I LOVE Pogo!!! But my superstitions are more personal OCD-type things. For instance I don’t like stepping on cracks in the sidewalk even though I think it’s ridiculous.
@jst1ofknd@Kyeh for me, it was never the cracks, but the imaginary lines that would either bisect the inside corners of the blocks for a typical sidewalk or come off the points of the blocks for one with smaller blocks (or a tile for).Made it much harder to avoid.
@chienfou honestly, it didn’t dawn on me untill it was Monday afternoon and I looked at the topic of your thread. I checked my phone for the date and was a little stumped.
Either way though, the 13th would still be Monday no matter the time zone.
For me, it’s triangles. I don’t like to walk through triangles. Under a ladder? Nope, forms a triangle. Telephone pole has support wires attached to the ground? Nope, I’ll walk around the other side or outside of the wire instead of through it. Sidewalks with triangle shaped paving stones? Nope, I do my best to step around them Or make sure that my foot stays entirely within the triangle. Why? I really don’t know. I just don’t like to violate triangles.
My sons and I have fake phobias. My oldest son’s phobia are pens. Clicky pens are fine. This is from Awakenings (such a good movie).
My youngest son’s phobias are hinges (no idea why) and the ground (there are feet down there).
My phobias include triangles. At one point my daughter drew triangles and hung them up in random places around my room. I think there is still one on my window after a few years. At least I think there are. I’m “afraid” to look.
Euw, if we’re going to talk about phobias - I’ve always had a horror of things like those lotus seed pods and any clusters of irregularly shaped holes. I was astounded - but also relieved - when I found out that a lot of other people have it too, and there’s even a name for it! Trypophobia. So now I don’t feel like a lone weirdo - I’m one of many!
Well thank god. Can you imagine the fresh hell we would endure combined with the current pandemic?!?!?!? No bueno y no gracias
/giphy giggle

@tinamarie1974 Yep, it seems like it’s been a month since all this started… Oh, wait, that WAS friday the 13th!
@chienfou oh yeah, that explains A LOT!!!
/giphy preach

Posting a Pogo strip about Friday the 13th falling on a Monday! (You meant Monday, right?) That’s how I know you’re my soulmate, @chienfou.
Uncle “Churchy LaFemme for life” Vinny
@UncleVinny damnit… CDT got me again?
@UncleVinny always loved that turtle’s name. Such a great pun… Across 2 different languages!
@chienfou @UncleVinny Covid Dementia Temporal deficit?
@mehcuda67 @UncleVinny Central daylight time…v posting at 2300 Sunday for next day… from work…
A PhD psychologist friend once told me:
“Everyone has some small, possibly not consciously acknowledged, superstitions.”
She said that was built into the brain; tho most people try to avoid obvious or socially/personally visible superstitions.
@f00l I’ll buy that… just look at sports stars for a prime example…
@f00l Superstitions, OCD. To-may-to, To-mah-to. Who knows?
I LOVE Pogo!!! But my superstitions are more personal OCD-type things. For instance I don’t like stepping on cracks in the sidewalk even though I think it’s ridiculous.
My normal walking path at work goes on a sidewalk and I try to adjust my stride to not step on the cracks.
@jst1ofknd Yeah! Makes sense to me!
@jst1ofknd @Kyeh for me, it was never the cracks, but the imaginary lines that would either bisect the inside corners of the blocks for a typical sidewalk or come off the points of the blocks for one with smaller blocks (or a tile for).Made it much harder to avoid.
@jst1ofknd @ybmuG Geez, I can’t even picture those lines - that would be very complicated!
@jst1ofknd @Kyeh well, just to bring you fully into my OCD, the orange lines would be off limits, depending on the rule I was following.

@jst1ofknd @ybmuG But the visible lines are okay to step on?
@jst1ofknd @Kyeh yes, assuming you mean the blue. They are the cracks been blocks. I was never one for “simple” OCD.
@Kyeh @ybmuG
Yeah. Very complicated. I just try to avoid the visible seams…
@jst1ofknd @ybmuG Wow! Well, that’s a very nicely drawn diagram, thank you - and I guess I feel lucky to have a simpler compulsion!
You know what day it is?
Monday the 13th.
1000% worse than any Friday the 13th…
@RiotDemon yeah, I addressed that here (or there if you prefer)
@chienfou honestly, it didn’t dawn on me untill it was Monday afternoon and I looked at the topic of your thread. I checked my phone for the date and was a little stumped.
Either way though, the 13th would still be Monday no matter the time zone.
@RiotDemon that’s true but it was still Sunday when i posted at 2300 CDT, so I got confused… I blame…ME!
@chienfou is definitely to blame for… whatever this is.
For me, it’s triangles. I don’t like to walk through triangles. Under a ladder? Nope, forms a triangle. Telephone pole has support wires attached to the ground? Nope, I’ll walk around the other side or outside of the wire instead of through it. Sidewalks with triangle shaped paving stones? Nope, I do my best to step around them Or make sure that my foot stays entirely within the triangle. Why? I really don’t know. I just don’t like to violate triangles.

My sons and I have fake phobias. My oldest son’s phobia are pens. Clicky pens are fine. This is from Awakenings (such a good movie).
My youngest son’s phobias are hinges (no idea why) and the ground (there are feet down there).
My phobias include triangles. At one point my daughter drew triangles and hung them up in random places around my room. I think there is still one on my window after a few years. At least I think there are. I’m “afraid” to look.
@Nate311 All of them?
@Nate311 @therealjrn
You owe me a new phone! I just threw it across the room in fright!
@therealjrn Usually the bikini bottom has a bit of a curve where the leg holes are. Totally not a triangle.
@Nate311 :::makes note to not bring Doritos to Nate’s next party:::
@jst1ofknd @Nate311

/giphy burmuda triangle
@jst1ofknd @Nate311 Hmm not what I had had in mind but it fits.
@jst1ofknd @Kidsandliz this gif equally fascinates and repulses me.
Euw, if we’re going to talk about phobias - I’ve always had a horror of things like those lotus seed pods and any clusters of irregularly shaped holes. I was astounded - but also relieved - when I found out that a lot of other people have it too, and there’s even a name for it! Trypophobia. So now I don’t feel like a lone weirdo - I’m one of many!
@Kyeh I’ve always had an aversion to tripe, but I’m not sure that’s the same thing.
@ybmuG Hah - I agree, but especially because of the taste, yuck. Menudo - no thanks.
@Kyeh I remember them!

/giphy menudo
@ybmuG Haha, they’re okay!