20 bucks a piece or you buy a mask that creates a seal around your face.
There are so many never heard of china manufacturers, and no worthwhile FDA testing, that half or more of masks available to the public are near worthless and actually dangerous.
FDA approval should be needed for all masks sold to the public. Tested before first sale, then retested from random retail purchases. I would not trust china as far as I could throw it.
Tested and passed masks might be more expensive because they would be effective, not effectively counterfeit.
I am not talking about medical workers. They should be using genuine 3M Made in USA N95 masks with a secure supply chain, any other type of N95 is effectively a counterfeit. I am talking about masks available to the general public. There is no useful testing of these and probably half of surgical masks are near worthless.
Good surgical design masks are effective, if to a lesser extent than genuine N95s. Fake and counterfeit surgical masks are dangerously worthless.
You keep braying about the “seal”. The surgical mask design is cheap and creates a fairly good seal and protection simply by being much bigger than the N95 or KN95 designs, covering deep under the chin and much wider than N95s. What counts is the materials used in masks of that design, and FDA/CDC does not do any useful tests and china cannot be trusted. FDA/CDC’s abdication of their responsibility to US public taxpayers strongly invites increasing numbers of counterfeit masks from china. The never ending number of new china mask manufacturer names is proof of the worthlessness of FDA/CDC in the matter. We pay our taxes and procedures for this mask testing and approval should have been in place 25 years ago. It takes 10 minutes or less to do a valid test of a mask, but FDA/CDC can’t be bothered. If there was useful FDA/CDC testing, the fakes and counterfeits wouldn’t even try to be tested or sold.
@ojohn@zach_kay392 Both the quality of the filtration and the fit matter with respect to protection. High enough quality of filtration with good fit together protect the mask wearer from covid (and others from whatever the mask wearer is exhaling).
Poorly fitting masks don’t do that. Masks without acceptable filtration don’t do that. These masks primarily only protect others although they do reduce, to some extent what the wearer is exposed to as well.
If you go up to my earlier post in this thread I listed some FDA websites that list ‘approved’ masks. Here is the CDC one of the actual testing results with respect to filtration.
Since fit is individual based on the mask and your face shape, they only look at filtration efficiency and particle size that is filtered out. Using one that consistently met NIOSH N-95 specs AND is fit appropriately should offer basically equivalent protection to a well fitting NIOSH approved N-95.
@Kidsandliz Thanks for that link. I have seen that before, but it is impossible to find. A search on google for “CDC mask tests” or even “mask tests” should bring up a page of citizen-friendly tests as the first hit, but google shows only gobbledygook pages from CDC and others.
Those tests are only N95 and KN95 type masks, and it looks like they test about one or two each day. One particular test is hilarious and angering as the manufacturer is listed as “UNKNOWN” and they had only one sample to test. Where did that one come from - did they find it lying in a parking lot somewhere? Good enough for government work to waste my more of my tax dollars.
I want tests of surgical style masks, which finally are being sold most everywhere from gas stations and liquor stores to major chain drug stores and Home Depot and everywhere. Most of those china masks I have to consider to be worthless counterfeits, a giant CDC allowed fraud on American people which can be actually deadly.
The fit and the material may be of equal importance, but I can make a decent determination of fit, and I cannot make a good determination of the quality of material and construction.
The CDC/FDA is a disgrace in the current situation and that is not related to the current President. CDC has been funded for 25+ years to have a plan and know how to deal with this situation, but they have acted like 5000 Three Stooges, except Moe would actually get things done eventually and faster than CDC operates.
@j8048188 thanks for that link. That test of 10 samples shows filter efficiency from 33 to 97 per cent, but only one sample out of 10 actually matched or exceeded 95 per cent for this alleged KN95 mask. The 10 samples showed wildly variable filter efficiency. That is hardly even possible with a reasonable manufacturing process. I call that mask model a counterfeit and FAIL, but that test doesn’t.
“Mask Up And Vote” I think if I waited for these, it’d be too late! It’s ok, I voted last week. Drive up, no line, so easy! Ballot verified online next day.
You can tell that the election is looming and putting everyone on edge because this is the most uncivil forum I have seen on these sites (and that includes the times I have sampled too much of a Casemates offering and let my opinion be known).
What to know: The CDC doesn’t approve or disapprove KN95 Chinese-made masks, but it DOES test them on an ongoing basis. As you might guess, quality ranges all over the lot – from as low as 5% (!) up to 100% efficiency – and a good number of masks tested appeared to be counterfeits, using another brand’s name.
The model number of this mask, as listed on the sales page (M45K-1N-TH3-6L0RY), isn’t included in any of the test results, and Meh doesn’t list the manufacturer, so we have no way to know how good or bad they are. What’s listed above as the “Model” (GB2626-2006) is actually an international standard for masks, not a specific model number.
My two cents for anyone on the fence / worried about the China origin of these:
I bought these on one of the other sites, in fact I have one on the desk in front of me as I write this. They’re good. Soft elastic ear bands (not a “rubber band”), you can see/feel the layers, it fits snug but not too tight on my face (and I have a melon). You really feel you are breathing through it and not “around” it, as is the case with many masks.
It’s not fair to say these are knock-off N95s, IMO. The KN95 specification is indeed a bit different than the N95 one, and KN95 are not supposed to be used in critical healthcare situations, but I believe that is more of a function of what studies have been done than the actual differences between the masks. I have used 3M N95s quite a bit in pre-Covid days for paint prep etc. and would easily consider these as an alternative, the “tent” shape actually fits a little better than the rounder ones.
@Sardinicus Thanks for a very moderate well-explained story on these. I still admit I’m skeptical on all Chinese products that claim regulatory standards or health benefits. Not because of Trumpspeak; just in general. Same as I don’t trust “organic” produce from China or Mexico, because I still think a wad of cash in many regions of the world gets you whatever certification you desire.
@pmarin I will say the main advantage of these over similar US-made masks is that they exist and you can actually buy them; not to get political but it’s mind-blowing to me that 7 months into this shitstorm and with a new spike brewing the US PPE manufacturers still haven’t figured out how to meet demand . . .
@j8048188 Thanks for posting that. It looks like it’s a bit hit-or-miss in terms of quality. But I wonder if it’s any worse than other masks you pick up at places like Costco.
Our order was placed over 2 weeks ago and has not arrived. The tracking info says it shipped Nov. 6 and arrived at Pitney Bowes Nov. 11. Who do we contact to find out what happened to our order?
Hi @sharlynstewart you can contact support if you’d like.
The thing is though, the Pitney Bowes facilities are so nice that the packages like to take extra long vacations in some of them, and sometimes bounce back and forth between them before finally making its way to you.
I got mine, and meh doesn’t mention this but these are the “extended air series”, meaning they are BIG. You will look like Howard the Duck, they extend far out. I wish I’d known this was the variant.
I finally received mine on Black Friday. The “brand” I received is Bellapiere Wellness-- on the side of the box there’s a web address so I decided to check it out. On their website they list the same 40-pack of masks for only $8? It is out of stock, but still… damn.
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
[$79.98 (For Similar) at Amazon for 40-Pack](https://www.amazon.com/SUNCOO-Protective-KN95-Mask-Pack/dp/B088MLLH8G/?tag=meh0ec-20
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Sep 21 - Monday, Sep 27
Already got mine
Where are they made? Ironic.
Who was that masked man?
@yakkoTDI Danger mouse?
@moseman He’s awesome. I love The Grey Album.
@shawn It worked! Your order number is: regular-walloping-python
/image regular walloping python

@mediocrebot yikes
@mediocrebot @shawn far better than a constipated walloping python
@mediocrebot @shawn Suddenly I really want a doormat that looks exactly like that.
@Ambiverbal @mediocrebot @shawn
I think that depends on just where it is napping…
Still haven’t received the ones I ordered on 10/6.
@pennypenny Same! Mine were “lost” in shipping!
@pennypenny looks like your post office might have them and they’re in some “Delivery Attempt: Action Needed” status. You can try contacting them or if that doesn’t work out send us a message through our support form: https://meh.com/support
@benj Yours also made it to the post office as well. Looks like we already refunded your order but you still might check with your post office. I’d love to know if they turn up.
These are not the (American made) mask that you are looking for.
@hchavers KN95 is the “Chinese” alternative to our N95 version
Where they were made matters.
ECRI is worried that doctors and nurses are using KN95s that are not filtering 95 percent of particulates.
A team at the not-for-profit patient safety group noted that 60 to 70 percent of imported KN95 masks do not filter 95 percent of aerosol particulates. ECRI tested about 200 masks from 15 different manufacturers.
Because health systems were purchasing some of the models tested, ECRI chose to raise an alarm and issue an alert to the public.
“Because of the dire situation, U.S. hospitals bought hundreds of thousands of masks produced in China over the past 6 months, and we’re finding that many aren’t safe and effective against the spread of COVID-19,” Dr. Marcus Schabacker, president and chief executive officer at ECRI, said in a press release. “Using masks that don’t meet U.S. standards puts patients and frontline healthcare workers at risk of infection.”
@dtwsportsfan what you say is half true. They don’t say it’s not safe against covid. They said it doesn’t meet standards for first line medical workers who are spending all day every day front line within inches of covid patients. For them it isn’t good enough. For the average person walking, the kn95 is the best they will get and 10 yes better than those blue masks. All this assuming they fit right.
Regarding how many masks USA ordered for hospitals, the main issue was the way they fit as they didn’t make a deal all around. Which is the main point of the mask. The reason they ordered so many and from different companies is to find the ones that are good for the nurses. The medical workers, assuming working for a hospital not cutting corners, are only using the FDA certified kn95 masks.
Please don’t say things and take it out of context and then spread it to people
@dtwsportsfan The USA maintains a list of foreign (mostly chinese made) ones which have passed the 95% filtration test of the size of particles the NIOSH approved N-95’s also need to protect from (they still need to fit right to work as an N-95 substitute - as does N-95’s as the “fit” matters) as @zach_kay392 states. The testing also lists the range of filtration of the ones tested for each company’s “model”.
All of them tested for each model (they test 10 for each model each time they test) needs to pass in order to be on the list as passed. Some have quite a range with respect to “quality control” for any given model so that some (individually) pass and some don’t (thus not listed as passed on that list) and for some none pass. These are NOT NIOSH approved masks but if they are on the list of meeting standards (if you don’t end up buying counterfeit ones) then the filtration of the material is equilvalent. If you know how to fit them properly then they provide N-95 NIOSH approved equivalent protection. Fit matters.
Web pages that give more info:
The NIOSH approved ones can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/topics/respirators/disp_part/n95list1-h.html
and here:
But again to get them to work as N-95’s you need to have proper “fit”.
I know one source of genuine, RN-95 masks that has repeatedly been on the approved list since last May (not all masks stay on the list). The powecom ones (I know nothing about the harley’s listed on that website other than seeing complaints that the ear straps break easily) have consistently been on the list since last May. The link goes to one of the two authorized dealers in the USA for powecom (yes a chinese company). They also have an anti-counterfeit label on them where you can then check what you got against the chinese company’s website for authenticity.
Shipping, when I bought some (the powecom ones) maybe 5 or 6 weeks ago, was 6 days. Shipping was free. So far the ear loops have not pulled out of the masks I have bought. The nose piece metal is wide enough that it pretty much stays how you bend it. Most of the time I can adjust them such that my glasses don’t fog which is a plus. They currently have both ear loop and two strap ones for sale.
@dtwsportsfan Absolutely! Meh even states these are not for use in a medical or dental setting. But they are far better than those cloth ones or even the 3 layer Doctor looking ones. Honestly, we got 100 for $37 last week…I like Meh very much but I’m always looking for a deal and it happed to be somewhere else last week.
@dtwsportsfan @zach_kay392 Meant to say KN-95 not RN-95. Just noticed my typo. Oops.
Got this the last time. They work fine but the ear loops are a bit tight for a European head.
@Ambiverbal it was a different brand last time…at least the latest offer was a different brand
@Ambiverbal Hah, I had to tighten the loops on mine! And prefer using something to secure them around the back of my head, for a better seal.
@Ambiverbal @brainmist They have special clips to keep it off the ears and secure. Or paperclips work too.
@Ambiverbal @teddycyclops YUp, I’ve been jerry-rigging with random household items.
My pandemic game is half-assed and yet remains effective.
@Ambiverbal @brainmist @teddycyclops
Both products are said to filter 95 percent of aerosol particulates. KN95 respirators differ from N95 respirators because they meet the Chinese standard but are not regulated by U.S. agencies.
@dtwsportsfan it’s not just that. The n95 itself has a superior filter, and has a different kind of strap that makes a tight seal around the face. If you were to buy a kn95 and tie the straps around your head and make a tight seal, it would be almost as good as the n95. N95 isn’t perfect. It’s just a better deal. The problem with on is that it isn’t a good seal. Of it is Chinese certified and fits tightly around your face, it is 99% just as good as the n95 for you
I love European Head!!
@bugger Hey Now!
you’re an all-star
The ECRI report finds most KN95 mask fail to meet the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) standard for what qualifies as N95. Although this makes them a bad option for healthcare workers, researchers say they should be useful for the general public.
@kfdavila It worked! Your order number is: inane-divergent-candy
/image inane divergent candy

@kfdavila @mediocrebot That is nice divergent candy. And the truck is cool too.
SO I’ve bought a few batches of these, and they’ve come in very handy for lengthy stints indoors with other people because, compared to a cloth mask, they actually are pretty comfortable…which means I can get my would-be mask shirkers to wear them without constantly touching them or letting them slide down.
The tenting keeps them out of your mouth, which means no dampness. The nose piece helps create a better seal so your glasses don’t fog quite so much, and, if you secure the straps behind your head, they’re pretty snug. Would they pass N95 fit testing? Probably not. But they’re better filtration than cloth, for just a little more peace of mind when you’re the only one masked correctly at the grocery store.
@gsrivast It worked! Your order number is: believable-breathtaking-sorcerer
/image believable breathtaking sorcerer

In the specs for this item it states “The KN-95 Mask can protect you from pollen”. It mentions nothing about respiratory droplets. So this product will protect you from pollen in the spring, if you survive the 2nd wave of Covid.
2nd wave? You’re a little behind the curve there mate
Does wearing a mask void its warranty? (I should be able to wear 40 masks in 90 days)
@WaltC Wrapped in 5-packs. Made by Bellapierre
@WaltC 5-packs OR 10-packs; we have two different packaging sizes but all from Bellapierre.
@troy Perfect-- thanks!
@WaltC Here’s the NIOSH test results for the masks. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/respirators/testing/results/MTT-2020-390.1_International_WenzhouYounuoProtectiveProduct_TestReport_Redacted-508.pdf
Thank you US FDA with the $5 Billion+ budget for not doing any useful tests of masks, or designating and paying a private company to do it.
Any US company (like meh or anyone else) should be able to submit a few masks from a batch they have received to sell (no “sample” masks from these china outfits) to the FDA, have it tested, and get the result in a day or two.
And where’s Consumer Reports when you need it? UL? &^%$, any college level science lab should be able to do such tests. Gimme $250,000 and I’ll get it set up with proper equipment and qualified personnel, then financed by fees for the tests.
We’re gonna being wearing masks for a few years, at least.
@ojohn there are literally hundreds of companies manufacturing there own kn95 masks and they are being produced so cheaply, you can buy 50 for 17 bucks in eBay. There are tests being done moron. Just go to FDA website and they have dozens of brands that they tested and certified. The reason they can’t certify every one of them is Bec there are too many and every day another company pops up to manufacture them. And Bec they are so cheap these that are not FDA certified, it doesn’t pay to get them tested it it would be more expensive .
How about check what the FDA does to test. There are 2 components. The filter itself and the fit. If the mask fits and creates a seal all around, it is already the best mask you can buy. Even FDA approved N95 doesn’t protect you from covid only protects others.
Any kn95 is good and better than the blue one as long as it has a seal all around the face. As it is, even a shit kn95 is the best option as no blue mask seals around the face
@zach_kay392 The FDA tests that have been done are worthless, bureaucraticese nonsense tests. On what page is it that the FDA “tested and certified” any masks?
Mask tests should be performed and masks rated and ranked (it would not be very hard) much like Consumer Reports used to do and present most tests about 10 years ago. A 10 years old Consumer Reports article is a perfect outline for doing and presenting the tests.
Consumer Reports sucks now too.
@ojohn idk wtf you’re talking about, but you don seem to get it. FDA has a standard. This isn’t potato chips where you rank your favorite flavor. The mask is either good or it isn’t good. FDA tests masks from manufacturers. If it passes their standards and criteria, it gets certified. The list if certified manufacturers from FDA is available on their official website and cdc website. What does consumer report have anything to do with this?
And fyi, i repeat, FDA certified masks are only for medical staff in front line workers. Not for everyone who goes to the supermarket.
So because there are dozens and dozens of companies producing masks, to test all of them as they come up for only medical staff is very costly, and almost impossible when every week another company comes out. Also, if it gets certified, it wouldn’t be so cheap. It’s why the certified ones cost like 2 dollars a mask instead of 50 for 17 bucks on eBay.
It’s too costly to test all fo them especially Bec only for hospital workers when they already have brands that are good for them…
I don’t see the logic in rating masks and ranking them. That just doesn’t make sense. It’s either good or not good. You don’t see a list of Colgate toothpaste ranked 1 to 10 in order of how safe they are. They either get approval or it doesn’t. It’s impossible to the FDA to keep track of what mask from what company comes in especially some most if them are brandless and many companies order from same manufacturer but don’t disclaim it
@ojohn the tests aren’t worthless. It is the standard for hospital workers for what they are using now. And fyi, the approval is mainly in how it fits being it fits tightly. If it has gaps by your chin it nose, it could be 200 bucks a mask and have approval from every lab, it will be worthless. Finding a mask that seals all around is the best thing more than any certificate. Even the CDC says that all that matters is that it seals
@ojohn even further, after the masks are approved, each worker must go through what they call a “mask fitting” to find the right brand that fits them. Many workers even buy those mask extenders that basically goes around the head and tightens the ear loops creating a seal that you can buy in Amazon for 5 bucks
@zach_kay392 Yeah yah ya. Post the internet page link(s) to see these tests by the FDA, tests that are usable by common people and people with a college degree like myself.
Using google for “fda mask tests” or “cdc mask tests” brings up a lot of links of their bureaucratic nonsense bs. But no practical usable test information.
It’s not “too costly” to do any such test, once equipment is in place. Should cost no more than $10 per test. It is not rocket science.
CDC/FDA testing procedures for masks should have been in place 25 years ago along with their pandemic plans which were in place then and since - that nobody ever read.
@ojohn I’m sorry but you really just don’t get it. You also bring in education as if that has anything to do with itm I am also a college graduate and also have a masters.
First if all, there have been tests that have been in place for decades… It’s the masks that all hospital workers have been using for decades. It’s called the N95. The problem now is that there was a shortage and not enough produced for a pandemic. It’s not only America. China had a shortage as well back in April. The FDA only since covid did they start to test and certify kn95 masks like they are now. And I’m not talking about random websites talking about it. If you can’t find it yourself, I cannot help you. I already told you CDC and FDA on their respective websites has all the information and lists. The links were actually posted in a previous deal meh had on masks I believe it was on the last mehrathon when they had 48 masks for sale.
And for some reason you keep leaving out the main points.
The main issue with testing is that there are so many manufacturers making mask. Every day another one. And most of them are brandless. And the companies that sell them often use the same manufacturer so you wouldn’t even know who is making it. And everyday another company comes out with one or the company decides to change the way they make it. It’s not possible to keep it up and test it like that when it’s coming from China and by the millions.
FDA approval is only needed for front line medical workers. Literally every person and organization that said to wear masks have said for regular people practicing distancing, an approved mask isn’t necessary. All they need is a mask that creates a seal around face, and not to touch the mask. The blue ones do not create a seal, and the cloth ones do not filter shit without the filters and the ones that do have the filter still don’t work as good as the blue masks, and those blue masks are still not as good as a non certified kn95 mask.
The ones that would pass the FDA approval would be more expensive because they would have been made of higher quality and more precision which is why many of the brand names certified by FDA and third party costs about 3-4 dollars a mask even in bulk. The ones you have here or on eBay for less than .80 each most likely won’t be certified. And companies can change the way they make it after getting certified so what’s the point?
All you need is a mask that creates a seal. Hospital workers are coming within inches or covid patients. Those workers need FDA approved masks. Not you who puts a mask on to go into a grocery store for 5 minutes.
Again, the problem was a shortage. The n95 was and is the gold standard. If you want to complain why America didn’t plan and have companies producing in America, that’s something else. But regarding FDA approval, you are allover the place. First you say we should already have certified masks. But that doesn’t make sense be we never needed kn95 we always used n95 for medical purposes. Then you talk about testing them, but it’s not really possible to test them all when more than half aren’t even branded to tell them apart.
Companies, especially the cheap ones can just reduce the quality or change the fit after getting FDA approved and who would know? That is why FDA doesn’t just approve the mask but the company as well that they looked into the company. So to do this for each brand and Everytime another one pops up is impossible. They have their list, and that all. If you want a certified mask, then u have to buy one already on the list or third party certificate that you trust.
But at the end of the day, for people like you and I, all that matters really is that there’s a seal around the face. Because even the blue one is good, problem is it has no seal. So it comes down to this. Either you buy a n95 for 20 bucks a piece or you buy a mask that creates a seal around your face.
@zach_kay392 YOU don’t get it.
Good surgical design masks are effective, if to a lesser extent than genuine N95s. Fake and counterfeit surgical masks are dangerously worthless.
You keep braying about the “seal”. The surgical mask design is cheap and creates a fairly good seal and protection simply by being much bigger than the N95 or KN95 designs, covering deep under the chin and much wider than N95s. What counts is the materials used in masks of that design, and FDA/CDC does not do any useful tests and china cannot be trusted. FDA/CDC’s abdication of their responsibility to US public taxpayers strongly invites increasing numbers of counterfeit masks from china. The never ending number of new china mask manufacturer names is proof of the worthlessness of FDA/CDC in the matter. We pay our taxes and procedures for this mask testing and approval should have been in place 25 years ago. It takes 10 minutes or less to do a valid test of a mask, but FDA/CDC can’t be bothered. If there was useful FDA/CDC testing, the fakes and counterfeits wouldn’t even try to be tested or sold.
@ojohn @zach_kay392 Both the quality of the filtration and the fit matter with respect to protection. High enough quality of filtration with good fit together protect the mask wearer from covid (and others from whatever the mask wearer is exhaling).
Poorly fitting masks don’t do that. Masks without acceptable filtration don’t do that. These masks primarily only protect others although they do reduce, to some extent what the wearer is exposed to as well.
If you go up to my earlier post in this thread I listed some FDA websites that list ‘approved’ masks. Here is the CDC one of the actual testing results with respect to filtration.
Since fit is individual based on the mask and your face shape, they only look at filtration efficiency and particle size that is filtered out. Using one that consistently met NIOSH N-95 specs AND is fit appropriately should offer basically equivalent protection to a well fitting NIOSH approved N-95.
@ojohn These were tested on September 30th. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/respirators/testing/results/MTT-2020-390.1_International_WenzhouYounuoProtectiveProduct_TestReport_Redacted-508.pdf
@Kidsandliz Thanks for that link. I have seen that before, but it is impossible to find. A search on google for “CDC mask tests” or even “mask tests” should bring up a page of citizen-friendly tests as the first hit, but google shows only gobbledygook pages from CDC and others.
Those tests are only N95 and KN95 type masks, and it looks like they test about one or two each day. One particular test is hilarious and angering as the manufacturer is listed as “UNKNOWN” and they had only one sample to test. Where did that one come from - did they find it lying in a parking lot somewhere? Good enough for government work to waste my more of my tax dollars.
I want tests of surgical style masks, which finally are being sold most everywhere from gas stations and liquor stores to major chain drug stores and Home Depot and everywhere. Most of those china masks I have to consider to be worthless counterfeits, a giant CDC allowed fraud on American people which can be actually deadly.
The fit and the material may be of equal importance, but I can make a decent determination of fit, and I cannot make a good determination of the quality of material and construction.
The CDC/FDA is a disgrace in the current situation and that is not related to the current President. CDC has been funded for 25+ years to have a plan and know how to deal with this situation, but they have acted like 5000 Three Stooges, except Moe would actually get things done eventually and faster than CDC operates.
@j8048188 thanks for that link. That test of 10 samples shows filter efficiency from 33 to 97 per cent, but only one sample out of 10 actually matched or exceeded 95 per cent for this alleged KN95 mask. The 10 samples showed wildly variable filter efficiency. That is hardly even possible with a reasonable manufacturing process. I call that mask model a counterfeit and FAIL, but that test doesn’t.
A ChiComm product???
“Mask Up And Vote” I think if I waited for these, it’d be too late! It’s ok, I voted last week. Drive up, no line, so easy! Ballot verified online next day.
Are you in Texas? Your vote may get invalidated due to the time-honored tradition of disenfranchisement
My job provides masks for me so I have no need for extras. I already voted and can’t wait for mask season to be over.
@katsuronishi Yeah, I’m looking forward to 2023 also.
You can tell that the election is looming and putting everyone on edge because this is the most uncivil forum I have seen on these sites (and that includes the times I have sampled too much of a Casemates offering and let my opinion be known).
My wife says to order these.
@Joedetroit It worked! Your order number is: very-bloody-grapefruit
/image very bloody grapefruit

What to know: The CDC doesn’t approve or disapprove KN95 Chinese-made masks, but it DOES test them on an ongoing basis. As you might guess, quality ranges all over the lot – from as low as 5% (!) up to 100% efficiency – and a good number of masks tested appeared to be counterfeits, using another brand’s name.
CDC test results link
The model number of this mask, as listed on the sales page (M45K-1N-TH3-6L0RY), isn’t included in any of the test results, and Meh doesn’t list the manufacturer, so we have no way to know how good or bad they are. What’s listed above as the “Model” (GB2626-2006) is actually an international standard for masks, not a specific model number.
Hope that helps to clear up some confusion.
@borisgoodenough Did you REALLY search the model number M45K-1N-TH3-6L0RY? Really?
@borisgoodenough God I hope so!
@cinoclav You’ll never know.
@borisgoodenough Here’s the test results from that page that apply to these masks. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/respirators/testing/results/MTT-2020-390.1_International_WenzhouYounuoProtectiveProduct_TestReport_Redacted-508.pdf
@borisgoodenough @cinoclav Bah Ha HA!!! They are a Maroon!
Probably as good as cloth and way more comfortable.

/giphy optimal-serious-spark
/giphy physical-plucky-fox

@bigkiskewl It worked! Your order number is: ultimate-festering-flight
/image ultimate festering flight

did my order go through? stop with the funny
@lenoremordas If you got a weird order phrase, your order went through. You can check it here: https://meh.com/orders
@lenoremordas Hi! Your order did go through. You’ll find that on Your Orders page.
/image trusting-attentive-mask

@srmmtm Most appropriate order phrase ever.
@Wingsfan117 It worked! Your order number is: dumb-absurd-hydrant
/image dumb absurd hydrant

/image terrifying-last-war

@lichen It worked! Your order number is: detailed-thoughtful-sweater
/image detailed thoughtful sweater

@ednapier3 It worked! Your order number is: minimum-spicy-anger
/image minimum spicy anger

Hmmmmm… it seems like MOST of these are going to Montana. Maybe they know something the rest of us do not???
it’s a mask.
My two cents for anyone on the fence / worried about the China origin of these:
I bought these on one of the other sites, in fact I have one on the desk in front of me as I write this. They’re good. Soft elastic ear bands (not a “rubber band”), you can see/feel the layers, it fits snug but not too tight on my face (and I have a melon). You really feel you are breathing through it and not “around” it, as is the case with many masks.
It’s not fair to say these are knock-off N95s, IMO. The KN95 specification is indeed a bit different than the N95 one, and KN95 are not supposed to be used in critical healthcare situations, but I believe that is more of a function of what studies have been done than the actual differences between the masks. I have used 3M N95s quite a bit in pre-Covid days for paint prep etc. and would easily consider these as an alternative, the “tent” shape actually fits a little better than the rounder ones.
@Sardinicus Thanks for a very moderate well-explained story on these. I still admit I’m skeptical on all Chinese products that claim regulatory standards or health benefits. Not because of Trumpspeak; just in general. Same as I don’t trust “organic” produce from China or Mexico, because I still think a wad of cash in many regions of the world gets you whatever certification you desire.
@pmarin I will say the main advantage of these over similar US-made masks is that they exist and you can actually buy them; not to get political but it’s mind-blowing to me that 7 months into this shitstorm and with a new spike brewing the US PPE manufacturers still haven’t figured out how to meet demand . . .
@pmarin @Sardinicus This goes for the US too, so what are you gonna do…
Here’s the NIOSH test results for these masks. They’re made by Wenzhou Younuo Protective Product Co., Ltd.
@j8048188 Thanks for posting that. It looks like it’s a bit hit-or-miss in terms of quality. But I wonder if it’s any worse than other masks you pick up at places like Costco.
/giphy loosely-headstrong-wombat

Grabbing these for outdoor work (pollen) and DIY work (wood dust). Still not totally convinced that they’re great for the 'rona.
/giphy determined-skinny-marble

@Vrysen It worked! Your order number is: descriptive-mangy-hippopotamus
/image descriptive mangy hippopotamus

@mediocrebot @Vrysen I don’t have any idea what that movie is but now I want to watch it!
/giphy gnarly fascinated beaver

Meh: “Wear them at the voting polls!”
Also Meh: <puts them on sale day before Election Day, with one-week delivery time>
me: What are your shipping speeds?

meh: Super SLOW or ULTRA slow.
Our order was placed over 2 weeks ago and has not arrived. The tracking info says it shipped Nov. 6 and arrived at Pitney Bowes Nov. 11. Who do we contact to find out what happened to our order?
Hi @sharlynstewart you can contact support if you’d like.
The thing is though, the Pitney Bowes facilities are so nice that the packages like to take extra long vacations in some of them, and sometimes bounce back and forth between them before finally making its way to you.
I got mine, and meh doesn’t mention this but these are the “extended air series”, meaning they are BIG. You will look like Howard the Duck, they extend far out. I wish I’d known this was the variant.
@nicw …oh my gosh. I thought you were exaggerating a bit, but WOW, these things are like madonna’s pointy bra, but for your face!!!
Not really like the picture. I would say twice the size outward.
@RascalMJ glad I got some validation here because I did pause on writing that description! They do look comically funny on me. Stocking stuffers!
Where is my order? It’s been three weeks and no masks.
@candy315 If you haven’t done so already, contact meh support so they can look into the matter.
24 days later, still no delivery. Have contacted support. Has been sitting in nearby city for over a week.
I finally received mine on Black Friday. The “brand” I received is Bellapiere Wellness-- on the side of the box there’s a web address so I decided to check it out. On their website they list the same 40-pack of masks for only $8? It is out of stock, but still… damn.
its been a month and I still have not received the masks, last update was november 17, where it just says “shipped” and then…nothing.