For years they were made from a goat’s bladder and covered in goat’s skin and were used by thirsty rural Spaniards to carry their precious wine with them to work in the fields, down the mines or on long journeys.
@haydesigner@ircon96@phendrick FedEx just ran over my garbage pail and then took off after crushing it and dragging it. Luckily it wasn’t one of my children or ducks. Pretty ballsy.
a 21 oz glass is big enough to hold 90% of a bottle if you fill it to the top! I mean, yeah, I want to have room for the wine to breath, but I don’t want it to look like I am cheaping out on the pour when I serve these!
@chienfou that’s your fault really for buying the baby sized bottles. A real man’s/suburban wife’s bottle is properly sized in liters from Costco and requires a forklift to lift.
A real man’s/suburban wife’s bottle is properly sized in liters
Cripes just buy it by the gallon and be done with it. Boone Farm used to come that way, at least my roommate had those gallon containers around the place. Because it was apple wine she sometimes put it in a tea cup and told people it was tea. LOL. No idea if it was any good as I don’t like wine. I presume not the best based on the fact that students could afford it.
Let me be the one to say…these are ass ugly and look like someone just discovered a warehouse abandoned in the 80s and decided to try to pawn off this shit
Ps - the photography and color backgrounds stink on this listing. The glasses look slightly less ugly in the stock photos from the comparison sites
Although these appear to have 90% positive (5+4 star) ratings on the 'Zon, critiques include: paper-thin glass that breaks easily, designs that cover only 1/4 of the glass (NOT as pictured), designs that wear off at first washing and/or fade quickly, and colors that are nothing like what’s pictured. Very re-meh-ndered. You’re better off buying glassware in person…
@jerminate you can easily design a quality weight glass with a thin lip – in other words, design the kind of classic, elegant and also durable wine glasses that were typical of such wares prior to the zero quality control global marketplace.
The lip is the only part of the glass that impacts taste perception (referring solely to glass thickness here, not the glass shape, which is obviously a factor).
Product: 4-Pack: Antoni Barcelona Wine Glasses
Condition: New
Balloon Wine Glasses
Stemless Wine Glasses
Large Stem Wine Glasses
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
Balloon: $159.98 for 4 at Antoni Barcleona
Stemless: $79.98-$104.00 for 4 at Amazon
Large Stem: $159.98 for 4 at Antoni Barcleona
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Jun 23 - Monday, Jun 26
Oh my fucking god
Interesting looking alcohol holders. I almost want to buy them.
@yakkoTDI You want an interesting alcohol holder? I’ll sell you my stomach
@thechinglish @yakkoTDI Gastroenterologist says not good for long term storage.
@pmarin @thechinglish @yakkoTDI pretty sure my ancestors used goat stomach to hold wine. Long term likely fine, as long as we can remove his stomach.
@pmarin @qazxto @thechinglish @yakkoTDI
Evidently it’s his bladder we’re going to need:
Purchase depends on quality & quantity of beverage included in these.
(Shirley, they wouldn’t be shipped empty??)
@phendrick you won’t be drinking anything stronger than Shirleys in them?
Of course it will be filled, and with your absolute favorite drink @phendrick! Hopefully it won’t get tipped over at all during the delivery.
@haydesigner @phendrick It’s most likely shipping via FedEx, so of course it will be handled with the utmost care!
@thechinglish Shirley’s was actually pretty strong; tasted just like Listerene.
@haydesigner @ircon96 Guaranteed to be stemless when it arrives, whichever style you order.
@haydesigner @ircon96 @phendrick FedEx just ran over my garbage pail and then took off after crushing it and dragging it. Luckily it wasn’t one of my children or ducks. Pretty ballsy.
@haydesigner @ircon96 @phendrick @qazxto You put garbage in your ducks?
So true!
@qazxto @rpstrong …and children??
@ircon96 @qazxto You put children in your ducks???
Bought the long stemmed wine glasses (red line) on Morningsave.
Came safely and beautifully boxed and were as advertised. Really a work of art.
Use separately as vases for small bouquets as gifts for absolutely any occasion for ~$10. Looks great on window sills.
Sorry y’all, but this is some $12 Marshall’s or TJMAXX shit
@thechinglish agreed. … They ugly.
You say:
And I agree.
But look what they have over on Casemates!

@Kyeh And…touché!
@Kyeh I got a set of those years ago.
@yakkoTDI You’re a wine drinker?
They are pretty and all, but how are you going to inspect the wine’s color and legs with all that going on?
@craigthom “but how are you going to inspect the wine’s color and legs with all that going on?”
You pull up skirt and look up
The hand wash only killed it for me…
@robson anything is dishwasher safe if you just don’t care about it or the dishwasher.
Didn’t I see these glasses on another site just last night?
@gertiestn Yes
@Kyeh Thanks. I’m old & I sometimes lie to myself. And Meh.
I get deja vu on this site a lot, especially when things get reoffered as the deal of the day on Sidedeal.
a 21 oz glass is big enough to hold 90% of a bottle if you fill it to the top! I mean, yeah, I want to have room for the wine to breath, but I don’t want it to look like I am cheaping out on the pour when I serve these!
@chienfou Geez, you’re right. I’m actually annoyed at how wine glasses have gotten bigger and bigger over the years!
@chienfou that’s your fault really for buying the baby sized bottles. A real man’s/suburban wife’s bottle is properly sized in liters from Costco and requires a forklift to lift.
@chienfou @qazxto Wine comes in bottles now? Is there a box shortage?
@chienfou @qazxto
Cripes just buy it by the gallon and be done with it. Boone Farm used to come that way, at least my roommate had those gallon containers around the place. Because it was apple wine she sometimes put it in a tea cup and told people it was tea. LOL. No idea if it was any good as I don’t like wine. I presume not the best based on the fact that students could afford it.
@yakkoTDI Boxed wine is actually just a bottle inside the box. It’s the dirty secret of the industry.
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @qazxto At 21 oz, I think these need a beer mug handle molded into the side of the glass.
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @qazxto At least it was a step up from Ripple.
Let me be the one to say…these are ass ugly and look like someone just discovered a warehouse abandoned in the 80s and decided to try to pawn off this shit
Ps - the photography and color backgrounds stink on this listing. The glasses look slightly less ugly in the stock photos from the comparison sites
@laurengx3 so… there’s still a chance that you are interested in 2 or 3 sets then?
I don’t know the physics of how you would blow with your hand but I’m open to learning more about it.
@awk air brush?
@awk handmade with a mouth
Although these appear to have 90% positive (5+4 star) ratings on the 'Zon, critiques include: paper-thin glass that breaks easily, designs that cover only 1/4 of the glass (NOT as pictured), designs that wear off at first washing and/or fade quickly, and colors that are nothing like what’s pictured. Very re-meh-ndered. You’re better off buying glassware in person…
Beer glasses or nada!
We don’t w[h]ine here!
Just sayin’
/giphy beer glass

Thin wine glasses are good wine glasses!
/giphy glittering-yucky-porpoise

@jerminate you can easily design a quality weight glass with a thin lip – in other words, design the kind of classic, elegant and also durable wine glasses that were typical of such wares prior to the zero quality control global marketplace.
The lip is the only part of the glass that impacts taste perception (referring solely to glass thickness here, not the glass shape, which is obviously a factor).
@jerminate I find it funny (humorous) that the article starts out with this surprising tidbit:
(that’s very minimal editing)
I’m wondering how much research funding they used to determine that the wine can influence the wine drinking experience?
@jerminate @xobzoo 2 bottles of Boone’s Farm and 1 bottle of Ripple.
So should we wine about today’s offer?